PORT OF AUCKLAND. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS.'. Makura (6.5 a.m.), from Sydney, passengers for Auckland First Saloon —Mr. G. R. Ashforth, Messrs. H. and H- Austin and Hr 3. Austin, and Miss Llo#d, Miss M. Austin. Mrs. E. Atkinson, Mr. F. C, Bell, and Miss D. Seville, Jjord and Lady Belter, Mr. G. E. Bunting, Miss K. Brodie, Mrs. M. Boniuin, Miss J. M. Craig, Captain M. L. Cope, Mr. H. and Misses H. S. and M. N. Cotfey, Mr. J. B. Cab bold, Mr. and Mrs. P. ,P. Cuttenden, Miss Cuper, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Clark, Sir Robert Waley Cohen, and Mr. I'. M. Fowlie, Lieut-Colonel J. Waley Cohen, C.M.G., ])SO., Mr. and Mrs. C. Eggers, Mr. it. J. Elliott/ Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferrier, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fraser, Mrs. J. Fuller, Mr. arul Mrs. H. Gordon, Miss Gammon, Rev. J. t. Hyland. Miss E. L, Hellaby, Mr. and Mrs. Kawkes, Miss E. Keable, Mr. and Mrs. H. Krusi, Misa M. G. Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. J. T Leitch. Mr. A. Leitch, Mrs. J. P. Bell, and Miss Cook. Miss E. Maloney. Mr. T*. b. and Mrs. Moffatt, Mr. A. J. McDonald, Mr. F. Mop.inie, Miss O. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J Mitcholmore, Mrs. G-. A. J>eiU, Mrs. MThomas, Misses K. and E. lsaughton, Miss A Jeffrey, Messrs. E. and J*. Naugnton, Mr. C J. Newey. Mr. E. E. Pendleton. Mr. W. Pavitt, Mr. H. Pallott. Mrs M. Province. Mr. J. W. Plammer, Mr. E. H. h. lamplin, Mr F. G. Parish. Mr. G. A. Kepko, Miss T <?olonlon Mr. J. M. Stowell, Right Hon. Lord and Lady Somerleyton. Mr. SuttonJones. Mr. A. T. Solman. Mr. \\. G. I rotter. Mr. D. L. Thomson, Mr. N. A. xhomsoii. Mrs. B. C. Torigny, Miss E. A. Wright. Mr. E. E. Wagstaffe, Mr. E. Watts, Mr. A. Young. ~ , r ~T Second Saloon-Miss G. R. Bradley. Mr W. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. V. Corbm and infant. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dennie. Misses V. and I. Glenny, Miss 0. M. Garrood. Miss W. Hyams, Miss T. Jones, Miss L. Lee. Miss M Kerr Mr. G. Lav no and two children. Miss M. McNeill, Miss A. I. MacKay, Miss McShane. Mr. G. McDongnU, Miss E. MadMiss A. ]Nield, Miss A. Patchell. Vr. D. G. Pinney. Mr. F. Roebuck, Miss J. Raffan, Mr. .1. N. Rooney. Mrs. J. ft. Rooney and infant. Mr, E. P. Ramsay, Rev. Ivan Stubbms, Mr. and Mrs. W. Shoie. Mr. P. Smith. Miss M. Senhouse. Miss-J. Webb, Mrs. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A. b. Winter; and nine third-class. Maimoa 7.30 a.m.). from Cardiff. Wainui (4.50 a.m.). from East Coast bays; Enrori (21.45 a.m.), from Westpori. Katoa (6 p.m.). from Southern ports; Taniwha (9.50 p.m.), from Paeroa. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Wakatere (7.40 a.m.). for Thames. Gael (6 p.m.), for Warkworth; .Kawau (6 p.m.), for Matakana.; Hauiti (6.10 p.m.). for Coromandel; Ngatiawa (6.10 p.m.). for Mercury Bay; Matangi (6.40 p.m.), for Tauranga; Ronaki (9.15 p.m.). for Portland; Manaia (10.10 p.m.). for Whangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Ulimaroa, from Sydney. '2 p.m. Koromiko, from Fiji, daybreak. Wakatere. from Thames. 4.40 p.m. Hauiti. from Coroniandel. 5.30 p.m. Claymore, from Whangarei. 9 a.m. Gael, from Warkworth, 5 p.m. Kawau, from Matakana. 5.80 p.m. Omana, from Arkle's Bay. 4.00 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. R.M.S. Makura. for Vancouver. 3 p.m. Tairoa, for Whakatane. noon. Wainui. for East Coast porta, 5 p.m. Eamona, for Portland, evening. Waipu, for Kerepeehi, 4 a.m. Taniwha. for Paeroa, 4.30 p.m. Claymore, for Whangarei, noon. Cm ana. for Arkle's I'.ay, 9 a.