■unerring , scientific principles cannot fail; and may Txs carried about tlio person, or left upon the toilet table, without exciting a suspicion of its nature. Price 1 Is. J and four times the ouantifv a< DTJs. per bottle. Tho £:> paekair.s containinir twelve Us quantities, }>y which a saving of fl'l2s. is efieotod, willbe sent from 2"i, Bedford Plac\ only on the receipt of tho amount per dir.lr, t. a London house or otherwise. Extracts frron letters which can he seen by anyone. " I nm happy to say ihnt Turn now quite well, (hanks to you anil your medicine ol" medicines."— Ji. P., Si. A*";>h. "f am happy to say that I shall not renuirr' more, thank God. and 1 hop'.- He will reward yon for what you hnv.- don., forme."—./. C, J{artl,p,,,,l. "-If Tiiy tonj^ui , could spea'c, or in v pen could write to ex-pr--s my irratitude to von, T should feel happy, hut in it,her tongue imr |»'n of mine can do so.'"— l[ A j:;,;nh.,,1.,:m. "Without yen r should have been in my ;'rari'. hut now 1 am a happy man nsrain."— I) /••." /■■.. h.-r-rm-sx. " T can never thank you suflieil ently: liail I never read of the Gutta' Yiia\ where or what F nnVhi.haveb.cn now, I eumur. tell."— If 0 Vest I; lion. ' "PAIXS TX THEIUCK, GRAVEL, LOFRAGO, .1. Gout, Rheumatism. PiVnso of the Kidneys' T.ladd.-r, ,ve. J )r. ]>e Roos/ Compound Rr-nnl Piljj an.- a most safe and sneody Remedv for the aho ve dai'pfrous complaints, hischariros and Diseases of the. Vrinary Orirans irnieni'ly. which too frei-ii"--"-- , r,<s the sufferer ,_..,„. ~.",, w{ y ,.ar S of end' r.nly in un uL'onisini; death. They airreo with the most ili liciite stnnyicii. and in three days effect :i enro whi •: capivi, ciihetis. AC, have utterly failed. 2s. ftl., ■I*. M.. il~. aiidSSs. nbox. Tho superiority of the:..-; universally a. -Uu> .v.-'. ■■':■:■ -A. ::in! the e>:tniordina*y di-inaiid I'or (in in v.iti.iHi jm mi. ill. .Mmiiv there are, who fre.n natural dillidonto, or fear oi-'di.-cnv.Ty, would silently 1-ear their aitlictions r-i'li-.r 'h:;n .-i-.i]. Iv ii.r aid to fli..=e from whom thev may r. asonahly exj.e.t rel.'.-f. AVith the ahov,. ro '. niedii s the .-uIU.-rer may without ihe knowl.ilu'e of a second liersnn, erne himself speedily, privately, and at the Vast possihle expeii-e. " I have taken yr.ur I'Uls and always d.-rivc !rre,-it Tien.-Ct from them."— V. V. 11.. 'Q.tntfx 6<lhqn Cn.th,-;,!,,,'. " T have taken your Pills with the mo'*t happy re.iilt."— /.'. J!-, fwl: "Your Pills do me e-reat irood, 1 feel hetter this last twelve months for years hefore. ,- —/•'. 'V.. Jl'.nrf.mn. Jshfwrf. " Vonr I , ill's did me more uoad than anything T have taken.' 1 — M. J. lairsl, ■//. "f have tried your Pills, and de. rived the irreate.-t hell..'!;! therefrom."—l'. 0., Xurv J!,,!,!, St. Jfrlir/s. •Sold wholesale hy Barclay & Son, 05. Farrin.irdonstreet, London: Agents, of whom alsn titiy he had "TIIF. MKIHr.M, AOVISEI;," or should diliiculty arise in ])rnciirins aTiy of the ahove, encl<.s.-> (he amount hy draft or otherwise, to •}:,, Bedford Place. P.loomshnry pquaiv. London, V.'.C, and tli.-j----will he sent securely packed per return. r'AT"nOX. S;,'tfh;;-x s],o>.-M ~,„„;/ ofldhint tl,.' >;'- iwiiliiiii'li'l'Oli nf ».*;/.,, inntufi'nl." '"/ (7<x/ivnext re,,iff,rx, »/■/('» H,en-f<>rf ohlnh, a 1,,,-,,,;- /»■',/•/.' Tin- q,;r,n,,? /,«;,' ll,r irnr/tx "AWw/tei: Df lioos. London," print,-,) in u-hit, 1,11,-rs ~„ th,- r;,.i;-,;,».,-i,t Stump, c.v oi:i,ei: oiHfi: IldN-. Co.MMissiONiu:, to imitate v:!,i,:h i.slW',,,;/. QTPiIOTFRE OF TTTE T'nETTTEA : its nature, lij consequences, varities, ami speed v cure, without the pain and risk of laceration, cuttiiiir, or other irrational measures. Sent post free for is. Gd. hv Jolmson \- Co.. Pnhli>hers. If), J'.rooke Street, irolhorn, London ; and obtained tlirough all Douksellers. NOTICE. MR. .T. A. T)T?L T RT has irreat pleasure in informing his numerous friends ami customers that he has 7'eceived per ' Owen Olendower,' a further supply of Messrs. PERCY'S CRLEHRATEO " TiALSAJI OF «YT?TACU3r," "TRIE.SEJIAR" Xo. 1, and their other medicines. OX XF.RVOFS REI.AX.VTTOX and EXTTAFSTTOX.—Xew Edition, enlarixed to 100 panes, illustrated V>v numerous Anatomical Engravings on steel, just published, price Is. r n 1 K SILENT EKI KXD on Marriage, the frroafest >redical Work of the A::,; on Youthful Indiscretions and consequent Impediments : de.