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Amusements. "IRENE" . "IRENE "5 SPECIAL V ATI NEE SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY NEXT AT 2 P H SATURDAY NEXT AT 2 p.jf. Children half-price to al ; part 3 except L»... Gallery. **"'* "PJIS JJ-HEATEE. Lessees - - - J. C. WILLIAMSON LTTi TO-NI3HT TONIGHT TO-NIGHT TONIGHT And Every Evening at & p.m. sharp. LAST SEVEN NIGHTS. MATINEE SATURDAY. J. AND N. TAIT PreecT!*. their N« Masica* Comedy Company in "IRENE." THE ' IRENE"IRENE." ' MUSICAL IRENE" "IRENE." COMEDY IRENF > "IRENE." SUPREME. • IHENEA JOY-BRINGING PRODCCTIOX DAZZLING SCENES. GORGEOUS DRESSES HAUNTING MELODIES And the Charm of DOROTHY SOUTH AS IRENE DOROTHY SOUTH AS • IRENE.-' Togo:her with CHESTER CLUTE. ROBERT JEWETT THOMAS PAIS'! EFOKTX And a. Company Chorus a?-'. Ka!;»; Q j Beauiy Box Plans at Lewis R. Ea- ? s io pj. Theatre). Day Sales at Coleman's i H.M. Arcade . PRICES- D.C. and R.S.. &b 6d, StaiU 4s; Gallery, la 6d. Early Door Sta'.U a Gallery. Is exira. Ali prices plus !ai. j Business Manager H A. Bew c V IT Begins w;th Ix>ve and Enc~ '*""h~~Lov« — " The Natural La*-, at the Kiat 1 . theatre. * * " Natural Law." a I'lay for W cn „ J. that Men should Sec. The Em*". TheatreDancing. 'pO-NIGHT AT 8 Pa AUCKLAND ROWING CLUB 8 POPULAR BLACK AND WHITE Thnce THE BOATHOCSE. QUAY ST. EXTEx' Freeh Air. Sea Breete Burnand's Musi-. Gcnt.'s. 2s. Ladies, 1 = W. FLEMING. M.C C. H. mccormic:: Hon. Se-Tetcr..-. DANCING. Trades Hall, To-night and Every Tuesday Night, S til! 11 p.m.. Ladies 6d. Geut.'s Is 6d; One-step. etc. Akc at Orange Hall. Newton, Every Wednesday and Saturday Nights; St. Benedict's. Frdly Nights. Waltzing Competition this Fndaj Night; go!d medals first rrize Burnnand'a Professional Orchestra. F. AMOS, M.C DON'T Forget.—Dance Every Tuesdav. at St. Benedict's Hall. Good Orchestra o! five instruments. Ladies. 6d; Gent.'s. Is 6d. L. .Tury. Secretary.
Teachers of Dancing. •GCHOOL OF DANCING at Orange Ha!',. O Newton; Step-dancing tausht. Pup-is : Prepared for ell Cornpetit.ors. from 11 ».m. till '2 p.m., Saturday; Ballroom Learn?>s' Class every Saturday afternoon Teachers; Mr. and Mrs. Amos and Partner. I 3 Teachers of Music and Elocution. 5 HELLRIEGEL. Violinist ..a l 3 6 Leader J. C Williamson Co., N.Z.i.— 7. Millais St., Grey Lynn. MR. W. H. WEBBE.-Kew Address: 27. Palmerston Bldgs., nearly opp. G.P.O. Queen St. 'Phone 1975. . Motor and Coacb Trips. HOW TO SEE AUCKLAND.Tourist Sight-seeing Co.'s Motor Lhai-s-Ban>:s will leave G.P.O. Daily (weather perj mittmg). Parks and Domain. 10 a.m., to IS noon. Return fare. 4s. Titirangi and Atkinson 2.15 p.m. to 5.30. Return fare. 6s. Picnics and* Special Trips arranged. —J. Rimrner. 36. Seafield View Rd.. G rarton. TAURANGA-MATAMATA Motor ServiceCars leave Tauranga 8 a.m. daily, con- _ netting with »the Rotorua-Auckland Express. Cars leave Matamata daily, on arrival Aockj land-Rotorua Express (about 3 p.m.). Book seats, collect wire. Fares: 30s Single, 55* Return. Booking Offices: Matamata. T. J. Und-i----wood. Accountant. Tauranga 'Phones. 