New Zealand Hsrald Office, Thursday evening. The Customs duties to-day amounted to £1570 2s Cd. Business in a general way is without much alteration. The unfavourable weather has retarded in no small degree communication with settlements along the coast. One of the principal features of the week has been the brisk business in oats, amounting to a rise of about 6d per bushel. The stocks are light, and the demand is possibly in some degree speculative. Dealers are rather excited, and the market unsettled. Transactions for good samples are said to have taken place as high as 3s 7d. In the Soutii the old year's crop is aknost exhausted, and new oat 3 are not yet to hand in any quantity. Dunedin advices on the Bbh instant state that oats are in limited quantity in the North, and not at all in the South, as holders are in no hurry to sell. Good feed sell afc 2s 4d to 2s 6d, and bright milling at 2s 6d to 2s Sd f.o.b. at Lyttelton and Timaru. Kecent telegrams from Dunedin quote good oamplcs at 2s 9d. These price 3 are equivalent to 3s to 33 3d in Auckland. Maize is still scarce. Wheat realises 4s 6d to 4s 9d here. Southern quotations are 4s 6d to 4s 7d f.o.b.
Kauri gum is without material alteration. The supplies have only been 135 tons this month, which is no doubt in great measure due to the small craft being windbouml at the various settlements. Good ordinary is worth 3Gi, but inferior classes are weak. The Antares, which is ready to sail for London, takes over 220 cons ; 180 tonß has been sent from Kaipara to Lyttleton, whence it will be shipped Home. This gum has not yez beon included in the Auckland returns. The news from London is soaiewbiit more cheering, but still the rates do not leave a profit to exporters. One circular, dated January 24th, aays On the 20th instant, 1915 caae3 1 cask and 2 bags were offered by auction, of which 1521 cases were*ex Arahy Maiu, recently arrived; the demand was fair and about 1100 cases sold under the hammer, the prices realised being somewhat irregular, in consequence of thn large number of small lot offered, but generally show an advance of 4s to 5s per cwt, on last sales' rates for the medium and better Borts, brown and dark being again easier ; well scraped selected pale and amber a little transparent sold at £515s to £7 7s 6d ; well scraped pale and amber, 80s to 80s; scraped amber soils, GSs to 795; three-ciuarter scraped pale and amber, Cos Gd to 755; half to threequarter scraped ditto, 52s to 62s ; coated sorts, 403 to 51s; picking* part scraped, 45s to 49s ;
coated and dusty ditto, 32* to 3Ss ; knobs and pieces part scraped, 48s to 595; coated and dusty, 35j ; brown ordinary, 20i to 23a ; brown and dark three-quarter scraped, 47s to 54s ; half to three-quarter scraped, 42s to 465; coated and dusty, 27s to 37s ; chips, fine bold pale, clean, 71s ; good to tine, 49i to 525; fair to good, 44a to 47* ; chips and pieces rather coated, 40s ; brown coaty, 251; dust, fine pale clean, 365; good to fine. 24s 6d to 32a ; fair, 20s to 24a ; brownish, 10s to 18s ; low brown oartby and coaty chips and dust, 4? Gd to Ss Gd. Stocks, 31st December, 1881, 1136 tons, against 700 tons 8 imo time lastyeir ; I-mdeJ January-December, 2572 toun, agaiu>t 2110 tans same time last year; delivered Janunrj-December, 2140 to::s, a;;.lias! 1705 ions same time last year; l:nded during December, 458 tons; de* I livered during December, 155 tons. We quote from another dated January 26:— Here the market h very tirm, and at the I auctions last week, when 2000 cases were | offered, quite half found buyers at full prices | to 2s aud 3a advance.
