OWEN & GRAHAM, Have on Sale, Ex “ Zealandia,” “ Morning Star/’ and “Sevilla/' K KALES SCOTCH TWILL SHIRTS O 5 cases Regattas do. 2 cases Fancy Prints 1 hale 5-4 Navy Blues (I hale Calicos 5 bales Blankets 1 case Twill 100 bags Sperm Candles 20 barrels Saltpetre 200 bugs* Salt 80 halt'chest Tea 5 tierces Tobacco Ex “Lord Worsley,” 130 bags M.O. Sugar 90 bags No. 1 Co.’s do bags Crystals ‘2BO bags No. 2 Co/;! 60 bags Rice' 1 ton Raw Codec 25 half chests Tea 4 bales American Cotton Canvas 1 case Navy Blue 1 case Fancy Prints 2 bales Blue Serge Shirts To Arrive ex “ Kate,” 50 American Ploughs Ex “ Morning 1 Light,” “ African,” and “ Bosworth,” GROCERIES. 2 Micks r i.rrrAvay Seeds 50 boxes Raisins 50 boxes Curran trio boxes Almonds 6 cases Figs 20 eases Sauces 5 eases Soluble Cocoa 2 sacks Pimento 8 cases Sago 2 casks Tapioca I ease Liquorice 7 casks Whitening 1 case Patent Groats 1 ease Tartaric Acid 2 cases Carbonate Soda 1 ease Cream Tartar 5 casks Saltpetre Credited} 15 cases Cheese 4 p casks Vinegar 2 tierces Hums to eases Bottled Fruits 4 barrels Pearl Bariev 25 tierces Tobacco 4 4 bales Demins I ease Canadian Felt Hats 1 case Cloth Caps 2 bales I hingaree 2 eases Shawls 2 bales Canvas .'1 eases Gala Plaids 1 bale Wigan Sheeting <> cases Fancy Prints ■') bales Navy Blues 7 bales Blankets, 0-4, 10-4, 11 -i I ease Leggings 1 “ Paletots 1 trunk Enamel Sea Boots 2 trunks Grain Pegged Sea Boots 4 “ Bluchers 2 “ Napoleon 5 “ Wellington ;i “ Men’s Sc Youths’ Laced Bools 5 “ Ladies’ Boots & Slices ,‘tO eases Bottled Ale 20 bhds. Draught Ale 1 bale Shawls, longs and squares 2 eases Son’ Westers 2 “ Merino and Lamhswool Shirts 1 bale American Jackets 5 i-tFrees Tobacco Also on Hand, Scotch Twill Shirts Grey Twill Calico Horroek’s White Calico Brown Calico Mole Trousers Boys’ Mole Trousers Blue Serge Shirts Fancy Prints Regatta Shirts White Shirts Black Sc Blue Cloth Caps Grass Cloth American Canvas Pilot Coats Black Silk Handkerchiefs Tin Pannikins Sydney Soap Plough Harness Cart Harness I trays Swingle Trees Also,— 10 tons Best New Zealand Pork. NEW GOODS, E X “ZEALAN I) IA . fin S. FORSAITII is now opening twenty-one I t Cases, containing a choice assortment of seasonable Goods, which will be offered at very low prices. The Shipment consists of: — Window Muslins in great variety Turkey Twills and Camlets Winseys. Swanskin Curtain Nets, Damask Cloth Lawm, Sheetings, Rough Hollands Window Hollands, Huckaback Moleskin, Silcsias, Clouting Diaper Cotton Sheets and Blankets Boys’ and Men’s Clothing in variety I laberdashery assorted Kid Gloves and Gauntlets Plain and Fancy Ribbons Valenciennes Lace, Black Silk Velvet Whisker Blonds, Cambric Scolloping Colored Cotton Velvets, Long Cloths Prints, Cotton and Linen 'licks Regatta Shirtings, Grey Calicoes Roll Linings, Printed Moleskins Floor Cloth, Toilets Crib Quilts, Toilet Quilts Collar Cloth cheeked and plain Rifle and Blue Broad Cloth Fancy Tweeds and Doeskins Victoria Table Covers See., See., Ne. Queen-street, Auckland, February 22nd, 1861.
N.B.—Business closes at G p.m., Saturdays excepted. Drawing* and Painting Class. A LADY of much experience in tuition will open a Class for instruction in the above accomplishnicnts. Terms : j Pencil and Chalk Drawing ...£1 Is. per Quarter. I Oil Painting £2 2s. “ “ 1 Tlic Class will he held every Saturday from 2to 4, I and will commence on Saturday the 23rd ot March. I Mrs. KRXPPNER, Symonils-strcct, opposite Mr. ; Thomas Russell’s. Singing Lessons. A LADY, pupil of Ron coni and Madame Marches!, gives Singing Lessons on the following terms:— ! A course of 12 lessons at the lady’s own house, £2 2s. I per quarter; at the pupil’s house, £2 15s. per quarter. —Address as above. German. A LADY, 15 years resident in one of the principal towns of Germany, gives instruction in the German language at her own house. Terms: —For one pupil, £1 10s,; for two pupils, £2; for a class of live pupils, £5 per quarter.—Address as above. WANTED,— A BULLOCK-DRIVER. Apply to C. &. F. Ring, Queen-street, . 1 26th Feb., 1861.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 1
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