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j|||t|| What Man Works II Just the l WP, Like a Woman ? WARNER'S I gj£| s|\ Picture What man is there who works so hard as the woman who stays 1 I C^C3l^§ET I ™ \ Tells a at home and looks after the house? Her work is never done, £ fit Jnß J Story* what with the cooking, washing, scrubbing, dusting, and running 1 Q^^^s " P and down stairs. It is this constant strain that hinders the I A«* Sr jnlk <yHrai kidneys, and makes women nervous, irritable, and despondent. I "^^tx iis&im \~ m Doan's Backache Kidney Pills bring the kidneys new strength— 1 W'-Biimlm hc,f> * hem t0 filtcr the b,oo<i Properly, and to drive out of the | 7 J^^^^X B&. W' — body the liquid poisons which cause such complaints as dropsy, || 1 flftflij M , gravel, Bright's disease, backache, lumbago, nervousness, sleep* | fe^S;/ igilJSJw 'essness, dizziness, and other disorders. And your cure will be a 3 ))\%if ' > lOTbNHHII SffftrW f* Lasting One, as the cases given here prove. ' I //vffli A?" 1 t/'\ I DOAN'S BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS II 1 I CURE AUCKLAND WOMEN. I iBL^PI ■ I M& Nil \ ■ ■ Ttlß Genuine Mrs S. E.L. Clark, fruiterer, 195,'Hobson- Mrs. M. Newetd. 21, England-street, I'on- p + m Suit XTOOJ'V, I street. Auckland, says:—"Ten years ago I sonby. Auckland, says:— years ago I " Cl UUHn O M . H nflAll'Q told you tbat no:in ' B Backache Kidney used Doan's Backache Kidney Pills Tor Bacl(2Che 'H H JO!'the lUell-aeuelopea figure m ■ UuHN v rocnt for the benefit of other sufferers. 1 sever*, pains in my back and other symp- uawnaifiie M m r\ o linantoo tlio mnint nnr i m ■ ,-.-.- am glad to bo able, to confirm the state- toms Of disordered kidneys, from which I KidCSV PHIS m m uneaies Zfie' waisi unu m B eileCieO ment now, and add that lam still well, bad been suffering for years. lam glad to ". %,/ 1 1 Slightly CUrUBS the flips-the M H . . This remedy cured me of backache, gravel, say this grand remedy completely oured PfICC 3/" II i§ Icitest fioure fashion. m B tuBSB ISStifl? giddiness, and headaches. I had a good me, and I have been perfectly well over l, mi | | Jif J m ■ deal of work to do, and it is » wonder to since.. Previous to taking Doan's Backache 3 DOtllG || M Thnrounhlll comfortable tOO '3 B Piirac me that I did it. the way I was suffering. Kidney Pills I had tried several different C bflttlpc IR/fi PI 11 y J ' ffl B '°° I *■«» ahvaya using one remedy or an- medicines, all of which were supposed to " ««""** 10 / H ■ ,4 tfj l£* m I ' M A Word to"' ' Sa»V®iSai? O K»SSr' sßff I «fiSS I !SS cure 2?^ fc ß^?^*S,-1 1 , , t "S' Foster 1 1 •1Z § fl « " U,U W .grand Pills, and far and away the best any good. I cannot speak too highly of Mnip||« n p- $ ■ „ A « r\ I 8.. .„. medicine I ever came across. I was five Doan's Backache Kidney Pilib. and I always mUUICiiOII UU., B m from All UrapefS. fa B 1118 WIS6 years suffering when I used these pills, keep a bottle in the house in case I might 7c n;u <•* if ffl , m H and lam very grateful for my Quick and need them. There would he much less »« *>*■*■ *» l, i 1 W»;nmi«»Wlflt«U^iTWrmnffffritffiltlWl^^tMinTlilwl Bre annurrh " lasting cure .and will always recommend Buffering in the world if these pills were CurhlPV Si ■■■■■■■■■■i™ l *'■ Twnnim ■« 1111 iiniiMMß^^M«a«ai ■ li eilUUgll. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills." better known." . OJUIIBJ. 7 B| ■ _ *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^^^™^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ml Lile Insurance. lute*—r ~•_ ~aM "l i i GOVERNMEN a Actual Tests Have Proved that the nuenffinttia |sSWS?AfILi* Methven Portable Washing Boiler , u f ??.?r *ii 'department 8 * 0 Is an indication that, the stomach and otliei . Boils Quickest on the Least Fuel. digestive organs aro weak, tired or debill — This fact is easily explained. The fire-box of the METEVEN tote «- FACT No Q is constructed so that the heat strikes the copper at once, and j fc causes no en a 0 f achea and pains a« r*-+r » »ww« w« , without waste. The fire-box is right up against the copper. „i.