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AL- k\. :::>. f.'r.w Ze .lA-:.-. llkcald Ofiicc, S.tUl 1 V tift'.l.M...:,. Customs Rkvk .vs. - ' ],j C i-tomb Kett-ipts amt-uni-.i t ■ i'Cll il :;■:. liey w.'o col' •'. ! "« t'llows: — :>'!(i>..-, £:M Hi ..d • ;•,■;.. .. , ,C|.-, 12s lOd; arms ;.■■*, Hi I--. C. Ar'hur an; Svi rjjir! \h- u< their ain 'I n i'-day iSc-ii'.. y.., tii..- *„..( i., v ..;a ti..i:i :>. . in :;■ <ar-li; yn-..,j .'j..!-;, I< II; t .rl.eyi. 2 C\ ~;„;,; ;:«'3'., 5'U 1; : •,■:■■' anil ;dirU(" ■.' l.i.'i.'i- s; o-iion-i !r! to 1.J.1; |Mt„i s, 4s od :o -,-(;■;; b'U'on :.r.l hr.m.-, 8.; fl ~;■. C ' ;.• •: ton. r,ir,ii:ur- :•,.■ \ ■ kitel.,:-, .-,...,', .fl - U'; ■■.:-.■: i=i ~.;,,. £2. > ::, -.ItCIl iai.-e v.-.. , ;0..i tiil.ii:>-:'...;.!. Mil inv l.i 1, ',:.

t.:k ;; f.OLiui..;.i,3.

sir'-.-!:-. ;■ .r nii'is' anij kissii c;'s Krr>.i7. l>!lr 11- h '. :-l !.,( Il'.il tllU iK-tivilV ivili-h ||~J I, I-VMiL-.lfi' li, !'..', !i ..0'.1'..0w.'.,I'..ow.'.,i > .." .-.».: (i.-.-. ! ,w. u 1.,i! 11 .. I)U* ills • n ■!(■■■ •,! :i:iiiin<; i)| i:nti:.ii-, .-.. j i> : tli,- :..!;.. | ii|i..Mii:i..-.'ii i. ■. ...i::,'., !: : ' c«'i .-iin ■ :lii.i;- i.-lh-rtv I iiu.q-.iti': .1 ;n !!.■• iii-n-rv o. ii..-hv . -;■■.<.• 1..m ;; ,. :<■■ u! •:■:•■ i.c-nt:- i:;:r ~luc-: 1 »v ill? O-,- .-r., •■. -... !'"--0 lll'i t'l -M ,U'..„:.,„ of ".,, ;l r. : ,.-iu ..!,- . sifii-, a: J uri••• of :hc iiv-iiI;l)!o -roun! upon i 1,,.. flut b -Hi-, .'ii .ili-ii..:iinl:iti,l !),.• Kuranui . :i«itv lri> fi.-cuploj by par;i(!.- of ~ iniiia. H n . l-r -u -. cmjmriKß -—dcr '.h ■ Mini..,, i onijanieß i.i;.-t..fl liability Act h it.) also 1 r. f .miod, or «re in prvrrse • of furujaiion. Altogether, wo inuy sufelv statu that

