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OK' SALE, ex Late Arrivals, WHISKEY, Scotch and Irish, in cask and case Geneva, cask and case, Key and J.D.K.Z. Old Tom, “Booth’s” in cask Wines—Superior Port, Sherry, and Marsalla Claret—“ Morgaux,” “ Bourgoyne,” “ St. Martin.” “ Pommard,” “Nuits,” “ Chainherten” Champagne—“Epcrgue,” Jacqucsson’s “ Fleur de Siller}',” and “ Sparkling” Ginger Wine, in quarter-casks and bottles Ale—Burton in hlids. Vinegar, in quarter-casks Bottled Fruits, “ Crosse & Blackwell’s” Sardines, fresh, just landed Invoices—Red Lead, Green Paint, „ “ Wolfe’s” and “ Allison’s” Piano Fortes ~ French Artificial Flowers ~ Pipes, assorted Mill Stones Grass and Clover Seeds, &c., &c. JOHN ROBERTON, Late Bain, Grahame, & Co. 31st January, 1861. FOR SALE, At reduced prices, to clear out the Stock of the late Bain, Grahame & Co,, BRANDY, United Vineyard Proprietors, in case Geneva, JDKZ and Key Brands, in Case and Crates Old Tom, “ Booth’s” Whiskey, Scotch and Irish, in llhds., Casks, and Quarter-Casks Wines, Port and Sheri}', in Quarter-Casks and Cases Champagne and Claret, superior qualities Ginger Wine Ale, in Bottle and Bulk Bar and Rod Iron, Block Tin, Roll Zinc, Sheet Lead and Lead Piping, Down Piping, Anvils, Boilers 40 to 50 gallons. Carts, Drays, Cart and Dray Wheels, Axle and Axle Blocks, Collins’ and Simmoud’s American Squaring Axes, Pit Cross Cut and Hand Saws, Pit and Hand Saw Files, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Frying Pans, Ewbank’s Patent Slate Composition and Copper Boat Nails, Copper Roves assorted, Brads assorted. Screws, Copper and Tinned Tacks, ” Locks and Hinges, Bolts, Iron Bedsteads, “Foster’s” and “Lyndon’s” Spades, Diggers’ Picks, Galvanized Fencing Wire, Flour Selves, Hay and Manure Forks, Harrow Tynes, Scythes “ HANSOME Sc SIMS’ ” two and three Horse Thrashing Machines, Bullock Bows and Yokes, “Wilkies’” and “Grey’s” Iron Ploughs, Cart Plough and Bullock 'Traces, Com Shellers, I Garden Pumps, “ Sorhy’s ” Sheep Shears, Sheep Bells, “ Avery’s” Weighing Machines, Weights, Safety Fuse, Shot, Frame Slates and Shite Pencils, Braces and Bits, Pincers, Rules and Measuring Tapes, Sjtokcshaves, Shower Baths, Cash Boxes, Tea Kettles, Tea and Coffee Pots, Tureens, Lanterns, Tea, Table, and Dessert Plated and iron Spoons and Forks, Ladles, 1 Spirit Taps, Jews’ Harps, Spittoons. I EARTHENWARE, Brushware, Tobacco Pipes, Fancy ' Baskets, Arsenic Ink, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Printing Paper. BOOTS AND SHOES, Kip and Calf Leather. HARNESS, Shafts, Plough and Trace Harness, Halters. SADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Spurs, Girths and Stirrup Leathers. COAT STRAPS, Haversacks, Saddle Bags, Ladies’ Hunting, Jockey, and Stock Whips, Malacca Canes, Crops and Thongs, Leather Portmanteaus. WOOLPACKS, 2 Bushel Bags. CLOVER SEED, Red and White. ANCHORS, Grapnels, Grains, Harpoons, Lances and other Whaling Gear. EUROPE ROPE, Spunyam, Ilousclinc, Oakum, Roping and Seaming Twine, Brass and Galvanized Sail Thimbles, Signal Lanterns, Ensign Flags, GREEN PAINT, Red Lead, Litharge WHITE CALICOES, Shirting, Alpaca and Coburgh Cloths, Braid, Silk Fringe. Needles, Thread, Cotton, Ribbon, Bandanas Dupe Sc Brussels Handkerchiefs, Linen Sheeting, Table Cloths, India Twill. Floorcloths, American Leather Cloth, Leather Belts, Combs, Hosiery, Blue Cloth Caps, Regatta Shirts, Lamhswool Vests, Vests, Tweed Trousers, See., Sec. BOTTLED FRUITS, Vinegar in Quarter-Casks, Blue Stone, Bath Bricks, See., &c. JOHN ROBERTON, Late Bain Grahame Sc Co.’s Stores. Auckland, 31st Jan. ISCI.
COALS. FOll SALE, ru arrive per “Frowning Beauty,” TONS Australian Agricultural Company’s COAL. JOHN ROBERTON. FOR SALE, A THREE-HORSE PORTABLE THRASHING MACHINE, with 4-liorsc Caps and Shafts, by “ Ransome and Sims” Ditto, fitted with Patent Straw Shaker. JOHN ROBERTON. Landing 1 Ex “Lord Worsley.” an HALF-CHESTS FINE CONGOU TEA, “ Norma” 20 boxes Fine Congou Tea, “ Miranda” 258 bags Manila refined Sugar 10 Casks Oatmeal 30 bags Fine Manila Coffee C. A. HARRIS. 26th February, 1861. Landing' ex “Kate,” “Lord Worsley,” and “ Zealandia,” ANILA ROPE, all sizes Europe „ ~ White Lead, Black Paint, Zinc Paint Colza Oil, Boiled and Raw Oil, Turpentine Stockholm Tar 9-16, and 1 inch Chafn Anchors, 2 to 3 cwt., &c., &c., &c. C. A. HARRIS. Feb. 26tb, 1861. Otaliuhu, mo LET, a comfortable Dwelling House, containX ing 6 rooms, with Jan acre of ground attached, together with a Blacksmith’s Forge •, situated on the Great South Road. The above is a capital opening for a Blacksmith or Wheelwright, For particulars apply to JOHN GORDON. Otaliuhu, Feb. 28th, ISGL UNIVERSAL HOTEL, Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand. THIS Establishment, so well and so favourably known, both in New Zealand and the other colonics for its superior accommodation, is now for sale, or to bo let for a term of years, with a purchasing clause. The premises comprise, in addition to the main building, extensive out-buildings, consisting of billiard and reading rooms, bath rooms, livery and bait stables, with groom’s dwelling house attached. A most favourable opportunity presents 'tsely of advantageously investing capital in the above extensive business in this thriving Province. Persons desirous of realising a large return, arc advised to make early application to the proprietor, from whom full particulars as to terms may be obtained. „ In announcing his intention of retiring from the management of the Universal Hotel, William Heaphy begs to return his sincere and cordial thanks to his friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage he has experienced from them during the last ten years. For further particulars apply to GEO. S. GRAHAM. Pure Southdown Rams. MESSRS. McLEAN will bo happy to arrange with their neighbours for tiie Letting of a few Southdown Hams for the Season. Also, a few Longwool Rams for private sale. East Tamaki, March, 1801.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 1
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876Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 1
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