1331. 1330. 1579. 1378. 1377. Imports, tons .. '2,0;0 2,100 1,400 1,500 1,700 Deliveries .. '2.100 I,SOO 1,800 1,700 I.GOO Stocks ~ .. 1,100 700 400 800 1,003 Advices frooi New York are not so encouraging. One correspondent says that he does not see how K«*t can profitably be assorted at the priced which have been ruling. As to the trade generally, he says he cannot get a new dollar for an old one, meaning that there ia barely margin for profit. Several article* of American trade are higher, notably slates, resin, C'\Ring3, and axo handles. Oars are£ cent, per foot higher. j English advices show that several items of J the iron trade have advanced. Corrugated iron has risen 15a per ton, being now £18 10a. The stocks are low here, so that the market has responded, shipments being worth about £25, and smaller lots £26 to £27. Bar iron has also risen £1 per ton, and cut and wire nails 103 per ton at Home. Bedsteads are also up 5 per cent. With the exception of corrugated iron, there has been no appreciable change iu ironware here, but there is a firmeritone. The mail also brings intelligence that the discount on hollowware has beeu reduced o per cent. ' There is an easier feeling in oils and paints. The sharemarket has been quiet, and but little business has been done in binks end insurances. Banks : New Zealand, buyers, £23 15s : Colonial, 9J, buyers, 48s Gd. Insurances '.—Nationals are inquired tor at 32s Cd ; South British are slightly easier, there being sellers at Gls Gd ; Accidents have been placed in considerable parcels at 3a 9d. New Zealand j Laans huve improved, sales having been effected i at £5 17s Gd to £6. Auckland Gas shares are in fivour: Sales, £10 10s to £10 12s 6<i; buyers, £L 0 10* ; sellers, £10 15*. A few ailc3 of Union Sash and Doors have taken place at ; sellers :tt thas price. Auckland Timber shares are inquired for at £6 17s 0d ; sellers, £7. Heleusviilc Timber shares have been done at par ni»'l Is above. Taupiri Coal are inquired for at 12s Gd. Devonuort Ferry shares (10d paid up) vere quitted at 10s 3d to 12s 3d, afterwards receding to 10s Gd. Several sales of New Zealand Drugs have taken place at 25s to 25s 4d. Mining has not beeu brisk. There is a little better feeling in Caledonians, sales having been effected at lGs 3d to 17s. Moanataiaris have been sold at lGs, and there aro sellers at that figure. Golden Crowns have changed hands at 12s Gd to 12s 9d. Southern Crosses are infor at 3s Gd. Deep Level Tributes have been pretty lively at 5i to Bd. Notwithstanding the favourable accouuts from the Tokatew. mine, Coromandel, the shares are drooping, there being sellers at 12s. Home Rules have been sold at Gs Gd to G«. IMackwoTe 1 s have been enquired for atCs 01. Te Aroha mines are in demand, and there are buyers of the following : — Eureka, £35 per sh.tre; Coquette, £15; Victoria, £25; Diamond Gully, £70 ; New Fiud, 5s per scrij.- share. Butter and Eiigs.—Butter ia very deficient in quality, the weather rendering its production in marketable condition x-ery difficult; Si to lOd is being given according to quality. Kggs are not plentiful, aud Is Gd is the general .price. Messrs. E. and A. Isaacs held, on Wednesday, au exlensire sale of city property, the attendance being very large, and the bidding exceedingly spirited. Messrs. Hull Brothers' freoiiold stores, Qu«e«-sfcreefc, brought £4000 : their bonded stores, £2500 ; the allotments, Rutlandstreet, realised froui £22 to £30 per annum ; the allotments near the dock, from £21 to £2G per foot per annum. The value of the of the barque Autares, now ready to sail for London, is :—
Wool. SOD bales, .£19.004 ; kauri gum, 2151 cases. 223 tons, £0535 ; manganese, 155 tons, £4G5 ; taru&kaha bark, 5 tons, £25 ; kauri timber, 102 pieces, £200 ; horns, £25 : shank bones, £25 ; personal effects, 1 box £40; butter, ouOlbs., £10; rags, 14 bales, £83; curios, 4 packages, £23 : sperm oil, 3 tuns, 194 gallons,. £171; phormium. 382 bales, 45 tons, tISOO ; c >prn, 107 ton", £lotf>; pearl shell, 132 cases, 10 tons. £030; leather, 2 bales, £i}f>: co'.ton, 113 packages, £193'-); talLw, 17G casks, 58 tons, £IG9G: jam, 4 eases, £11; tree seeds, .C 25 ; meats, 2 cases, £2 ; printed books, 3 boxes, £fi; arrowroot, 1 case, £5 ; sundries, 2 boxes, £4: total, £ifi,343.
