Sales by Auction. "T ET piTIGNELL CELL TT." AT HIS POPULAR ROOMS. QO T7-AEANGAHAPE "DO AD. rpO-DAT - VCONDAY - T-ODAY AT i OCLOCK. AT 1 O CLOCK. OUPERIOR TTSED "FURNISHINGS AND "pFFECTS. Isciudms : 9 high-grade pianos. /Quantity of superioe clothing. - GENT'S NEW RAINCOATS. 0 % 300 H ATS 300 H ATS UNRESERVED. UNRESERVED. pEORGE pHIGNELL. AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT. 'PHONE 3530. s piCHARD ARTHUR. j^TD. TMPOETANT pROPERTY A UCTION. 73RICK OHOFS AND T\ SELLINGS. We have been instructed to Sell by Publio Auction THOSE TWO FINE BRICK SHOPS. with i*pacious dwelling rooms and also larpe cellar, situated Noe. 24. 26, Eden Terrace Road, off Symonds Street. Good section. IN OUR ROOMS. rpUESDAY, fyTARCH Q 1 9 O'CLOCK. T>ICHARD ARTHUR. T TD, AUCTIONEERS. ELLIOTT ST. piCHARD ARTHUR, T TD. AUCTION. ACRES, rpAKAPUNA. We are instructed to Sell by Publio Auction rpHAT BLOCK, comprising over 2i Acres. { X Wairau Road, close Arkle's Road, Taka--1 puna, 10 minutes from tramline. AT OUR ROOMS. j npUESDAY, TIT ARCH O 19 O'CLOCK. Property is Flagged. "DICHARD ARTHUR, T TD.. AUCTIONEERS. ELLIOTT ST. piCHARD ARTHUR, T TD. TTP-TO-DATE "DOOTMAKEB'S pLANT AUD HUT ACHTNERY. UESDAYt MESSRS. QUOI AND HOLMES, who are S"to V SIL P " A * iaetnicted ' AT THEIR PREMISES, |£ING'S T ANE. AT REAR OF KING'S THEATRE NEWTON. . \yHOLE OP rpHETB pLANT AND jIyTACHINERT. WITHOUT RESERVE. 5£ H.P. ZONE MOTOR (ae New).* 1 "QLAKE SOLE SEWER PRESS. T EE PREMIER STITCHING- MACHINE. , QET ROLLERS. 1 GREEDER. -t CHANNELLER. 1 HEEL PARES. '. -| CHANNELLER. • -| BREASTING- MACHINE. • HEEL PARER. X EDGE TRIMMER. -1 HEEL SCOURER, EDGE -SETTER. BOTTOM SCOURER. NAUMKEANG SANDER. BRUSHES ANDPADS 2 EYELET MACHINES. 1 SELF* FEEDER EYELET MACHINE 2 CLICKING BOARDS. "* -1(\ COMPLETE SETS LASTS AND 11/ KNIVES. LASTING STANDS LASTING. JACKS. RACKS BELTING. PULLEYS. SHAFTING. TOGETHER "WITH QTHER NECESSARY GEAR AND t AND I A BOUT £75 W ORTH op R^ j MATERIAL. ALL THE ABOVE MACETNERY WILL BE SOLD SEPARATELY: \ TERMS CASH. piCHARD T TD. RICHARD ARTHUR. T TD„ B°° T j\j[ pLANT. B° 0T M ANT7FACTUKIKG pLANT. r QOMPLETE QLEARANCE. TO THE JJIGHEST pIDDER. a^HERRI!^ 6 - ° a aCcount of **■ NO. 2. DUNDONALD STREET. NEWTON J ' ALL HIS BOOT AND SHOTF A MACHINERY. a 8 follows- HOB G OLE-CUTTING PRESS, Screwing MaO cnines Out-sole Stitching Machine! Weltmc Machine. Singer Sewing Machinal" Hot Wax Machine*,. Breasting. Channelling" and Branding Machines. Bnisi^f' Shafting. Sole-cutting Knivee. Steeia3?f lt Pulleys. Iron and Wood Lasts fl»£ ! shapes). Jack Stands. Belting, ftrtonS Sole Sewing Thread Quantity Sol? & i. mg Needles and Awls. Tables BmimT-I ■Boot Racks. Fittings. Electrio Bell • ,?*' _ , LARGE STAIRWAY, good as v*ZT' alßo Z SUNDRIES. Etc ew " ON THE PREMISES. '• N°" 2, D GTREET. t "*' ApWTON. !t _ THURSDAY. jyjARCH j£ NOON Take tram to Top Symonds Street. JJICHARD 'k RTHTJR. T __.„ AUCTIONEERS. ELHIOTT BTREER
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 2
Word Count
Page 2 Advertisements Column 7
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 2
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