PASSK?ra£R3 IXWAKDS. Pel , s.s. " AVon-ia, from Sydney : — For Auckland — Captain Aiullcj Coolc, Messrs. J. Murks, K. Tliorne, IT. Jliu-sb, F. G. Sutpv, 13. J. Owen, Captain Mv.efai-luno, and two "in the steerage. Through passengers Per ship Queen Bee, from London: — Saloon : Mr. John Slater, Harriet, Sarab, Florence M., and John Slater ; Tliomus and Elizabeth Muselk-ld, Mr. B. Cox, Captain Jones, Mr. J. G-tllmaii. Second cabin : P.ob'.rt Conn ; Thomas, Ami, AVilheniiiin, "Richard, and Hannah Jeffcott; Lutlia, Emma 0., and William h. GufT; George Longhinore, AU-XiiiiderStophen, and William Warren. Stcer.iae : K. li. and Maria Tmf-fu-d ; Kiphatd, Mery i<., and Edwin Tom MaseficM: Ann, Sarah. :\:u\ Emma M. Barker ; Edwin A. W. A very, Ann Parfilt ; John, Eliza, Jol'.n, Ann, and Caroline Pavis ; a. "W". llanishaw ; and Matilda Johnston ; William Lniiibert ; John, Elizabeth, Klizabeih, Elizabeth S., Atjnes I'., Henrietta, and Fanny Baltimore ; Mary A., Jane, and Letitia Cameron ; Alfred H. ilauuett; Elizabeth, Ernest H., and Calhurine Serdsfield ; T. Scd"wick : James, Marian, and David Shaw. Per barque Bella liary, from Hobart Town : —Messrs. W. Chepuell," C. McMahou, F. W. Marks. Per 5.5. City of Melbourne, from Honolulu : For Auckland : Mrs. ii. Hell, Mrs. W. James, Mr. T. Henderson, Mr. A. Stevenson (Mail Agent), saloon. Second cabin : Mr. J. \Y. Atkinson. Steerage, 5. For Svdnoy — Dr. W. G. Strong, Mr. W. \V. Allison, Mr. C. 11. Barton, Mrs. C. K. Darton and two c'.iildren, Captain Berrill, saloon. Steerage, 12.
Per Company's s.s. James Palersori from Svdnev: —Misses E. Palmc-rslon and Walkei-, Mrs. Pridet, Misses M. Hanly and Smith, ?.Ir. Alexander, Mr. and ilr=. Burns, Mr. and }Irs. Berrr, Hiss lierry. Miss A Borrv, Miss King, the Very Reverend Father W. McDonald, Kev. J. Goiilden, Ker. A. Keid, Messrs. Pownall, McMiilan, J. Henry, V.'alUer, F. ,T. Clay, J. Warb'.irlon, Bodn;an, J. Cjivper, T. Jones, ami sixteen in the steerage. Per schooner Success, from Norfolk Island : —Kev. C. U. Brook, Mr. Bateman, raid one native. Per soiiooner Golden Isle, from the Fijis : — Capt. Lombard, Capt. Morgan, Mr. Summers. Per schooner Aurora, from South Sea Islands .—Mr. Kattray. Per steamship Hero, from Sydney and Melbourne :—From Melbourne —Saloon : Mr. and Mrs. Heslar, 2 children, and servant; Mrs. Booker, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. and Master Grey, Messrs. D. Brigham, J. Masters, Hillsden, and ii?: in the steerage. From Sydney— Salmon : Mr. and Mrs. L. Samuel and infant, ]\lrs. Wallace, Miss Isaac?, Mr. Houston, Mr. W. Crtiickshanli, Mr. Wheeler, and eight in the stcerajj". Per schooner Ltv'.itia, froiu the Fijia : — Warren. 3'urhig the passage, Mr. U-illimui, a p.issenger ar.d part owner of tho \ vessel, died; par'.iuulars in our local columns. Pit barrjue Duke of ICdin.biirgli, from IVeweastle : -A. E. Bird, John, Lewi?, and James JJroaubejil. PAS6ENG-F.ES 0 UTWARDS. Per mail steamer Wonija V» r ongu, for Honolulu: —From Auckland to Honolulu: Saloon — Mr. and Mrs. . Clarkson, Mr. T. Clarkson, Mr. \Y. A. Hunt, .Mrs. Massry and child, Mr. and Mrs. Tinin-y, I.liss Smith, Messrs. Gilmor, Finlay, "Morrison, and the Hon. Vivian (2). Steerage—Messrs. NVel.-h, Soreston, Forsyth, Cochrane, Cliucs, J. AleKinsey, W. McKinsfv, Mulier. Ellison, Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. iLurih, Miss'Anderson From Southern Ports—Mr. and Mrs. Finnis and child, Miss Smith, Mr. J. G. Cole, Mr. Kaye (mail agent). From Australia —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews, Mr. Prior, Mr. and Mrs. T. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Captain Stapleford, Messrs. F. Peel, Lilburn, ,T. K. Morgan, D. Barnard, S. Farrar, A. Fourcade, C. Hamburger. Second cabin : Mr. nnd Mr?. Pickling, Mr. A. H. Prince. Steerage : 27 adults and 3 children.
