THE XEW FKEXCH KEMEDY. By lioynl Latins r«tn,t, nn,!e, the specie! sanction of ' Her Jfajexfi/'s Government, ami the Chiefs of the Fncnlte (If France. milEKAl'IOy :—or CUKE of CURE.S.—This L successful and hirrhlv popular medicament, as employed in the continental hospitals bv Kostan, Joheit', Yeipoau, and other?, combines sill tin- ele;.idorata to lie sought in a medicine of the. kind, and | surpasses cvcrythii!"- hitherto oitij-loyfcl. Devoid of j all lost,; ~<1,,,n; ;i,ul ~p,na,;•„,;■ of me'dicine, it can he left Hi- i luvieij anywhere, and taken from lime to tiiiuwitliont exciting su.-]iieini!. Each pai'!v:i r 'i; ci>ntiiiiis j full instruction foreverv case. . j TIIKKAVIHX, >•„. I, :„ thrrodays only—removes -]. e-t. and all eH.-chai-<ri-s;"t-n"i-<-tu;illy duos irrepanibleharm by lavin-the-leimdation oniric lun-.arde.tlier*!i:-eases. \ In dvsentrv, piles, irritation of tin- lower bowel, eoii-h, j lironehiti--, as'limn, iiiid sonic of the more trvinir nun- * plaints of this kind, it will he found astonishingly eliieaeions, afi'ordini; promiit relief, when; other welltried remedies have been powerless. TIIERAPTOX. No. 2, for syphilis, disease of the hours, sore throat, threatened di-tniction of the nose j anil palate; impurity of i.lood, scurvy, pimples, spots, j I.lo;e1i,-s,;\ndaii<li>e'a>es forwhich it has boon too much j ;i fashion to cnipioy nierenry, sar.-nparilla, i-.'., to the destruction rif the sulferer's'te-oth. and ruin of health. "Under this iiv-dieine every vestige of disease rapidly disappear.- ; ::i:d .-.kin assumes the pleabiny softness " in! , -....-.-. ' "- 1 THKJiAPIO.Y. „.-,.= , , , i -<'-'• '!, for relaxation, sponuntniT- \ uv:l ' a '-, t Ml the ,l!.-t.-e-in:r ~,,,,5t - .1 , .;--r,ees avi-imr wmi early alms.', cxee.-s. i-. ■- M--n. ■•■ in It. !. unhealthy climates,' Are. It posse-, s suipri-injr w.wcr in resloving strength ami viirnnr to the debilitated. To those who are provr-ntod ent'-rini; the inai-riai.'e state by the consequences- of early error, it will render ess. niial aid Vy sulidtiin- all\ialiiie»lii7iis . ami | iv.-torini;- the lost, ton.- io ihr- sys'e;,,. Th--i-:,|,K,n | may !„■ proeinvl at 11s., ami ':;:;>. jmt paefcaire, j all iindieiii.' vemlor.-. r.]-in .£•) ]«iekaues for j loreiini sliipmi'iit... direct from London only, hy whieli j .tl l-'s. an- saved : and CIO packa-.-s inveterate cases, l.y which a sti!l L'reater savins is filer-led. In ordering the ahove. the imrcleiser should state which «i('tlie thne numh(-rs he re'iuires. I lli-:n ?'s llox. ( Vmmissio.\i:i:s have otieiously permitted the Oov.nimrnt stani|i hcariiiir the word ■"Thei-.ipion" in white litters, to be ntt:ii:heil to each pnekatre; tlms insuring tin: juiMioacruinst fraudulent imitations, and seeiiriim- to lh.- proprietor the soil- rijjrht oi' suji]ily lier dominions; ami liny infriniremeiit of which they will prosucnie with the utmost severity. A';r.NTs roil K.n(;i..\n-I).— i r c Co., 7, T'pper St. I'.arclayi: Co., Karrinirdon-street : J-Mwai-ds i- Co., and Xewhery A: Sons, St. I'anl'.s ehurch-y.",r.l ; Siitton A: Co., liow-ehnreli-yard. EonJ.'ni ; liliimr-s it Co., Liverpool ; Apothecaries Coinp., (ilasffow ; Ferris A: Co., I'.ristol ; Cornish A: Co.. Tlymonth ; Kowe, 11,-vonpon; IJaiidall A: Co., Soutiiamj.ton : and obtainable ihrou-h all medicim- vendors in the known world, or in ease of diiik-ulty, by enclosing a draft or order for i.'