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New Zealand Hhrald Office, Saturday afternoon. Monetary considerations have influenced tho commercial business of tho month much moro than usual. Tho financial barometer has been lowering, and while there is a large amount of hope that things have seen their worst, the stern fact of the moment is that money is remarkably scarce, and tho result of a restricted circulation is a somewhat diminished trade, affecting all branches. Tho influx of capital has moderated, and several of our chief industries are suffering from a reduced demand. How to avert losses, whilo retail distributors are fighting each other with excessive competition at margins absurdly small, has been the question that has chiefly exercised importers more than the quittance of goods at a profit. Bearing this in mind, the turn over has been on the whole satisfactory for a winter month. The export of frozon mutton and beef has been resumed, and from the better London prices obtained for the latter, wo may regard a continuance of beef shipments as assured. Orders from many counrries continue to come for our noted tierce beef and tinned meats. The increase in yield of tallow is large, and now that low freights enable kauri timber to bo profitably shipped to London, the reflection that used to bo made on Auckland, as having nothing to export, compared with tho grain and wool ports of the South, has lost its truth, for it is now well recognised as an important loading port. In this connection it may be interesting to see the statistical returns of the value of Auckland exports for the first quarter of the following respective years, viz.:— 1884 £239,030 1885 174,532 1886 245,912 These figures tell their own tale of recovery and advance, and it must be borne in mind that the increased values given by the better state of the English and Australian markets for our produce only came into force during the second quarter of the current year, tho sum total of which is not yet to hand. So it may bo safely assumed the increase will be more steadily marked as the yesr runs its course. Island business has materially improved, and the trade in doors, sashes, mouldings, mantels, etc., to Australia is rapidly increasing. The arrival of the new season's China teas is one of the events of the month, but interest in this is not so great as it used to be in oldon times, for some reason not quite clear. The East Coast and Lake district trade has suffered considerably from the great volcanic disturbance of last month. In our other columns will bo found an interesting resume of the commercial year, in the annual address of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, bo we have no need to duplicate many of the references therein. The farmers are putting in largor areas under cereal and root crops, the rise in prices stimulating cultivation. It is stated that petroleum has at last been struck in the oil borings near Gisborne, Poverty Bay, but we have been so often disappointed by failures in connection with mining and other kindred matters, that a happy faith in tho outcome of any reported discovery is now not in us, and it will be time enough to rejoice when ocular demonstration of quantities big enough convinces us we havo perfect reason for it. From those well qualified to forecast the trade position there is every confidence expressed that witb tho advent of the spring season, now fast approaching, a great improvement will manifest itself, and the financial difficulties of the present will be removed, as the largelyIncreased income of the colony from tho rise in wool, tallow, gum, and grain comes into general cifculation. In referring to the various market movements of the month, we may state that there has been an advance in values in a good many instances. Bulk and bottled ales have remained unaltered since last month. Business generally has been slack. The Griffin brand of bottled is being vigorously pushed ; it is now identified with tho brewing interest. In bottled stout, Read Brothers' Hogshead keeps the leading place at our quotations. Building materials are extremely dull of sale. Stocks of galvanised iron are unusually heavy; thero is no local sale, but a slight sorting up demand has been experienced from the East Coast and Southern ports. Cement is dull of sale. Wilson's locally made must eventually beat out the imported articlo, as it is of equal strength. It has passed the Government test, and the manufacturers intend to put prices under laid down cost of imported, whatever the latter may be reduced to. As this is the off season for bags and bagging, quotations are merely nominal. Breadstuffs have advanced in value considerably. Stocks of New Zealand wheat aro small, and it is not unlikely importations will be made from California before next harvest if Australia continues

to draw off supplies from our rapidly diminish" ing stocks. In chemicals, tartaric acid has advanced Id per lb. Cigars are well supplied. Cigarottes continue to move off quickly, two shipments of Old Judgo per recent American arrivals being at once placed. Candles have been largely dealt in. Nationals, Belmonts, and Battersea wax are a trifle easier. The low value lines of New Zealand make are firmer, large , business being done in Auckland, Southern sperms, and Dunedin electrics. In imported paraffins little is doing. Carriage candles are scarco. In dates thore is a little doing at sd, duty paid. Dried fruits are moving off freely, but the Arawa replenished the market with Elemes, although prices aro as firm as ever. Gape raisins have come into tho market, quality being excelle i. Currants continue hard te got rid of. In fish very littlo is doing. Salmon has advanced to 7s 93, and Ss is being asked for small quantities of cocktail, duty paid. Two shipments of Kaipara lib mullet havobeen sent to Loudon in execution of orders. The canning of tho New Zealand lobster or crayfish is being vigorously gone into at l'icton, near Wellington, but the lino is scarcely on tho market yet. Samples are first-class. The demand for jam