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Weather.—Jnly s.-SUowery—vri»«, S.W. ARBIYAL3. Wellington, s s., 262 tons, Holmes, from Napiar and Southern Portf, with goneral cargo ani pas^eneers. Stal of tho South, s.s., 167 tons, Bendall, from Napier, with sheep. Camille, barque, 350 tons, Stafford, from Newcastle, with cods. Bella Uary, b*rque, 275 tons, Copping, fxom Tlobart Town, with produco. Jane, schojuer, Moller, from Tauranga, with producr. Mary, tchor-ner, Hogan, from Alaraiti, with firewood. Wungarei, cutter, 40 tottF, Anderson, from Watigarei, with piodi.c . Tay, cutter. 16 tens, Sullivan, from Hot S ; rings, with firewool and shingle?. Catherine, cutter, 1G tons, McCube, frcm K--v/a-kaw.i, with lime. Snowflsko, cutter, from Oorornacdel, in ballast. DKPARTUi'.XS. Twilight, schooner, 53 tons, oleiklejshn, for Tairua, with sundries and 1 passengtr. Speedwell, ketch, 25 tons, Bewieke, for Kussnll, in ballast; 1 passemrer. I'athe-ino. cutter, 16 tons, McCabe, for Port Chalmeis, with sundries. Tay. cutter, 16 tons, for Hot Springs, with general sundries. IMPORTS. Fer s.s. Wellington, from "unodin: 1 Case raw coffee, ovdfr; 3 cases chicory, 5 cases chocolate, A. E. Cohen ; 3 cites drapery, order; 5-J casVs wino, 12 oisks ditto, 20 ditto whiskey, 11. 3. Meyers; S7 packages luzgage, Rev. P. Xlilno ; 16 cases chairs, D. Weir; 36 barrels plaster Paris, W. Scaclan and Co.; I hf,d »irthenwaro, 3 cma ditto, Roylan ; 5 ca>es sarthenwarc, 1). Weir ; 2 ditto ditto, 1 case ditto, J. C -rceran ; 1 bale drapery, S cases ditto, order; 323 sacks oats, FT. A Meyers; 100 iitto, Thornton. Smith, and Firth; 2 cases drapery, K. Hobbs; 2 ditto ditto, DnTis Brothers; 1 trunk, Ellison; 5 ditto, McKerraa ; 3 ditto, 1 case, H. Pupate; 2 trunK., John Hall; 6 ditto. Westtdahl; 3 ditto, 1 case, Lewis Turioll; 1 case drapery, Milne; 1 ditto ditto, A. Cass; 1 ditto ditto, order; 1 ditto ditto, W. Vilson ; G Hots tubs, 2 cases sundries, T>. Weir; 1 trunk, Mrs. l*hiilips; 1 cask, I till; 1 cape, Mrs. Ford; 23 cases drugs, 1 drum ditto, 2 kegs ditto, order; 5 cases coaoa, 6 ditto cocfecli jncry, 3 ditto tartaric add, 3 casls nuts, G ditto blaeiintr, 2 cases black lead, 5 cases salad oil, 5 ditto castor oil, 5 ditto corn flour, 3 ditto red herringj, 5 casks spl.t pea*, 5 cases lobsters, A. R. Cohen ; I easo sundries, Phillips Brothers; 3 ditto drap-ry, order; 1 ditto ditto and 1 truss, W. Taile; 2 ditto ditto and I truss, A. Wilson; 1 parcel, A. McKellar ; 1 case drapery, Keesiu; .t '.'o. ; 3do drugs, 11. i'orter ; 3 do do and 1 cask, H. Brittain ; 1 ca?e acid, ."porter 4: Co.; 1 druus, 1 do acid, J_. S. Welsman : 6 eases. Order ; 1 truss d.- iperj, W. t'.eid ; 1 ckso, order ; 1 do, S. and J. R. Vaile ; 1 do, W. Vaile ; 1 do, ! ofley and Johnson ; 1 erate, D. Weir. From Lvttleton — 50 sacks G. S. Jakins; 57 do wh-at, Thornton, Smith anJ Firth; 2 boxts, A. Cauhi'.l; 3 crato, plints, t ll . Tor-s; 1 case seeds, AY.'J. Hurrt; 20 boxes soap, b0 do candles, Aitliur and S >n; 10 sucks malt, order ; 1 box, Shirley. From \Yeiii;;trton —4 pkt»s, Terrie; 4 bales blanket-*, .rder; - o-.'