every week that passes further deTel»ps a more [ regular system of mining than was to be found when ' the field was still in its infancy, and worked principally by persons who had littlo or no experience in miniag. The result of this is everywhere apparent. Instead of the rabbit holes formerly put in under the name of drives, woll-timborod and workmanlike tunnels aro now to be found npen all cUims of any value, consequently thero is far less danger to life and limb, and 'he former wasto of labour is very perceptibly diminished. A return of K old, which is, wo boliovo, almost without preoedent in tho histoty of gold mining, has been obtained from tho Long Drive claim, and dividends a»onuntin< to £8 per £5 scrip havo been paid during the put month. Tho value of this claim u.av be estimated by the fact that within Bfivon weeks the'p-ico of serin has risen fro.n £50 to £160, and, as far aa wo can judge, is likely to go up even higher. Tho Bamo rich Uaderu which hove rendered this claim eo • -i-lebrated havo been otruck in the All Nations, a claim which oen prior to thtß bore an excellent nnmo. The Shotnvor claim continues to keep up its name, and stuff which thoy were previously rejecting an rubbish is giving the very leniuuo-ativo yield two to three ouncos at the Thame. Cru.hinsr Company's Mattery. Tho nr-hor nuartr h merer i< still crushed at tho nholover battery 'hi tho Gold n Grown claim, ft largo battery is at present being erecto.l, and tho crashings havn in consequence not boon so as heretofore, small cri;shinr-a h*™ nevertheless taken place at the Prince Alfred's battery, tho magniGcent yield from which has boon such as fully to sustain tho past reputation of theolaim. The Moanatairi ami Kuranui Companvs' claims, also tho Uomoward Bound, Eureka," Pix'-.n'-i No. 1, Albumin, TcoVcys, and Shamrock, all appear to bo as good aa over, and havo well proved their right to be regardod as some of the first class claims of the field. In tho Whan, the pride of the Karaks, city of (vlnsgoW, Melsaoc's and tho John-o-Groa' claims finds of extraordinary richness have lately been made. It is not. however, to tlieso first class *!aims that we look principally for supporting the fame of our field. V#ry lew portions, comparatively speaking, c-.n reus inablv expect to participate- in prizos of this nature, end yet we nevertheless feel ourselves justifiud in ass-rting that, with tho exercise of ordinary cauti.Mt, al-e.ost any speculator tniy confidently tintlP'ltp n r'tnrn of ono hundred per cent, por annum fir hi? money. Thero n-c upon the field n very large number of cluiins which have us yot been only fo far dcvel')t-i«d as to give good evidence that they contain i',ii e of-.vnttdet ful richness, which willove-tuillv i-Mtitl- them to rank with some of tho«o wo have already named. But at presrnt tlv.-so rl-ii-ne, either from the of position, the apathy of s'u-,roliM.(eis, or simply because thev do not hntipcn t-i hi--.. In-n brought very promiimrlv for*.vrcl, nre :>:ino-' tinn-'wi-., or not vary higtily thou.-ht of as goldun eiaims. i'hen, a«in, th'-re u a \>r-v cla's of cl-.iio) in which, from their position alone, an ox- • l-ri-n -~.>. orrson willut "rice be s-.ti-Ced that KO-.! [roll i- t i he foiiiiil, and that work filly i" required, ■.. !.i.?h —it t - ir-io:* or la'er 1c splendidly remunera tiv. ! iito mi.'"-, claims as the-o tho judi iaus gocoulator in iy ',-. qi: -:ttie -..,' -.1 e inodeiate tJiin', and he t l'.o oii'tci-e of a little nntieneo may ensure a much ;;r.:.-. r retnrr: f-r his'in-i'i-'y thin i" he bcutrlit :nto ■i rlrst-cla's "l.iim at a very hi'.:h figuio. I'or t'-one pel.en , however, wh > are un .bl-i to wa'eh cl"-ely Hi- .■'a.l.ia' e .-elo i .m-lli -I' '-he differ-nt t.linei np"ll the field, or hivonu Ngiiifnf oiooricnce in whom tin v fin pi" •■> nnpii i'. ■• ivifi-, ,hm, it i" de'-idedly a.iv'i.iable tii it the-!.- mos y .-h-nild "on 1-ii I out in first (.].,,, <:•:,:■■•. ever, th-ue.t. the t>riej giv. n may ; e i-.rv i'be ciiaiini-bed v.-arlv por i-euluge IS in *ue!i ci-.-.j iimuly c unpenuted for !y :ii > tt.reat ad :-eeutity whtrli is obtained. As rei;ar s tho central duvelopmont of the,field, we ni-iv stut- that, the arrival of winter seems to have virtu.lly -ut an end fir a while 'o iirospeetini; operations in the incro i-omoto dist.itts, but that i i thou- rarls ■vhieh liave d:o:idy heen to -otn-- extent opened u-i, -\o'H is; eintiel o"-i as actively as '■••pr, uni ns we have '■ efere said, far more etlie:ent'i_v. With tespect to :'a-iiit : es fr cru-hir.c -the great want u,> to this time, a::d likely to remain so as long *.- cl.itns of such wonderful richness aro continually beii.e fear. I --ve find that those claims which arc c-'iiveuiently situated f r bringing down their quartz enn, a- a i ule, ■ htain a machine without any very grei- delay, but tho-o wirdi nre situated at a di>tance, or in a p -Hon where the difficulties of transit are irr--- it, are at an eneiino-js disadvantage, and, in many iiistmees, e'aims which, as far as ti.eir quartz is concernei;', urn of very coni,iii«rab!e value, and wmilj, if conveniently situated, hove loni; ago paid ; good ilivi l"mls, are compelled to hold over their iiuirtz until more machines are erected, or tie projected »ysteni of tramways has more nearly reached completion. A'aluabln additions to our crushing power have been lately m irlo in tho incre-iseil nu:nb n r of stampers on the Prince Alfred, the Hauraki, and the on-i b-itterie-. The Th ittici Cruihing Company's enlendil machino has also starto.i, and is giving great satisfaction, t )no large machino belonging to Messrs. btewart and Kussell, and another belonging to Mes«rs. Firmer and Co., are beinn erected on tho Tararu. The Ballarat and duties Company are also putti- g up u machine on their ground. Tho townships of Sbortland Hnd Grahamstown are fast becomit g iargo and populous, and new places of business aro opened every day. Amongst contemplated improvements it is worthy of noto that the prospectus of a Hiames Ct is ' ompany has be-n recently is-ued. It is also under tae consideration of a number of tho principal brokers to establish a stock exchange at Graham.itown. All tho banks have now opened agencies at Grahamstown as well as at Shoitland.