Gardes' and Orchard Produxe.—Wholesale: Apples, local, Id to 3d per lb.. Pears, per lb., 2d to 3d: Lemons, per doz., Is Od to 2s; Onions, per lb., ijd to Id ; Cauliflowers, per doz., Is 3d to 2s Gd; Cucumbers. per dor., 9d to Is; Oranges, Sydney, per ease, 12s to 15s 9d; Bananas, per lb., 2d to 3d; "Walnuts, 9d; Green Peas, per peck, Is to Is fid; Plump. 3d to Gd; Rhubarb, per doz., 2s to 3s; French Beans, per peck, Is; Poaches, per doz., 3d to Gd; Figs, per doz., Is; Blackberries, per b., Gd; Filberts, per lb., 91; Tomatoes, per Id., Id: Grapes, per lb., 4d toOd : hothouse, do., Is; Passion fruit, per doz., 3d ; <,»uinccs. per lb., 1-W. Retail: Passion fruit, per doz., Cd ; Quinces, per lb., 3d; Peaches, per doz., Ud to Is; Filberts, per lb., Is Od; Tomatoes, per lb.. 2d; Grapes, per lb., 9d to Is fid ; Figs, per doz., Is fid., Blackberries, per lb., 9d; Lemons, per doz., 3s to 3s; Oniohs, per lb., 2d; Cauliflowers, per doz., 23 to 4s; Bananas, per lb., 4d to fid ; Apples, do., 3d to Gd; Pears, 4d to Gd ; Walnuts, Is 31: Green Peas, per peck, 2s; Plums. 4d to Od ; Rhubarb, per bundle, 4d to Gd ; Freuch Beans, 3d ; Cucumbers, Id to 2d each.
Floor Market.—TFftotesaJer Superfino Flour, silk dtessed, per ton, £12 to £13; do., do., household, £11 to £11 10s; hundreds 10s., fifties 203., per ton •xtra, sacks and bags free; Southern, do., £11 to £il 10s; Bran, per ton (sacks included) local, £»j; Southern, do., £G; Sharps, £G, do., £5 10s to £fi; Cabin Bread, do., £18 ; Oatmeal, do., £12 to £12 10s ; Pearl Barley, do.. £17 to £13 ; Bread, per 2lb. loaf, 3d. Farm a.vd Dahiv Produce.—miotesale : Butter, fresh, Sd to lOd ; Butter, salt, fid to 7d; Cheese, local, ojd; Canterbury, do., 5d to fid; Eggs, per doz., 13 Gd : Lard, par bladder, Gd to 7d ; Bacon and Hums, Provincial, 5d to 7d ; Hams, 7d to 9d ; Canterbury Hams and Bacon, in cloth, B}d ; Jains, per case, 5 doz., £1 15s to £1 17s Gd. lietail: Milk, per quart, 4d ; Butter, fresh, lOd to Is : salt do., 9d; Cheese, colonial, do., ad to lOd; Eggs, per doz., Is 9d; Lard, per lb., 5d toSd; Fowls, caeh, 2s Gd to 3s; Ducks, do., 2s to 2s 9d ; Geese, do., 4s fid to Gs Gd ; Turkeys, do., 5s to 7s; Bacon, per lb., lOd to Is; Hams, do., Is to Is 4d. Hay and Corn Map.kkt.—Wholesale: Maize, 5s Gtl to 5s 0d ; Oats, 3s 3d to 3s Gd; Wheat, fowl, 3s 9d to 4s; Barley, 3s to 3s Gd; Hay, meadow, per ton, pressed. £5 to £6; Lucerne, do.. £G to £ti 10s; Straw per load, ISs to £1 10s; Chatf, £3 10s to £5; Hay, oaten, £5 to £5 10s; Clover, £5 10s to £(>; Potatoes, per ton (bass included), £2 10s to £3 10s. Itetail: Maize, per bushel, Gs to Gs 3d ; Oats, do., 3s Gd to 4s; Bran, per lOOlhs., Gs Gd; Wheat, fowl, per bushel, 4s Gd to ss; Barley, feed, do., 3s Mto 4s; Hay, perewt., Gs to Gs Gd ; Lucerne, do., 7s Cd to & ; Oaten, do., 6s to 7s ; Straw, do., 3s to 4s; Chaff, do., 5s Gd to Gs; Potatoes, 3s fid to 4s. Kauri Gum axu Flax Market.— Gum is without ranch alteration. Receipts for March so far, about 135 tons. The following quotations approximate to present rates -—Fair ordinary, £33 to £34 ; good ordinary, £35 to £30; East Coast, £44 to £4G. Flax per ton, £13 to £21: Tow, do., £7 to £9 ; Fungus per lb., 3d ; Cocoanut Fibre, per cwt., 15s to 17s; Beeswax, per lb 'SEKDri.—lai-;erne, Is 3d ; White Clover, per lb-, Is to Is Id ; Ked Clover, per lb., Ud to lOd; Cowgra-s, per lb., Is 2d; Alsyke, per lb., Is to Is 2d; Trefoil, per lb., 7d to Sd ; i'imothy, per lb., ad ; Itape, per lb.. 4d to fld; Purplc-top Aber. Turnip, per lb., Is 3d ; Green-top Aber. Turnip, per lb., Is 3d ; Green Globe Turnip, per lb., Is ; Prairie Giass, per bushel, 7s to ; Kyegras3, per hushel, Gs Gd to 7s Gd ; Cocksfoot, per bushel, about 7s fid to 3s fid. Coal and Firewood Mauket.— Coal: Newcastle (ship's side), cargo, 30s to 33s per ton : yard, 3Gs to -10s r liav of Islands, at yard*, 22s to 245: screened, 2«s ; ditto at the mine, 12s; ship's side. 19s to £1. Waikato, at mine, 5s ;in Auckland, lGsfid to 20s. Knmo, 0s p*r ton at loadiny ground. Taupiri at mine, Gs Gd to 10s; at yard, 20s to 2Gs. Whangarei, at mine, 8a Gd; yard (steam), 17s: household, v.s. Miranda, at yard (household,), 1.55; steam, ISs. Firewood : Uncut .at wharf (cargo), Ss Gd to 9s Od por ton; delivered, 13s ; cut. 14s to 10s. Uuilpinu Matekials —Timber: Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., best, 14s Gd to lf»s; second class, 10s; best planed, tonguod aud grooved, lGs Gd.
