(From the Sydney Morning Herald.) . . Melbourne, April 2. -Clio Tariff Bill is now before the Upper House. General regert is now expressed liere that the proposal for a fortnightly mail via Galle was not adopted; and "I'O that the three lines proposed by the Postal Conference Bhould have their depot at Sydney. With this state of fueling 011 the matter it is considered doubtful whether Parliament will' agree with the Ministers. The Bay is almost empty of shipping. The import market has improved. Brea-lstufTa moving 6lowly j Victorian wheat has been sold in small paresis at 4s. Gd ; barley, Bs. 9d. for seed; Bales of maize lmve been effected at 83. Gd. to 8s TM. for faulty, being an advance of 3d.; compacts are'selling well, but at lower figures, Dundees, 13d. l£d. to 13a. 3d.; kerosene, 2s. lOd. fur best brands, to arrive. Arrivals.—Mistress of the Seas, from Liverpool; Alexandra, schooner, from Newcastle. A ship, name unknown, is off the Otway. April 3. Mr. Jenner has given a notice of motion -which expresses dissatisfaction with the Postal Conference | arrangements. The Chamber of Commerce has also issued a protest to the same effect. The annual report of the Eeformatory Schools 1 shows that there aro 1138 children placed therein. Miller, the cashier of the Imperial Insurance Company, has absconded. Mr. Syme, of the *dge, has been Bummoned to the hir of Assembly, for libel. The Legislative Council objects to the Tariff, as it embraces territorial revenue; and a meeting with the Assembly in committee is desired. The tea market is very firm; the damaged ex Princes, brought Is 6J,-d to 2s under the hammer, duty paid. Trent Brewery ale has been soil for £G. Arrived.—Keigate from London.
™, . . April 4. £ho further consideration of the Tariff Bill hai d I,e ®" "gnin postponed by the Council. Df . J® 1 "- Syme, of the Aye, appeared to-day at the bai ■ ot the Assembly, and endeavoured to justify the article •- , 510 was summoned. The House is now " debating what course to take in tho matter. Mr. Kyte has brough in a bill for tho payment oi ' members. It proposes £500 per annum. * -i A J. ues ' I0 ° is , to b ° asked to-night on what authois rity tho duty has been remitted on goods cominc I, across the Mnrraj into Victoria, and how the subs id,, d to New South "Wales iB to be paid. e A Royal Commission is to bo appointed to inquire s into the present state of prison labour. f The Rangitoto has just arrived from Wellington - No nows of Panama mail when she left. x The Australian Agency Company held a salo of . wool to-day. The quality of that offered was bad, but the competition for it was good, 'l demand for breadstuff's is purely local; maltin " barley is in request ; maize is firm at 45., and 0 wantod; small parcels of linseed oil have been disposed of at 55., and it is in demand ; there is f considerable speculation in kerosene. a Messrs. Dalmalioy Campbell and Co., report full 1 supplies of fat cattle; prime beef is worth 225. per n 100 lbs.; the sheep market is glutted, and for .. inferior tho price is lower; prime are worth 14s. Cd. - April 5. Mr. M'Oullocli states that it was distinctly undors stood by tho Conference that Melbourne was to be tho terminus of tho Suez line when the graving dock , at "Williamstown is completed, and if Mr. Parkes refuses to acknowledge this in writing, the Victorian ■ Government will withdraw from the arrangement. Mr. Syme, when before the bar of the Assembly, "■ apologised for the article; Mr. Smith, the member 1 for South Bourke, acknowledged himself tho author - of the article, but no further action was taken, and t the iiouso passed on to tho nest order of tho day. i, The Supreme Court upholds the conviction of . Murphy for the murdor of O'Mara, at Bullarook. f p. B. Nicholson died last night of brain fever. S -Tho lown Clerk of Melbourne has recovered .€SO e damages from a publican at Elswick, who had asserted that the Clerk was drunk on New Year's * Day. ~ Tho revenue tables show and increase of £63,000 '» on tho quarter; and a dccreaso of £32,000 on tho 1 year. 1 Thoro has boen somo speculation in kerosene, r Armed.—Lady Darling, schooner, from New--1 castle; bilicia, barque, from Mauritius ; Ann, barque, c from Newcastle ; Oulnaro, achvoner, from Sydney; 3 O. M. Davis, Truo Briton, and Highflyer, ships, from I London. 