is increasing, as fresh fruits are getting scarcer. English qualities are scarcely ever touched, being too dear for tho trade. Kero.ione is in heavy supply, several American vessels having arrived during tlio month. The demand for 150 tost is much stronger, now that the price is mora reasonable, Preserved milk is in full supply ; prices aro easier. The "Dairymaid" brand has not quite recovered its prestige, but late arrivals are free from fault, and aro up to the quality that once commanded universal favour. Neatlo's is in good demand; tho largest distributors have received direct importations through indents to the company's local agent. Malt and hops scarcely come now through a commercial modium,transactions being usually made direct between brewers and growers. There is apparently a lifoless market in either. Oils and paints are affected by tho quietness of the building trade, and the winter season. The advance in the homo market in oils does not alter the local quotations. Oilmen's stores are in fair supply, with little change in prices. Morton's Golden Syrup is lower, in consequence of the Sugar Company putting up an equally good article at a lower price. Holders of •Morton's are disposed to realise at a concession on lato rates. In spices there has been an advance in pepper of ono penny per lb. Sugar is not so firm, owing to Queensland and Fiji shipments competing with the local refinery. Tho Fiji whites are sought after, particularly from manufacturers, but for all round trade, the splendid colour and soft, easily dissolving , character of tho company's No. 2 quality make it far and away the favourite lino for distributors. In spirits dullness reigns supreme. The hotel trade appears to bo going from bad to worse. Supplies to the trade of course keep on going out to the many quarters which radiate from this centre, but quantities are very limited. Shipments of case geneva afiojt aro large, tho Prince Albert bringing a largo supply from Hamburg. In schnapps, Wolfe's commands the market; tho agents report ft slightly better demand. In teas a fair trade in old season's has been experienced ; only a few sales of new season's aro as yet reported. Retailers appear in no hurry to stock themselves in the present dull state of trade. Satisfaction is generally expressed with the leaf appearance of the new supply, and later on we shall doubtless hoar good liquor reports. Tobaccos have been moving off well ; tho market is bare of short sixes, but overstocked with 14'.'. Tha many new brands of all shapes, offering at about Is 2d per lb, has reduced the inquiry for Venus ; late shipments of Gem of tho Sea aro not considered equal to the earlior ones, on which an excellent reputation was built. Signot and Juno are both selling freely almost as fast as they are received. In all other leading brands a full supply exists, and advices have been received of rather largo shipments coming forward. The market iB full of salt, soda crystals, and whiting. Wines aro in very light demand ; there is practically nothing doing in them. Respecting tho kauri gum market, wo have to report that since last mail transactions have been limited and the demand has been small ; but as suppllos continue scarce prices have remained pretty firm. We noto as a hopeful sign for the future that during the first six months of ISB6 local supplies average about 1600 tons per annum loss than 1885 and about 2400 less than in 1884, and this must oro long have a tolling effect on London stocks. We calculate as follows : — Ton*. London stock on Ist May, 1536, was .. .. 1815 Average London requirumenU v-r month (based on sales .January—April, lsSO) are over 250 por month, say from Ist Alay to 30th November, seven mouths'sales .. .. 1750 05 Add shipments afloat to arrive by 30th November Tons. Coronilla .. .. .. 21 Polykurp .. .. .. .. 75 iiermiouo .. .. .. .. 215 VVaimca .. .. .. .. 1(!<! Gazelle .. .. .. .. 77 Tongariro, s.s. (exclusive of American and Continental shipments) .. .. CO Arawa, s s. .. .. .. .. 10 llaleione, direct (rem Kaipara, 12th July, about .. ... .. 85 709 Probable stock in London, 30th November, about .. .. ... ..774 We append comparative statement of London stocks for last six years, on Ist May ISfcG 1885 1 834 1883 ISB2 1881 1815 1251 843 679 622 787 So that as there is every appearance of our supplies remaining small, wo look for brighter times; especially as many country dealers, who shipped to London in 1881-85, owing to lowered prices here suffered so severely in London that they will bo most unlikely to ship again. The Gazelle sailed for London on 20th June with about 77 tons. The s.s. Tongariro sailed on 7th inst., via Southern ports, taking about 130 tons for Ametica, 31 tons for the Continent, and about 60 tons for London. The s.s. Arawa took J) tons for London, and tho Halcione sailed from Kaipara direct for London with timber, and about 85 tons gum. The Mary E. Russell is on tho berth for New York, to bo followed by the Elinor Vernon early in September. Supplies from mail to mail, including Halcione shipment from Kaipara direct, about 371 tons. We quote Poor ordinary (nominal), from 25s to 30s ; fair ordinary, from 32s to 38s ; superior ordinary, from 38s to 42s ; East Coast, 40a to 535. AUCTION SALES. June 29. Messrs. S. Cochrane and Sons sold by auction to-day the cottage and allotment in Cobdenstreet, Newton. The price realised was £175. June 30, Messrs. B. Tonka and Co. offered for sale by auction to-day the equity of redemption of the furniture, cattle, shares. &c., in the bankrupt estate of Mr. B. K. Davis. The furniture realised £5, and the interest of the debtor in the furnace, &c., at Karangahake, realised £1, Mr. H. T. Gorrie being the buyer. 9280 shares in the Woodstock gold and silver mine, subject to a call of 6d, realised Id each. 50 Auckland Tramway shares brought Bs, and 50 ditto 7s 6d. 25 shares in the Apple Farm. Company, subject to a call of 6d, realised 3d. 600 Waiorongo-i mai Gold Mining Company's shares realised Cs for tho lot. The equity of redemption of the Arnuby estate, Kaipara, was not sold.

