Sales by Auction FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. LAND FOR SALE AT COROMANDEL DRURY, AND CITY OF AUCKLAND. MESSES. C. ARTHUR & SON Have received instructions to sell by auction, at their Mart, Queen-street, on Friday, 24th inst., at 12 o'clock noon, T>ARISH OF KAPANGA, Coromandel—AllotX ment No. 74, containing lα. Oβ. 21p. Kingston, Coromaiidel, Iluaro road —Allotments No. 2, 3 and 4, section 1 Hobson-strect —Allotment No. 5, section 3 Hobsou and Princes-streets —Allotment, corner, Nβ 1, section 4 Albert-street —Allotments Nos. 7, 8, 9, section 19 Bond and Kapiinga-streets—Allotment, comer, No. 1, section 38 Bond-street—Allotment No. 17, section 38 Grey and George-streets—Allotments Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, section 33 Staplcton road, and High-street —Allotments Nos. 1 and 2, section 53 Drury Township—Allotment Nβ. 52, section C, fronting Wharf and Creek-streets City of Auckland, Wellington-street—A well situated Allotment, being part of Allotment Nβ. 51, of section 4-1, having a frontage of 501 links by 369 deep. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. SHARES WAIOTAIH GOLD MINING COMPANY. BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF UNDER WRIT OF FI. FA., BANK OF NEW ZEALAND V. VE'nSCAhE. C. ARTHUR & 6Oi\ Have received instructions to sell by Auction at their Mart, on Friday, 24th inst., at 12 o'clock noon, 0 , ORIGINAL SHARKS in the \Vaiotahi Gold +J ' ' Company, being Nos. 200-219 inclusive. All paid up, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. j WT.N'DHaM STHKKT SALE YARDS! i RICHARD McGEE & CO Have received instructions to sell A VERY HANDSOME BAY COB, a S ood x\ jumper, carries a lady The Hay Colt ' Pretender,' a ilrst-elsss hack, and verv quiet Also, 4 Draught Horses and 12 useful Horses At 12 o'clock. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. WYNDHAM STRIiKT SALE YARDS. RICHARD McGEE & CO. Have received instructions to sell 'TWO VALUABLE ALLOTMENTS of ground, 1 with a frontage of 60 feet to Custom-house street and 100 fttet to Gore-street ; they adjoin the " Sailors' Home Hotel" on the East side. The purchaser has ;•. right of using the side wall of said Hotel, iis it is a party one. Half the purchase money can remain on mortgage at 8 per cent. Sale at 12 o'clock. SATURDAY, SKPTKMUEIt 25. CIfO IC K FA H M FOR SAL K . WYNDJIAM-STREKT SALK YARDS. KICIIARD McCtKI-: & CO. Will oiler for punitive sale, on Saturday, ONE of the CHOICEST and BEST FaRMS of 170 Acres in the Mangurei district ; three miles from Otahuliu. on the main road. It i» subdivided into convenient-sized Paddocks, well fciuvd, good Dwelling-house, Out-houses, Ac. Comment is unnecessary, as the Farm i- so well known, when we mention it is Mr. McGee's own farm, new occupied by himself, and sold only on account of his going into business in town, which requires all his attention. It is considered about the picked farm of the district. It will be sold either in one lot, or divided into two lots, one of 117 acres, the other of r<3 acres, to suit the conveniece »f purchasers. A considerable portion of the purchase money can remain on mortgage; easy terms will be given for the balance. .Such an opportunity rarely occurs for obtaining one of the best I farms in theOtahuhn district. Any information can be obtained at. the oflice of 'the Auctioneers, Wyndham-slreet. Side at 12 o'clock. /CATALOGUES of the Furniture 4c, of T. S. Weston Esq., for Sale at his Residence, Jer-myn-strcet, on Wednesday, (jth October, are now ready, and can be obtained at the Mart. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers. THIS DAY. SCHOONEE 'MARINER.' The subscribers have received instructions from Capt. Stkoiiu to sell by auction, at their Mart, Fort-street, This Day (Wednesday), at 12 o'clock, ril HE well-known Schooner ' MARINER,' 38 tons L now ready for sea, with a complete inventory. For further particulars apply to BAMUEL COCHRANE A SON, Auctioneers. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. UNRESERVED SALE OF SHARES. The subscribers have received instructions from Mr. Loot; IK, Butcher, Queen-slrect (opposite the Union Hank of Australia), who is giving up his Mining Interests at the Thames, in order to devote, more lime to his business in Auckland, lo sell at their Marl, Fort-street, on Thursday, 23rd inst., at 12 I o'clock, without reserve, milE following VALUABLE INTERESTS in the 1 Thames GoldHelds, viz.: 100 Pride of the Karaka 50 Mount. Alexandor 300 Venus 25 Melbourne 63 United Kingdom 50 Burnt Burra 20 Magenta 25 Shortland 03 Golden Mint 100 Warrior 50 Castlemuinc 175 Luke Tiikupuna 100 Duke of York 10 Golden Turret 50 Middle Star Hxtd. 1000 Belgravia 75 Monitor 50 Princess Rovnl 350 Alpine 150 Gladiator 100 Hercules 100 Royal No. 2 50 Colleen Bawn 100 Kohiuoor und Royal 50 Golden head Albert And, An equal half-share in the Tower of Ireland claim. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneer*.