Sales fry Auction. T7TNDLY /"PAKE j^OTICE. HTONSON pARLICK pO., J TD., Have been favoured with instructions from DR. BREWIS. of Hamilton, who lias leit for England, to Sell at tie Popular Auction Booms. Queen and Lorne Streets. rpO-DAY "M A.M. 'T'O-DAY. -| GENUINE OLD ENGLISH MAHOGANY X SIDEBOARD, in very good preservation. Period, about 17S0. -J MAHOGANY DINNER WAGGON, firstX class order. 9 REAL CHINESE FIGURES, carved from *m Roots of Trees. Also. 1 HIGH-CLASS ERNST KAPS PIANO. X beautiful tone. No borer. A very fine instrument. 0 LARGE KAURI SIDEBOARDS., splendid mirrors; both good as new. <i<MALL RIMU SIDEBOARD. BEAUTIFUL 7-PIECE SUITE, in Silk Tapestry. Rxt. Dining Table, good order iscrew). T3ED MOHAIR TABLE COVER, as ne<%. n DINING AND KITCHEN TABLES. • Large Mirror 15ft. square. 1 Dozen Taylor's Eyewitness Knives. Ea*y Chairs. A.8., Rattan and Other chairs. GOOD RIMU SETTEE. NICE OAK HALLSTAND, 2 COMB. CHESTS. WARDROBE, CHEST OF DRAWERS, Duchess Pairs. Washstands and Small Tables. AFT. 6IN. RIMU BEDS. Iron Beds. WW. Mattresses, Kapoks, etc.. etc.. Pictures, Frames, Mirrors. -I WHITE SEWING MACHINE, good order. JL Small Gramophone. 12 Records, Violin. Harmonium, 4 Up. Couches. 2 Leather I Couches. 2 Rimu Cots. 1 Hammond ' Typewriter, Lawn Mower, 2 New Card j Tables, Seagrass Squares, Mats, Run- ] ners and i 6 GOOD CARPET SQUARES. NO KESERVE. MUST BE SOLD. Also, TTSUAL QUANTITY GOOD SUNDRIES. rpONSON pARLICK pO„ 1 TD., AUCTION DEPT. W. G. GUNN. "PRCIT. TjTRtHT. TpRUIT. TpRUIT. "PRUIT. " npURNERS AND p ROWERS. T TD. rpURNERS AND p ROWERS, T TD (Incorporating E. Turner and Sons, Ltd.). WILL SELL AT O A.M.—rpHIS . T^AY—q A.M. CHOICE LINES FROM THE BEST GROWERS. BON CHRETIEN PEARS (Choice Lines) "DOT? CHRETIEN PEARS (Choice Lines) "DON CHRETIEN PEARS (Choice Lines) T OUIS BON PEARS (Splendid Quality) T OUIS BON PEARS (Splendid Quality) rpOMATOES. TOMATOES (Now Cheap) rpOMATOES. TOMATOES (Now Cheap) piOLDEN QUEEN PEACHES. QOLDBN QUEEN PEACHES. pRAPES (Finest Hothouse) pi RAPES (Best Outdoor) pi RAPES (Albany Surprise) A PPLES—CHOICE DESSERT. A PPLES — PRIME COOKERS. PEACHES QUINCES NECTARINES ORANGES PLUMS BANANAS LEMONS LEMONS BANANAS PLUMS ORANGES NECTARINES QUINCES PEACHES CAPE GOOSEBERRIES (Scarce). rpURNEKS AND p ROWERS. T TD. 'TURNERS AND p ROWERS. T TD. incorporating E. Turner and Sons, Ltd.), FRUIT, PRODUCE AND POULTRY AUCTIONEERS. CITY MARKETS. AUCKLAND. "PRELIMINARY "M"OTICE FOR A UCTION Q ALE. "PRELIMINARY FOR A UCTION O ALE. jyTESSRS. rprjRNERS AND p ROWERS Will be Selling by Auction on jpRIDAY Tk | ARCH -J Q QEVERAL THOUSAND BAGS OF O GRASS SEEDS.. Also, EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE LINES OF MANURES AND GRAIN. On Account of Whom it May Concern. BY ORDER OF THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF SARAH ANN BARTLETT (Deceased). FRIDAY. M ARCH 18> AT O O'CLOCK. TpLLERSLIE, CORNER PANMURE ROAD AND LADIES' MILE. GRAND BUSINESS STAND. T» ]\/X ANDKNO JACKSON. Acting upon instructions, will Sell by Publio Auction, at their Rooms. Customs Street East, Auckland, on above date, npHAT EXCEEDINGLY VALUABLE X CORNER BUSINESS SITE, having oOft. frontage to Panmure Road and 13° ft. to Ladies Mile—a Fin<s Level Section, right in heart of Elleralie, only 1 minute from railway station, together with Old Shed standing thereon. In a go-ahead Township where values are bound to rise. Property Flagged. TMPORTANT A UCTION OALE OF XTALUABLE. T> AILWAY T EASES. "DROADWAY. OTRATFORD. OATURDAY. TITARCH -J Q 1921. "VTEWTON TZTNG, T TD., Ie strutted by the Honourable The Minister for Railways, will sell by Auctisjs in the pABISH JJALL, TVEGAN CTREET, Q'CBATFORD. AT -j P.M. ' 125 VALUABLE TDUSINESS OITES, SITUATED IN" THE CENTRE OF BROADWAY, STRATFORD. TERMS OF LEASE*—2I Yeara with right of renewal for a. further 21 years. RENTALS:—Upset ReAtala as shewn on plan. CONDITIONS Of Sale Form of Least may be inspected s* the various offices of Newton King. Ltd.. -nd at tho following places: — Railway Station Meters' Offices &\ STRAPS! the RAILWAY L&ND o'»PirF Featherston Street, Wtellington. JtfEWTON J7TNG. T TD.. 1 ACCTIQKEIIRSi
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 2
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