.?t> dra;ery, Nathan; 1 Lrt si nut.-,, i"J»il«-io ,v Campbell; 1 case drapery, Hall; 1 parcel, Smith ; 1 do, N.8.A.; 14 parcels lead, .Smart. Per barque Camille, from Newcastle: 510 tj::s ccal, 8J toi:s coke, Hendersn and ITacfailmc (agents). Per Bell', llary, from Hobart Town : rails, 315 sacks ground bark, 176 sacks chopped bark, 3000 feet timber, 8000 5-feet palings, S6 cases tipples, 32-5 cases fruit, 120 cases frui , 1 caso plants, 40 casss fruit, 478 bags p?tatoe", 500 sacks "flour, 1 bundle rugs, 360 cases apples, SO cases fruit, 420 cases fruit, 26 halt cases fruit, 9 quitter tiotcis tobacco, 12 do. do., 100 cas-s jam, So cas?s j*ro, 100 cases jam, 50 cases jam, 45 cases jam, 200 tons potatoes', H. ITeyers; 2 tons wearing apparel, W T . Grey ; 3 cases fruit. Speight; 155 cases fruit, 300 uj. do. 1 case opossum rng', G. Currey.—!l. 3. Meyers, agent. ABRIVAL OF THE WELTI .G.ON. The favorite s.s. Wellington, C>pt4in Holmes. arrived in harbour from the South on Saturday mornina\ She brings a full cargo, and a number of passengers. Captain Holmes reports having left Port Chalmers at 4-30 on the 26th June, arrived at Lyttelton at 11-30 on the 27th; left Lyttelton at 5 on 'the 2'Hh, arrived at Wellington at 8 30 on the 29th ; left Wellington at 3"30 on the 30th, arrived at Napier at B'3o on the Ist July ; left Napier at 3'30 on tha Ist, arrived at Auckland at 6.30 on the 3rd. From Port Chalmers to Lyttelton had fine weather find smooth water with light northerly winds; thence tr. Napier, ■trong westerly winds ; Napier to Kast Cape, strong southerly gale with very heavy, sea ; thence to Auckland, strong head wind and fine weather. Passed s.s. Sangitiia ofi White Island at 11 am. on the 2nd. Saw a steamer supposed to be the Star of the South making in shore of Cape Wunaway. We are indebted to Mr. Mo-i tor the early delivery of our papers and parcels. PaMENORBS.—SaIoon: Mrs.lorenzen.Mrs.SomerTille, Mrs. Preon, Mr. Eoberts, Miss P. Leake, Hon. Dr. Pollen, Captain Troughton, Mr. Jn r >. Martin, Mr.Morley, Mr. Elliott, Kev. P. Milne, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Fairfax, Mr. Xirrran, and 14 iu the steerage. ARBIVAL CF THIS STAR OF THE SOUTH. The s.s. Star of the South, Captain W. Bendall, arrived at Kohimarama from Napier at 9 o'clock on Saturday moroing. She left Napier on Monday at 10 a.m., with strong N.E. winds and h'ary head lea; took shelter under Black Reef, Mahia peninsula, at 8 p.m. the sarao evening. About midnight tho wind shifted to the westward ; weighed anchor aid proceeded on the voyage. 2oundod Kast Cape a' 2 p.m. on Tuesday, and met a strong wostorly gale, which compelled tho Star to take shelter in Hick's Bay, where shs anchors! at 5 p.m. on th» same evening, remaining thero nutil Friday, the 2nd July, when tho galo having taken off she picceeded on the voyage and arrived at Kohimarama at 9 a.m. on rtaturdav. Cargo : 4<; cows, 350 sheep, Broadbsr.t and Ca imm ; 27 bullocks, Buckland. Passengers: Itfestri. L'ailiirry, Teuoh, lleker, and two in the steerage.