1 April C. 5 There has been heavy rain hero all day. j There is no likelihood of Parliament agreeing to [ tho Postal Conference Beport. No business doing in the import market worth reporting. April 8. The Riverina Pastoral Association has agreed to 1 raise ten shillings por share and sell ten thousand ' pounds worth of stock. Fooling here grows so strongly against tho Postal Confesenco arrangements, that it is impossible that ' it is impossible that the Parliament will assent to them. The revenue for the first three months shows a largo increaso in Customs and from land sales ; nearly other item shows a decrease. Mhreo thousand bushels Port McDonnell wheat, sold at nearly 55.; prime Victorian is worth -Is. 9d., and the market in improving. Cape barley, for malting, was sold at 3s. 9d, Maize, 3s. 10id to 4s. April 9. Messes. Overend and Robbs' tender for the Sandhurst section of tho Coliban Water "Works scheme has been aceepted, so that the whole of this work is now in course of construction. The shareholders sf tho Ice Company divide 1 per cent, on tho year's business. The trial of tho Rev. C. Booth, of was commenced to-day before tho Ecclesiastical Court. It will bo recollected that this is the rev. gent'eman who was said to have wilfully broken the leg of a dog in his church before the congregation. Tho Btory of a payable gold-deld at the Barrier Ranges is not now believed. Biehopß Qoold and Shiel sail next mail to attend a Convocation at Rome. Murphy iB to be executed next Tuesday for tho murdor of O'Mara. The Pleasant Banks Run, near Apsley, was sold to-day, at tho rate of 28s per head for the sheep, or £'21,815 net. In breadßtuffs there is no change. Coarse salt is worth £4 5s per ton. Powne's kerosene, 2s lid in bond. Java rico has been withdrawn from sale at £-5 15«. Pig iron is quoted at £4 63 6d. Machen's stout, 9s. Arrived. —British Crown, from London. April 10. The Ecclesiastical Couit yesterday suspended the Rev. Mr. Booth for six months, for breaking a dog's leg in the church at Wangarotta. A fracas took place in Collins-street yesterday between Mr. Gr. P. Smith and Mr. Longmoro, members of the Legislative Assembly, arising out of the Privilege debate. The House will probably adjourn for the holidays to-morrow. A man, namad Tarrant, was arrested for the attempted murder o f his wife at Emerald Hill. A discussion has arisen in tho Assembly on tho Postal Conferanco this evening. Imports for last year, £11,771,711. Exports, .£12,889,540. Margaret "Wylic, a midwife, is charged with manslaughter, for tho unskilful treatment of a Mrs. Peebles. Good sample of coal has been obtained from Corinella Mines, Western Port. Business improving; 10,000 bushels Californian oats 2s 9d to G- J . Liquids meet attention. Honnesßy's case brandy, free, at former rates. Marian's ale new biew, £8 17s 6d. Arrived.—Rangoon, from Sydney ; Debana, from London ; Charles Edward, from Port Albert. Sailed.—Western, for Portland ; Murray, for Port Albert. April 11. Parliament adjourned to-night for the holidays. The Postal Conference discission is postponed. Yesterday, in High-street, Sandhurst, a Chinaman, named Ah Soon, who is reported to bo infatie, murdered William Penbcrrjr, a storekeeper, by driving a pick into his head. Prisoner iB remanded. A Royal Commission is now Bitting at Ballarat on the suhject of mining 011 public reserves. Keyneton Races. — Maiden Plots—Pedro, I : Handicap—Monkey ; I ; Steeplechase—"Whack Tooral: 1: There is great indignation at the insufficient penalty imposed on the Rev. Mr. Booth. lJalrna'nov Campbell and Co. report fat cattle in moderate supply; prices have advanced 20s. per head for prime beef. The sheep market is completely glutted. Prices down Is. per head. Businesss is improving. Wheat is firmer; Bass's new brew, £9 35.; kerosene, lower; 500 bags Mauritius 6ugar sold at a docline of 10s. Arrived.—Helen M'Gregor, from Launceston. Sailed.—Coorong (s.), for Adelaide; Sea Nymph, Catherine Jane, Fanny, Alexandria, Eliza Goddard, all for Newcastle j Underlay, for Galle; Wonga Wongs (s.), for Sydney. April 12. The quantity of land to be sold by auction during the year, under the 68th clause of the Amended Land Act, is as follows :—Town lands, 625 acres ; suburban, 15,625 acres; country, 51,000 acres. Pilchards are very plentiful in the Bay. At the Ballarat races, tho Maiden Steeplechase was won by Magnet; the Selling Hurdle Race by Surprise ; ihe National Stakes—lngleside, 1 ; Cadger, 2. The weather was fine, and the attendance large. In the import market there was a good demand for trade purposes. packages of the Princess Royal's tea have been placed privately for other colonies ; a considerable quantity of plantation coffee has also been placed for export at 9Jd; 1566 hops, 3s Sid to 8s 4d. Breadstuff's are quiet, and maize firmer. Arrived.