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Amusements. FULLER'S /"VPERA TTOUSH. ULLER'S UPERA JuIOUSE. Direction: Ban. and John Fuller. ' ALWAYS AND MEBBY -T ULLER'S BRIGHT. i TO-NIGHT AT Q rpO-NIGHT. O-NIGHT AT O. JLO-NIGHT. VAUDEVILLE OF THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST. The Celebrated Danish Pianist. mttaagen tjolenbergh. . JjLaagen JjLoj.enbergh. In a Selection of Pianoiorte Masterpieces. Welcome Return of DESPERADO AND T A "DOSE. ESPEKADO AND -Li A -&A.OSE, Novelty Acrobats. First Appearance in Vaudeville cf CONNORS AND PAUL. ONNORS AND IAI'L, The Revue FavouritesNew Offerings From HULEY AND "DENT. ©SKETCH ULEY AND i>ENT, V ARTISTS. THE T>EV. f* OBMAN. HE -LVEV. X RANK VXORMAN. The Singing Parson. WENDY & A LPHONSE. SONG & ENDY & ii-LPHONSE, STORY. EXPERT "CADDIE I\,fARTYN DANCER. -CJDDIE IYIaRTYN nPHE rpwo TpiSHEBS. -L HE IWO -T ISBERS. Supremo Contortion Art. VAUDE AND •frERNt:. AUDE AND V ERNE. Patterologists ED- T "DAISDEN, CYCLING D. J • -DAISDEN. COMEDIAN. Ifi — CTAR v AUDE - i CTS — 10 IX) -otar V aude. Acts— -Lc PLANS at Richardson's till S, then at Segedin's till 7. 'Phone 3743 for Reserves. PRICES: Is., 25.. -2s 6d. 3a. (Plus Tax). A PLAY about the Masrnetism of Youth— "The Natural Law," at the King's Theatre. i ; ~ Church Notices. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND. A SPECIAL RECOGNITION SERVICE, In Connection with the Appointment of REV. GEO. BUDD, As Superintendent of Home Missions, Will be held in ST. DAVID'S CHURCH, ON THURSDAY. MARCH 10. AT 7.30 P.M. The Moderator of Presbytery will Preside. Addresses by Rev. Wm. McDonald and Rev. Geo. Budd. D. D. SCOTT. Convener Home Mission Committee. Lectures. GRAFTON LIBRARY LECTURE HALL. Mount Eden Road.
THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. 8 P.M. " THE BATTLE FOR THE FAITH." Lantern Lecture by Mr. C. Cooper. MARCH 15—" LIFE AND DEATH." MARCH -2-2—" THE GOSPEL MESSAGE." Admission Free. No Collection. Meetings. A DDRESSES BY MONS. HENRI - tx - SEGAERT. Members of the rbaruber and Citizens interested are invited to be- present at the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Swanson St.. on THURSDAY. 10th MARCH. At 2 P.M.. When an Address will be delivered by MONS. HENRI SEGAERT. Belgian Consul-General for Australasia. Subject: •' RECIPROCITY IN COMMERCIAL RELATIONS WITH BELGIUM." Business .Appointments can be arranged through ths Secretary, at the Chamber. H. C. TEWSLEY. Secretary. I —^ Educational. OEDDON MEMORIAL TECHNICAL. ° COLLEGE. EVENING CLASSES. 1921. The Evening Classes of the College Will Commence on MONDAY NEXT. MARCH It. Students wishing to Enroll should attend the College on Wednesday or on Friday oi this week, bttween the nours of 6.30 and 9 p.m. Prospectus can be obtained, from the Collego or from the var.ous .booksellers. GEORGE GEORGE. • Director. QTAHUHU TECHNICAL, SCHOOL. TECHNICAL AND CONTINUATION CLASSES Will Begin on MARCH 14, 1921. Classes for Adults and for Free-place Students will be held m the followinSubjects: — English Woodwork Ar.tlimetic Mechanical Drawing Book-keeping J->ressmakme. Full particulars from Local Superintendent who will attend at the Technical School from 7 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. on March 8 and 9 to Enroll Students. A. MURDOCH, Local Super.ntendent. QTAHUHU ""TECHNICAL V/ Compulsory Continuation Classes.— All Boys between the ages of 14 and 17 years, residing within two miles oi the Otanuhu Technical School, and who arc, not attending a Primary or a Secondary School must attend at the Otahuhu Technical School on TUESDAY, March 8, or WEDNESDAY March 9. at 7 pV'tc? bfl£ rolled m the above Classes. Attendance is Compulsory (see. Section 124. Education Act, 1914). Any Boys between 14 and 17 years residing beyond two miles from the Technica fachool. and any Girls between 14 and 1" years, may attend these Classes as Free Students, if their parents sign the necessary agreement. Attendance for four hour 3 weekly is the absolute swnimnm required, therefore Students are advised to take extra classes fS 1 a * y^ m f y ' es ? ap f the P enal clauses of the Act. Full particulars can be obtained from the Local Rinv.iHT<»^.^ n t «. .
irom ine .Local Superintendent. Mr- A J Murdoch. J. P. KAL.AUGHER I Supervisor. Auckland Education .Board. EDUCATION BOARD." MANUAL AND TECHNICAL BRANCH. I » DRESSMAKING CLASSES. Courses in Dressmaking will be held at I the following places, days, and times; also I a Millinery Glass at Otahuhu. Fee for f Urs< lJ"* ! 30 L «? so ? s ' 3?s (Pius actual cost ! of material used); for Term of 10 Lessons. i 12s 6d. Instructreis: Miss Vrace, a fully' | qualified Teacher of Dressmaking and Millinery, with years of experience in tearhine : under the Victorian and South Australian Education Departments, and Examiner in both subjects for the South Australian Education Department. Miss Vince will attend to Enroll Students at the following places and times:—Pukekohe Technical High School —Tuesday. March 8, 3-5 p.m. Papakura District School—Wednesday, March 9, 10-12 noon. Devonport Technical School — Wednesday March 9. 3-5 p.m. Otahuhu Technical School—Thursday, March 10, 3-5 pjm. Papatoetoe District School—Thursday, March 10, 10-12 noon. Northcote Manual Training School—Friday. March 11. 9.30-11.30 a.m" Henderson Public Hall—Friday. March 11* 2.30-415 p.m. A Class will be held at Onelrunsa on MONDAYS. 2.30-4.30 p.m„ in the Onenunga District School, commencing March. 14 J. P. KALAUGHER. Supervisor. g =3 Commercial Colleges. "DRAIN'S COMMERCIAL pOLLEGB. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE BUILDING. AUCKLAND. ov±i,uand at HOOKER AND KINGSTON'S BUILDING HAMILTON. ui^-LNVx, The most valuable asset that anyone can leave to those depending on them is the knowledge to enable them to EARN 'PTTPtw OWN LIVING. BOY or it SafeS no difference. Knowledge is the most valu? able asset in the world. u BRAIN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGF ,'. tho.Best Equipped College in NelTze^and to impart to students a sound Commercial Knowledge in:— u&1 TOUCH-TYPING. SHORTHHAND.—PITMAN'S INTF-R • CHANGE SYSTEM "«TERCOMMERCIAL BOOK-KEEPING *BURROUGH'S ADDINGaND cat CULATING MACHINE CAIi " •STENOTYPE— MACHINE SHORT•Exclusive to Brain s Commercial ColW « Make your dependants-those fw wl'ose future you are responsible—secure and im£! Pendent. Give to them now the advante™ of a sound General Commercial plus our Exclusive Subjects. aauon '
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
Word Count
957Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.