Mr. Alfred Buckland'.s "Wekklv RF.ronT.--At the Haymarket on Friday March 10, fodder was in fair supply, and brought from 2a to 4s Gd per cwt.; small 10-ds, lis to 'i7i; and straw, 2tfs to27s per load. There were a largo number of horses yarded, including a dr*ft from Wanganui; these consisted, principally, of
active medium drafts, and of a fair class. Competition was good throughout the sale, and nearly all were cleared at prices which satisfied the vendors. Heavy draught colts brought from £33 to £34; medium draught colts, £12 10s to £18; active medium draughts (broken), £1015s to £25155; light harness horses, £12 to £25; and a number of hacks and ponies, £5 to £16155. At the Haymarket, on Tues-* day, hides were pitched in larger number than average. ' The greater part brought from 3d to 3gd, bat a choice lot realised 4£d the lb. Sheepskins were also in full numbers, priccs ranged from Cd to 2s Id each ; wool, 6i}d to the lb. At Drury, on "Wednesday, there was a good muster of stock of* all descriptions, cattle, sheep and horses. There was steady bidding throughout the sale, at fully late values, and all brought forward sold. At Itemuera, on Thursday, store cattle were in fair enquiry. Those of Messrs. Ileece's were not offered, the severe weather having prevented their shipment. Dairy cows were in better enquiry, pricesfor good animals ranged from £7 to £10. Fat calttc were at llrat dull of sale, but rallied as the sale proceeded, and last week's values were fully sustained. Fat sheep were in moderate supply only, but lover about Cd per head, but store sheep were in good demand at late values. Fat lambs of good quality were in moderate numbors and brought from 10s to Us each ; store lambs, from 4s 9d to 6s. Full market of medium sized fat pigs brought from 23s to 35s each. 1 Messrs. Hunterand Nolan's Weekly Report.— Horses; There was an improvement in the market as compared with the previous week. Only a moderate number were brought forward at the Durham Yards on Friday, but there was steady competition, and almost without exception those offered were disposed of at an advance on the previous week's prices. Cattle : A good many have been brought forward. The demand has been good, and above an average number have been disposed of. At the Newmarket Yards, on Tuesday, there was a full supply of fat stock, a moderate one of dairy cows, and stores were but meagerly represented. Prices for both dairy and fat stock had an upward tendency—2ls per lOOlbs. was reached for a few choice animals, well fatted and liirht weights, but during the market prices were unfrequently over 20s per lOOlbs. Sheep: The Newmarket Yards were well filled on Tuesday, both with fat and store sheep. We quote—Stores, ewes, 8s Cd to 10s 3d; wethers, 7s t>d to 12s 9(1; fat wethers, from 12s Od to lGs 6d; lambs scarce, and sold at from 5s to 13s. Pigs: Very few yarded, and description inferior; prices nominal. ' THAMES. ! Mehhiw. Banks and Co.'s Weekly Report—(By Telegraph.)—At Parawai, on Thursday, the number of fat cattle yarded exceoded any of our previous markets. Although varying much in sizq and weight the quality was unimfonnly good. Notwithstanding the extra number sold, prices suffered no decline from late rates, being steady throughout the sale at 22s to 22s 6d per lOOlbs. Sheep were in full supply, and sold freely. .Napier wethers of nice quality making 14s to 15s. Sd each, or 2|d per lb. Lambs were scarce ; those offered, being good, made high figures, ranging from 15s 3d to 18s 62 each.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 6343, 17 March 1882, Page 4
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2,853COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 6343, 17 March 1882, Page 4
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