Per ss. John Penn, for Sydney:— Saloon : Mr. and Mrs. Cracroft and child, Sir. Dornwell, Mr. Thomson, iiiss Broivjileigh. Steerage, Mr. aud lire. La Rocho aud two children, Mr. CiLron and three children, Messrs. Hester, Martin, P. Leahy, Thos. Leahy, and Glas3. Per clipper barque Novelty, for Sydney : — Mrs. Sceats, Mrs. Nathan and two children, Mrs. Burnett, Thos. Smith, Mr. Blanche, U. Franks, M. Burns, Mrs. Burns and two children, Hr. and Mrs. Nathan and five children, Mr. A. Eobeilson, Alex. Mclntosh, E. Jones, James Luke, John Davey, J. Smith, B. Lynn, W. Foster, Mrs. Gleeson. Per 5.3. City of Melbourne, for Sydney: — From Auckland—Mr. H. S. Meyers, Mr. Siddowes, Mr. and Mrs. Richards and family, and 5 in steerage. Per barquo Bella Mary, for Newcastle:— Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and 2 children, Mrs. Downey and child, Elizabeth CliiTord. Per s.s. James Palcrsou, for Fijis:—Saloon— Messrs. Heath, Ellis, Hays, Aukers, Bucholz, Mr. and Mrs. Bate, four children, Mr. Wylie, Mr. George. Steerage—Messrs. Roed, Stuart, D. Boss, A. Hoss, Macintosh. Per s.s. Hero, for Sydney :—Saloon : Mr. and Mrs. Wigram, Dr. Gilmau, Mies Brown, Mr. W. Buchanan. Steerage: Messrs. Pa«*e, Sheffield, Cultrcss, Wilson, Daniels, Thomson, Jamicson, Marks, McGregor, McDonald, Eitzgibbou, Whitelaw, Lawlor, Jeirold, Beck, Coleman, Corlett, Lewis, Coney, Young, Turner, Smith, Brown, Kerr, Eitzjomee, Tripman, Jones, Smith, Robertson, Murray, Mrs. Bailey and two children, Mr, and Mrs. Cuttressj Miss Clothcsworth.
