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CLEARING OUT SALE or SUMMER GOODS, AT NEW ZEALAND HOUSE. W RATTRAY hegs to intimate that, he is now • SELLING OFF the whole of his Summer Stock, at a Very Great Reduction. Summer Silk, Beregc, and other Dresses, will he offered at Very Low Prices, Summer and Autumn Mantles, Fancy Ribbons, Sewed Muslin I ', Hosiery, &c., v will be submitted at a Cheap Rate, Coats, Vests, Trousers, Shirts, in fact the whole Class of Goods, in the READY- MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, will he found Good and Cheap. W. R. being determined to reduce his whole Stock, previous to Stock-taking, and also to make room for his Winter Stock, per “African,” confidently invites the public to take advantage of the present sale, as they will find the Goods CHEAP. Terms—During Sale, CASH. N.L. A Pale of 10-4, 11-4, and 12-4 Blankets, VERY ('HEAP. New Zealand House, SI IORTLAND-STREET, AUCKLAND. Feb. 2:2 nd, 1801. The Great Event of the Season. GREAT ANNUAL CLEARING OUT SALE AT THE NATIONAL MART. Sri. i-i.No Orr Tin: Stock. Ciioick or Bargains, Clearing’ Out to make room for the Winter Stock. I & J. R. VAILE respectfully inform their customers and friends that thev will commence holding their ANNUAL CLEARING OUT SALE, THIS DAY, February 20th, when the whole of their Large and Choice Stock, will he offered at GRATLY REDUCED PRICES, and the most striking Bargains given in all kinds of Drapery, Furnishing Goods, Clothing, &c. TERMS CASH.
lfi?3 ” Hours of luiMiii'Ss jrom Bto 6 o’clock (except on Saturdays). S. & .1. R. VAILE, National Makt, Corner of Queen and Wyndham-streets. February 20th, 1861. CHEAP ! ! ! I KI SH NATIONAL, McCulloch's, and other School Books. E. WAYTE’S, Queen-street. Kds" A liberal allowance to Schools. GRASS SEEDS. 11 UN T E 11, CO C 11RA NK , & CO. Have Now koi: Salk, S’ UPERIOR Colonial CRASS SLEDS of this year’s growth, Fine English Grass Seeds Rape Seed English Red Clovers White Clovers, English and Colonial JCitT’Thc above are on view in bulk at their office, in the New Auction Mart of S. Cochrane, Brother Co., Fort-street. S. HAGUE SMITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGER, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, HAS ON SALK /■» DOZ E N WO O D TA P S I) 1 Chimney Sweeping Machine Ilolloware and Tinware, Iron Bedsteads American Cooking Stoves, Axes, Brooms and Scales 20 kegs Fine Cut. Shingling Nails, White Paint A good variety of General Furnishing and Builders’ Ironmongery. For Sale, i . VLLOTMENT No. 16, Parish of Titirangi, containing 71 acres, 2 roods. This Allotment is within 4 miles of the City, having a large frontage to the Great North Road as also to the Waitemata. To be sold upon reasonable terms. For land and water carriage, level land, abundance of water and convenience to the City this is an opportunity not often to he met with. For terms and particulars apply t<», Mkssus. MARSTON A COX, Solicitors, Canada Buildings. 21st January, 1861. For Sale, A BOUT FIVE ACRES of excellent Land fenced X v in and laid down in grass, in a nicely sheltered situation, and having a water frontage. A number of Allotments (with frontage of about 40 feet) adjoining the above. These Allotments are also laid down in grass, the outer boundaries are substantially fenced, several of them have a water frontage. They are all within 20 minutes of the City. A Dwelling-house with outbuildings pleasantly situated in the Suburbs, commanding a beautiful view of the Harbour and the greater part of the City. The House consists of 5 rooms and is tastefully built.
A Dwelling-house situate in Union Street in the City, standing upon an allotment having a front aye of GO feet with tin average depth of 200 feet. A Dwelling-house situate at Darnell. To Let, An OFFICE containing 3 rooms situate in Vulcan Lane. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to Mkssus. m Alston & cox, Solicitors, Canada Buddings, 21st January, 18C1. TO BE SOLD BY BUI V ATIC CONTRACT. REMUSRA. A LARGE AND newly-lmilt Private Residence, YV well adapted for a private School or n large Family, consisting of nine rooms—on the ground floor, three good sitting rooms, Kitchen, Store room, and Pantry; on the upper floor three good rooms, one 23 x 17-G. There is also a good under-ground Cellar. Attached is a good Paddock and Garden, well supplied with Fruit Trees, imported direct from England; also, an unfailing well of water. This desirable residence is situate within 20 minutes’ walk of Auckland. For further particulars, apply to Mr. R. W. Wynn, Solicitor, Short land-street, Auckland. N.B.—A considerable portion of the purchase-money may remain on mortgage at 10 per cent, interest. J. RUSSELL’S PRIVATE BOARD AND RESIDENCE, Siiortlaxi> Struct, Opposite side of “ Union” and “ Okikntai.” Ranks, And Fronting* Auckland Harbour. Private Parlours, Stabling, &c. Wanted, A FIRST CLASS HOUSEMAID. Apply at the “ Netty Zealander” Office,
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 1
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804Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 1
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