July 7. Messrs. ,T. Eeiil and Co. sold by auction to-day at their rooms, by the order of the mortgagees, lot 6 of section 26, of subdivision of lots 34 and others, of section 8, of suburbs of Auckland, with a frontage of 26 feot to Williamson's Avenue, and 115 feet 6 inches to Pollen-street, with a house of seven rooms thereon, for £376 ; also, lot 6 of section '20, of subdivision of lot 34 and others, of section 8, of the suburbs of Auckland, having a frontage of 26 feet to Williamson's Aveuuo, with a depth of 115 feet 0 inches, with a seven-roomed house, for £370. Messrs. B. Tonks and Co. held a sale by auction to-day, at their rooms, of lots Nos. ,'i and 20, of section 8, of subdivision of lot No. 1, parish of Tamahere, Waikato, with the store erected thereon, by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court. It realised £100, being pur* chased by the mortgagee. 700 cases of llobar} apples, consisting of French crabs, stone pippins, Sturmer's russets, etc., wero also sold, and realised from 6s Gil to lis 6d per c<se. The sale of fumituro at the residence of the late Mr. S. Morrin, Rumuera, was well attended, and realised satisfactory prices. Mr. G. W. Einney held a sale of Hobarfc and Nelson fruit at his mart to-day. There was a good attendance, and the bidding was brick. French crabs and russets realised lis, New York scarlet pearmains and stone pippins, from Ss tid to 10s Gd, and Nelson apples 83 Gd per case. July 13, Messrs. B. Tonk» and Co. report as follows of their trade sales to-day of groceries and oilmen's stores :—" There was a full attendance of the trade, and fair prices were realised. Sixty tons of coarse salt were placod, and 60 kegs sausage casings. 1200 mats yellow sugars were Bold at full prices. 68 cases Blanchflowers' canned fish and meats met with good demand. Altogether, the sale was the largest held tor some time past and gave a most promising indication of improved business prospects." Mr. Gabriel Lewis held a sale of boots and shoos. There was a fair attendance of buyers, and a number of packages wore sold, but at prices not satisfactory, the goods being all firstclass. The boot plane was also sold, and some lines of boot machinery. July 14. To-day Mr. D. F. Evans conducted a sale of property at his saleroom, Queen-street. The attendance was very large, and in fact, from the crowded appearance of the mart the general impression was that bad times had come to an end. The bidding, however, did not come up to expectation, as may be seen from the prices obtained. Marine Chambers was knocked down at £4050. Tho Grey-street property was passed in at £1000, the reserve being £1150. A lot of land near Mahurangi fetched only 2s 3d por aero. The remaining properties at Mount Eden and North Shoro were withdrawn. Mr. Gabriel Lewis held a trade of drapery to-day, and ho reports that there was a fair attendance of buyers, and tho bulk of the goods fouud purchasers at much better prices than of late. This is no doubt owing to tho trade anticipating to have to pay higher prices for their goods in consequence of the improved price of wool.