Wo have forgotten to mention the Thames Gold Miniut; Com.any, who have si.ans in tho principal dividend paying claims on tho field. These nharei were cold last. Monday Ht £10 per scrip, and lmv« since tiscn to £2f, which price, by tho way, was rrfn-ed. In conclusion wr m .y nacn.ion tho following an th ! 3 mom important sales in '.do liy us during the ' r -ae! month. Dix-ii'i No. 1, £0 to £10; Dixon's Xo. I). jeSlL'sOl; 1.0n,; Drive, .£IOO to JtlOO ; Moanntairi Company, .170; I'ui Mnrire, £9 ; Fearnaiigrit, £7. CD-T ).\!S R-.VfC.NIJK FOR HE QI'AIUV.!:. Si mm\i:v of :;ecki£'T4 A'sd I'ayment.; nv th:: Coi.T.ECTOK nl' i TST I'llOM THli IsT AI'HII. TO TIIK 3'th ,Ti-m: igii'.i. ' i:u nn.-. ' oSVoLUMTKIi I:I'.Vi:SUE. - d. <■■■ !•>■• ' u ■ £",1.127 10 1 :.-!-j:'j:uii;-.' ;i()2 "i 1 V ■ t\ -• "zn-. .■ D 2 o (i >'•■• ' hi..,:■- A •. Fe.-, 41 2 fi Amu A- Kio U () Mi.rie .■■: !,;■!,• Pii,., 3.10 ;j i ■'.-- " --- •' ij.l-. viz., Kiel I distil'•.♦ion '•' 5 0 0 T..1,! •■■->. IHVed H. ,nvne ....£:.;,.173 1 10 t.ASIi I.KVI.MK. Dti'ii l);ily, I'-,, r .-,.,.f ti, '.!•!.... 3,(i55 0 l; £-35,15S lllj l'l; vinc-.v.. i:i:vkni; ■: I I'-ilfl.lEl} ";t-.t€!B .J.-,, r, , 0 : I'oit Ohur-cJ l:a 13 .] I £50,713 5 1 I ]'AVM::.NTK. . LV.n.t «' Xcw 7. ..]•.•!■. .<••., I'ihli' £ , ,i ! Cl,r """ 31.55S 1« '•' i U . V .ovmcia: ".« .1,151 s ~ . _

JiY'l" i .I.i'OX.

