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Watches, Jewellery, &c. g DEFIANCE LEVERS ! i © CHRONOGRAPHS, DOUBLE CHRONOGRAPHS, § AND HALF CHRONOMETERS. e*rs — |> CHEAPER THAN EVER DURING AUGUST. S3 BOEDER EARLY, -Et STEWART DAWSON & CO., LIVERPOOL,, AND 96, NEWGATE-STREET, LONDON. Have resolved, prior to issuing their new 'Watch Pamphlet, vrith revised Makes %nd Prices, to give their Patrons a mil Benefit, and to sell, under Cost Price, their present stock of £10,000 WORTH OF THEIR WORLD-FAMED ENGLISH LEVERS AT PRICES NEVER APPROACHED. As the various grades specified arc so well known, comment would be superfluous. Intending purchasers will therefore, to be in time, send in their orders at earliest possible date. FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY. • S.I). & Co.'s World-famed Eng- i»| *S ad B.D. & Co.'s Ladies' and Gent's no -lAS lish Levers (Ladies and Gents) in „*' ~ Sterling Silver Defiance Watches, in ZJOJ.yj three sizes. The Finest Watches REDUCED to three sizes. Reduced to £1 ss. REDUCED to ever made. The concentration of all J?1 KS Perfect Timekeepers. Marvellous ttnuuuwjio that is good, and winch have the °° x ** value. Hunters reduced to£H2s6d Pi) iuS Largest sale in the world. Reduced £■£ XO to£2 16b. Ordei , early. Value unprecedented. Double Chronograph*, Keyless Levers, Gold Levers £3 15 S S.D. & Co.'s Marvellous Hunting (Ladies , and Gent's), every price. All reduced nrmirk'iHn Levers, same quality as above. to less than Wholesale English prices. Call ™ Three sizes. Reduced to £3. Order early and inspect XiO early. Worth Five Guineas. ; ' -PJ. 1 f;S B.D. and Co.'s Superb English j pf> -i f\S S.D. <t Co.'s Keyless Hunting At li) Hunting Levers, with Throe Pairs •"" X\J Levers, superior to any Watch sold nvnnrFTl tn Extra Jewell), and real Chronometer REDUCED to retail at Bight Guineas. Reduced tt_._>uv/-.u io Expansion Balance. Extraordinary r> K ias from it) 10s to £5 ids. Open Face 0 4 IAS Value. This watch is cheap at '*"-' xv do. reduced from £5 108 to £4 10s. «t<± 1U seven Guinea.. Our Magnificent English Centre A few only o'S.ID. & Co.'« Superb J*\t .J-'-' Seconds Chronograph Hunting LenirniTrrn t English 18-carat dent's Gold Half REDUCED to vera, reduced from £6 16s to £6 10s. H&uuistA) to chronometer Levers reduced to £20, i«K lAS Open Face do. reduced from £5 l£s XliO under cost. Order early. *« ■••" to £4 10s. f>lo lAS A few only of K.P. & Co.'s Gent's <> r -, «y 8.1). & Co.'s Acme of Perfection J-J. XV Magnificent English Gold Levers, J-O ±\J Excelsior J-Plate English Levers, REDUCED to reduced to £10108. HFnllfn . the highest class and most irai' 1 0 If) 8 These have never been equalled in ac ' uv^'! ' u to proved English Lever ever produced. AAV xv the world at the price. p . -~ s The per , Paragon. Reduced £8 10 S S.D. A Co.'s Ladies' 18-caratEng- A * 1U from £5 10s to £4 10s. RKnrin.'n I' B ' , Gold Lovers, never equalled p>7 inS under £10 10u. Reduced to £7 10s. Sterling Silver Alberts, the largest Stock in New Jbi 1U Order early. Will last a Lifetime. Zealand, all reduced to leas than Wholesale Price. All letters and communications to be addressed to STEWART DAWSON & CO.'S GREAT ENGLISH WATCH EXHIBITION, 01, QUEEN-STBEET, AUCKLAND, Other Colonial Branches at Melbourne, Sydney, and Ddnedlv. Write at once for ono of S.D. & Co.'s famous Illustrated Pamphlets, containing all particulars concerning these valuable Timekeepers and list of Reduced Prices. Sent by post for 3d stamp; free on application at 04, Queen-street. Is 3d must bo forwarded with Country Orders, to cover postage and registration fees. STEWART DAWSON &■ CO. Repair and Clean Gold and Silver Watches, no matter what maker or where bought. Workmanship guaranteed. WATCHES and .1 KWKLI.'KKY may now be posted and registered at book post rates. If your \\ at en wants cleaning, pack it in a box carefully, enclosing full name and address only, and send by same mail a letter of instructions, enclosing postal note for 4s 6d. and wo will return the Watch within a few days in good order, post paid and regislered. When sending letter and postal note, state the number of the Watch posted. Medical. Medical ~ COCKLE'S PILLS, m■»m4% i* ■■ .tin MIIIAM V./ FREE FROM MERCURY BEFORb AND SINGE TZExrznl. —^^ *v__y r Olv LI» &**■ The days of Samson a luxuriant growth —— — ■ of hair has been symbolical of man's PILLS, strength and woman's beauty. As a v> , FOR BILE. mean.? of preserving this adornment of " ~" ' the person —a duty which should be /COCKLE'S PILLS, ~,„,„„,,„„« considered, by all, of the first iropor. *ri_ for INDIGESTION tance—Ayer's Hair Vigor is unequalled. /"COCKLE'S PILLS If, unfortunately, your hair has been 1] ' FO R HEARTBURN neglected and allowed to lose its lustre ' — —— —— and color, or if time has tinged it /"COCKLE'S PILLS, with gray, the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor \y FOR SICK HEADACHE. will restore its youthful appearance and , ~~~ vitality. This admirable preparation /COCKLE'S PILLS, eradicates i for acidity. Dandruff, cockle's pills, cures all diseases of the scalp, strength- i \J IN use EVERYWHERE. ens weak hair, promotes a ' /COCKLE'S PILLS Luxuriant Growth, I Kj in use eighty-eight years. and prevents baldness. It is, more- In Boxes at is. ljd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, Us, and 225, over, an excellent dressing for the hair, ! at all Medicine Vendors throughout the rendering it pliant, soft, and glossy, and i World. as .in article of the toilet, there is I '■ — nothing more essential or agreeable. • ("fair WlflfM* j npilE GOLDEN CHARIOT | Jriji/B 3 liail ViyiHU J Canadian medicines. I. is choicely perfumed, is colorless, and i c These two great Canadian Remedies, | is cnoiceiy perlurncd, is colorless, anil CANADIAN PRKCIOUSPOWDER I ■will not soil the whitest pocket-hand- (for internal uso) § kerchief ; its beautifying effects aro CANAI>IAN PKKF UM B 1 lasting, and it is therefore, the best and i wuh a Book ( w '] n ch 'fun' directions for J most economical hair-dressing in the . their use. Price, 7.sod. 1 world. I They are asnre, positive, and permanent cure I I'REPARRD BY f" r Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders, | « i a >•»•.« . .. .. Rheumatism, and Paralysis, Ac. 11)0,000 Or. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, lite., U. S. A. bottles have been sold in New Zealand in «ix 0 .. . . .. ~, . . , „ , months. Thousands of people have been cured iU . Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. by usin . nothinK else ft ftl these medicines. CANADIAN MKDICINKS FOR SALE, ~ "nmmJ Wholesale and Retail, hy j(Wi*fe»i. A. CARAVEL, No. 5, Victoria Arcade, a WONDERFUL MEDICIInE. Jehsen's Cod Liver Oil Are unlverga;ily admitted to be worth a Guinea Possesses a perfectly sweet pleasant taste, A b ox or Bilious and Nervous Disorders such because made on board Jensen's floating as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache factory, moored in whichever Fjord the fishing KiddineMs, fulness and swelling after meals, dimness is most active the livers are obtained from the %l*SStS2£li A^toZ^^y] still living fish, and the oil at once extracted and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful in steam pans on board. No one else gets dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, the livers so fresh, and no one, except Jensens, *<■'• Tlu ' " rst . so will &™ r . olio ['" ,ninu'fs- . ~ . j ' -ii ,!.■ v• u Kverv sufleror is earnestly invited to try one box can, for this res.son, produee oil of this high of t , lcse 3 > ill!)i and thcy w jfi be acknowledged to be medicinal value and sweet flavour. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX mi r>i • • i ,i t> i /ii i tt «ORI II A CiUNh.V A li()\. The Physician to the Royal Chelsea Hos- For Femalca of all ageg theso PiUs arc invft ] liaWei M pital pronounces Jensen's to be " the best a fow doses of them carry off all humours, and cheapest. Patients who reject and briiiK about all that is required. No and cneapest. patients wao reject (emle f^QiM by without them ltiere ,„ n0 Other oils can take this." meaicinotobo found equal to UEKCIiAArS PILLS *' rv'Bii IIiDCAI I ii/i" ii" lor removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho LDrilLiinCLl? Ltrkll II system. If taken according to the directions given . " ,,, ~:•,, "n :• 3 with each box they will soon restore females of all because it tastes " nice. Consumptives and agcs to sound and robust health. This has been Invalids derive new life and vigour from its proved by thousands who have tried them, and wonderful nutritive powers. found the benefits which are ensured by their use. „_ ._,._»« _ — .».. ■ •*•** For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all IT MF'l/FR RFPhATS disorders of the liver, they act like " MAGIC." and a II iIL.IL.II lILI uiiu. few ,i ostvs wiu be found to work wonders on the la Bottles, each bearing tho Trade Mark. » lost »>;n"runt organs in the human machine They London Pricew: Iβ., 25., 3a. ed., & 6s. 6d. strengthen the whole muscular system ; restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of The Lancet says: "Of excellent quality, isotaate. appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSEBUD UritUh Medical Journal says: "Wefind, practically, '»' health, the whole physical energy of the human that children take it well." frame. I hese are " FACTS" testihed continually by members of all classes of society; and one of the best Sold by all