Totals .. £71,001 IS 10 £95,060 7 '5 Statement showing the amount, of Customs duties collected at this port for the month of June, 1880 : — Spirits, 14s 6d per gallon £0855 10 5 Do., '21s do 8 15 Cigars, cigarettes anil snuff, 6s per 1b... 48:! 8 0 Tobacco, Us (id per lb. .. .. ... 4,'2;!'.! 9 3 Do., N Z. manufactured, Is per 1b... 3 10 0 Wine, 5s (id tier gallon 2!)7 4 9 Do., sparkling, 0s Gd per gallon .. 4:! 10 11 Do., Australian, 4s Oil do. .. _ M) 10 3 Ale and beer, &c., in bottle, Is Gd d 0... 275 13 3 'l ea, 4d per lb 886 8 4 Coffee, chicory, cocoa, chocolate, 3d do. '221 3 0 Sugar, molasses and glucose, id do. .. 12,9'28 7 1 Goods by weight .. .. .. ~ 1,917 13 5 Do., ad valorem, IE per cent .. ... 3,380 1 1 Do., do,, 25 do 301 10 0 Cocoa brans, Id per lb ... .. 0 9 4 Other duties not specified abovo .. 1,520 10 5

Rates or Exchange on .London.—Buying : 120 days, If per cent, discount; 90 days, 1 per cent. discount; 60 days, -jj per cent, discount; 30 days, i per cent. Demand, p;ir. Selling :90 days, i per cent, premium; GO days, J per ceni. premium: 30 days, 1J per cent. Demand, lj per cant. premium. Fixed deposits : 3 months, 4 per cent.; 6 months, 5 per cent.; 12 months, 6 per cent. Ales and Porter.—Marshall's Dumdin Ale (duty paid), in hulk (pale), £5; xxxi, £6. A'o, in bulk (duty paid) per barrel, Bass's, £7; Ashbv's, £8. Ale (in bond) Tennent's, pints, fis lid ; quarts, 8s 9<l ; Bass's Dogshead brand (Read's bottling), pints, 6? 3d ; quarts, 8s lOrl, in bond; Bulldog (K. L'orter and Co's bottling), 6s and Ss ; VV. Youuger's, 5s and 7s 3d ; Ashby's, (is yd to Ss 3d ; Ind Coopo, pints, (is fid ; quarts, 8s 9(1; Bass's (Blood bottlors), pints, 4s ; quarts fis 6(1, Anglo-bavarian : pints 5s fid and Bs. Boar's Head Stout: quarts, Ss 9d; pints, 6s 6(1. Guinness' Ilarp brand by Foster pints, fis; quarts, Bs. Norway ales, pints fis 4d, quarts Ss. Foster's Bugle stout, quarts 9s, pints fis 3dBlood's, pints, 5s ; quarts, 7s; Dogshead, Guinness" (Road's bottling), pints, 6s; quarts, 1 8s 8d; It. Porter & Co.'s bottling, pints fis, quarts 8s: Spark's Moline bottling, 6s to 9s 3d ; Burke's, fis and 9s ; Cameron and Saunders's 7s and 9s fid ; other brands, 5s and 7s (id ; Combo's, quarts, 7s ; pints, 5s 6d. Duty: Pints, Is fid ; quarts, 3s por dozen. Building Materials.—Cement may be quoted at K.IJ. I'.sfi I. Slates: Supply beyond requirements. English Countessos are worth £11 to £12. American, £8 to £10. Plaster of Paris, lis. Baas and Baooino, n.P.—"Woolpacks, full lOlbs., 27 x 54, Calcutta, 2s 3d; Dundeo, none; corntacks, 1-bush., 2jjd lb., Gs 4d to fis 6d. Bread-stuffs and Grain.—Local best silk-dressed Hour, £11 10s; household, £10 10s • Southern brands, £10 6s to £10 10s. Wheat, 3s 8d to 4s. Bran (Southern), £5: local millers' quotations, £6 10s per ton. Sharps,£7 10*; Southern sharps, £.4 IDs. Maize : Local, 4s to 4s 3d; Fiji, none; Wheat, 4s Cd to 43 Oil. Oatmeal, £11 to £15 ; Barley (for malting). 3s 9d to 4s. Oats, 23 Sd to 2s 9d; po»rl barley, £16 to £18. Cabin bread, £15 to tlfi por ton. Cohdaqii, d.p. (Subject to trade discounts);— Manila hemp ropo, all sizes, Sydney, £60 to £70; Auckland made, £70 to £78; wl ilo and lance lines, £80; cutting in falls, £ 0- Now Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £40 Auckland made, £3S to £40; wool lasliifc js, £38 ; clothes linos, 5d per lb., subject trade, discount; .Manila clothes lines, Sd; oakum, froo, ditto, £40; spun yarn two-yarn ditto, £48 to £55; twine, shop, d.p., per lb., 9d to Is 2d ; sewing twino, Is Id por lb.; local make, la to Is 3d. Coal.