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTER COLONIAL AND COASTAL. Korimiko. Adelaide, to sail. Uiinjaroa, Sydney, February 17. Waipori, Westpori, February 13. Tofu*. Fiji February 23. H.M.S. Veronica. South. April 11. H.M.S. Laburnum, South, April 11. H.M.S. Dunedin, South, May 6. OVERSEAS. Ulooloo. New York, February IS. Hororata, Liverpool, February 19. Trebarthfl, St. John, February 20. Dorset, South. February 22 to load. Matoppc, New York. February 23 % Danekauge. aux. nchnr., Red Sea. February 25, at Wellington. Kent, London. February 25, vis. Suva. Canadian Constructor, South. February 21, to load. Aorangi, Vancouver. February 24. Silksworth. Rotterdam, February 27. Waiotapu. San Francisco. March 2. Somerset, Australia, March 3. Portsen, Texas, to sail. Port Curtis, South. March 3, to load. Canadian Challenger, Halifax, March 5. Reinuera, London, March 5. _ Tasmania, Liverpool. March 5. Lepanto, New York. March 5. Matakana. Liverpool, March 10. West Cahokia. San Francisco, March 11. Tairoa, South, March 13, to load. Turakina, London, March 14. Willaston, New York, March IS. City of Bristol. New York. March 22. West Islip, San Francisco, March 33. Tainui, London, March 29. Suffolk. Liverpool; March 29. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. Niagara, at Sydney, laid pp for overhaul; resume? again on April 9. , Makura. at Auckland sails to-day for V ancouver. Maunganui, at Wellington, sails for Sydney, to-morrow. Tahiti, leaves San Francisco for Wellington, February 25. Aoran?i. due Auckland from Vancouver, February 2i. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. OVERSEAS. Makura, Vancouver. February 17. Dorset, America and England, February 25. Tekoa. London. February 25. Canadian Constructor. New York, ieoruary 23. Port Curtis. England, March Port Denison, America and England, March 12. Aorangi, Vancouver, March 17. Tairoa. London. March 17 Gallic. Genoa and England, April 8, VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Rewa (barque). Northern Chief (schooner). Ysabel (batne.), Louis Theriault (three-masted schooner), H K. Hal'l (five-masted schooner), Southern Cross, Cable-steamer Ins. Dovonport,—H.M.S. Philomel, Admiralty oiltanker Nucula. Western Wharf—Kakapo. Kins? 8 "Wharf —Ganopus, Mnirriojt, ixriron, Kamona. Queen's Wharf—Tairoa. Waimana. Central Wharf—Ariel (barciue). R.M.S. Makura. . . Prince's Wharf—Wainui, Katoa. The Karori arrived from Westpori at midday yesterday ond berthed at the Ling's Wharf to discharge her cargo of coal. The Komona shifted to the King's Wharf Yesterday afternoon to complete discharge of her cargo of coal. To-night she is to sail tor Portland to load cement for \\ clungto.u und Lyttelton. The Katoa arrived from Southern .ports last evening, and berthed at the Prince s Wharf. Oil Thursday evening the vessel is to be despatched for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Oamaru, and Timuru, taking cargo for those ports. THE RARANGA. According to cable advice the Shaw. Savill and Albion Line steamer Raranga sailed from Liverpool on Saturday for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, She is due at thi3 port about the end of March. MAKURA IN PORT. The Royal Mail steamer Makura arrived from Sydney at 6 a.m. yesterday and berthed at. the Central Wharf, after medical inspection, co disembark passengers foi this port and to load cargo and mails for Suva, Honolulu and Vancouver. She sails at noon today, Since the Makura was at Auckland last she has undergone an extensive overhaul at Sydney for a month. The vessel will run in the Vancouver mail service in conjunction with new motor-liner Aorangi. until the Niagara resumes. The Makura is duo back at Auckland from Vancouver at the end of March. On her arrival at Sydney she will be. taken off the service and ferred to the San Francisco run, in placo of the MoungDnui. which will bo withdrawn from commission. f'eptain .7. Mawßon i<s still in command of the Makura. The following are his officers: Chief. Mr. A. \V. Beardsail: second, Mr. <T. D. Tundie; third, Mr. G. H. Kime: fourth, Mr. A. B. Noble: chief engineer, Mr. J. Mclieaii; secord. Mr R. Graham: third, Mr. W. Firlavson; fourth, Mr. J. Wilson: fifth, Mr. E. McGregor: sixth, Mr. W. H. Goodfellow : seventh, Mr. J. A. Peterson; chief steward, Mr. H. Kirk: wireless operator, Mr M, Robertson; surgeon, Dr. C. D. Rygnte. W -\INUI ARRIVED. ( Having