"•>■.■■ Wilkin iinil Alport r, tioi't tho ;, H "l.. in.'.r ; .-i-t' ■-.<}; .■ ; ))ri'"f f :!.v',-.•. A' " ' ant -.: v-,-.,,, ~:• We'll, s lay, ii,.,.- 6 „l,; ~ „,.,,.], ~ o: ,:■:...; j n'itv «t ,w, p.n >-.;, ~.-.,i ~,.,.., ... v „ Iljr , ~-r:r -i* lull rale--. (...■: Kiliuaf.y, «t I t v.i.d.i. tiay 1i,.tl a fair flip.oy of dairy !■ .«■ . ■.vhiro :,ro'..»ht ::"(• ~! «rir ■-, >c„or,!i:-,:; <•> qnafi! ~ Tin in- i qliot'ly of ll.n n : ri".,i ii-,,',. : ,I JO ,-„lr.„ T ■:uriny 'ii e qi,■■.:-,■•.- rndim; or. :..:••;• ]-.y, v: .". •JB'j] t ,n>, r-;i"-.r,i'.'in:j :■ in-ncy v.|,c, tnimillin:-..,: Ullc'M.uiil CO',I I'll,ut.',i .-.iISM Iv" •"<■■„ i'lf.-ltl, ])ui,.d-:r. J'll.l, mol W011ice,.,," £50' ' T:'u '•■in. -~..- ;„:, -.vas th'jy aoo'ir Ci'.. 0. 7~i._7Vm v ..line JS.

"ho T.'mes (,f Juno '.'2 r ports :— I h,. n,, r Lc'-i .» fiiU quiet, iritli no operations 'J"tu: Of a'l Wn-- .in hourly exp-'crod. Sho t-aiird from 1.-, it, Uou c" Saturday, and will load outa lor iTelbouriic. i


Eleanor has nearly completed ber loading, and will probably sail on Wednesday. The s.s. Beautiful Star ia expected to call here on ber northward trip, to load produce for northern ports. Values of grain remain as sast given.


During tho last few days a largo quantity of grain has arrived in town. Every store and all available places are now crammed fall of grain awaiting shipment, and storekeepers hare no little difficulty in finding shelter for fresh lots. For want ot atorage a largo quantity of grain haß been stored on the I'each for weeks oast, covered with tarpaulins. Trices remain as b-fore, viz., 4s for good samples whest, 2s (id far oats, and 3s 61 to 4s for barley.— Ti-naru Herald, June 19.


Mefsrs Ronnie and Macgregor, miller! snd produce merchants, Jetty-streut, report: — The following uro the prices current: No change worth of notice in grain ; potatoes ea'ier in price and sup;'li"i» more liberal sinco the weather has improved. Whoat, 4s Gd to 4s 9d per bushel; oats, 2s 4d to 2s 7d per bushel: barley, fine maltimr, 4s 9d to 5s :td per bushel; maize, ot per buahol, scarce : pollar!, £l 10s per ton ; bran, £4 por ton ; hay, oat an, loose, £4; trussed, £1 10s per ton ; »tra», oat amd wheat, £2 per ton ; potatoes, pr vincial, £3 to .£3 5i per ton, accordinjto quality ; chiff, £4 to £4 10s per ton.— limes, June 28.


