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On Sale by the Undersigned, FUSSELL’S & SORBY’S HAY AND FERN SCYTHES v, . Sickles and Reaping Hooks, B Y and Sorby’s Small Rings and Wedges Sharp’s Axes, Grindstones and Spindles Hay Knives, Tomahawks and Adzes for Island Trade Bullock Bows, Yokes, Chains, Start Rings, Plates and Keys Patent Mail Axles, Cart Arms and Boxes to 3 in. Ilamcs, Cart and Plough Traces, Wheat Mills Flour Sieves, Galvanized Wire Riddles, Swingletrees Sorby's Saws, Pit, Cross-cut, Felloe, Frame, Hand, Rip, Panel, Turning Key Hole, Tenon, Sash, Dovetail, Table, Metal, and Chair Back, Braces, Bits, Chisels and Gouges, Firmer, Socket, Paring and Turning Moskly’s and Atkin’s Planes, in great variety, Wheelers Rounders Bench Screws, iron and wood. Carpenters’ Mallets Glue, Chisles, Handles, Spirit Levels and Tubes Arkansas, Turkey, Chartlcy Forest and Carnarvon Stones Joiners’, Flooring, Chair and Hand Cramps Surveyors’ Chains and Arrows, Measuring Tapes Carsnn’s Patent Salting Instruments Parlor, Kitchen, and Bedroom Fenders, Fire Irons Beer Engines, Ale and Spirit Measures, Spirit Fountains Patent Tin and Wire Dish Covers Mappin’s Ivory Handled Knives and Forks “ Pocket, Pallets, Butchers’, Farriers, and Putty do. ■■ Scissors, Knife Sharpeners, Nail Nippers, &c. Pudding and Jelly Moulds, Door Mats, Scrapers, Brushes Shop Twine, Gold and Silver Leaf, Diamonds School Slates, Metal Inkstands, Wove Wire Sheet Zinc, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, Perforated do., Lead Pipe I LB, Tin Plates, IC, IX, IXX, IXXX, DX, DXX Smiths' Bellows, Anvils, Vices, and Hammers Whitworth’s Stocks and Dies in sets 20 tons Ewbank’s Nails, &e., &c. COLEMAN, IRELAND & CO., Shortland-street. ONEHUNGA VANS. ON and after MONDAY next, the 10th instant, TWO VANS will ran twice daily from the Horse Bazaar, Queen-street, to Onchunga, viz From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Parnell, at 8 a.m., returning into Town at 10 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Kyber Pass, at 9 a.m., returning into Town at 11 From the Bazaar and Shortland Street, via Parnell, at 4 p.m., returning into Town at G From the Bazaar and Shortland Stycct, via Kyber Pass, at 5 p.m., returning into Town at 7. Terms as usual. Parcels booked at the Bazaar Office. FOR HIRE, —A first-class open Carriage and pair, with driver —255. to Onchunga. HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, QUEEN-STREET. THIS Establishment has just acquired several new Carriages, imported direct from England, of elegant structure, perfect finish, and most recent patented springs. A Brougham, the handsomest that has yet appeared in Auckland, of most graceful figure and luxuriously easy A Landau, of highest tone—light, fairylike, and safe A Sociable, ol new and comfortable construction. The above have never yet been used, and arc now for the first time offered on hire. Also, A handsome Family Carriage Dog Carts Saddle 1 lorses &e., &e., &e. For Sale, BOXES CHAWCE’S BRITISH SHEET GLASS, 42 to G4 inch long, 1G & 21 oz. G Boxes Chawce’s Colored Sheet, Green, Ruby, & Blue 4 Boxes Chance’s Enamelled Sheet, with and without Border 72 Doz. Rosettes, sorted patterns. THOMSON KEITH & CO., Fort-street. Lochfine Red Herrings. 10 CASES RED HERRING, in 1 & 2 dozen tins. THOMSON KEITH & CO., Fort-street. Clover Seeds.
TllK UNDERSIGNED ARK NOW LANDING I’KOM “ Zeaeandia,” WHITE AND RED CLOVER & COW GRASS The above arc all new; a first rate sample, and can with confidence he recommended to growers. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. Seed Oats. The Undersigned have on hand, Eon Sadi;, A FEW BAGS CANTERBURY SEED OATS. A first-rate sample. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO MISS DOUGLAS presents her compliments to the Ladies of Auckland and the surrounding district, and hegs to inform them that she has commenced business in the Crescent, next the Exchange Hotel, and having personally selected her goods in the best British Markets, for Cash, can with confidence invite attention to them as being the Newest Styles, at Lowest Prices. Her present stock consists of Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Mantles, &c., Hosiery and Gloves of every description, Small Wares, See., Ladies’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, See. Dressmaking executed on the shortest notice. To Let. vpsJjgnßK A HOUSE containing Seven Rooms, half 'ill Y*- Wll 1 ay between Auckland and Onehunga, about 4UO yards from the “ Prince Albert Inn.” Also, 6 acres of land and good garden with an excellent well of water. There is a cowshed, stable, and fowl house. Any person wishing to take it could have about 7 tons of Prime Hay that is on the place. Appiv to Mr. JOSEPH SENIOR, “ Swan Inn,” Mechanics’ Bay. Auckland, Feb. 26th, 1861. To Let, \ COTTAGE, containing seven rooms, ’ sinai Ml Y'V with garden and 4 acres of Land, in Kyber Pass Road. HUGH REID, Accountant, House and Commission Agent. Feb. 22nd, 1861. M 1 M » Cottage. 10 BE LET, a handsome New Brick COTTAGE, situate two miles from Town ou the Epsom road, at the base of Mount St. John.” It consists of Four Rooms, with back conveniences, including a bricked pump, well of water, &c., Sec. There is also attached to it a commodious Stable and about Six Acres of fine grass land. It. is close to the road, upon which several Omnibusses pass and repass daily.] Rent moderate. Apply to 11. lIALDINGTON, Horse Bazaar. H 1 H Houses 10 uat, ONTAENING 2, .1, and 4 ROOMS each. Apply to WM. AIIKEN, House, Land, and Estate Agent Qnoen-street STORAGE for Light Goods at a small expense. 3 Apply to J. ROUT, High-street.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 4
Word Count
891Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1552, 2 March 1861, Page 4
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