—City of Melbourne, b.s., from Sydney. Sailed.—Lady Darling, s s., and Prince Edward, brig, for Newcastle. April 13. The steamer Ellen Macgregor has been pnrchased by Captain Coots for the Clarence and New England Company; she sailed to-day for Launceston, and proceeds from thence to Sydney. Mr. Coppin receives a farewell complimentary benefit at the Haymarket to-night, on his departure for Sydney, with his excellent company, next week. Ballaieat Races.—Hurdle Rnce : valentine, 1 ; Jack Tar, 2. Open Steeplechase : Babbler, 1; Idle Boy, 2. Trotting Race: Kate, 1. The weatherwas tine. April 15. Alfred Stewart Galbraith, Clerk of Crown Lands Office, was killed on Saturday, at Hotham. He had
a quarrel with his wife while intoxicated, and she pushed him down the door-step, and his skull was fractured by the fall. Z a n r ' B, J r ° Etfll !> a passenger by the Bombay, from v £ I"' IT P ! , a y' c ff with a pet cobradicajiella, at Tankards Hotel, yesterday, at noon, was bitten in 'f o'clock 1 lfc * died in tbo hos P it!ll at half-past 4 A memorial has been presented to the Chief i- faecrctary, praymg for a commutation of the eentcnce 5 of death passed on Murphj for the Bullaroke / murder. In reply Mr. McCulloch said there was no good reason given why the law should not take its a course. The execution will take place to-morrow at Ballarat gaol. There has been a police raid on Casinos, and two proprietors have been fined. News has arrired of the wreck of the steamer i South Australia. She was insured for £12,500. Xhe markets are quiet. The sugar sale was almost ; a failure. 500 bags only were sold out of 5000 l oflered ; teas arc firm, and likely to improve. Advices' i as to rice are favouvble for an advance. There i 3 a a downward tendency in kerosene; breadstuff* are quiet; maze a shade firmer. The ship Wallasea is oii' the Otway, from Liverr pool. C loom l New York the ro aro largo shipments of oil— ,yuO cases ex Yitta Yizia, and 20,000 cases are ongAged ex Lawrence Brown ; shipments of tobacco are very 'ighfc—63 half-tierces ex Lawrence Brown, 3 4'A half-tierces and 176 three-quarter boxes 50 cases c por Yitta Yizia. The Sterling left Boston without a 3 packago. 70,000 and 100,000 feet lumber respectively are advised as shipped. Rico.—The St. Louis and Glenfallock have left ' Calcutta, the Wolverine was loading. J April 16. • _ At tho Sunbury encampment, next Monday, -there i I is to be a sham engagement, in which the 11th Kegt. will take port. f It is again reported that the Barrier Ranges diggings is a lioax. There has been a fierce storm along the coast; tho 1 wind is high, and heavy rain has fallen. Business is dull. Rico is freely taken. The cargo l of the Carl has been purchased for another market ; 50 tons were bought for consumption here at £27 10s' Bass' No. 3 new ale is quoted at £8 7s 6d. Candles ' are reduced 2id ; best brands are quoted at lUd to 11-Jd. Nothing doing in breadßtuffs. 1200"bags Java sugar sold at £37 to £39 for crystals. Teas have been sold at Is 7d to Is lOd. The White Star and Lanarkshire arrived in London in time for the wool sales. Adelaide, .April 3. It is reported that tho Attorney-General will be brought up at the Polico Court under some old Acts of Maintenance and Champerty, in connection with tho Moonta case. Fresh discoveries of coals have been made in the Port Lincoln district. Parties are starting for the Barrier Earig'p, determined to solve the mystery of the reported gold-field there. About 1000 packages of tea were sold, ex Jan Peter, at the same rates as obtained for the Melrose's cargo, on Melboumo account. The corn market is very firm; wheat, 4s. 2d. • sales of ilour have been eflccted at £11. Arrived.