EXPORTS. Per s.s. John Penn, for Sydney via Port Waikato : 50,000 feet timber, order. For Port WaiUato : 2 crates crockery, 3 cases glassware, A. S. "Webeter; 5 boxes gold (5,911 ounces 4 dwts. 13 gra.), Oriental Bank. Per s.s. Wonga "Wouga, for Honolulu—llG coils rope, Macfarlanc ; 500 ditto, 12 casks, Buller; G casks brandy, Cruicksliank, Smart, and Co. ; 1 ease hardware, T. and S. Morrin ; and original cargo from Sydney and Melbourne.—ll. M. Jervis, agent. Per No IS'oba, for A'andi Bay : 2 eases hardware, 3 bales cottons, 10 boxes tea, 8 bags sugar, G casks beer, 4, nests cedar chests, E. Ellington ; 013 feet timber, 1 ton potatoes, agent; 2 boxes, Compton ; 4 ton salt, 3 kegs nails, 12 oars, J. S. Macfarlane (agent). Per barque Novelty, for Sydney : 200 hnlf case? sreneva, L. D." Nathan and Co. ; 158 bales ilax, J. B. Koberls ; 5 ditto wool, B. Gittos ; 76 cases gum, Thome, 300 ditto ditto J. S. Macfarlane; IGO piccc3 skirting, 12 bundles mouldings, Sasli and Door Co.; 1 case, Henderson.—Henderson it Macfarlane agents. Per City of Mell. :irne, for Sydney: 1 parcel, liiL'lia ; 2 ,::lio, New Zealand Insimmer ; 1- bags i-ullW, L. D. Nathan.—ll. M. Jervis, agent. Per s.s. James Paterson, f.n- Fijis : GS casks ale, 10 cases brandy, -I cases pteserred fish, G casks ale, A. A. irown ; G eases brandy, Coinbe3 and Daldy ; 9 boxes tobacco, Comptou (under bond) ; 25 bags potatoes, Howard ; -17 pkgs. sundries, Keid; 1 case, Upton ; 2 casks beef, Heath ; 3 casks, Moore; 1 box, 2 rolls matting, Kempthorne and Co. ; 1 case, 2 filters, 1 bundle buckets, Morrin and Co. ; 4 boafs, Warburfon ; 21 pkgs., Burns ; 1 case, Way to; 8 pk-s., Ciay; 3021 feet timber.—H. M. Jervis, agent.
Per schooner Clyde, for Fijis : 10 cases preserved meats, 37 tins biscuit's, 12 oars, 12 coils rope, 2 boxes soap, 5000 shingles, and 2335 pieces timber, J. S. Macfarlane and Co. (agents).
It will be seen by advertisement elsewhere that the fine ship Queen Bee has been laid on the bertli for London. We believe there is more cargo here ready for shipment than can be taken by the Queen Bee and City of Auckland, and as the loading of the former has b;en undertaken by Mr. Ebborn, we may expect her to leave, a full ship, in about four weeks. The Queen Bee commenced loading with gum on the Ist March.
The crew of the Banshee (recently wrecked), consisted of the master, Able Bent; mate ; Walsh, cook; and two seamen named Alexander and Murphy. When she struck, (lie crew took to tho boat, which capsized. The master and Murphy clung to the boat until the latlur sank from exhaustion. The master was in the water for seventeen hours' and was cast, ashore at Tumai. Mr. Wallace visited the wreck on the 3rd March, and reports that she is fast breaking up. There were no signs of tho men ; and no doubt they have perished. Waiv raoji the Sea.—'the following, picked up in a bottle at Mercury Bav, has been handed to us for publication:—''Ship Aclelia Cnrlcton, Boston, Captain Carlclon, bound to San Francisco from Sydney, five days out, 3i cleg. 4S mil). S., 1C! dog., 14 min. IZ.; all well. Jlr. Montgomery Ilyin» aki'.e; goose and fowl for dinner; wife j'eco" vered her sickness; tilings looking awfully jolly ; did not practice, the piano this morning ; think of it presently. Send this to the nearest newspaper.—AwkkdHcgh Havell." ARRIVAL OF THE QUEEN BEE, FROM .LONDON. The fine ship Queen Bee has made the vojaj!f> to this port in exactly the same number oi il:iys fH on her previous trip, when in pluirge of dpi. Leslie. On this occasion she U commanded l.y Capt. K. C. l>ent, a gentleii'.iiii Uglily s;>o!ifii of by I,is passengers. The ship, which ha* mvived in port in a very creJiluble slule, has had a fine weather pussage. She left Gravesend on the 2kh October, and the Downs on the 28th. The passage has, therefore, been made in 103 days, or 97 from land to land. The ship comes consigned to Messrs. Brown, Campbell and Co., and we understand she will load for home immediately on the discharge of inward cargo. The following is Copt. Dent's report of the passage :— The Queen Bee left the East India Docks October 22nd, 1870; Gravesend on the 21th ; and tho Downs on the 28th : landed pilot at the Start 8 a.m., November Ist; left the Lizard midnight, November Ist; passed inside of Madeira ; detained three days off the Canaries with light south-west winds ; passed inside of the Cape do Verdcs, and crossed the Equator on November 28th, in 27 deg. 25 min. west; sighted and passed Trinidad 0.,h December ; crossed the meridian of Greenwich, December 19th, in 3S deg. south ; crossed the meridian of the Cape, midnight,' December 2-llh j easting run down at a mean of 15 deg. south ; from 19 deg. west to 117 deg. east experienced a continued succession of thick, dense fogs ; passed the south end of Insmaiiia, January 25th, in company with tho Wild Duck, bound to Nelson ; sighted the Three Kings at 6 p.m. of the 4th of February • midnight of tho sth becalmed off Capo Brett ■ Gth and 7th light aira between the Hen and Chickens and the Little Barrier; arriviuc on the Bth at 1 p.m. On the 19th December Mr. Serdsfield died of consumption.