Chemists. Agtnti— guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, c,lj m, .N, ■■> ,-,, ..,,„,. AVT . IJEKCHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any SHaKLAND & CO., AUCKLAND. patent medicine in the world. _____——. Prepared only, and Hold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, Thomas Beechain, St. Helens. DTi r4T)T7 , TPT)»C! Lancashire, England, in Boxes la Ud and S!s 9d K . Si r Hi Hi li b each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers Private Dispensary, established in Wellington, for everywhere. the scientific and speedy cure of chronic, nervous N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. and special diseases. The expert; Specialist Dr. , Sneer is a regular graduated physician, educated at ■ , Harvard College, U.S. He has devoted a lifetime to, Bv ArpoiNT- j* -*, /-»- EXCELLENCY and is acknowledged to be the mont expert physician mknt c TIIE in, his specialty in the United States. Young Men To His «->oveunou. and Middle-aged Men who suffer from Nervous and ""' ' Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, -_-_--- tttt -_^-T?"W r rnv Xr 4~*Ct Eruptions on tho Face, Mental Depression, Kidney \\ |-| & a IU., and Bladder Troubles, Ac, &c, will do well to con- M • 111 J.- VV wilt Dr. Sneer. Hospital experience.—Having been physician in one of the leading Hospitals of the U.S. HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURERS, GENTLEenables him to treat all private trouble with excellent results. He wishes it distinctly understood that MEN S MERCKRh, HOSIERS, lie does not claim to perform impossibilities, 01 to ~,.. „.,.„,,„„ have a miraculous power. He claims only to be a Al * l> VJiit& . skilled and successful physician thoroughly'inforined „ a -„„,,„ „„,_,_, _ _ in his specialty-Chronic Diseases of Men and ' 8 « U J!i «•»1« li E 1 Women. All applying to him will receive his honest (opposite the New Zealand Herald Office). opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. He will guarantee a positive cure in every case he by'letter ke free rfOrfeit£20 °' Con^ ultatio » JilofficeOT HATS AND CAPS OF EVERY DE Charges moderate. Examination and SCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER. Call or address: Dr. 11. J. Speer, Wellington, N.Z. MAUJii 1U UKUi^K. Office hours: Nine to twelve, one to four, six to ■ eight p.m. Our Celebrated Pullover Hats made to order, from , N.B.—All medicines necessary for a complete cure ....,, . can be sent secure from, observation on receipt of lus otl eacn. symptoms. . Felt Hats from Is 9d upwards. Dr. Speer is the only gazetted medical man in _. ■ . _ . TT , , ~,,,, New Zealand who advertises as a Specialist.— 151ack Pans Hats . frOHl 12s (,u - Drab Shell Hats continuation nee Gazette, January 21, 1880. Rom 7 -s 6d. FOR COUGHS., COLDS, BRONCHITIS, a splendid Assortment of Hats always on Hand, Asthma, Influenza, Consumption, &c. , . ~ * KAY'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF including Clerical and Ladies' Riding Hats LINSEED, Aniseed, Senega, Squill, Tolu, Ac, with Chlorodyne. -.» KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent ex- _rfiseraijt®Hß»_-. pectorant, for Coughs, (kilds, and Chest KAY'S COMPOUND, for*Co«gbs and i *^ei_S —r—gf^^f Colde la equally serviceable for Horses and . - ' Cattle. KAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neu- T7IISH IJIISH ! ■ T7IISH, ralgia, Face-ache, &c. Contains Quinine, X 1 JO -fiJ Iron, Ac- • ■ — Cement for Broken \j Articles. croiien NOTICE OF REMOVAL *"'d \ Sole Makers:— Everywhere /KAY BROTHERS Ltd. Stockport England. P. WILLIAMS begs to announce that he has 1 "' ■■' i ■ ■ i *. i Removed from his old shop to new and commodious ' "'____ '.-'_; __ ~ ~~~' ' _r ~~~ premises at the corner of Queen and Qiyiy-streets, A NOCK BROTHERS where he will be prepared to supply ilalt&Fiab and V T (liSTABLiSHED 1862], Sniokeil Fish in any quantity at lowest rates, to SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURERS, "'Fresh o Specially kept and obtainable at all »f f ♦ WbSSItSSftbSS. of Soap hours at new shop in Quay-street, a few doors from Manufacturers of the celebrated Extract of Soap, ueueral shop Dwjn/ectaiit Powders, , First Prizu yellow, ie b Country Orders punctually attended to. Mottled, Double Crown, Economic, and Household Carbolic-, and other Medicinal and Toilet Soaps made from Hie purest of Tallows, &c. P, F WILLIAMS, PurebS o/''S d w m*L FI3H O VSTER, AND POULTRY DEALER, 1 skins, Hides, and Bones. ' QUEEN-STEEET WilAllF.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9134, 16 August 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9134, 16 August 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9134, 16 August 1888, Page 3


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