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______ Tenders. - T liI'ARU HARBOUR BOARD. | BBEAK WATER. Written "Je*4«.-s will be received up to 4 o'clock on i t MONDsY, /sly J, 1873, for the Construction of a Mole 300 feet long. Tendtts to b« addressed to the Chairman of ( Harbour Board. ' „ Wans and sproi cations can be seen at tbe Harbour Board Offices, TsaMtru, Aucklaad, and Dunedlu ; and atthe Paulic WoAs Offices, dlington smd Christararch. !i- i Copies of Specifications and Lithographic Plans ; ' 1 ® obt ained ob forwarding £3 to th« Secreta-y li , or the limarH Harbcat Borrd. ' i ao^tacL We,t ° T a " y 4 " l,der n«i necessarily ke ' JOBN GOOr»ALL, i Engineer Timaru Harbour Board. JgTOK SALE BY TENDER? On* or ths Bkst IXMPEXf BI7SINK?SES IN NEW Z P 4JLAWD. I.v wsAssjeiitjjßsTui o;»J. M'Dowklb- k Co The Trusted' LiT (m by Tender, the r ; STOC3&-HMTR4DE and FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PREMISES Beloagins to It, situ Ued in Lambton Quay and Wiliis-struet, Wollington. Terms :— Cash: balance by Bills at 3j 6, 9, and IB months, said bills to bear satisfactory endorsement A crossed-cheque for £500, as a deposit, to be lodged with e»ch tender. Tenders to ba lodged with the Trustees in the Estate, at Wellington, not later than 15th July, and ' the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Full particulars, regarding the Siock, Premises, and Trading, can be obtained upon application to the undersigned. Ji S. M. THOMPSON, > _ P. DONALD, / Trustees. Wellington, May 21, 1878. Bright smile gold mining COMPANY (LIMITED), COROM INDEL. Tenders are invited for the erection of a Five (5) Stamper Battery, with Turbine Whee', Tables, Berdan and all Appliances to be"eirected upon the Bright Smile Cl&ioi,.Coroiuande!. Tenders accompanied by specifications will bs received at the Company's office up to the Sixteenth Day (16th) July next. The Mine Manager will shew intending contractors over the ground and supp'y eveiy information. P. McTAVI-SR, 39, Insurance Buildings. --ecretfcry. Auckland, 21st June, 1873. fJIENDERS FOR STEAMER Tenders for Building a Steamer for the Patea Steam Shipping Lompany are invited to be sent in to the Chairman of tbe above Company. Plans andl specification t may be seen at the office of V,, j ' Ke< l-' Hay.rrarket, Auckland. lenders will close at Patea at 5 p.m. on TUESi j U -'/ Telegraphic leaders will be accepted if received on above date. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. E. McRAE, Chairman. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of aSCHOOL-HiiUSF. *t HTTNTLY, WAIKATO and will be rec ived at the Office of the Education Board, W yndham-street, Auckland, not later than noon of WEDNESDAY, 10th July next. Plans and specifications to be seen at the Office of the Board or oa application to the District School Cemaiittee, Huntly. VINCENT E. RICE. Secretary. rpENDERS for LINING and PAINTING 1- the HARRISVILLE SCHOOL will be rrceivel by the undersigned not later than MONDAY, ltt July. Specification at the School. ARTHU ft BROWN, filialrmar. gnVifir.! — fjio BUILDERS. Terderswill rece'.ved np to Noon on MONDAY, the 24th instant, for Alteration in connection with the Telegraph Department in the Past othce and Custom House Building, Auckland. Plans, &c , at my office, Queen-street. EDWARD MAHONEY, Architect. rjpO BUILDERS. Tenders will be received, up to noon on THURSDAY, the 27th instunt, for Additions to Brick Prei mises in Wyndham-street. Plans, fc?., at my office. : EDWARD MAHONEY, Architect. r|7o BUILDERS. Tenders will be received by the undersigned, until 4 p.m. of ERIDAY, the 28'h instant, for the Erection and Completion of a Granary in Albert— trret. Plans and speciScations at my ottice, next the > Union Bank, Queen-street. P. HERA PATH, . Architect. Seeds, Produce, &c. The hay market, 105, QUEEN-STREET. :. OLOVER AND Q.RASS gEEDS, FOR SALE, OF THE FINEST QUALITY, AS FOLLOWS :— | White Clover Red Clover ! Cowgrass A lskye Lucerne Rape Timothy Trefoil Cocksfoot Otago Ryegrass Poverty Bay Ryegrass Pukekohe Ryegress ! Italian Ryegrass Kentucky Blue Grass Red Top If at; tail Crested Dogstail Meadow Foxtail j Meadow, Sheep, jnd other Fescues, &c. Also, BONEDUST, i-inch, J-inch, anl Sydney and a- American BONE FLOUR, GUANO, jtc. PRESSED MEADOW and OATEN HAY. ALFRED BUCKLANP. )I "ROBERT gRE WIN'S A UCKLAND S eed D epot > ld REMOVED n- - NEXT TO THE S, l*> d " UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA. B, ne i ' *' Publications. _ ]VT AP 0F THE NORTH ISLAND 0F ijA NEW ZEALAND. - Compiled from the best Official Map of the A Colony, issued by the Public Works Department, and containing the Latest Information. !e ' The Map is 35 x 25 inches, and is suited for varnishing and mounting. On it are marked the boundaries of the various counties In the North Island, tbe different settlements, rivers, lakes, harbours, and trigonometric il stations, as well as the lines of rail £g* way that are open for traffic, those in course of con struction, lines surveyed and proposed, roads madi to and those partly made. It also indinat's tho qualit; 3e '" of the soil at various places, the character of th md vegetation on the surface, the existence of gold, ho rey springs, oil springs, and other useful information. J-d rod xo, S<; hskd &t the Herald Office, and of the lfn * „ , . Bookseller?. PRICE SIXPENCE.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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853Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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