—Newcastle is sufficient for requirements, 22s 6(1 to 25s at ship's side ; 2as to 31s in yards, may be taken as a fair quotation. Bay of Islands , 13s, at tho mines, is quoted ; Whangaroi coal, 9s 6a; ditto, Waikato, steam, 8s; household, 12s. Coffee and Spices (in bond), per lb.Coylon, coffeo plantation, 9(1 ; do., Fiji, 4d to Cd ; chicory, colonial, 4jd ; cocoa, d.p., Taylor's Is 3d; Fry's Is 3d; Van lioutch's, 3s lod: Epps's, Is fijd; Maravilla, Is fid ; chocolate, Taylor's, Is 3d; Fry's, Is 3d. Spices, d.p.; Cloves, Is lid; bleached ginger, lid ; unbleached do., 9d ; nutmegs, 2s 3d to 2s fid; black pepper, whole, Od; white do.. Is to Is Id. Confectionery.—Local manufacturers are producing good articles, and the consumption is gradually increasing. Waters's colonial boiled, 4 jd: dry, 7(1; jujubes, Is Id; Kuillers assorted confec tions, Did;' Gray's, 9Ad ; candied lemon and orange peel, dp., 10(1; citron, Is 3d; Keillor's 1(1 to Is 2d ; Gray's jujubes, Is to Is Id, Gum, Flax, (fee.—We quote : Poor ordinary, £25 to £30 ; fair ordinary, £32 to £38 ; best ordinary, £38 to £42 : East Coast, "£l9 to £53 ; Flax : First quality, £15 to £21 ; second, £13 to £19 ; tow, £7 to ,C!) per ton. Cocoanut fibre, £15 to £17 ; Cocoanut oil (lino white), per ton, £35. Copra, per ton. £9 to £10. Fungus, Sid. Ironmongery. — Ewbank's nails, invoice, 10 per cent, olf list: galvanized corrugated iron, duty now 4Us per ton, (i, 7, 8 feet. £21, £22, and £23 10s ; 9 feet, £24 ; 10 feet. £25 ; English bar iron, per ton, £9 to £10; pig iron, £4 10s to £5 5s , plate iron, £12 to £13; fencing wire is overstocked, duty 20s per ton : assorted sizes, £13 10s. Sheet-lead, £18; pig-lead, £18 (very scarce); sheet-zinc, £24. Powder, Kaimes', Curtis and llarvny's, 5(1 per lb. ; Hall's. 6(1 to Old, sporting (iii canister), 2s ; for 20 and 24, d.p canister, No. 2, d.p., 3s Cd. Yellow metal, 7-iu; Muntz, 73d to 8(1, duty. Jams, Dried Fruits, <tc.—Duty: Dried fruit, 'id, and preserves, 1 A(l. English marmalade, lib.-tins, duty paid,7s 3d ; Moir's,7s 3(1; Hobartjams, Knight and Johnson, 5s fid to 5s 9(1; Peacock's, 5s 9d ; West's, 5s 4;l ; jars, ()Jd to 7>,d ; Nelson (New Zealand), 5s 93; Anchor, 5 »>,! : sultanas, s}d ; muscatels. Is 2d to Is 4 ! ; olemes,7J(l, season ; currants, &Jd to 5Jd, scarce; tigs, 7d to 8(1; Turkish prunes, 7(1 to 8(1. Dried apples, ordinary, in kegs and casos, 4jd to Did ; Aldan's process, 7Jd to Bd, d.p. Leather and Hides.—Solo leather, lOd to Is 3d per lb.; kips, Is fid to 2s ; runners, 2s 6d to 2s 9d; calf, colonial, 3s to 4s 3d ; basils, 12s to 28s per dozen ; closod uppers, 4s Cd to 9s 3d por pair. Hides, 2}d to 4d; calf skins, 34(1 to 3.5 d per lb.; sheepskins, fid to fis. Manures. —Australian bonedust, £3to £9 ; Auckland, £8 10s ; superphosphate of limn. £7 to £3 ; bonotlour, £8 ; Peruvian guano, £16 to £18 per ton ; animal manure, nono; cocoanut oil cake (none); linseed cake. £12 ; Maiden Island guano, £8; Huon Island guano, £5 to £6 ; Hurst's chemical manure, £14 10s; Freezing Company's sill orphosptte, 32 per cent.. £8 ; 25 percent.. £0 ; corn manure, £8; rort manure, £S 103 ; grass manure, 1 7 10s ; bonedust, £9. Malt and Hops.