Sales by Auction. THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. WIT H O d't Be S EfiVH. TO" CLOSE CONSIGNMBHT3. B - TONIS Has been instructed by the Importers t« tell auction, on Thursday, September 23 *t 11 o clock, "I CASE MEJTS LAMBSWOOL UNDEBVESIB Abo 1 case Ladies' Belts 1 ditto Tweed and Doe Mixtures Men's Tweed Suits, Neckties Twill and Mole Trousers Black Coburgh, New lindseys White and Grey Calicoes and Shirtings Brown Holland, Skirtings 1 case Ladies' and Girls' Underclothing THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. TRADE SALE <w NEW SPELNG CLOTHING, EX 'EXCEL. SIOE/ FEOM LONDON. B. TONES Has been instructed by the importers to eell by auction on Thursday next, at 12 o'clock BALES AXD CASES OF NEW GOODS, ™ • Consisting of • 2 cases Men's Diagonal Tweed Trousers 3 cases Light Fancy Tweed Trousers 2 cases Medium Tweed Trousers 2 cases West of England Fancy Tweed Trousers 2 cases Shepherd Plaid Trousers 2 cases Scotch Tweed Trousers and Ve»t« 3 cases Light Fancy W. of E. Trousers and Yerts 2 cases Blue Diagonal Saw 1 case Drill Trousers. The auctioneer solicits the especial attention of the trade to this the first sale of New Spring Good*. Tha entire shipment has been selected by a most expert enced buyer, and comprises all first-olasii new goods of the latest fashions. TO DEAPERS AND TV , 3EHOUBBMEN. l~Vt h k undersigned has determined in future to Afr> rote his LARGE BOOM on the F: T&£ FLOOB jrf his PBEMISES to AUCTION SA aS of DRAPERY, And thus avoid the confusion and damage occasioned by liolduig DEAPEET SALES In an Auotion Mart crowded with ICsoellaaeou Goodg. B. TONES, AUCTIONEEE. September 21, 1869. THUBSDAT, SEPTEMBER 30. BY OEDEB OF THE BEGISTEAB OP THE 6UPEEME COUBT. The subscriber has received injtruetion* from Laughiin O'BBray, Esq., to sell at his Aoetoon Mart, Queen-street, on Thursday, the.3oth day of September instant, at 12 o'clock noen, ALL those ALLOTMENTS or PABCJI3 of LAITD in Now Zealand, containing by **- me«*urement twelve acres, three roods, and tw perchei.and being numbers 18, 31, 84 »nd 72, « section number 1, of the Village of Penmure, P«n» of Waitomata and County of Eden. Jot farther partioaleni apply to the Aoetiaoe*. GEOBGE SIBBLW, Auotioneer.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 2
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