OTTO ZEALAND LOAN AND JfiIECANTIIiB AGENCY COMPANY OJAOTED). Auckland Wool Stores, April 30. Horses: Bather more than usual numbers were yarded at the Durham Yards on Friday, and those of a good stamp were eagerly sought after. Heavy draughts sold from £23 to £46; medium do., £19 17s 6d to £35 108; light harness horses, £6 12s 6d to £22 IGs; hacks, £4 5a to £16 2s 6d. A pair of well-matched, unbroken draught fillies (roans) from the Ake Ake Swamp. Waiuku, brought £90. Cattle: At the Newmarket Yards on Tuesday dairy and store stock were yarded in average numbers. Beef was in full supply, and sold at last week's rates. We quote:—Ox. 20s to 24s per 1001b; cow, 18s to 20s. Fat steers sold from £7 12s 6d to £10 17s 6d; fat cows, £4 5s to £9 ss. All the fat stock was of especially good quality. Dairy cows brought from £4 108 to £7 12s 6d; empty do., £2 12s 6d to £4 15s; heifers, £1 10s to £2 17s 6d; calves, £1 to £1 18s. Sheep: At Newmarket on Tuesday eheep were penned in very large numbers, but scarcely kept last week's values. Fat wethers sold from 83 to las 9d; fat ewes, 6s 6d to lis 9d; lambs, 5s 6d to 103 9d. The advertised store sheep and lambs, of which there were 1040 yarded, sold from 6s 6d to 10s 3d for wethers; ewes, 2s 6d to 73 6d; lambs, Is 6d to 5s 6d. Pigs: Yarded in smaller numbers than for many weeks. Porkers sold from £1 7s to £2 ; weaners, 3s 6d to 6s 6d. At the Papaknra yards on Wednesday we held a successful sale of horses. There was a, very large entry of all classes, competition being keen throughout. Hides, in fair supply, sold at fully equal to late rates. Prime, stout ox. 63d to 7id; stout, OAd to 6*d; medium, 42d to s}d; light, 4*d to 4]d; stag. 24d to 2id; cow, picked. 4Jd to Aid; ordinary, 4Jd to 4]d; calf sold freely at 4d to 4?d for best flayed. Sheepskins made slightly better prices than last week. Large salted, 2s 4d to 2s lOd; small and medium, 13 6d to 2s 3d; dry and badly saved pelts, 3d to 6d less. Wool: In good demand for all lines. Tallow: Best rendered, 23s to 24s 6d. Hair: Horse, la to Is Id; cow, lid; tails, Is 9d per dozen. Bones, 4b 6d per cwt. Maize: The market is easier, owing to a slight falling off in the Sydney orders]. Present rates. 3s 5d to 3a 6d, on wharf. Oats: The market is firmer at 3s c.i:f.Auckland. Chaff: All good lines coming to hand are now selling at £4 15s to £5 per ton ex rail. Potatoes: Southern are worth. £5 per ton on wharf. MESSES. ALFRED ETTCKLAND AND SONS* EXPORT. Horses: At the llaymarket last week the average number were brought forward. Coinpetition was keen lor all young draughts, and many changed hands at priced ranging from £26 to £41 each. Ine draught stallion Young Nobleman was sold for £45. Aged medium draughts or waggon hordes, £12 to £20; hacks, £9 to £12. Hay and Straw: Only some half-dozen loads offered on Friday, and those sold well. Meadow hay, 4s to 4s 6d ewt, and straw, 20» to 30s the small load. Hides, Skins, Tallow, etc.: The usual quantity put through this week, and prices fully up to late quotations. Ox hides, up to 63d, and cow, to 4hl for best stout, the ruling price for ox 4Ja to 5., d. cow, 3id to 4d; call, Ml to 4id; stag, 2id and 22(1 lb; tails. Is 9d dozen; bones, 4s 9d cwt; tallow, 20s "to 23s 6d cwt; sheepskins, 2s to 2s Sid for best, and Is to Is 9d for the greater number; hoggets, 2s to 2s 3d each; longwool, 2id to 3d; crossbred 3id; pieces. Id to lj'tl lb. Grain, etc.: Oats further advanced to 3s Id ex wharf, and 3s 4d ex store; maize, 3s 6d ex wharf to 3s lOd ex store; fowl wheat, 4s Id; chaff, £5 ex rail to £5 10s ex store; straw chaff, £4: bran, £6; potatoes, local £4 10s to £5; damaged barbed wire, £10 10s ton; root manure, £5 to £6 ss; bonedust, Sydney, £6 10s; superphosphate, £5 ss;. Chesterfield guano, £4., On Saturday we held a clearance sale of Mr. W. Anderson's stock at Pokeno. There was . a large attendance, and satisfactory prices were obtained. The cows brought from £3 12-} 6d to £6 10s; horses, £5 2s 6d to £21 10s; bookcase. £5 7s 6d; reaper and binder, .