The following vessels were spoken by the Queen Bee :— .November G—4lde<» 7niiu N 16deg. 41miu. \V., Dolburn Castle, from* Sunderlaud to Rangoon, 21 days out. November 9—3-ldeg. 48min. N., 14deg. 28 min \\ ~ Dutch ship Dogeraad, from Birkenhead io Sourabaya, 14 days out. November 13 — 28deg 47min. N., 19deg. 51min. W., City of Duncdiu, from London to Otago, 15 dajs out November 14-27deg. 24 min. N., 38deg. 53 min. W., s.s. Humboldt and the Oberon, from Liverpool to Bombay, 18 day 3 out. November 10—23dcg. 55min. N., 18deg. 4Ginin W Anna Mackenzie, from Cardiff to Point d'e'
Galle, 16 days out; City of Dunedin astern, exchanged signals. November 17 —22deg. 42aiiu. N., 19deg. 7min. W. F Caraatic, from London to Madras, 16 days out. November 27—ldeg. 46miu. N., 25deg. 57min. W., Centurion, from Sydney to London, 53 days out. December 21—38deg. 33min. S., 6de"g. 22inin. E., Eliza, from Genoa to Baugoon, 61 days out. January 25—4-lcleg. 25min. S., 116deg. 5-lmin. E., Wild Duck, from London to Nelson, 84 days out.
THE CITY OF AUCKLAND. The repairs to the City of Auckland are being rapidly proceeded with by the contractors, iles3vs. Beddoes and Ellis, and in a feiv days this noble ship will assume her usuai taut appearance. The whole of the cabins are being enlarged, and a few other alterations are to be made, which will greatly improve her. The decks are nearly repaired, with the heart of the kauri, some of the planks being 65 [feet in length. The whole of the cargo was discharged by Mr. B. T. Ebborn in a remarkably short space of time ; and the contract for repairing and re-shipping the goods is undertaken by the same gentleman, who is now busy re-loading her, so that before the end of tho mouth we may expect to see her again ready for s t 'a. Already she has on board a quantity of guano, oil, gum, &c, and is now taking in the cargo of the schooner Amelie, from Tahiti, after which the schooners Taivera and Golden Isle will haul alongside and tranship their cargoe3. The City will leave for London on the 30th March.
FOUNDERING!- OF THE BBIGr CAROLINE. By the arrival of tho barquo Janet Dalgleisli from Newcastle, on 11th Feb., wo have particulars of the foundering of the brig Caroline, whilst on her passage from Sydney to Hokiauga. Captain Ferguson, the master of the Caroline, and five of her crew, who wero picked up in boats, have been kindly brought on to this port by the Janet Dalgleish. Captain Ferguson informs us that the Caroline was bound to Hokiaupn from Sydney in ballast, and had fifteen loii3 of general cargo. She encountered strong easterly gales from the time of leaving till the 27th, at which time the vessel was in lat. 35 deg. 55 sees., long. 15G deg. 47 sees. At about 4 p.m. on the 27th the vessel sprung a leak, and continued to fill till the following morning, at 3 a.m., when she capsized and sank. The two boats had been got out in lime, but Captain Ferguson and the cook (Thomas Lawrie), were on board endeavouring to save the chronometer, &c, when the vessel enpaisod. Captain Ferguson fortunately succeeded in reaching one of the boats, but the cook went down under the vessel, and was drowned. Tho Caroline was the property of Mr. Koberton, of Sydney, and was insured. The following statement was mado on the 11th Feb., before tho Collector of Customs :— " Captain John Ferguson deposed : We left Syduey for Hokianga on the 19th ultimo with light southerly weather up to the 23rd, when the wind chopped round to the S.E., blowing a strong gale, with heavy sea, the vessel making a little water. The wind took up on the 26th at 8 a.m. The puuips wero used every four hours during the