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Sales &«ciwn. Apples. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will soli by Auction, THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, BOXES APPLES 40 Drays. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will Sell by Auction, THIS DAY, Saturday, 2nd March, at eleven o’clock, TWO SYDNEY MADE DRAYS 1 Sydney made Spring Cart. Remuera. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will Sell by Auction, THIS DAY, Saturday, 2nd March—--6 ALLOTMENTS IN REMUERA, containing an aero each, beautifully situated on the slope between the residences of Mr. Greenway and Mr. Whitaker. Cook-street CONNELL & RIDINGS Will Sell by Auction, THIS DAY, SATURDAY, 2nd instant, O BUILDING LOTS in Cook-street, and 3 do. do. Zi in West-street, adjoining the above. These five lots are in one block and make altogether a choice allotment, having 54 feet to Cook-street and 109 feet to West-street. NORTH AUCKLAND. CONNELL & RIDINGS Have been instructed by the Proprietor, Mr. P. Calian, to Sell by Auction, THIS DAY, 2nd March, at 12 o’clock— The north Auckland hotel, at Stokes’ Point, together with 5 acres land adjoining. Also 22 Acres of Land at Stokes’ Point, the greater part fenced and cultivated.
These valuable Properties are situated on that commanding promontory North of Auckland known as Stokes’ Point, the principal terminus of the Great North Road. For a Good Hotel there is a first-rato opening, as passengers to and from Auckland would be eure to go by this route in preference to the much longer one by the head of the Waitcraata. For private residences the position is most eligible from its proximity to Auckland (to which place there is a regular ferry)—from its pure and healthy atmosphere, and from the advantage it offers of bathing, walking, and fishing. The North Auckland Hotel is a substantial brick building, containing six rooms on the ground floor and five on the upper, one of them being a large Ball-room. A stable and outhouses, cowshed and stock-yard and a splendid well are within a convenient distance from the house. The Ground surrounding the House is divided into a large Garden, well cultivated and stocked with Fruit Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers. A Pleasure Ground under grass surrounded with Trees and Shrubs, and a small Paddock—the whole containing nearly Five Acres fenced. Adjoining the above arc 22£ acres which have been laid out as the Township of NORTH AUCKLAND, but whnh the Auctioneers arc instructed to offer in one lot, together with the Brick Yard and Pug Mill, conveniently situated on the Beach. The Auctioneers are at liberty to sell the above Properties by private contract up to the 23rd inst. Plans and full particulars can, be obtained at the Mart. CONNELL & RIDINGS Are instructed to sell by Auction, THIS DAY, 2nd March, (after the Sale of North Auckland,) (Without Reserve,) A FARM of 220 Acres in the Parish of WAIWERA, in the County of Marsden, having a frontage to the WEITE River and to the Sea. Also, — The Dwelling House, in Stanley-strcet, adjoining the residence of Major Stack, 65th Regiment. Also, — By Order of the Mortgagee. Part of Allotment 56, in the Parish of Papakura, within a short distance of the Village, containing 20 acres, the Property of Robert Kyle. Bay of Islands. CONNELL AND RIDINGS Are instructed to sell by Auction, on FRIDAY, 15th March, at 12 o’clock, (unless previously sold,) A SUPERIOR FARM containing 268 acres, in the Taraira Block in the Bay of Islands, within a short distance of the proposed Township of Kiri Kiri. Together with a Six Room House erected thereon. Full particulars can be learned at the Mart. Suburban Building Allotments. CONNELL & RIDINGS Are instructed to advertise for Sale, on or about the first of April, Fifty building allotmens, on the Mount Eden and Mount Albert Roads—in the immediate vicinity of the residence of J. A. Gilfillan, Esq., of Cotilc, formerly the residence of General Gold, —and of Mr. A. Mears’ dairy establishment. Full particulars in a future advertisement. ON MONDAY MORNING. CRAIG & SIBBIN Will Sell by Auction, at their New Stores, Lower Queen-street, on MONDAY next, the 4th March, at 11 o’clock, 50 BUSHELS NEW ZEALAND MAIZE 40 bags best New Zealand Flour 7 “ Adelaide Flour 8 kegs New Zealand Butter 5 casks Pork 20 Colonial Cheeses 10 tons best Potatoes 1 “ Onions 2 chests Fine Congou 5 lialf-chests ditto 12 boxes ditto, ex “ E. Tilton ” 10 bags Sugar
2 Lever Watches 1 Carpenters’ Bench And a variety of Sundries. Newmarket Cattle Sale. MESSRS. CHEESEMAN Will sell by Auction, at Newmarket, on TUESDAY next, the sth inst., TIIE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTIONS of LIVE STOCKWell fed Bullocks and Cows Store Cattle Dairy Cows Sheep Pigs, &c. Preliminary Notice. Messrs, cheeseman, win hold a land SALE, in their new Auction Mart, Queenstreet, comer of Vulcan Lane, about the 20th of March, instant. Full particulars of which will be given in a future Advertisement. — Dwelling House in Symonds-street. TO LET, with immediate possession, the Dwelling House and Garden occupied by 0. R. Strickland Esq., adjoining the main road, and within a few minutes’ walk of Queen-street. Apply to MR. ALFRED AUCKLAND, Haymarket. FOUND STRAYING, at Taupiri, Waikato, a BLACK HORSE with white stripe down forehead, and white off fore foot, has cast one shoe. The owner can have the same by applyingto Parati Takoko, or Taneti Paeturi of Taupiri, and paying all expenses. Further particulars can be obtained at Native Scretaiy’s Office. Mhrdi Ist, 1861.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 2
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887Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 2
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