.j or CHI, to the nature of the ease, payable in London to Messrs. ! Thomas iV Co., as above, a lariro will be sent by return mail, c.-tivfiiily seemed from oli.-eivation or a.'-eident. PREMATURE DKC'AY OF TITE SYSTEM", and its ]..-rfect lv.-t..ration, whether arising from youthful impiiidenee, or the excesses of adult lift;, infection, climate. Are. Observations on marriage, the prevention and removal of certain disqualifications. Kules and numerous, prescriptions for sell-treatment. Sufl'erf.-rs who are prevented from matrimony by the consequences of imprudence, should road this work, as pointing out the sure way to restoration nfhealth. (Sentjiost live in an enveloj.i' on receipt of .'is., by Mr. I.awes. M, dical Publisher. I-I Hand Court, London. TIIK CAUSE AM") CUItE OF I'KEMATI.'KI-; DECLINE. Hold bu oil the Aijthts for JJr. Ik- IlooJM, rlichn .«, .„■ snit' j,i,*t />,/. s,-ri,,-r front vhst-rruti,.,-, ilirt-ct I'n.n, llv. Ai'th<rr,for-ls.(ij'. milK I\!EI)TCAL ADVrSia:, on the 7iio<tPrn tr.ati_ ment of mental and physical incapacity, syphilis, stricture, Arc : with unfailiiiir rules and prescriptions for the sji ly cure, bv very simple means, of all Ihe more common diseases and Mi].]...s,d im-urablc maladies of the s. Mia sy.t< m. ]iy Dr. W. lv I.'ilos, M.D.. All-., e/' Ihr I'.nlr o'r J/,./".",/., fori.-. Groihmlr in Mr'lichir. Sim/,,,/ ~,-;> Mi.'irif,,-,, ; /./,-<,- tiutr uf the liuvil! Sm-n-t.l of A)l"lh. 1,:,-!, s, lye. IrFYir.WSANIi NOTiri'<. " 'J'o yf.ur own counsel or yonr own doctor, entails ri.-ks'that have bec< n-..- l irov. rvial to ad. :t. . thai prevents much ur.od resolution from taking any b.-nelit fn-advantairewlien reasonably oilV-red. Susj.i'-i-i<n\ be irets irresolution.and wheri-th'er*-isi'.ocor.fidi-iii-e "•ood iv.-i:lts .-.1 d.-m follow. M.dual b.cks are a field for the faculty alone, and the public act wisely in refr.iiniiifr from tlieirstudv. ' J)rink ih-eji or t:ist. not the "Pierian s])iir.LT,' is 'pood aiivice where the uninformed mind. li>teninir to its own apprehensions, is often ready to imagine than use its cool judgment. There is one cl::ss of medical lore, however, that stands in a position sunn what exec ptional jo outremark, and which treats on disorders and irregularities in which molality is off. nded. For this reason the patient K-o often .--tillers in secret, or purs lies in ignorance practices thatdailybrinirliimini' a more- h.opel.-s conditionforwant of friendly advice. T.. su.h we recommend a perusal of tbe •M. ,1i,v.l Adviser/ of AValt.i-De 1. , .....-. M.l>., of London, an established Physician, graduate ami liceiit-atc ol'all tliu regular institutions of I.t.iidon and IVris: -,u .1 who has made nervous disorders and their ban, hi! oriirin his particular study, and obtained such a piaetiee in this branch of therapeutics, as ijc:tliti« & him to he a .-ale and competent adviser."— (ok,,/,/ <:hn,nie/e, M<"i 'Hi, lSlil. •'The Ml-iIHCAI, ADVISF.i;. bv "Wai.t::i: Pf Koos. M.D., f.irthe cla.-s of (lipases upon which it treats, is undoubtedly the best and most s-.undly practical b00 , ,; which lias ceine under our in.ti.-e. The Author is a man of most cidarir.-d experience." — l>, ,-!■;/ T,.'r./r,>j,h, .!",:■■ •!»!/,, iMil. '• To tlio.-e who ciitiinpla;,- marriage its ]iei n-al is especially i.■i-omnieiided."— /.'-■,•/ J/«./.' •■The it imparts mitt com.- »<.,)„• time, ami bappv tlp-'y who ilonot pos-ess it to..late. "—l;.!i'i,■;«,.