—English malt no inquiry is experienced. Colonial, 6sfid to 7s. Hops: Nelson, new season, fid to 7d ; glucose, £27 15s to £31 10s, d.p., delivered to brewery. Oilmen's Stores. — Price's Belmont Candles, duty, ltd, 94(1, d.p., per lb.; Brandon's SJd; McLeod's Duneilin of vaiious brands, 4Jd to si't; Orient Candles 9id, d.p.; Atlas t'ar.itlins, 9Jd ; Prices'* National, '.Hil, ('rice's Hattersen, 9Jd. Local blue mottled soap, £2H per ton ; carbolic, £29; host yellow, £28; household, £15; first Crown £26; second Crown, £17 ; soft soap, in tins, 4Ad per 11).; toilet, 9d to lOd por lb.; mould candles, Sd pur lb.; all subject to trade discount. Salt ; Coarse. £3; tine, £3 5" ; Jordan almonds, 2s. Blacking paste, Day and Martin's,4s 9d : Column's starch. No. 1 : white.32s ; blue,34*; Orlando Jones' starch,'iOs. Gill and Tucker's starch, :!0». Mustard, d.p. : t'hampion'sgenuine 1-lb. book-shaped tins, 19s to 19s fid; i-lb. tins, US 3d to 9s 0d; Colman's 1-lb. tins (rod), 10, fid half ditto, 5s 9d ; 7-lh. tins (red to green), 7Ad to Is; 1-lb. tins (green), 13s ; J-lb. dittos 7s fid ; DSP A-lb. tins, 9s 3d ; Keen's, 9s. Bluo : Rcckitt's Thumb, sjd ; Paris, in squares, lOd; Keen's, SAd. Matches : Vestas, d.p., Bryant and May's" 250, per gross, 15s fid; ditto, plaid, 4s to -Is 3d ; ditto, fancy oval, 22s fid Letchford's, 17s; Holland Black's, 15s to 16s; plaids, 4s to 4s Cd; K. Bell and Co., 250's. 15s; plaids, 4?; Oil: Castor, in pints, Ss 3d; half-pints, 4s 9(1 to ss; quarterpints, 3s fid. Salad : C. and 8., pints, 13s to 14s; half-ditto, (is fid; Morton's pints, lis fid; half-pints, 5s 9d. Pickles : Stephens pints, 7s; Crosso and Blackwell's, pints, 12s 9d; Pool's. 9s ; Morton's and others, from 7s fid to Hs. Rice (ground), in tins, 4Jd. Sauces: Lea and Perrin's, half-pints, 12s fid to 12s 9d ; C. and P., half-pints, 9s; Miller's, 7sGd; Stephens', (is fid; Goodall's Yorkshire Relish, (is fid. Vinegar, d.p.: Champion's, per gallon, 2s 4d ; row's, Is 9d to 2s; Evans', 2s 2d; Burnett's, 2s: Potts', Is lid. inegar, case: Champion's, Ss fid ; Burnett's. 7s fid ; Morton's, 7s fid. Treacle : Goldon syrup, 3d per lb. American honey, 2-lb. tins. 12s (id, d.p. Sago, 2jd : tapioca, 2Jd. Cornflour: Brown's, 33d, d.p.: Brown and Poison's, (ijd; Johnston's. 0.U1: Wade's, sa; Mumi s. fid. Preserved milk : Nestle's, 7s fid ; Milkmaid, 7s. Tartaric acid, 2s 3d; cream of tartar, Is Sd; bicarb, soda, 12s ; soda crystals, £7. Oils and Paints.—Duty Cd a gallon. Colza, in drums, 4s 3d; bulk, 3s lOd; linseed, boiled drums. 3s 4(1 ; bulk, 3s 3d ; raw drums, 3s 2(1 ; bulk, 3s ; castor, in bulk, 3s fid ; kerosene, d.p., 130 'est. Is fid ; kerosene, in bond. ISO test, l(id to lid ; 15'» test. Is 3d to Is 4d. White load, ground, per cwt., gonuino, 2(is_; No. 1 white load, 22s ; red lead, dry, £1 10s. Oil colours, assorted, £1 10s to' £1 ISs. Turps, duty paid; drums, 4s to 4s fid ; American, 3s 9d ; whiting, per ton, £4 ss; resin, £8 (overstocked); American carriage varnish, 7s fid to lis por gallon. Provisions.—Cheese -Provincial, 5d to 5Jd; Canterbury, 5d to sld. Salt butter, Bil to 9i(l, for good sound. Rice, i.b.. Rangoon, £12; Japan dressed, £15 to £16. for pareols. Hams and bacon (duty, 2d per lb.); Canterbury bacon and hams (In cloth), sides only, Sd : equal Nog. hams and bacon, Sid ; hams only, loji. Fish : Ling, 4d; preserved red herrings, in tins, 30s to 32s per dozen (2-lb. tins); white, 34s per barrel; Findon haddocks, 10s; lobsters, American, libs.. 9s fid: 21b3., 18s; salmon, lib. cocktail 7s 9d; other brands, 7s ; pickled salmon, 3d ; sardines, quarters, 5s ; halves, 8s fid ; oysters, 6s 6(1 ; mullet (Kaiparu), 6s to 6s 3d. Sugars, d.p. — Brewers' crystals. £30 to £31 ; Mauritius white crystals, £27 to £31 ; Now Zealand Company's Auckland Refinery. d.p., crystal. £31 ; No. 1, £30; No. 2, £28 ; v o. 3, £23; Millaquin, No. 1, £28 10.: N.i 2, £27 10s; English crushed loaf, 4Jd ; California!! crushed, 4J(1; Californian cube, 4d; Fijian rations, i.b., £14 to £18; grey counters, £22; China whites, £28 to £29. Spirits.