MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL AGENT, MORE particularly for the sale or purchase of Horses, Cattle, and other Live Stock, Land, &c. REGULAR WEEKLY SALES Of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, &c., held at Newmarket on Thursdays. and or Horses, &c., at the Ilaymarket, Auckland, on Saturdays. MONTHLY SALES At Otahuhu, on the Second Wednesday in each Month. Stock kept at fixed charges in his Paddocks, at Newmarket. Office,—At the Ilaymarket, Queen-street, opposite Canada Buildings. CRAIG & SIBBIN, AUCTIONEERS,! LAND AND COMMISSION AGENTS, New Brick Stores, LOWER QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. H. HARDINGTON, LAND AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT AND AUCTIONEER, HOUSE BAZAAR, QUEEN STREET. FOR SALE, —Farms, Allotments, Houses, Shops, &c., in Country and Town. For Private Sale, some remarkably fine Horse Stock, heavy and light, comprising a pair of Ponies. Storage to any extent. C. ARTHUR, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT. A CONTINUALLY varying list of Houses and Land on Lease, and for Sale. Reference to T. Russell, Esq., Wyndham-strcet; T. Heale, Esq.; Mr. Bridgman, Draper, Shortland-strcct. Office —Quecn-strcct, at the Colonial Produce Store. R. BARTLEY, Carpenter, Builder, and Timber Merchant, NELSON STREET (NORTH), AUCKLAND. IN order to meet the wants of Chapel Hill, and other parts, R. B. has opened a Timber Yard, where lie intends keeping an assorted stock of Boards and Scantling, House Blocks, and Shingles. N. B. Seasoned Timber for Joiners’ work. Entrance to yard, Nelson and Graham-streets. A. HERBERT, MAN UFACTORING CONFECTIONER, Wyndham-street, Five Doors from Queen-street. SHOPS and Country Stores supplied with the best description of CONFECTIONERY, at moderate prices. Country orders punctually attended to. EDWARD WEBBE, HOUSE PAINTER, SIGN WRITER, &c., NEXT THE FIRE BELL, lIOBSON-STREET. N. B.—No connection with a person of a similar name, late of Onchunga. E. KINLOCH, ARTIST, DESIGNER, AND LITHOGRAPHER. BRASS AND ZING DOOR PLATES ENGRAVED, Comer of Grey and Cook-streets. W. MARSDEN & CO., Auctioneers and General Commission Agents, VAILE’S BUILDINGS, QUEEN-STREET, Auckland. J. HERON’S STE A M SAW MILL AND A SIX AND DOOR FACTORY Wellesley-street, Auckland, SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER, & Co., AGENTS, BROKERS, & AUCTIONEERS. LAND MART AND GENERAL AUCTION ROOMS —LOWER QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, Adjoining Messrs. Thomas Macky & Co. JAMES STEWART, CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR. Office —Foot of Wyndham-strcet, Auckland.
J. CABMAN, T IMBE R ME R CHAN T HAS ALWAYS OX HAND BOARDS AND SCANTLING, MICHAEL WOOD, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND COMMISSION AGENT, QUEEN STREET, NEXT DOOR TO MR. MARK SOMERVILLE. R IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE, EMOVED TO FRASER’S BUILDINGS. GEO. S. GRAHAM, Corner of Queen-street ami Shortlund-strcct. WILLOW HOUSE. II OM(E0 PA T 111 C INSTITUTE. Albert-street, Between Victoria and Wellsley-streets, AUCKLAND. MR. WILLIAM WILLSON AT HOME FOR CONSULTATION, between the hours ot 9 a.m. and 1 o’clock, p.m. Notice of Removal. MR. COOK, Surgeon Dentist, lately arrived from London, has moved into Chapel-street, Auckland, next door hut one to Dr. Bennett’s. Hours from 10 till 5 o’clock, or hy appointment. N. B. —The house Mr. Cook now occupies is near the sea, and nearly in a line with the entrance to the Catholic Chapel. FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. THE “ODONTIIYGIENE,” an invaluable preparation for the Teeth and Gums. This mixture has been extensively patronized in England and India: it is considered far superior to any other Dcntnflcc, on account of its chemical properties, and it will be found essentially beneficial in these Colonics, where decay of the teeth is so prevalent. The “ Odontiiygiene” is prescribed by Mr. Cook, Surgeon Dentist, Chapel-street, Auckland, where it can be obtained, and is also sold by Mr. Leighton, Bookseller, Shortlund-strcct, and at the “ New-Zca-lander” Office. Price 2s. (io. per Bottle. SHITS’ ARTICLES, CUSTOM HOUSE FORMS, Promissory Note Books, Bills of Exchange, Ap firentices Indentures, &e,, on Sale at the “ New Zcaander” office, i