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1 Sales by Auction. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. BALK OF £15,000 WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD, FEEEHOLD PROPERTY, AND MINING INTERESTS. LEWIS BROTHERS Have received instructions from a Gentleman who is leaving for England shortly, to oiler for Sale on the abovo date, at their Stores, Queen-street, fV HE ABOVE VALUABLE INTERESTS. i Particulars in future issue. LEWIS BROTHERS Auet ioneers. THIS DAY. CLKAHING-OUT SALE OF BOOTS A^D SHOES, Ac, AT MRS. SHEPHERD'S, SHORTLA^DST. C. ARTHUR & SON Have been favoured with instructions from Mrs. SiiEVUKH!) to sell by auction, at her premises, Shortland-strect, This Day (Wednesday), at 11 o'clock a.m., ■ - HK BALANCE of her Nowly and Well-selected 1 STOCK ef BOOTS and SHOKS, consisting of Ladies', Children's and Gentlemen's Hoots and Shoes of the best description and newest designs. Terms—Cash. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. CITY ROAD BY SYM'iNDS-STUEET, NEAR THE WINDMILL. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, HANDSOME WARDROBE, PIER GLASS, PIANO BY BROADWOOD, Ac. C. ARTHPR & SOX Have been favoured with instructions from Mr. Hknuy Partington, to sell by auction at his residence, City Road by Symonds - street, on Thursday, 23rd inst., at 12 o'clock nojn, HIS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, comprising Drawing, Dining, Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture, viz. :— Piano, in Rosewood case, by Broadwood Handsome Cedar Wardrobe, with plate glass front 6 Chairs and Sofa, Damask Covers, Loo Table and Cover , Easy Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Brussels Carpet, Hearth Rug, Fender, Fire Irons, Card Tables, Papier Mache Tables, Basket Fruit and Shade, Pier Glass -Ix 3 ft., Chiffounier, Whatnot, Timepiece and Shade. Mirror, Dressing Tables, Washstands and Ware, Feather Bed and Pillows, Bedsteads, Horsehair Ma tress, Chest Drawers, Child's Bedstead, Curtain Poles and Rings, large Dinner Service, Stove, Dresser, Preserving Pan, Scales and Weights, Garden Tools, Kitchen Utensils. 4 Superior Encravings, gilt frames, 4ft. Oin. x 3ft. Creation, Nativity of Christ, Crucifiction, and Last Judgment 2 ditto ditto, Deer Hunting 2 ditto ditto, Slave Market and Canterbury Pilgrims 2 ditto Oil Paintings, Crossing the Brook and Post Boy Fancy Worxbox and Desk Horsehair Sofa, Thermometer Superior Mangle- and Washing Machine ic, " <fcc, Ac. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE CITY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. BY ORDER OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT. C. ARTHUR & SON Have received instructions to sell by auction, at their Mart, Quoi'M-Mreet, on Friday, 21-th instant, at 12 o'clock noon, the following well situated valuable city and suburban properties, by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court, T O T I.—BRICK HOUSE AND LARGE I J ALLOTMENT, VINCENT-ST'RtET. All that allotment or parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 20p. more or less, situated in Vincent-street, in the City of Auckland, being allotment iNo. 20 of section No. 2S, with a substantial well-built brick house ; the situation is convenient, healthy, and pleasant, commanding an extensive Tiow of city, harbour, and North Shore. LOT 2.—COTTAGES AND ALLOTMENTS NEAR QUEEN-STREET IN WELLESLEYSTRKET. All those allotments or parcels of laud part of allotment No. 12, of section No. 15, of the City of Auckland, being lots No*. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, of the same subdivision, with the three cottages erected thereon, situated at the corner of Wellesley and Elliot-streets, opposite Hancock's atonc-cutt ing yard. LOT3.-TWO HOUSES AND ALLOTMENTS, NEWTON ROAD. All that piece or parcel of land, being lots Nos. 46 and 47 of the subdivision of allotment No. 5, of section No. 7, of the suburbs nf Au-kland, situated in Newton road, the properly of Mr. R. Smith, with the two well-built houses erected thereon. LOT 4.—THREE HOUSES AND ALLOTMENTS, NEWTON ROADAll tint piece or parcel of lan/1 being lots Nos. 13, 15 and J(> of the subdivision of allotment No. 5, of section No. 7 of the suburbs of Auckland, situated in Newton-road, also the property of Mr. R. Smith, with three good houses built thereon, all let, two of them being large roomy houses, and well built. LOT S.—THREK ALLOTMENTS IN THE VILLAGE OF MONGONUI. All those allotments or parcels <*f land, containing by admeasurement. oa. lr. lip., more or less, situated in the village of Mongonui, parish and countv of Mongonui, and being allotments Nos. 1, 6, and 7 of section No. 1, with tkiu large building thereon erected, latdy occupied a> an Motel and Bowling Alley. The allotment has an extensive frontage to the beach. All these properties am well worthy the at tent ion of capitalists and others seeking safu'ind paying i> - Teetmen FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21-. SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY FREEHOLD PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD. C. ARTHUK & SON Have been favoured with instructions to sell by auction, ~t their Marl, Queen-street, on Friday, 24th instant, at 12 o'clock u,oon, ■pARNKLL, Wellington-street, ALLOTMENTS -L No. 3!), .10 and 41, section 1, suburbs of Auckland, with tho Buildings erected thereon, situated near the main road, but a short, distance from St. Barnabas' Churck. The position is convenient, pleasant, and healthy. Also, East Tamaki, FARMS No. 147 and US, each containing 5 acres.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 2
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815Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 2
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