AHRIVAL OP THE i.KLLA MARY. The favorite clipper barque BdIU Mary, Captair Copping, arrived in haibour early yesterday uiorni'i:; brinL'ii-2 n full cargo of fiuit. potato' s, ric. cr.n ..j'-n j to Mr. tl. .-. '.i.-yeM. .dlo has marie a very L .,n ! p'Sitgeof 14 days. Captain Coppin,; r«:i rts leavin-,' tf'Anrt wn on viturday, the 19' h ii.slai.t, ami the first HHven (JHys out hid \.N.i.. and i'. wind*, with heavy rain. The win ! tii n v. er ' 'o N.W., and on Wed.T.d.iy la-t i-he .-ncounNTtr- .. hard g.l« from th'i S. A"., ace ,mp oic J by li:..v. so;i.. iladd the 'i hreo Kinga at midrii.-lit on ;'i.u-.. day, and hud liu'l.t V ".ST. vi;ids dwi ih" <-n> «t. On th> Hoi'n .Turn?, in ia'itudo -11- -id', lonjiitiid 158 - , s: oUn a. birqu<?, bu posed tob-llicO!e:i t.-a, bound to Nowa-tl". Wo ate indebted to Cip'.ain Conping fjr Jfo'art Town j-ipere to the loth ult. I'lS'i-nsjers:— Vfr. Crisp, .'ir. G. Currey. GRAIN V, S*Er,S VO*. AfJOKL-iKD. '■'y the arriva: of the si, Wellington, kc \i' of Eevonl vessels having p-died fr. in T.y(Te:i<n fur tliia p.,rt during Imt. rr.nnta. !'i:c foil'..wing is the order in which thev Uw>U I ■ ir dejii'.'turo from I yttelton, wii.i tho quintitv •>( t: r- > on board, and the jiames of the stiiop-rs : — .feno-.'o. —Is'ibt-a, ketch, 51 t'.n*, :.'. Aridn;? n, with 40fi .-ncki wh«-it, 12 ; J ~ats. Cox (.mi Baber. Juno -Jl. — '{idem in, l!i ■(■"■ensica •■■!'.,raiwr. 81 to:i<, -. ; Griffith?, with 357 baL'B oats 44 d-», C. . Ai ..-1,1.111; :.'.) ttnn po',;t'.C:', TV Luurif .Tnno -.'S.—!'«.,.l.odiu, burqiio, Kseort, r.itii 3 00 I ba,. : . : 2 rl--., 1,098 b0 ..;«, G.'J'iO do w'-,ra:, J Gti.-:;; 53 c « s «we tcnod '.-in, '.irotf '1 I.e. b.irq;i'.' ' outherti Cro»s vfhicli Miriv-i o. the 24th, h'd eminence i to k : ..,i for this nrlrt ~ 27th. -nil «- 115 t- sail j., J„I V . Tw, vr-w,.;, a:o ala> l„:i'!ili.; Jruin n« .'lam'ir'l far tin'- toe viz.. t';o K!»:m.",r 'i:d '^lc-.,; ,-;. inOamaru Times of the loth ultiin > i.ava : " i'r:er.- '• o 1 -r.70 ijin-ri-y -.f >tvn in wirnhous" uwaitiiiK i.iipinei.:, nu,-. .• • mii'.h as tlii weather will, 7i ("n----silerable porii' n wiil bo shii ped on boarl tile baripit HK-anor. ihi? vs-s-d hai been exe.;-!i'i»!y unforrnnatc, li,..ving twice h .d to go to s-a, and having, although it is some days sinco she arrived, as yet

' only some 3000 bushels of grain on bo»rd out.of some 20,000 which she ia expected to take." The lane paper of the 22nd ultimo s«ys :—" The Eleaner has nearly completed her loading, and will probably ■ail on Wednesday." DIRECT COMMUNICATION' WITH SYDNEY. Once again wo are to have regular communication with Sydney, and time on a better system than has over yet been attorn ctcd ; an onterprieing Auckland fnm, Messrs. Henderson & Maofarlsno, having detevminod on running three wall known favorite vessels in tits portion of the intercolonial trade. An I advertisement appears, in tin Sydney Morning Herald I of tho 24th ultimo, affixing dates those vessels' 'departure* an follows. Tho A lire Cameron loft en tho l«t instant; slui was to be followed by the Kato on the 10th, an t tho Novelty in tho let »f August. Shippers of cargo, and passengers are informed that these date* will bo adhered to as ne-.rly aa possible, and >ire requested to assist in