«»«. nu<n |. Knlf t Vini but there is ample room for fuel with a Rood draught, Addi- fa most tommon where people bolt thou _~__„ „ <rtrv „ . ■, ,_ tional advantagee it has over other boilers are:—lt is very mea i an( j hurry and worry as they do iv rUH fiVflHl aiIWU COlieCtett in compact, stands firm on its feet, it is not clumsy or cumber-. ' - - ' ——— — ———_______-____---—. some, is easily handled and easily cleaned, and ie practically this country. nrominmc iha rinnnWrnan* hoe everlasting, in short, the METirvEX is superior on every point. R n „on n r.'ll ft mire. dvsnansia— it Premiums, tfie Department lias In addition to being the easiest to wash with, it is the most Hoods bars.ipanlla cures dyspepsia—« economical and durable. Compare it with others. Its superior- has " a magic touch" in this disease. returned to its Policyholders for ity is apparent at a glance. Keg. Jio. 511. " . ..... *vm»"pM »» »ta ■——£__—— \vi " Having suffered irom indigestion J ANDREW M PATERSQN is commerce It auckumo ,ho "g ht J wou,d tr y ft bott,ft of Hood ß Sar * ih * lT reresenta tives), or holds in m. inn.iivwn, . " wparilla. Before I had half taken it I felt . . . •- ■■,■■■.■... ' greatly relieved and on taking the second £.45! for tnem » £121. ffolt stronger and better in every way." ■ J Augcstus Akscott. Excelsior House, Uppe» During the forty-two years of the I . , OF ■ w I l>it,t Street, -Auckland, X.Z. Department's existence premiums have fl Jy I HOOCJ'S Sat* Sap & B*B 5! £4 been received Tor upwards of eight millions I FUFR I FVFR L ®i?&!3S £6,057,000 has been paid kLaVLilft fciLIVII to policyholders or their representative* and the existing funds held by the Departy m m ment Id trust for policyholders amoant WATCH imnk Jm WATCH' Hudson's Eumeatbol to f««M» m HHOtxJ THB GREAT ANTISEPTIC AMI TKO- ! _ °HjL -01 iL £1 snmAWD.waxo. s& Well, Of coursedCi I CM ■ ROUGHS. OOLDS. 80BK THROATS. BEOS. 'WW it- "X 1 it - //Jrmr '. chitis. INFLUENZA.- and THE PEEVEX. A«, r fViir>cy -arnrrri doin? is tion of consumption . Any tiling worm oumg jo A. The Larnyx, or Organ WOrth doing Well SO for b. e " 1 ' ri^hea - or wind 11 the antiseptic cleansing your 'r.\ '■/."'- c S»«?ud l iiSr be " of g -' • teeth need every : day, use This is our Ambus Pound Watcb, jewelled move* D "SiK* 0 ° oßo ot tho B a <0 A I \ft? © TT* C ment, aod Keyless. Strongly made to stand every- , r K I MEDI . 1 ALV JlfK I d day wear. Black oxidised case, strong crystal j <?I^« E 8 X : ■ Carbolic Tooth Powder glass. We send tbero Post Free at tbe above price. S8 c «c!si 0 ««vi« %inr Lo:aI chemists and stores sen it. .'.;;•;•:..'• ', . ' ■ F « C Calvert & Co.. Manchester. Enc. «»». /« Public Singers, \. U Gto Ivecmrera, jMSjI, F. C Calvert & Co., Manchester. Erur. Speakere. and >SffSk ~~ Wm a ~_ .. C4l V __,-_.. _ >«»V# upon to MAKES There is a constant .: * '-.heir voices Ire- WBSK& mnntaw ,*««., -j r.~«. ,11 \(7 /<~jJ : a"ently for pro- . demand from all ..P'£" ' l«*»«W #ii» i longed periods - . HAIR parts of the earth _ j _ . -». . \a 11 /-1/1 in/1 I 1 Unlike Cough Medicine "EUMKNTHOIi for I Queen and Durham Streets- 7\Uv.»\lclllU. I; jujubes- do not interfere with Bicestion. ponui ir«r^c»/ ,, w*.T» «s ■ ■ , : •■ = ALL HAIR' 4ft?" M, W| ' ■ t... —— OVER RFNFWFR There's no "per- ™ ■ , ■ - . ' . ■" ' ' ' ,m ' "7 IXlrWl/ IB fl>l\. ffi. S»a| haps"' about Hon- S I I THE ,rlle ladies of th« Nor* «NM*ffaf nington Blush — l loud in , l 8 pralse . ►JWy Moss. Simple, Da [ ■ I lUfflPI Fl II is invaluable for car- ' safe and effectual, M WUKLU. todr^^Bjidj ' ■l -1 ' is tho best mecli- ESB -. _.' l^___lLl -L mi __' mm——awa—bm—mmm—i — colour to grey hair with* Jg colds of child or adult. an fifa Imßß— —w^t^^—a Tig* A u s a v .j gorollS halr an( j g colds of child or adult, fie- gg T If* ecal P w O - 0 ,l u «»«•*• i'** a fuso imitations and substi- a Ef QJ&l\s pweed. s )K«Jiiteß, and insist on getting W , . . T i» fttJ( , " HODDinatOM Emphasize the Name! . J. EDSON fg IrishVMOSS . Beware of Imitation, Jfi- ■ "S^' STIEAFKEBS ana Head -—______ _? i/ Noiees relieve! 