-erihinir the Anatomy of thi'ReprmiYi.-iive Pvsteni in health mid disOiw>. and pointiiiL' out the sure means of perfect restoration to manhood ; with an Essay on Single and Married Life, a Pres -rintion knomi as tho Preventive Loticn. prcclmiintr 'he possihility of eontanunation. To be had from ::.\ Airents in'all parts of tlie country. C'.WTioN.—Messrs. T.. L. PinuiT \- Co. are onlv to be coi'siihed at tlieir lvsidcnee. Xo. 11), I'erners-strcct, Oxfi'i-d-sin-e'. London, as they never under any circuinsianccs. travel cither at hoine or abroad, and they hereby eantmn th.e PuLlie of Australia ..rrtain parties in Melbourne and elsewhere, practising under their name as Sni-fco!'s. and as a further precaution against fraud, the I'lihlic is notified that none ol'tlieir medicines are -emiine. unless the subjoined fae-similo of their signature is attached to the' ililloivnt wrapR. & L. PERRY & CO. CEXERATTYE AXD ML'SCFLAU POWEB REOAIXKI) by the use ofK.& L.PERRY'S COK--1)1 A I. IJALSAM of SVKTACC^γ. 'J'his greatest discovery of the present Ace is a certain cure in all cases arising' from solitarv indiikcnce. It is invaluable in a!! nervous and seiual debility, ohMiiiale L'U-ets. impotcney, barranness. &<•. Price 11s.. and :!;!s. per bottle, and in ±"5 cases, eliecting a saviuir of. CI 12s. K.'lV 1.. PKRUY'S COXC'EXTRATED PETEK.SIYE KSSKXCK. a iviecdy for Syphilid in all its stages, al.-o for purifyintr I'e.e system from contnmmalion. luva'uable lor M-eomisiry syni|itoms, blotches, Ac. J'rice 11s. and o:is. per bottle, also a savin" of lls. R. \ L. PI"RT!YS COXCENTRATET) ESSKNCK OF COI'AlliA AXD (THRU SL'OAKCOATKI) ( :].(')DELES, the most speedy remedy kiiKwn. The Globule* containim; tho Quiiitt-jscuce id'l'opaiha. Cuh.-hs. Jiiiclia. Ac. at once cure, without the ]ii>?sihiliiy of failure. Gonorrhira, obstinatu (licet. Siricturc. Ac. imniediately suhduintj all in-liauiiiiiitoi-y aeiion ; encased iu si'crai- five from taste or Miidl. Is. IJd. and lls. pel" box'. 11i:.mt]1 hii'i:m>.-5 vvos Vvuk Rr.onn. —R. i L. PKUKV.s ITUIFYING SI'KCIFIC I'UAS. an infiillible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as seurvey. s. rol'ula. ulcers, l-.oils, blotches, pimples on the face and l.odv, Aγ. l'ricc 11s. and 335. per box. Sold at .Messrs. R. A L. PKRRY A C'o.'s Whole- : sale J)i>l>ot, Xo. 111, Berucrs-stivct, Oxford-street, London. A-euts: JiARCT-AY A CO.. !),">. Earrin S don-strcet, London; J. A. DKL'RY, sjirilMiiitu, Queen-street, Auckland. t;i:ihi-: to liKAi.Tir ax.r> HArrixESS, a I Popular .Mciiral \V..rk. IH-.iutiful'.y illustrated with J IIHI K;i-v.iviuus. dc-criptivi' of the baneful ellects Iro'ii ihc errors ,>!' youth, nianliood, atul okl ai;c. and tlie dchililv arisiii" from the too frequent I indulgence oflhc prions. ' -\K\V AND IMI'iiKTAXT PISCOYERY IX ; TIIK SCIKNCK OF MKIMCINK. PATKNIT ("iFFk'K SKA I. OF (MiKAT URITAIVi niri.o.M K d;.: ecolk di-: piiarmacik : PIURMAC'IKX PK PARIS. IMPERIAL I COLi.KOK OK MKDfCIXK, VIEXXA. 'l'i;ir.si:M.\ii No. 1 is a certain remedv iW relaxation. Spermatorrli'i-a, ami all ihe di.-tivssiiis{ eonsc(|ucnces arising from early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates. Ti:ii:si:mau Xo. 2 elVcctuallv eradicates all traces of Gonorrhoea, both in its mild and forms. Gleets, .Strictures, Irritation of the [Slaildcr. I'ains of the Loins and Kiduev and all uriuo-uenilal diseases. TIIIKSKMAIt Xo. S is the irreat Coutincnlial remedy for Syphillis suulSi'coiulaiT .Syiiijitnus. Triesemar Xo. 1. 2, and .'J. prepared in the form of a Lozenge, devoid of smell or tuMe. and can be carried in ihe waistcoat pocket. I'riccs. lls.. or four cases in one for 335., which saves lls. ; and in Xo ea.-cs, u heivbv there is a saving of CI 12. Ajjeiiis: J. A. DRURY. Seolsman, Quccn-strect. "THE XEW ZKAI.AXJ) HERALD." ti:k.ms or advi:i:tiskmkn"ts. Ttircc linos Is- 0.1. P...U-linos U.M. liiu's is. oil. Anil ill. for iMfli aililitioiinl line. SflJSCltll'Tlox. les. per Quarler: siaglo o.ipii-s :l.t. each. «r AitvCTtisi'iiiciits will liorocciviil at ilieOiliee, ()»i'en-stre»t, cvci> .lay isiuiil:i\>exocp'.cil) until t> p.m.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 181, 11 June 1864, Page 8
Word Count
1,288Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 181, 11 June 1864, Page 8
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