—Peru, from the Baltic. April 4. It is raining steadily, with every prospect of its continuance. The cargo of sugar ex Edith Smith has been sold at a considerable advance on previous rates :—Brown £32 7s. 6d. to £30 7s. Gd.; fine light yellow, £11 153' to £42 17?. Gd.; light yellow crystals, £-12 10'. to £13 12s. SI. ; white counters, £44 2s. 6d.; grey crystals; £15 2s. 6d. to £15 10s. The corn markot is very firm ; wheat has been sold at 4s. 3d., and an] advance on this price would be given for large parcels, but there is none coming in. No change to report in (lour. April 5. Captain Douglas, Collector of Customs, has just received tho first Commission issued in the colonies in the British Naval Reserve. There is a little business doing in corn ; the market is very firm ; sales of wheat 4s 3d ; flour unaltered. April 6. Heavy rains felt last night, especially in the Northern districts. Great damage has been done, especially between Gawler and Kapunda. It is still raining. A match came off to-day on the racecourse for £100 aside, between Stag and Boogoolo. The former won, hard hold. Wheat is very firm ; sales at 4a Id. Flour unaltered. Arrived. —Aldinga, s.s. April 3. The floods up the country have caused a great nmjunt of damage, especially at Tanunda. The weather is now cool and fine. Mies Aitkeu commenccs her readings at White's Rooms on Wednesday. The corn market is very firm ; no wheat offering. April 9. The City Council havo decided on appointing three professional men to consider and report upon the designs for the ilorphett-etreet bridge. Nothing moving commercially. The corn market is quiet; wheat, 4s 3d to 4s 4d; flour is inquired for at £10 to £11. April 10. At tho Adelaide Jockey Club Races the Maiden Plate was won by Corsair's Bride, with Alexander second. Adelaide Cup : Cowra, 1; Mi.inight, 2. April 11. ADELAIDE BACE9. Trial Stakes.—Oollinrode 1, Wemora 2, Apparition 3, Lottory 4. A splendid raco. Steeplechase.—Lightfoot won easily distancing' everything. Town Plato.—Stag 1, Cedric 2. The attendance was large. Tho Governor visited the Murray biscuit factory at Coromandel Valley. Tho directors of the Moonta Mino are to bo summoned for illegally paying tho last dividend, knowing the injunction had been issued, although not served. Miss Aitken successfully appears at White's rooms. - No change in the corn market. Nothing doing. April 12 Tho Gazette contains a proclamation declaring that a drawback of Is. 6d. will be allowed on every cwt. of jam exported, such jam being made of South Australian fruit, and of sugar that has paid duty there. The corn market is quiet. Sales of wheat to com- ' plete orders have taken place at 4s. id.; the marketprice is 4s. 3d. to 4s. 3Ad. Flour is unaltered. April 15. Despatches have been received from the Imperial Government relative to Mr. Justice Boothby's case. The Home Government declines to interfere, and \ leaves tho South Australian Government to act as it ■, may think proper. t Business generally is very quiet; the corn market ia dull; wheat, 4a. 3d.; flour, £10 to £11. There was another scene in the Supreme Court to-day. The Chief Justice made some strong remarks on the position taken by Mr. Jußtice Boothby. ' Large protection meetings are still held. Both the daily papers advocate free trade The Alexandra (s.) sails to-morrow. Qubensclh-FB, April 11. Sailed.—Underley, ship, for G-alle ; Sax Gottenburg (s.), for Hokitika: Wonga "Wonga (s.), for Sydney. ARAIiUEir, April 16. Great distress prevails hero owing to the disastrous result of the flood, many people are literally sttrving. There is an appeal going to be made to the citizens of Sydney to open a relief fund, and also to the Government. Many have applied to the police for subsistence. A monster meeting was held to-day, to petition Hassal and Roberts to grant three months' grace for the purpose of opening the claims that wert> filled in. Weather beautiful. Mauritius. [Yia Melbourne.] March 0. The prices of sagar are firm; it is calculated that the quantity likely to be shipped up to tho next yield will reach 120,000 tons. The weather recently has been favourable to the young canes; owing, however, to the number of canes destroyed by the drought, it is feared the yield will not this season reach the average.. Breadstuff's have improved, and tho heavy stool b are now disappearing; an advance is therefore likely. There has been some inquiry for bran, stocks of which are limited ; for oats, prices are higher and fluctuating; coal ia unchanged, and the prices moderate'; there is no demand for tallow; horses doubtful; tonnage inactive. The restriction on the price of labour has been abolished. An Australian colonist reports that there are indications of Mauritius being a gold countryArrived.—Western Star, from Sydney. Departure.—Result, for Sydney.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1074, 24 April 1867, Page 5
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3,014AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1074, 24 April 1867, Page 5
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