gale. Finding that she mada about I.V inches of water, all hands were ordered to the pumps and kept at them till 8 p.m. The water gaining on us, we lifted the pumps about a foot higher, and found they were choked, but continued pumping ; some baling out with buckets at tho after hatch. At this time, about 8.30 p.m., the water was three feet above the keelson. About 9 a.m., the cargo fetched away, owing to tho quantity of water in the hold, and ths pumps at this time having got choked altogether, could not be worked. I then gave orders to have tho boats cleared away. We lowered one boat at once, and placed two men in her. At midnight 1 had the second boat lowered. During the time the boats were being lowered, I had provisions put in the iirst boat, and prepared to leave tho ship. I found there was no hope of saving her, as slie was settling down very fast. At '2. 15 a.m., on the 28th, a heavy Equall struck the ship on the starboard beam, causing her ballast and cargo to shift, which heeled her over so much that the capsized. Tho cook and myself were on board at the time. Ono of tho boats picked me up. About ten minutes after I left, the ship sunk. I made sail for land, but was picked up by the barquo Janet Dalgleish on the morning of the 29th. The cook was not seen after jumping off the vessel when she foundered. 1 ordered the boats to keep about for some time, about two hours, but she was not to be seen. The following is a list of her crew : — John Ferguson, master; Chas. Marr, chief officer ; Jas. Franks, Jonathan Matthews, Thoma3 and Chas. licit, A.B.'a : and Thomas .Lawry, cook (drowned)."
ARRIVALS. i 3 I >'.-imc. Kig. Tons. Captain. From. Cargo. Agents. *i> ' Wu"a "Wonga . Steamer 1003 Steuart Sydney General II. M. Jervis. S I Oueen Boo Shi;> 703 Pent London ., Brown, Campbell anil Co. 12 ! City of .Melbourne' Slcamer 760 Grainger Honolulu ,, H. M. Jervis. 1- ! lamps J'-itTson i>00 Moore Svdney .. ., 1° ! jli'ii-t UaliFlci-ili " Diniue 370 Matthew Newcastle Coals Henderson and Macfarlanc. I.', ; Success ..' .. ..Schooner SO Short Norfolk I. Ueneral -Master 17 flolil.-n Isle 50 Matzen Fijis J Koberton. ,,..., W : Dentil r.av.nte 323 Hummel Ailclaiilo „ Thornton, femith and 1-irtli. l<) ! ViirTin s..'., n ' lm ,, r>" Brain Jiorotonsa l-'ruit Master. •"■•r"ro !dteam"r 5) Logan .Sydney General Cruickshauk, Smart and Co. 22 Lrutiiia '.'. '.'. '.'A Soh'oouer 51 Smith Fijis Fruit „ 21 : A.iielie I ,, 30 Hart Tahiti General Owen and Graham 2d j Alice Cameron ..I Barbae ;27 Carter Sydney „ Henderson and Macfarlanc. "'i ! tlukc of Elinburs! „ 370 Smith Newcastle Coals DEPARTURES. "§ Name. liis- Tons. Captain. For. Cargo. Agents. "7 Wonsa Y.'o'.isi .. Stc.imcr 1001) Steuart Honolulu General H. M. .lervis 12 Xovclty j 13ani«e 370 jrcarins Sydney „ Henderson and Macfarlane. 12 Crisliua „ 253 .Stephens Newcastle Ballast ,, 13 City of Mclbonrue Stunner 750 firainjer Sydney General H. SI. Jervis. 14 Bella Han- .. .. Barcjue 270 JIcArthur Newcastle ,, Stone Brothers. 15 James Faterson .. Steamer 20G Moore Fijis ,, II. M. Jervis. 10 Clyde Schooner 35 Austen Levuka ,, J. S. Macfarlane. 07 Hero .Sieamer 750 Logan Sydney „ Cruicksliank, Smart and Co. 3I 0; Janet Palsleish .. ltonio .".70 Mnthew Newcastle KaUast Henderson and Macfarlane. 2 I Bencal ,, 323 Hummel „ „ ' Thornton, Smith and Firth.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2218, 6 March 1871, Page 6
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2,915MONTHLY SHIPPING SUMMARY. New Zealand Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2218, 6 March 1871, Page 6
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