—: Rouyer, Gouillet and Co., 25s and 8s: Marcellain's, case, 22s fid, IB; flask, 2Ss 6(1; half-flask. 35s fid; quarter-ilask, 53 fid, and in bulk 7s 9d ; llennossy's brandy, bulks 13s fid to 14s; case, 37s fid; Bisquit Dubouche and Co.'s 1 pale, in hlids. and qr.-casks. 7s; Beehive, bulk, 8s; Courvoisior's, case, 345; Otard's, case, 29s (nominal); bulk, 10s fid; Beehive, case, 245; Bisquit, Dubouche and Co.'s, 25s ; Iline's 28s ; bulk, 8s ; Ganticr's, 32s and 10s fid ; Burgaud's, 7s 3d to 7s 9d Muller Frere's, 20s*. Cavalier ore's, 245; J. B. Rene's case, 225; Meukow, 30s and 10s; Senimaud, fis to (is (id; Dessandier's, 22s and 7s fid. Whisky, bulk : Walker's WW, 10s; Greenloss and Colvillo's 5s Cd to Cs 3d, and Greonless and Colvilln's V.0., 8s Cd; case, Rob Roy, 18s; case, Beitli, Ross and Co.'s, fis; Teacher's, 10s ; Vint's bulk, 7s fid to Ss; Vint's case, 20s Cd ; Dunvillo's, 5s Cd ; case, 18s ; Lome Highland, 21s; Rod Deer fis fid to 7s ; case, 19s; Craig, fis fill and 245; Ileddle's old case, 10s Cd; Royal Blend, 21s ; Teacher's old, 265; Encore, 19s ; "Banagher--153 ; Walker's WW, 21s ; Jeraboam, 2Ss ; LL, 22s fid to 235; all in bond. Geneva, proof, 3 gal. lons, JDKZ, 15 bottles, 14s fid ; 20 bottles, 17s fid ; key, geneva, proof, 13s Schnapps, Wolfe's, 21s fid ; Dew of the Alps, ;275. Gin. Booth's, 10s ; Burnett's, lL's. Lowndo' rum, 30 op, 4s to Is 3d ; Red Heart, case, 25s fid; Burnett's case, 225. Kov, 225. Teaehor's white rum, 32s Cd in bulk, d.p. Duty, lis fid. Timber. — Quotations aro as follows; — Kauri boards and scantling cargoes, 100 feet, at mill, f.0.b., East Coast, Ids 9d to 13s ; firstclass ; (is, second-class; at yards, Auckland, 15s6d to lfis fid first-class ; 10s second-class. Flooring, lfis fid to 17s 6(1 first-class; 12s second class ; rusticated, 17s to ISs West Coast, sawn kauri 10s; square baulk, fis 3d to fis 6d ; white pine (kahikatea), 7s; T and G, 9s f.0.b., at mills; at yard, first-class. 14 ; second-class, lis; Hobart palings, & feet, IDs ; 0 feet, 17s; Hobart rails, £3 15s. Tobacco.Duty, 3s 6d. Venus, 14s; three-quarter boxes, Is 4d; cases, Is 5(1; Venus, Navy flat v/ork, Is 6d ; double-thick ditto, Is 6ld ; Ruby; 2s 6Jd ; Victory. 2s; Juno, Is fid ; Unique, Is Cd; low, 10s, 9d to lid; Orion 14's, Is 2Jd; Camorou's Fancy Aromatic, Is 8d ; Standard, Is Id : Josephine, Is IJd ; Over the Water, flat work, all shapes, Is 2Ad to Is 3d. Teas.—Prices range as follows (in bond):—Congous, common, Od to Is Id; middling to fine kinds, Is id to Is 4(1 ; Saryunes and PanyongE, Is 4d to 2s; Souchongs and Chingwo Kaisow' Is 6(1 to 2s 3d. Indian teas are now coming into the market regularly. Prices may be quoted for Semi-broken and Hue Souchong kinds, la Oil to 2s Id.

Wines.—Champagne, duty paid: Porier .Touet an Co., first quality, quarts, 80s; pints, 84s ; halfpints,, 945; second quality, quarts, 61s; pints, OSs; half-pints, 78s. Ingleheim, quarts, 80s; &4s; Meet, quarts, 88s; pints, 90s; Roederer quarts, 100s; pints, 105s; Pol. Roger and Co. 100s and 105s; Adolphe Collins, 60s and 70s ditto extra superior, 70s, SO, St. Huberts Australian, 2s per dozen.

