MESSRS. HUNTER, COCHRANE & CO. AUCTIONEERS AND AGENTS, ■Fort-Street, Lower Queen-street, Auckland, T.II'FECT Sales and Purchases of LIVE STOCK lli and LAND generally, particularly CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, &c.; and hold Regular Weekly Sales, At 12 o’clock, on TUESDAYS, at NEWMARKET, Of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, &c. Regular Weekly Sales, At 12 o’clock, on SATURDAYS, in the GREYHOUND YARD, Auckland, ■Of Horses, &c. Monthly Sales, The LAST WEDNESDAY in each Month, at OTAHUHU, Of Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Pigs, &c. Quarterly Sales Ol LIVE STOCK at PAPAKURA, tlic Second THURSDAY in March, June, September, and December. Stock kept in their Phddocks at usual charges. Office: —In the New Auction Mart of S. Cochrane Brother & Co., Port-street. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY FOR FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE. Offices:—Eraser’s Buildings, corner of Queen A ND SIIORTLAND-StREETS. Capital, £IOO,OOO, IN ONE THOUSAND SHARES OF £IOO EACH. With Unlimited Liability of the. Shareholders. Directors: Chairman-THOS. HENDERSON. Deputy-Chairman— S. BROWNING ALFRED BUCKLAND, WILLIAM T. LUCKLAND, JOHN HENRY BURNSIDE, HUGH COOLAIIAN, WILLIAM C. DALDY, JOHN GRAHAM, GEORGE BURGOYNE OWEN. THOMAS RUSSELL, C. J. STONE, WILLIAM C. WILSON. Ex-Directors; J, S. OLIVER, JAMES WILLIAMSON, W. K. GRAHAM, DAVID GRAHAM. Auditors: THOMAS COWTON LAW, RICHARD RIDINGS. Marine Surveyor; W. C. DALDY.
IMIIS COMPANY is now prepared to grant Poli- . cies and effect Insurance from Loss or Damage by Fire upon HOUSES and other BUILDINGS, GOODS, WARES, MERCHANDIZE and MANUFACTURES, and FARMING STOCK of every description. The Company will also take MARINE RISKS, both in Coasting and Foreign Trade. The Directors respectfully request public support for this Local Institution. The rates charged are the same as those charged by other Companies. Whilst Insurers have the security of a Capital more ihan equal to any contingency which may arise, together with the Unlimited Liability of a large body of wealthy Shareholders, the property of this Company is retained in the Colony. Tables of Rates, Printed Forms of Proposals, and all other information may lie obtained from the Manager, G. P. PIERCE, from ten to four daily, at the office of the Company, or from any of the Directors. THOMAS HENDERSON, Chairman. For Sale or Lease, SEVERAL Cattle or Sheep Runs, containing from 400 to 4000 acres each. Also, A number of Improved Farms, varying from 40 to 500 acres each. For particulars apply to WILLIAM AITKEN, House, Land, and Estate Agent, Queen-street. To be Sold or Leased, ~t QA ACRES OF LAND, partly fenced, in crop iO'j and grass, with or without Horses, Cattle &c., &c. Being situate near town it is well adapted for a Dairy Farm or a Butcher. Apply to 1). McPHEE & CO., Auctioneers, &c. Auckland, Nov. 6, I SCO. FO R SAL E, At Messrs. Leighton’s, Chapman’s, Wayte’s, and Varty’s, THE ‘‘MAORI RECORDER,” PRINTED AT TUB .MAORI PRESS, AUCKLAND, WITH Extracts from Sir William Martins pamphlet on the Taranaki Question. Price, one shilling ; without extracts, sixpence. Auckland, Jan. 22, 1861. T’ENDERS arc invited for the purchase of the Hull of the Brig “EMMA,” as she now lies on Onchunga Beach, —either with or without the anchor and chain. Tenders to he forwarded to the undersigned on or before TUESDAY, March sth, 1861. JOHN F. POWELL, Onchunga. Auckland Dispensary, Queen-street. rpilE Committee of Management have appointed X Mr. W.m. Watts, Collector. Subscriptions and Donations arc earnestly' solicited. WALTER EWEN, 19th Feb., 1861. lion. Secretary. (Tltr Jlaufteit Minn; AND FOVEAUX STRAITS HERALD. I > HINTED and PUBLISHED by George Smale-I-teld, Tay Street, Invercargill. Subscription—26s. per annum, payable in advance. Agent for Auckland, Mr. James Terry, “ NewZcalaudcr” Office.
THE HOME NEWSPAPER FOR NEW ZEALAND. Messrs. W. S. Kirkland & Co., Agents. 23, Salisbury Street, Strand, LONDON, ENGLAND, BEG to call the attention of Residents in Auckland and the other New Zealand Colonies to the id vantage of subscribing to the “EVENING MAIL,” Newspaper, which is a re-print of all the Leading Articles, Essays, md News of The Times London Newspaper—everything, in fact, hut the advertisements—and can ho forwarded by them to any of the New Zealand Colonies, post free, for £3 10s. per annum via Southampton, or £4 via Marseilles. Thus, in fact, The Times at half price, with the advantage of not being encumbered with advertisements. Subscriptions will be received in Auckland at the Office of the New-Zealander. COALS. English and colonial coals for sale, I in any quantities to suit purchasers. Apply to W. 11. HOBBS, Queen-street Wharf. To Journeymen Blacksmiths. A GOOD SHOER will . by applying to find constant employment p. McDonald, Queen-street, Auckland,