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: Business Cards. Alex. kbhs ao y, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, Njext Albert Hotxl, Qceen stHiitl, auqslajte. A. KENNEDY befn to anncunt* that he hag Commenced Business ia the above-nfia!*) premises where he will be glad to welcomn all Auckland and Thames Customers. Every description of Cellars and .Harness made to order. Worses carefully tttsd. AND Z P. US B T, # Late M. Hortmt Busby, BLIND MAKKBS4 WIRE WORKERS YiNtnAl - CORNER OF COOK AND ®BEYSTRE3TR CAPTAIN PHILIP JOIVES, GENERJti MARINE SURTEYOR, Ssweyor to Mess»i3; tsha*, SavilJe r and Co., and to the-Caiifornian Boa*l> of Underwriters, Ship Valuator for3ale or Purchase,. In-peator of New ard Old Vessels, building or repairing, has served two years in a SSfpbnilding-yanJ in threat Britain. Marine Arbitrator; Offices on tha Nerth Shore Ferry T, Wharf. Auckland,. March 4, 1876. £* 3. HUTCHINSON, * i AOITNT; 4 * X/ywm QUEKN-sTtfitET,'' AUCKLAND. IJI L. PRIME, House and L*nd . • Office: No. 29, Inwanc* Company's Bnildngs, Queen-street. j FISHER & C 0.,, Wholesale Shipping snd Family BUTCHERS, adjoining Bank of New Zealand, Queen-street, Auckland. j Poultry of all kinds dressed to order. Prime Smoked Tongues, Homo-earod Bacon. Corned Beef ' on sale in large Calves' Renneta. N.B.—Dealers la Game, Live Pheasants forwarded to all parts of the colonies, on receipt of order Families waited cn in town or suburbs. FG. EWINGTON, • INSURANCE AN© ESTATE AGENT, 81, QuKKN-STRKira, Auckland. Established Eleven Years. Rents and interest collected in town and country. Book Debts bought or collected on commission. Properties for Sale. Houses to Let. Money to Lend. R. M c N A B, * Wholesale fc Retail FAMILY &ROCER, 30, QUEEr - -STREET. H3.3HIPPING SUPPLIED, jm j / JJENRY KEANE, i 7 THISTLE HOTEL, Queen-street, Auckland. FINEST BILLIARD ROOMS IN THE COLONY. JC R A I G , • . FORWARDING AGENT, Wholesale and Retail Cord and Firewood Merchant 4c.—On Sale, Newcastle, Wangarei, and Bay of Islands Coal, Tea-tree Firewood (Cut and Uncnt)Tanks, Charcoal, Ballast, Hobart Town Posts, Rails, Shingles, and Palings, Sacks, Sc. Fort-street, a tick, and. H. SHEPPARD k CO., WINE, SPIRIT, AND GENERAL MERCHANTS, GISBORNE. ! JC. P E L H AM J 49, Victoria-street. Every Desfilption of Ladders, Steps, Barrows, Barrow Wheels, Travelling Chests, Clothes Boxes Clothes Horres, &c., en hand or made to order. A liberal discount allowed on wholesale orders an t contractors taking a number of barrows. N.B.—Ladders, steps and barrows lent on hire. Cash buyer of kauri rickers, suitable for making ladders. TUT R. F. LAST, SURGEON-DENTIST. Artificial Teeth supplied, from one to a full set. on the new principle of self-adhesion, totally dispensing with the customary unsightly fastenings. Teeth scaled, stopped, and extracted. Ad 'resi - 40, W ELLE3 LEY - STRE ET, Two doors above Albert-street. MR. SANDERS, HOMCEOPATH (Late Medical Attendant to the Sydney Infant Home), Has Resumed Practice, 44, Shortland street, from 10 till 2. RR E E V E S , • WHOLESALE, FAMILY & SHIPP:NG BUTCHER, Corner of Victoria and Citapel-s>trf.etß. FAMILIES IN TOWN OR SUBURBS WAITED UPON DAILY. Shipping Supplied upon tbe Shortest Notice. ALL MEAT GUARANTEED. Corned Beef in Stock. / rpHOS. J. HARBUTT. Wholesale Brush Manufacturer, i VICTORIA-STREET EAST, A UCKLANP. rjl O WOOL GROWERS, &c., &c. Th§ undersigned are Cash Purchasers of all decriptions of WOOL, SKINS, HIDES, &c., &c., At highest market rates. Wool Scoured, Classified, Re-packed, &c., foi Exporters, at moderate prices. B. GITTOS & SONS. WILLIAM IiRKINGTON, CONSULTING ENGINEER, Canada Buildings, Qukbn-strebt. X*T AENOCK BROTHERS, * * SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURERS, Cox's Chiee, Richmond. K3T Office—Durham-strekt, Auckland. Cash Purchasers—Tallow, Wool, Sheepskins anc Bones. On Sale—Bonedust; our own manufacture, guaran teed free from adulteration. \TTJ- PHILLIPPS AND SON ▼ ▼ « OIL, COLOR AND GLASS MERCHANTS Importers of Paperhangings, Scrim, Paints, Oila Tnrpentiae, Colors, Varnishes, French Polish, Gold leaf. Artists' Colors and Brushes: Plate, Sheet, Crown Oma-nental and Photographic Glass; Picture Pram and Tapestry Mouldings; Clock and Compass Olasset Glasel Sashed, Doors, iStc. GLtst Ov.t to Size, end carefully P&ck .d. % 4 97. yIJKKN'-C'RKKT Conveyances. REID'S AUCKLAND & ONEHUNGi 'B U 8. TIME TABLE. ' Leaves Auckland : Leaves Onehunga: (Opposite Greyhound Hotel) (Hardington's Llote 8.45 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 1 p.m. 5.45 p.m. Sundays : 10 a.m. 4.30 p.m. WCROW T H E I • VICTORIA LIVERY & BAIT STABLE! (Corner of Lome and Weliesley-sire«ts. Patronised and appointed Livery Stable-Keeper ! the Duke of Edinburgh and His Exc< lency Sir G. F. Bowen. For Hire—A great variety of Carriages, open ai close ; Broughams and Wedding Carriages, with Gr if Horses ; liug»iss, single and double-seated, hood' I- and open, for single or pair ol Horses ; F oui-whee". i- Dog Cam ; Breaks for picnic parties ; Covored Of ,t veyacces for driving passwagers to out-district Lisk«ies' and Gentlemen's, &C.. Sc. Chjri&i Moderate.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
Word Count
757Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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