replaced t;ho Arahura on the East Coast service, the Wainui arrived at Auckland yesterday raorni/ig from Napier, via way ports._ The vessel is berthed at the Prince's Wharf, from where ehe sails at 5 P-m._ to-day for Tokomaru Bay, Gisborno and Aapier. The Wainui is a .stranger to this port, and although t!ie is one of the oldest etearaers of the company, the vessel was not engaged in a trade which brought ler to Auckland. The Wainui is the smallest vessel owned by the company, and her tonnage is 9P3 less than the Arahura. Jl'>r speed is about 10 knots .compared to the Arahura'g 13. The competition by motor traffic brought about a falling-off in the x, Coast trade and resulted in the withdrawal of the Arahura. It is hoped that when the Gisbcrne River ba*. been dredged sufficiently the Wainui will bo able to berth inside «"d save linh'erage and tendering. Cuctain W. A. Pray is in command of the Wjailiui imj he bns with him the following °,'5 c ® r s:—Chief, Mr. ,T. Leonard; second, Mr. R. Griffiths; chief 'engineer. Mr. F. Mowatt; chief steward, Mr. Almas; purser, Mr. Fry,
KAWATIBI DUE THIS MORNING. The Kawatiri is due early thin morning from Australia, via Fiji. She will berth at the King's Wharf to discharge wheat from Sydney and «oal from Newcastle. THE MANUKA. The Union Company's intercolonial passenger steamer Manuka is due at Melbourne . to-morrow from Wellington. The vessel is to leave Melbourne on Saturday for Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Bluff. SUFFOLK LEWES LIVERPOOL. The Federal Line steamer Suffolk sailed from Liverpool on Saturday with cargo foi discharge at Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin. and New Plymouth. The vessel ia due at Auckland about March 29. NORFOLK REPORTED. The Federal Line steamer Norfolk at rived at Panama on Saturday en route from Wellington to London. The vessel loaded a part cargo at this port. IIEMUERA AT COLON. With passengers, mails and cargo for New Zealand the New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera arrived at Colon on Saturday, en route from London. The vessel is bringing cargo for discharge at Auckland, and Lyttelton. and she is due at this port about March 5. R.M.S. MAUNGANUI DELAYED. The Royal Mail steamer Maunganui. en route from San Francisco, has been delayed and will not reach Wellington until this morning. The vessel is bringing passengers, mails and cargo for New Zealand. Owing to the delav her departure from Wellington for Sydney has been postponed until to-morrow. Mails for Australia to be despatched by the Maunganui now close at Auckland this evening. ULIMAROA DUE AT 2 P.M. TO-DAY. A wireless message from the Hi'-ddart-Pa rice i' steamer Ulimaroa states that she will arrive from Sydney at 2 p.m. to-day. The vessel is bringing 282 passengers, as well as cargo and mails. Aftei medical inspection she will berth ,at the Queen's Wharf. At 31 a.m. on Friday the vessel sails on her return to Sydney. THE WAIMANA. The Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Waimana, which is loading at the Queen's Wharf is to sail to-morrow for Gißborne, Nelson, and Wellington, to complete loading. The vessel will be despatched from Wellington ou March 3 for London, via Montevideo and Teneriffe. MATOPPO DUE NEXT WEEK. The Ellerman Bucknall Line steamer Matoppo is expected at Auokland early next week with case oil and general merchandise from Jvew York. The vessel is running under the auspices of the A. and A. Line, and her cargo is for discharge at Auckland, Napier, Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. and Australia. The New Zealand Shipping Company are the local agents. THE TAIROA. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Line steamor Tairoa will sail at noon to-day for Whakatane to load a quantity of frozen meat, and thence to Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin to complete discharge of her cargo from England. Afterwards the vessel loads at Dunedin. Wanganui. Wellington and Auckland. She is to leave this port finally on March 22 for London, via Montevideo and Teneriffe, HORORATA DUE 6 A.M. THURSDAY. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Hororata, en route from Liverpool to Auckland, has reported again by that sho will arrive at 6 a.m. on Thursday, instead of noon. The vessel has on board 701 immigrants and cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. MAIMOA'S NON-STOP VOYAGE. A non-stop voyage of 45 days was mad© by the Shaw, Savill and Albion line steamer Mai mo a, which arrived at Auckland from Cardiff yesterday morning. The vessel brought of 5300 tons of steel rails for the New Zealand Government. One thousand three hundred tons will be landed at the King's Wharf and the remainder at Lyttelton. The cargo was loaded at Barrow-in-Furness. and the Maimoa proceeded from there to Cardiff for bunkers. She encountered terrifio weather shortly after leaving Cardiff on January 2. Westerly gales blew with unusually severe violence, accompanied by high seas. The Maimoa was severely buffeted by the storms and her dead-weight cargo caused her to roll and labour heavily. Despite the tremendous strain that was put on .the vessel by the adverse conditions, she did not sustain any damage. After crossing the English Channel the gale moderated and fine weather was experienced to the Cap® of Good Hope, which was passed on January 23. In the Southern Ocean exceptionally fine weather prevailed. The .Maimoa's track composite great circle one along the 47th parallel until south of Tasmania, when, a course was steered for the North Cape. Commenting on the voyage. Captain J. H. Gaskell, the commander, reports that it was the finest crossing ho has made. He has with him the following officers:—Chief. Mr. W. Meek; second. Mr. A. Eathbone; third. Mr. R. Nicolson; fourth, Mr, P. Campbell; cadets, W. Rogers and E. Sainshury: chief engineer. Mr. D. McGowan; second, Mr. O. Walker: third. Mr. ,T. Errinston : fourth. Mr. H. Selby s fifth, Mr, H. Lund: sixth Mr. K. Magee; seventh. Mr. J. Holmes: chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. J. Holmes; second. Mr. D. Hardy; third, Mr. J. Leslie. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The. following vecsels are expected to be within range of the in dcrmenticmed wireless stations to-day:— , Auckland.—Tutanekai, Katoa, Tairoa, Koromiko, Tofy.a, Ulimaroa, Ulooloo, Hororata, Makambo, H.M.S Dunedin. Chatham Islands.—Trcbartha.. Wellington.—Ma.aroa, Wnhine. Ngaio, Arahura, Manuka, Moeraki, Marama. Maunganui. lonic. Port Hacking. Port. Albany, Sydic, Waikawa, Waihora,. Canadian Constiuctor Dorset, Mahia. Port Auckland, Tekoa. Kaiwarra, Port Denison. West Calera, H.M.S. Veronica. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals.—Aritpawa (1 p.m.), from Wanganui. Yesterday's Departures.—Rimu (4.20 p.m.), for Raglan and Kawhia; Rarawa (5.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON. —February 16: Arrived— Waikawa (4.35 p.m.), from Newcastle. Sailed —John (4.25 p.m.) for Lyttelton; Wahine (7.50 p.m.) for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON. —February 16; Arrived — Tees (12.50 a.m.), from the Chathams; Orepuki (6.5 a.m.) from Tarakohe. Sailed— Navua (1.45 p.m.), for Dunedin; Parera (4 p.m.), for Waikokopn; Calm (4.20 p.m.). for Wellington; Maori (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDTN.—Febniarv Ifi: Sailed—Wingalui (3.20 p.m.), for Bluff. HONOLULU .--February 13: Sailed— Aorangi, on route from Vancouver to Auckland. VANCOUVER.— February 13; Arrived Tahiti, from Auckland. COLON.—-February 14; Arrived—Remuera, en route from London to Auckland. PANAMA. —February 14: Arrived—Norfolk, en route from Wellington to London. LIVERPOOL. —February 14: Sailed Raranga and Suffolk, for Auckland.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18945, 17 February 1925, Page 7
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2,442SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18945, 17 February 1925, Page 7
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