£l3; spring trap, £7; potatoes, 3s to 8s bag, were some of the prices realised. At Pukekohe on Monday dairy cows sold freely. Prices for those at profit were from. £4 10s to £3 12s 6d. Fat cattle, penned in fair quantities, were required, and fully kept late values", fat cows bringing from £4 10s to £6 10s; dry cows. £2 10s to £4. Calves were a_shade lower, except for those of extra good quality. No grown stores yarded. At I'emuara on Thursday dairy cows, penned in average numbers, were at late values, and sold from £5 to £7 ss; dry, 32s 6d to £4 10.,; a pen of young steers, £5 9s. Fat and young calves, short of supply, sold freely at advanced values. There were less than the usual number of fat cattle yarded, and prices ruled as quoted last, week. Steers brought from £7 7s 6tl to £10 7s 6d; cows. £4 10s to £7 ss; 200 sold. Fat and store sheep, in full numbers, were scarcely up to last week's quotations. Heavy wethers brought from 12s to 13s 611 ; others. 8s to lis 6d; ewes. 7s 6:1 to 12s: store. 2s 3d to 6s: 1700 sold. Fat lambs sold from 'is 9:1 to 9s 6d; store. 3s to 5s 6d; 3CO sold. Pigs, scarce, sold at late values. Owing to the heavy rains there was but a moderate muster of cattle at Helensville on Wednesday. Those yarded sold at late values. MESSRS. 0. W. BINNEY AND SON?" REPORT. On Tuesday we cleared an extra large catalogue of hides, sheepskins, tallow, etc. Hides: All well-conditioned met ready sale. Ox, prime. 7d to 7id • extra. 6id to 6>d; stout, sld to s>_d; medium, 43d to fid; light, 43d to 4Jd; cow, picked, 4UI; good lines, 4t,d to 4Jd; wet, 33d to 4d. Calf and light kip sold better; good lots, 4Jd to 4Jd; stags'. 2id to 3d per lb. Damaged and badly-flayed hides sell at low figures. Sheepskins: Locial green and salted advanced quite 3d each, the general run selling at 2s 6d to 2s 8d; few picked up to 3s; small, Is 6d to 2s; lambs', 2s to 2s 3d; dry pelts. 6d to 2s: damaged. Id to 6d each. Tallow: Good, 22s Cd to 235; medium, 2Csto 21s per cwt. Fat. lid to l*d per lb. Horns. Hair, and Bones: No change. W. .1. HUNTER'S OHATJPO SALE. At Mr. Hunter's Ohaupo Yards on Tuesday, about 300 head of cattle were yarded. Dairy cows of a, good sort were plentiful, and sold freely. Strong and well-bred calves were in demand. The following are the quotations: —Dairy cows, choice, from £6 12s 6d to £7 15s; medium quality, from £3 17s Cd to £4 6s; heifers, to calve in spring, £4 6s to £6; good strong calves, mixed sexes* £1 19s to £2 ss; small calves. 15s to 275; three-year steers, £5 to £5 15s; 21-year steers, £4 10s to £4 12s 6(1; stags, £4 10s; empty boilers. £3 to £3 ss; empty store cows, £2 5s to £4 Is; small fat heifers, £3 7s 6(1; fat cows, £4 2s to £5 16s. Only a few sheep were yarded, and sold privately. MASTKRTON. Messrs. Lowes and lorns, Ltd., report at. their Masterton fortnightly stock sale:—The yarding wa's rather small, a fact due to the very rough weather prevailing. Those coming forward, however, met with better competition than at late sales, making better prices all round, with a complete clearance. Fat wethers made lis 6d, good stores, 9s 6d; others, 7s to 8s 8(1: breeding ewes, 5s 6d; best lambs. 6s; culls. Is 6d "to 3s; Lincoln rams, 20s; Romneys, 41s; others, 10s to 255: poor-class Itomneys. 