effecting this object l.y avoiding delay in sending down freight. The owneia of this line of packets have tak»n for the data on which tj found such a service, tho average passag's of thesn celebrated clippers, some of them, especially late ones, bavin); been something marvel!.his. The Sydney Ilcralil thus notices tho latest:—'' ! he Alice. Cameron made tho round from Sydney to Auckland mid back, including detection, in 21 days 18 hours, the Kate in 23 days. Wo must heir in mind that these passives have been ntnio during a timo oi" year which is not generally considered the most favorabl- for quick ones, and tliey naturally say volumes in ftvor of the Cameron and Kate, whMst of tho Novelty it is needless to spent, her voysgn to Kngland and back fully attesting her merits. The accommodation afforded for t os'ongwrs ia of a sup-iior order; the carg\ with but li'llu damage, is discharge ' dry, and in .s;<lcudid order, from b.Hli wings and floor; the misters are r well and lavorably known ; the ships well stored and provisioned, and owned by local firms, who are naturally anxious for their own inteiestsj to attain success in this pie-ont venture Surely it intt't be patent to the Auckland public that it is to the interest of the whole community, when the profits arising from such .a tranjaction aracquitod in and amongst them, and tho attendant expenses circulate in, ond not out of our province, as in tho inntanco of vc.-sels owned in other p >rts. Ono advantage, too, must eot ho overlooked in connection with this service. By pun-tutHy adhering to the dates of sailing, merchant.* and others trading and resiling in the olhor ports of New Z.-ahnd who have business or other lolations with ' ; -clnoy. knowing that these, vi-s-.cls will act conjointly with tho steamers plying eo iftwise, and owned by thosime firm, will he i-.blc to cileti'a'.e to a day tin tine of H'rival of consignments, etc. —a desideratum long looked fr, but hitherto un , Altogether, the matter is one on which tho public may congratulate themselves. We p esumo it is but tint forerunner of the tint i when Nor,- "ill be to longer cotilen: to let Knglind be h"r carrier, and v.-! u >n h-r own in-reliant fleet, owned by lire own people, butit surveyors, classed he htr \.\: u !.10y.1%, freighted by hex ow '. iiut-orers «mIcs;":;;m in<u''"! »y !iw nivn "flics, and tilling h-r o-u coll" rs with 'lie ■o\< which is now wrested fr on "m-r for tho tmrp ..■ of chartcrin • " U f:ii:at» bui.t s ; vo>, earryin.'- n:i expeiie'iie. i c.iw. and 0.v.-.ion .lly .1 sure.-.,,''— • iii fulfil al iter :".--ti! i. H''vh t!i • timo -'oi'.' arrive t -.i a " ■■■,;■: »" t "tun-di -hip -nil I-:j end aitet.cs *h..1l have a e!v.l.i; oi-:i-,l to It-.-.-. wMe'l m:.-:.t have '-.:.-. itiv.-n be those - ■■■: ••::>!- ; -i: a-;, «hi .-if.ii'j.i a certificate t■• an .iu !;! m i huiit v.-s-l r..i:c.,s th.y -v.-.-e .i.-.t .'.lowed ; > i-iti. 1., r . j pit e.: . Tho batque Kuc.lyptu . C.i-jt.a-n i'.itile, sailed from l'ubart Town " tor Lytt-lton en tho l'Jth ultim -. Jilt; Wo dstock —Cit-ta'n H-.-nd til, of the of tho S'lith, repors that the MicV. t-i-1 rutt»r WoorlsStock, I ."apt ai ■, put into II e<\i iter on i'lliirs. day !i-t, tii-j 1.-t in-tin'-, with !■-, rof s.ilis ....1 oth.