Tho following is a comparative return showing the amount collected at ths port for tho quarters ending respectively June 30, 1SS0, and June 30, iSS5 : — Juuo (jr. 188G. Junoqr. 1SS5. Spirits.. .. .. — 14,911 3 2 Do £17,8'8 8 3 l,0o3 17 0 Do., perfumed .. 43 6 11 43 3 0 Do. .. .. .. •- IS", 8 10 Cigars and snutf .. 1,488 15 7 1,815 13 2 Do., N.Z. .. .. G1 0 0 lis 13 0 Tobacco ... .. 11,731 13 0 12,07.". la C Do., N.Z. .. .. 85 <i 0 10!) 0 0 Do., unmanufactured 07 11 0 — Wine .. .. .. - 875 9 8 Do 914 7 10 125 13 ti Do., spjrkling .. — 94 9 0 Do. ... . . .. 95 3 4 '23 4 1) Do., Australian .. — 151 9 10 Do. .. .. .. 212 10 2 14 1G '2 Ale, beer, Ac., in bottle.. 1,208 10 3 1,528 10 0 Do., in wood.. .. s.» 7 li 2K 17 G Tea .. .. .. 3,0l'8 15 2 4,099 1G 3 Do. .. .. ... — I'M 17 3 Coffee, cocoa. &c. .. 633 1 0 612 11 S Do., roasted .. .. — 1 0 In Sugar and molasses ... 7,725 0 0 27,533 4 8 Goods by weight .. 0728 11) 9 7,512 7 10 Do,, ad valorem, 5 p c. — 25 1'! 0 Do., ad valorem, 10 p.c. — 31 '2 0 Do., ad valorem, 15 p.c. 14,553 1 i 10,9411 11) C Do., ad valorem, 17i i .e. — 95 10 0 Do.,ad valor'm, 20p.c. — 277 12 0 Do., ad valorem, 25 p.c 553 14 0 701 3 9 Cocoa beans .. .. 0 18 8 — Other duties not specified 4114 7 7 3342 4 4

Total 23,457 16 2 Beer duty, £720 19s 8d ; gold duty, £25115s lud. The following is the number, tonnage, and crows of vesiols of each nation entered at this port for the quarter ending Juno 30 From. Tons. Crew. United Kingdom .. 4 sailing vessels 7,030 142 ,, ..3 steamers 0,510 254 New South Wales .. 8 sailing vessels 2,181 03 ,, .. 9 steamers 8,822 535 Queensland .. .. 3 sailing vessels 502 18 South Australia ..1 ,, 049 15 Tasmania ... ..3 ,, 049 23 Norfolk .. •• 3 ,, 228 18 Fiji 1 „ 6." . 3 ,, .. ... 3 steamers 1,869 123 Corraany .. .. 1 sailing vosscl 499 12 America .. ..1 ,, 252 7 Friendly Islands -. 2 „ 344 15 Navigators .. -.2 ,, 107 14 Cook ... .. ... 7 vessels 1,030 73 l'I'.oenix .. -.1 ,, 171 14 Maifthall .. ..1 ,, 100 6 Sandwich .. .. 4 ,, 7,005 37!) Solomon .... 1 >» 02 6 Chesterileld .... 1 » 51 4 Total 61 43,315 1,9)6 Of there 36 were sal ing vossols and 25 steamships, the former being of a tonnage of 13,884 tons and the steamers of 29,431 tons. The following is the number, tonnage, aDd crow of vessels cleared at this port for the quarter ending June 30 :— To Tons. Crew. United Kingdom .. S sailing vessels 2,230 54 „ .. 1 steamer 2,885 125 Victoria .. .. 1 sailing vessels 157 7 New South Wales _. 6 ,, 3,140 04 „ .. 11 steamers 14,561 824 Queensland .. .. 3 sailing vessels 414 17 Western Australia ..3 „ 597 £6 Norfolk Island .. 1 „ 52 4 Fiji 4 stoamors 2,492 171 bengal .. ... 1 sailing vessel 1,589 26 American .. ..2 ,, 1,163 21 Chili 2 „ 1,448 28 New Caledonia .. 1 „ 54 3 Friendly Islands ..3 „ 1,077 49 Navigators .. ... 2 „ 137 8 Cook .. ... ..4 „ 425 22 Phoenix .. .. 1 steamer 171 15 Sandwich .. .. 3 ,, 5,126 276 Austral .. ... 1 sailing vessel 150 0 huwarrow ... ..2 „ 230 13 Total ... .. 64 .. .. 38,193 1,769 Of the above 32 vo»sels, 11,971 tons were sailing vessels, and 22 vessels of 26,227 tons were steamships.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7693, 19 July 1886, Page 15

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7693, 19 July 1886, Page 15

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7693, 19 July 1886, Page 15


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