83 and 140. J. F. WINTLE, Tauranga. ROYAL MAIL SERVICES. Between ROTORUA AND PAENGAROA DAILY with East Coast Railway fcjr Tauranga. The Mount, Te Puke, MsUta. etc. Connecting with afternoon train from i Rotorua. From Rotorua to Te Whaiti auc ! ' Murupara twice weekly. (The Heart of ths [ Urewera Country). E. E. WILLIAMS. Royal Mail Contractor. Hinemca St.. Rotorua " 'Phone 124. ROTORUA — WHAKATANE - OPOTIKL AND MATATA DAILY MOTOR SERVICE. MUSGRAVE AND EMMETT. Proprietor BOOKING AGENTS: Wylie's Garage, 'Phone 216, Rotorua. (Opposite The Australia.) J. Musgrave. 'Phone 151. Opotiki. Canning and Witchell. 'Phone 35, Whakatane. T>OTORUA TO riISBORNE TRISECT. QAR3 ]. EAVE T>OTORUA. rpHURSDAY AND QATTJRDAY. Apply ■pOTORUA "JITOTOR pO. T/tTTLKINSON'S ]iTOTOB pO. Insurance. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE , (With State Security;. FOR EXPERT ADVICE CONSULT ERNEST LILLY, Agent for the Department, 101, QUEEN STREET * (Upstairs, Opposite Geo. Fowlds, Ltd.). Correspondence Invited. Telephone 370 L Tourist Resorts. HOTEL GRAND CENTRAL. WELLINGTON. Renovated throughout; 8 bathrooms, bvt and .cole tvate- ~da.-j and night; beautiful!.? .furnished, central, clean. Tariff: 12s" 6d per Day. Day and Nigbt Porter Telegrams: " Edilson." Wellington. S. EDILSON. Proprietor. Restaurant:; and Tearooms. DINE to-dat: AT SAtfFORD'S OPPOSITE G.P.0.. LOWER QUEEN S, Clean, Well-ventiJatcd, Palatial Kooib/ on Three Floors. Tasty Varieties of the Deep Ses. Best Attention and Civility Await You Call To-day and Have a Xroat. WHY Coos on Sundays? Dine a: tot Kensington. Princess Bidgs., Queen St Room let for evenings. *■ ! "M'EW ZEALAND HERALD AUCKLAND WEEKLY NEWS. N.Z. Hai-iAiD. Is per week, deliverec ;t town and suburbs. Prepaid, posted withn New Zealand. 19s per quarter; .£3 Its pt. annul a. ArcKXAiro- Wesxlt News: Prepaid, lis 6i -per quarter: £2 per annum. N.l. Hebald: Small prepaid edver» semen* under classified headings—ls words. Is per insertion, 2s Gd thrt« censecu Uva insertions; 20 words. Is 9d pel insertion. 4b 6d three consecutive insertions; 2.5 words. 2s 6d per insertion. 7s three consent.i« ba'iertions. BrBTH Notices, 2s 6d per insert:cE. doctors' or nurses' names. Is each n'.m<.extra. Mjlbbjage, Death. BiaiAVHiK.t and In MEMOBIAIi Notices, 2s 5d per icse: tion of 30 words. If in excess of 30 wcrdt, 9d per line of five words extra. Tae£* announcements must be signed by lie advertiser. Contract rates on application Replies to Advertisements will be received at the Office of the Herald. The Proprietors do not hold themselves responsible for non-insertion of Advertise aients through accident or from other causes, or .for error in the publication oi any Advertisement. TELEPHONKR: Advertising- and Commercial. 129, 173: Job Prinnting Order Office. 2890: Publkhinc. 14. Editorial. 229; Reporters, 3693; Editor Weeki.t News and Photographic. 229. Address Communications to Wikon an (3 Horton, P.O. Box 32, Auckland Waikato Branch •• Victoria Street (neii P. 0., Hamilton.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
Word Count
912Page 10 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.