-. ( ;::'■• is ir;-,',!/,, in every curable case, and f.-w ini'.c . d are they which are'not -~."-J/.V. ./,'■ r if"\ "It i-ealculat.-d toetlec-t a complete revolution ill the treatment of the*., complaint:..- - — M,,1. (!,,z. "Simple 1 and inexpensive, ev. ry sutler, r may cure hi-i,-, :i spi-.'dily, privately, ami at the It a>t ce-1."- ■ 5m1,,,!. From lon- practical observation of the treatmei t puiMl.-.l in the inn:! famous Institutions of this country and the continent, for th...-e di.-,-a.- ; s ref. rr, d to in the above work, the Proprietor has had .-,. m. - what unusual facilities for acqiiirinir that uniform success which has hitherto characterised his praciic, . j in which the di.-tressinir ens.-qm-m-es rcsultintr lmni the injiii-ioiis employment of mercury, capivi. sar- ! saparilhi. a in I.- i mi la r dangerous medicin.-s areentirel .' obviated. La.-tinn- heiielit in the.-.- cases .-an only l'.. rr,is,,uoi,l : / expected at. the haniis of those who .1ev..;./ I their chief attention ,<i .-ueli diseases ; and to .-.ucii onlvean conlid.-nce he.w/le , // extended. Dr. Del:.' ref.'rs with pride to the numbers lie lias been instru- \ menial in i-eMol-iu- t.. health and happiness : w!,il>t j to all who need such aid he offers every assurance o;' j speedy restoration. i I'or.r.KiN Hksii.knts can lie successt'iilly treiiteil by j correspondence, on sending the detaij of'their ease"; i with a l'.ank note or Hill on a London h<.use for 'Jj : or UIO. in order that a package of medicines to meet ! the exigencies of tin; case, may he sent out bv ne.\t , maiUtiius avuiilini; the proiractcd sull'erinL' and! unneeessaiy loss of value time, which must otl erwisi; 1 ■|\l;. DK KOOS' CI'TT.E A'IT.E on I.IFI'. 1 1) DROPS; J'rnt,rtr,l 1,,, 1;,,.■„,/ L.ttrrs i;,t, ~t ~f' Eti'lliiiul ; Sroh if the F,/,"//c <lr Fr.nier ; l'j,,/,,' '. Cull'i/r if I'mssio, \<; ; have in numberless instance.; proved their superiority over everv other adv, llisc d remedy f..r Spermatorrhea : lau-o'ur ; lassitude : depressi,',,, of spirit; irritability : ; excitement; | i Hess lea dista.-t.- and incapacity for .-oeiety, study or lm>inc>s ; ion, pains in the side, pal- j pitation of the heart ; iiiddincss, noises in the head ; ; iiupoteiicy, imp.ilimeiits to marriaue. Are. This ! medicine'strengthens the vitality oft lie whole system, ' ifive-s energy to the niiiscli... and nerves, thus sjic.-dilv removes nervous comjilaiuts, renovates the imp u'r, ,1 power- of life, and invigorates the mo.-t slnitte-r.-d j constitution. For skin eruptions, sore throat, pains : in the bones, aiu all those diseases in which mereurv, i sarsa].,uilla, Ac-., are too often enijiloyeil in vain, t.i ■ the serious detriiiient. of health, iis suipi-ising- eliicacy j has only t,i be tested to be appreciated. ' ' I As these coiuiilaiiits eted become " clu-onie" j or incurable, sullerers will do well before- tliev waste | valuable time iu seekiuu; aid from iiistvunients, and' other absurdities <" sujierecde medicines ; to make fair trial of u iv-nicly_. wbieh con...oe'.cfi ou
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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 181, 11 June 1864, Page 8
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1,446Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 181, 11 June 1864, Page 8
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