Sales by Auction. THIS DAY. EXTENSIVE TBADE SALE OF 48 CASES & BALES SPEING DBAPEEY. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, HOSIEEY, SHIBTS, &C, &.C., iiC. A. E. COHEN Has received instructions from the importer, Mr. S. Lipstine, to sell by auction, at his Booms, Queenetreet, on abore date, at 11 o'clock, without reserve, AQ CASES AND BALES, TcO as under :— 1 case Bro. Cotton, half-hose 1 case Super do do 1 case Militaryy half-hose 1 case Women's Hose 3 boles Fancy Prints 2 cases do, new pattern 1 case Carriage Rugs 1 case Ties 1 caso Braces 1 caso Quilts 1 case Shepherd, all wool plaid 1 case Alpaca and Silesia 1 case Imitation Sydney Tweed Trousers 1 case Sydney Tweed Trousers 1 case Striped Tweed Trousers 2 cases Striped Tweed Trousers and Vests 1 case Light Striped Tweed Trousers 1 case Light Tweed Vests 1 case Black Doe Trousers 1 case Blue Diagonal Sacs 1 case Black cloth Sacs 1 case Blur Flannel Coats 1 case AVhito Linen Coats 1 case Welsh Flannel Shirte 1 case Welsh Flannel Drawers 1 case Shepherd Crimeans 2 cases all wool Crimeans 1 case Swanskin Shirts 2 cases Fancy Venetian Shirts 1 case Fancy Venetian Shirts, superior make 1 case White Shirts 3 cases French Felt Hats 1 case Navy Caps 3 cases Summer Tweeds 5 cases do with stripe 2 cases Fancy Coatings A-e. &c, 4c. Terms as usual. THIS DAY. FANCY TIES, GLOVES CEIMEAN SHIBTS, HOSIEEY, &e. A. E. COHEN Has recoived instructions to sell at his rooms, Queinetreet, on above date, immediately after Trade Sale of Drapery &c. 3 CASES Fancy Ties, Glovee, Hoeiery, Crimean Shirts, ic. THIS DAY. TO TAILORS, DRAPERS, OUTFITTEBS, &o. SUMMER TWEEDS, FANCY COATINGS. A. E. COHEN Has received instructions from Mr. Lipstine to sell at his Rooms, Queen-street, on above date at 2 o'clock sharp. 2 CASES SUMMER TWEEDS, 2 cases Tweed Trouserings, with stripe 1 case Melton Coatings 2 cases Fancy Coatings ic " &c, ke. The Auctioneer begs to call the attention of the Trade to the above Goods, they having been selected by Mr. Lipstine with great care expressly for tbil market. PEELIMINAKY NOTICE. QA PACKAGES CUT GLASSWARE, VASES, ELECTRO-WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, DOLLS, &c, ic, now landing, ex ' Exoelsior,' and to bo submitted to Auction in a few dayi. A. E. COHEN Auctioneer. THIS DAY. 20 TONS POTATOES. B. T O N K S Will sell by auction, This Day (Wednesday), at half-pswt 10 o'clock sharp, at his Mart, aa TONS POTATOES, a. good sample, without £i \J reserve. I THIS DAY. \ IMPOETANT AND UNEESEEVED SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS EX 'COULNAKYLE' AND 'PORTLAND.' B. TONES Will sell by auction, at the Stores of Mr. GhlO* TuanELL, Vulcan Lnne, This Day (Wednesday)* 22nd instant, at 11 o'clock, rpIIE FOLLOWING SEASONABLE GOODS— JL 6 trunks Men's Calf Bluchers 4 trunks lien's Roan Slippers 2 trunks Men's Felt Slippers 3 trunk 3 Calf Short Wellingtons 4 trunks Men's Calf Elustie &ide Boots 2 trunks Youths' Calf Bluchers 2 trunks Bevs , ditto ditto 7 trunks Ladies'E.S. Kid Boots, M.H. 5 trunks Ladies' French Cashmere Elastio Side Boots 4 trunks Ladies' Kid M.H. Balmorals 2 trunks Ladies' Calf Balmorals 2 trunks Girls' Cashmere Best Elastic Sides 3 trunks Girls' Memel E.S. Boots M.H. 2 trunks Girls' Memel E.S. Boots Goloshed 3 trunks Girls' Jlemel Balmorals 5 trumks Cordovau Leather Boots, T.P.H. 6-9 2 trunks Cordovan Leather Boots, T.P.H. 10-13 Terms at Sale. I
Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 2
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