A warm tribute to the worth and work of Mr. Justice Chapman, who has now retired from the bench, was paid" at the annual meeting of the Auckland District Law Society. The president said that Mr. Justice Chapman was a juoge ior : R . ( whom they all entertained a great admiration and respect, the . remark being greeted with hearty endorsement en all sides and he moved that this meeting, ■ not having had an opportunity of personally'saying farewell to Mr. Justice-? Chapman, desires, to record its high apperciation of thfe distinguished service rendered by him to the country, and to assure him of the great persona] ' regard ~i» '■'■ which his Honor has at all times been held in Auckland. yd Mr. R. McVeagb, in seconding the motion, said that Mr. Justice Chapman had rendered very distinguished service to New Zealand. A man of wide knowledge, he had adorned the bench throughout a long and honourable career. The motion was carried in a most hearty manner.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 6
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 6
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