In tho import markots to-day, no business of a special character has been made public. In breadstuffs, we ob*crvo amongst tho millora an evident uneasiness in rcgarl to supplies, and notwithstanding that higbor rates havo been paij foe soma time past for whoat than are warranted by the price of flour, it is feared that n*ill higher figures w.ll have to be ofiVred before supplies can fie drawn out on a scale to meet requirements. A lini of 10,000 bushels Tasmanian wheat changed hands this afternoon at a hi-hor iirico than has yet been touched for this description. Rest samples of Victorian realtso for small lots 6s Id to 6s 2d. Flour is quitted at £13 10s. The improved fec-liag in regard to oats is confirmed by the sale of 3,100 bags (12,-100 busluls) Tasmanian. sold on private torms; quotations are very firm at from 4s t> Hs 3d. Maize is in very brisk demand at 4s Id to 4s 2J. A considerable p<reol of gunnies, an cntir-. shipment, was cleared oil' at a concession on our o-dmary quotations of 7s 3d. Tho offerings of timber by public auction comprised red and vhile Scotch fl loring, et Parisian and Juliet ; T. and G. fio "-inij, ex "■taffjrd-'hire ; sawn kauri pine, ex Moa ; cedar loes, ex Pionoer aiui echoolboy ; and hardwood, ex l.a-ly 'linmii. At the bonds, salts of tobacco wrera mate as follow : —llarnett'j twist, all faults, if any, lonli-id Is 31 1 ; c.rotnalij pjtittds brought 6JI; Im'i" p-Hinds, 8} 1 to 10,1; bars, 7.J«1 lo'sfd. In liipai-is, we learn oi' the jisjiosol of equal to 160 q.i irte--c.i«!c< pu : e anil ilurlc Vtaretn's bra-.dv, on t-rtn« withheld. A t'ull figure is >titi-d *o have aeon ohtaiuei. Ucsttiif.ictorv rumours re.-,ini:ti? the t'l-sititn of p. li-iut'cesto:: firm engaged in th" ugticultur d |iro luce trade have be ;n ci ciliated in the city. — Aryut, .lone 19.


''o-v MAttrcMT—"he nrir':.,t is u: in-1 i] . ..' oms sui.iMi In.-1. viz., wh-at a', thj 'or'', 5< t os tl i:do in town, 4s 10 i. Flour, £11 to £13 10". — Advertiser, J'tne 15.


Taero has been nothing to report in connection with bu-inoss on tho wharves to-day. Mi« produce market is thought to be somewhat firmer, but traniartions havo been limited and prices continue as uoiior :—Flour at the tidlls, £12 per t'in ; shams, nl from !I7 11 £8 per ton, and bran nt Is 2d per bushel ; wi.rst, "is to os 3.1 per bushel: oats, from 3s to 3s 31 t'.nr buibel. I'lngiish barloy, 5j por bushel ; peas an i boms, ,ts Gd to 4s per bushel. Tares, 5< fid to Gs 6d per bu'hi-l ; hay fnressed), £5 11 £6 per ton ; pot*' tors, £3 10s t > £1 per too, bags included ; onions £12 per ton; fresh butter, Is 3 i to Is 6d per lb j potted, Is to Is 2d per lb, accordiutr to quality ; cheese, C 1 to lOd per lb ; bacon, 6d to 9d per lb — Mercury, June 19.


V'i'ith the exception of an increased emand for nuts at. about 3s 6i per bushel, we no ch inges to note in the grain and flour market. Flour seems fixod at £10 to £10 10s per ton. Wheat, 4s 3c to 4s 61 per bushel. Bran and sharps. £6 per toti. Potatoes are plentiful at £3 10s per ton, bigs include 1 ; tho price at Warrnatnbool, from whence tho Melbourne market is chiefly supplied, is only £2 10s to £2 los per ton. Hay is scarce and iu demand at £5 por ton. Potted butter remains at Is per lb , wholesale ; fresh butter, Is 4d to is Gd per lb , retail. Eggs, Is 0 1 to Is 9i per do-en.— Timet, June IS.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 5 July 1869, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 5 July 1869, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 5 July 1869, Page 4


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