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Within five minutes’ walk of Qlieen-street. TO BE SOLD, (IN consequence of the present owner leaving THE COLONY,) THAT weMmishcd and comfortable VILLA RESIDENCE, situated at Victoria Point, Vic-toria-street, containing Dining and Drawing Rooms, Nursery, seven Bed Rooms, Breakfast Room, Water Closet, Kitchen, Laundry, Pantry, and Servants Room, with Stables, Coach House, Harness Room, Lumber House, Force Pump, Well, and large Water Tanks; also, a good Garden, and commanding an extensive View of the River, Harbour, and V estern SU Thc b Housc is in perfect repair throughout, and has been insured to February, 1862. Immediate application will be necessary to WILLIAM RIDINGS, Queen-street, Auckland. Freehold Dwelling House and Land. HUNTER & COCHRANE Have received instructions from the Proprietor to Sell Privately the undermentioned Property, A GOOD ROOMY DWELLING HOUSE, Outhouse, &c. , O ' Acres of excellent Land, Altogether in one lot, situated in the thriving Town of Onchunga, and conveniently near the Great South Road, forming a very compact and desirable Homestead, Apply to the Auctioneers, Fort-street. Breeding Ewes. HUNTER & COCHRANE 500 HAVE FOR PRIVATE BALK, HALF-BRED BREEDING EWES. Apply to the Auctioneers, Fort-street. For Sale, IVTINETY ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the JIS property of Jos. Hargreaves, Esip, near Ilowick. Apply to BROWN & CAMPBELL. 26th Feb., 1861. NOTICE. NEWINGTON HOUSE. MISS REED, Milliner and Straw Bonnet Maker, begs to inform the Public that she has removed from Victoria-street to Coombc’s New Buildings, Queen-street. Felt, Straw, and Tuscan cleaned, dyed, and altered. Feathers and Lace dyed and dressed. Silks, Satins, and Shawls cleaned on the most reasonable terms. To Lot, with immediate possession, in lIE VILLA RESIDENCE OF GLENBURN, JL beautifully situated on the bank of the Waiemata, about 15 minutes walk from town, comnanding an extensive view (embracing the cntiie larbour and river scenery past Kauri Point). Ibe iver frontage having a good sandy beach, most lesirablc for bathing. Consisting of a six-roomed iousc. Pleasure ground well planted. Orchard, and due acres of ground, well fenced in, and under culiration. For terms apply to JAMES T. BOYLAN, Queen-street.
mu PHOTOGRAPHERS. New and reduced | J, CATALOGUE of GOODS and PRICES now read v for post, free, to address. —BATCHELDER & O’NEILL, 57 Coll ins-street East, Melbourne. THE GALVANIZED TINNED IRON GOSPEL OAK BRAND —formely known as “ Morewood & Roger’s Patent” —is now to be had only from the Gospel Oak Street Mills, Tipton, Staffordshire, England, through all London merchants. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Emi'owkkkd r.v Acts of Parliament. E S T A. B X. I S II E D IK 18 3 6. Capital subscribed, exceeding £1,880,000. Accumulated Funds and Capital paid up, exceeding £1,213,000, of which £200,000 are invested in the Colonies in Government and other securities. Reserve Surplus, £250,000, With unlimited Liability of the Shareholders. LIFE DEPARTMENT. nnilE PREMIUMS received in this Department in JL 1859, amounted to £127,415. Medical Referee for Auckland ; T. M. P 111 LSO N , E S Q., M. D. Table of Rates for Fire and Life Assurance in ali its branches, and every information can be obtained from JOHN BUCHANAN, Agent for the Province of Auckland. Canada Buildings, February 7th, 1801. Mechanics’ Bay. VARIOUS PORTIONS of the ROPE WALK in Mechanics’ Bay are TO LET, suitable for Stables, Town Daiiys, or for many other purposes. A person wishing to enter into the Firewood Trade could not possibly find a better site for Ids purpose, the whole being under cover; and for an approved tenant the proprietor would erect a Sawing Machine. The whole or any portion will be let at very moderate rates. Apply on the premises to MR. WM. BOYD. Notice. LOST from the Secretary’s desk in the Odd Fellows’ Hall, a Boxwood E flat PICCOLO, with brass keys. N. B.—lf stolen, a reward of £3 will he paid on conviction of the offender. W. LEPINE. Feb. 20, 1801. £ISOO and £IOOO. rpiiK above Sums arc ready to bo advanced on lirstJL class Security. Applications from parties desirous of borrowing, stating nature of Security and rate of Interest, nil! be received until FRIDAY, 25th instant. Applv to Mr. THOS. RUSSELL, Solicitor, Wyndham-strcct. January 19, 1801. To Clergymen. 4 QUALIFIED and experienced Medical Man, married, and without family, wishes to join a Mission station in the interior, or on the Coast. His wife is willing to undertake the charge of a School. Address by letter to A.8., care of Messrs. GILFILLAN & CO., Auckland. i To Let, fnWO FURNISHED APPARTMENTS. For particulars apply to MRS Feb. 22nd, 1801. IRS. TATTERSALL, Eden Crescent, Official Bav. Broach Found. } AO UNI), on the Government Pier, Onehunga, a Broach with the miniature of a Lady and Children. Particulars may be ascertained by inquiring at Mr. Furlcy, Baker, Onehunga. Prepared Sago Flour. AFRESH Consignment of'.the above just received. On Sale at theNew-Zealander Office. Price, Is. 6d. per Package. WANTED, by a young Man of five years’ practical experience, a situation on i\ sheep and cattle run as overseer or assistant, here,or in any other of the Provinces. Apply by letter to C., office of this paper.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 4
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836Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 4
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