10s to lis 6d. In beef some quality cows were offered, selling freely at figures from £4' 17s to £5 17s; young steers, 50s to 535; good calves, 31s. HAWERA AND ELTHAM. Messrs. Nolan. Tonics, and Co. report: — At our horse fair, on 12th met., there was a large catalogue, with fair bidding for all classes. Light hacks brought from £7 to £13 10s; weight carriers. £12 10s to £18; light, harness horses, £12 to £20; draughts up to £31. At Elthaui, on 15th inst., we had a full muster of cattle, with, fair inquiry for store cows and weaners, other classes being somewhat neglected. At Hawera, on 17th inst., there was a good entry and spirited competition for various lines, most of the stock being disposed of at, or after the auction. We quote, at Eltham: Fat heifers, £4 5s to £4 12s 6d, fat cows, £4 IGs to £5 10s; store cows, £3 7s 6d to £3 13s 6d; fresh cows. £3 15s to £4 2* Cd; 2-year steers. £3 9s to £3 14s; yearling steers, £2 10s to £2 15s; springing heifers, £4 to £5; cows, springing. £5 10s to £7 ss; weanei'3, £1 Gs to £1 10?; yearling heifers, £2 to £2 ss. At Hawera: Two-and-a-half-year steers, £4 5s to £4 10s; 3-year bullocks. £5 4s to £5 17s Cd; 18-montlis to 2-year steers, £3 to £3 4s; cows and. calves. £4 5s to £4 12s Cd: heifers (spring culvers), £3 15s to £4 10- heifers, springing, £4 10s to £5; cows at profit, £5 10s to £7; yearling heifers. £2 to £2 ss; store cows, £3 103 to £3 15s: fresh cows. £4 to €4 ss; fat cows. £5 to £5 10s; weaners. £1 5s to £1 7s 6(1. Sheep—Fat ewes. 9s 2d; lambs, 5s 9d to 6s 6d; culls. 2s 6d. HAWERA, MANAIA, AMD OPUNAKE. Messrs. Nolan. Tonks, and Co. report from Hawera on April 25:— We held a clearing sale on the 21st inst. on account of Mr. 1). Claris. There was a large attendance of the public, and spirited bidding throughout. Bullocks brought £6: 13-month steer*, £3 as; yearling steers, £2 4s; yearling heifers, £2 sc; weaners, 29s 6d; 2 to 2i-year heifers in calf, £•> 158 to £4 8s; ringing heifers, £5 to £7; cows, £8 10s to £9 15s; draught mare. £45; foal at foot. £31; draught two-year-olds. £20 to £20. At Opunake. on 22nd, we had a medium entry with fair competition. At Manaia, 01 23rd inst., more than the' quantity advertised came forward. Cattle were well competed for, most lines being disposed of. We held a clearing sale on the 24th inst. on account of Mr. Jas. Wood. The cows were in good order, and early calvers were keenly competed for, ranging from £7 15s to £9 7s 6d. Backward cows, £6 10s to £7 10s; springing heifers, £5 to £5 15s. We quote—At Opunake: Fat cows, £4 183 to £5 10s: 2-year heifers in calf. £5 15s to £4; cows and calves, £3 15s; weaners, 23s to 28s; springing heifers, £4 15s to £0; store cows, £3 15s to £3 18s. At Mauaia: Springing heifers. £5 to £3 10s; cows and calves, £4 12s 6d to £4 18s: dairy cows, £5 15s to £6 10s; store cows, £3 lis to £4; fresh cows. £4 to £4 4s; fat cows. £5 Is 6d to £5 10a; fat heifers, is 6s to £4 15s; weaners, 25s to 235; 38-month steers, £3 7s. JOHNSONVILLE. Messrs. Freeman K. Jackson and Co.. in conjunction with Messrs. Abraham and Williams, report on April 22 as to their Johnsonville sale as follows:---A slightly smaller entry than usual of bullocks, which consisted chiefly of prime heavy-weights, met a brisk j market, beef making 21s. We quote: Best I bullocks, £9 to £9 10s; others, £8 10s to £3 17s 6d; springing heifers. £6 7s Cd to £7 12s 6d. Sheep: Medium wethers, 10s to lis; halffatted ewes. 8s 6d; fat lambs, 9s 2d to 10s 6d; others, 7s Id to 8s; store lambs, Os 6cl.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11955, 2 May 1902, Page 3
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2,080AUCTIONEERS REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11955, 2 May 1902, Page 3
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