0/ . . . using Wilson's. Com- Ask tor . . __«——. mon Sense Ear Drums. . . = Sm?l "Amber Tips J Tea —^^^^— "Amber lips lea — v**™**^ — «S« , , T . T.. . pianos „T&ffJg%U--coiiins-st.: Mciboaroe. succe of "Amber Tips lea is PiANinQ 6/- A WEEK [x. '-I Mi ««..,- probably unparalleled* in the history of the Tea rIMI>IUQ_ Pfl, HIGH ST. POINTS ABOUI trade. In the shortest time on record it has become PIANOS **& S/I^T' V '&\ CTIV »C» \r * T l^ most ? ula s f d ,argcly sold brand m ' New SIA MAC 6/- A WEEK ' W \ Zealand— there's been a reason for this. The rIAINUO US. high ST. i If \«.,»,r-n.i « quality, flavour and strength are DIAIVir%Q NC> DEPOSIT. .EtfgV unequalled-it is absolutely the best value in the P TAAWEEkT'" Jz2£&2£\ ' Dominion. Its success has been so great that PIAINIOS 23. HIQH_ST X Wl M Tbcr are BRITISH MADE other brands are closely imitating the "Amber Dl A MAO NO DEPOSIT^ I- % ciofe ,, ™'; Y I Tips- name and package, but the "Amber PIANUb W/QH ST.. IA I i^^KloR F ln" 9 | Tips" quality and flavour is lacking in them for PIANOS A VtOMST. I#l Sfm-fflS'tie mc ! ii cannot be imitated. Therefore : avoid brands- siA^J?>^No"~DEPosrf: V tbo h f.)f r Mork.h McHdk up ! which closely imitate-specify definitely and with rIANUO as, WQH sr._ YWTW *>> ■ as 'Lr'iJkl? ' tiie ' emphasis that you want "Amber Tips" and DIAMnCi &'" A WEEK. \SSiJL °^:!? r -v W np i F ~ rIMIMUQ zb. HIGH ST, JW&m I n'-iv HI.MS an.l by xneanj jou must have „ NO DEPOSIT. JXM&ni v ' oih FTI ' M ? a,, . ,i by D,can ? i r»i a R,l>>o DEPOSIT. of P tank for development PIAISSOS ?« HIGH ST, ;; chirk room is done .away I tnmm ?> go. w/c»/-< o_/» "lllVr TAKK PLATES A3 ' "A , .1 TH 6 PIANOS 10/ 1 A WEEK. WSim WKIT.L as film?. ] M i-fc I , a'lS ,r htf> HH rInIMUO za. WflH ST. J||||i %™HrtVr°onr>re e l.t ? t j JTaUIi HJ £ UCI "PH SLIP'S" ' Harringtons ! lt is packcd in air . tigh , damp . proof cartons aid PRESSED "STEEL PULLEYS I Hi- wt";o.„, ! old at 1/8. l/10,nd 2/- per lb. | Best by Every Test, | 1 Npitf Vow r,ro * n ' l • «est by Every Test. I IIPI ■ Awkland t . ,on ' I !HO Stock Sizes, 6ifl ' to 48 ' n ; i i ls^^^mmms^^^^ \ K' "PIOMEEr PrasssJ ! Wglim ' KHANLV AND SUCKUN-G. Agent., 41. FORT-STREET. AUCKLAND. | MMm STEEL ff BRONZE PLUMBING. HENRY HOCHES. S^Tgrßmff i 'H«M^»B»T^ • REGISTERED PATENT AQKUT. | H. tt I . JU;.\I, I HI H. 6F. ORAMb, trademarks aj* | •«HHS* Auckland. I I m m HOBSON STREET * •»... obtain IuNDcRfAKINGTNYa^B^MTNrj ! H» MAMi!CArTUREP S ffiM "" .hro»Jh«urth°™u| j ~„ruiu and° 1.51-performed with ■ I I ifl MA»niCArTURE R M 5 <®S /H .lroughmutne worm. ~o rum an( , cc . rM]otnF (n „. Mf . lvo . g Wi *•».,!,'*''*»>* W*li m- i !• .i &J* ' Advico to Inventors j Ktprnal Process of Kmbiilniin? las?.- B 'em Q) d&Si Estimates Workmanship « free on *p])licat.lon. in s'v preserves without di.'.'igurcment. u H *- TO „oft HI! Modoiatc ices. Clients adris.,.l and assisted |T ,1 gUjcSVHR MiTi SANS I Hl &| ftfc!l«ii ' in disposiui; of their intention.. I " ■ »« lVl I 'IVUn MITU aUDtfj I fflfflhfa,, ' ■*.ri < TWt "" AucWkfld Offlce: Exchango Lane. Queen St. J "8. KAHANGAHArE JJOAD, .-AUCKMSD.- I KJMgft*BIJIIBIIIIWIIiraSTMTTIj PHONE 3364. E. BROOXE-SH.'TH. Manaiw. [ L——— ... ■ ■''

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15169, 7 December 1912, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15169, 7 December 1912, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15169, 7 December 1912, Page 7 (Supplement)


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