-r fiatna to, oeead tn,rd by tlte late g-iie. J.'.N/. —' ho sch oner .Ijn«>, -.'aptaiu M-iller, arrived 1.-em y meruit).; with a lareo number <-f i--isai-ng-r'. T:ie .-...-. riuej- is extiect'-i in tho Mauuia : t>• day. Tnu ''aiiille.—'l ho barque ; 'amille, in emmand of Captain .-'tafford, arrive J iu harbour from Newcastle _v—terday morning, bringing a full cargo of coals for Jfe-TS. I.enderscn and .Mr.cfarlino. Sho le;t Newcis'de it; company with tho Aurora and Australia, and wh< the first of tho three to mako the North Cape, had a fair wind to tho North d; e, which wm made on Thursday last, and his had S. W. and W. winds on tho coast. The brig Aurora, which anchored off tlio reef en Fri'ay night, came up harbour on Sn'urday and anchored otr the wharf. « TKLKGR APH I C SHIPPING. (FIIOM OCK OWN COBRESfOSDENT.) NiriEit, Juno 27. The 8.». Gothenburg, from Melbourne, arrived at the Bluff at midniglit on tho 2.3 th inst., loft .or Port Chalmers at 330 p m., and arrived thjro at 9 a.m. Un tho 26th. Tho ».s. Pnusbe, from the Bluff, arrived ot Port Chalmers at 8.: 0 a.m. on the 25th inst. 'Iho barqao Laughing Wuter left Port < hajmers for Newcajtio at 3 p.m. on tho 2-sth inst. The s.s Cinoo arrived ot Wellington from Lyttieton at 4.30 p.m. on thu 251h inst., and steamed for Nelson at 10 40 p.m. same night.

THE NEW ZEALAND STBASI NAVIGATI >N COMPANY. A meeting of the Napier shareholders in tli«i New Zealand '.'.team Navigation '"ornpany (Limited) wu held within the counting-house of Mr. K. JjynJon. on Tuesday, 29:h Juno, 18G9, at 12 o'clock, noon, Pruent, the following shareholders:—Messrs. J. Chambers, K. Catchpool, 0. !t. Holder, A. H Make, R. Wiirncs, M. Boyl m, J. \V. Gowing, E. VV. Knowles, J. G. Kinro s, F. Sutton. Mr. F". t-'utton wns voted into the chair. The foll-vwing resolutions were unaiiiinouly adopted by the meeting : — 1 ■' J hitt this meeting ia of upinion Unit it will be agair.a; the intoreits of the shan-holdcrs in this province, that the property < f the >Vw Z.-ilund -I •■.i.i Xav-'j-atioii ("omi-uny bo (lisp v-n-.l of ..n thu l>-rm.i mentioned in th.'circular, l.'ic off-ir benr: quo..- in:, ifquite, should tin- Louis p~*s into trie hi.n.l.s o( .h-. piopod"" " p!i-ohi>er\ a ino'iop r -l. would }>■• ,*r. .'..■ ! (Icirimtuta' to '.In. ini'-r. s'a of thu B:::irih.d lir.i, .:a i io tli- cimin'ni'.l inter.'-ts of th'i pl-ic-. 2. "The ah-.r-hold-ra of thU provin. .• r ,■:•.• .•: th.-ir int ■.-.■•:< wil ; he h,-t -. rved l. v icJ Cin.- ■. capital if <h" "mjjt Z .1-itnl S:;-.!ii N«vi .-:iri.;.ii .„:;- ranv ( i'nif."!), fr M f'l'l t, t'l ;..t.. ; i :'..;.:]',■ . - i.iimii.--_ tr.- r.. at pi :r_ >.• ;• .-, tho .!•!:. h-.i'i-rsi'ia: :i:.- '• .mp 'r will ; .'iy ••. •; ,! (livi.i. rid if :h- T,-i;i--:i'-i. f (api.J b- , .i. ■,:: '.. 3. - T... :!i • ..., :.u:ion of ...• ;;:.■,- ..•;■. - !■ .1 1.-r< b.- i :vi-..-,: ~> .-.irrv out tV- •, ,o;'..'.i<.'n-. cf il(...lection, ~■.■!■. ;.i,,;, ,:d„r-, if ii, ..v.,.. :. ...-.:..: t.m- t:n ; ; i-. '■'■' ''.in • ■iy.i, are r• ;u • . -,• ■■ xl'; I . r-m ■ r !'. : r li.-v-."

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 5 July 1869, Page 4

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 5 July 1869, Page 4

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 5 July 1869, Page 4