Onehunga Wharf. Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 12th Feb., 1861. TENDERS will be received at this Office until noon of SATURDAY, the 23rd instant, for the performance of the undermentioned works, viz:— 1. Cutting, Forming, and Metalling the Road from Princes-strcet, Onehunga, to the Wharf at Geddes’ Point. 2. Repairs to the Stone and Wood Work of the Onehunga Wharf. Specifications may be seen on application at this Office. Works Nos. 1 and 2 to be tendered for separately. Tenders to be endorsed “Tender lor Works at Onehunga.” J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Mangatawhiri, Great South Road. Superintendent’s Office, Auckland, January 25th, 1861. rjIENDERS will be received at this Office until nooh X of THURSDAY, the 28th of February, for work to be done in opening the Great South Road from Mr. Selby’s to the Mangatawhiri Creek, Waikato. Plan and Specification may be seen on application at the Roads’ Office. Tenders fo be endorsed “ Tender for Work on Great South Road.” J. WILLIAMSON. Superintendent. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Empowered nv Acts of Parliament. ESTABLISHED IN 183 6. Capital subscribed, exceeding £1,880,000.
Accumulated Funds and Capital paid up, exceeding £1,213,000, of which £200,000 are invested in the Colonies in Government and other securities. Reserve Surplus, £250,000, With unlimited Liability of the Shareholders. LIFE DEPARTMENT. THE PREMIUMS received in this Department in 1859, amounted to £127,415. Medical Referee for Auckland : T. M. PHILS ON, ESQ., M. D. Table of Rates for Fire and Life Assurance in all its branches, and cvcrv information can be obtained from JOHN BUCHANAN, Agent for the Province of Auckland. Canada Buildings, February 7th, 1861. TO ARRIVE 4f J SEVILLA AND ZEALANDIA, On Sale by the Undersigned,
-f K HIIDS. DUTCH RED CLOVER SEED lO 30 “ “ White 15 “ Cow Grass “ “ Italian and Perennial Rye Grass Scotch Ploughs and Harrows. CRUICKSHANK, SMART &CO. TO ARRIVE W SEVILLA AND ZEALANDIA, On Sale by the Undersigned. O I*" iHIDS. BASS’S ALE ijO 150 cases Sherry 20 qr.-casks Sherry 20 ditto Port 5 ditto Brandy 15 ditto Campbelton Whiskey 75 cases Price’s Candles 10 “ Cavendish Tobacco 23 coils Europe Rope • - 3 hales Canvas 5 “ Corn Sacks 6 “ Blankets 1 superior four-wheeled Dogcart CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. On Sale by the Undersigned, American cooking stoves, an sizes To ARRIVE I’KIl Zealandia, English Cooking Stoves. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. Cheap Clocks, Ten Shillings each, WARRANTED IN GOOD ORDER. rpHE largest Stock in Auckland, various shapes and 1. prices, wholesale and retail. A few good Watches, Gold Chains (Alberts and Guards), Gold Brooches, Lockets, Wedding Rings, and Keepers, Pencil Cases, Snaps, Hoops, and Ear Rings, Silver,
Plated, and Gilt goods in variety. Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, cleaned and repaired, with care and despatch at HICKS’ Vulcan Lane, Queen-street, Auckland. N.B. —Terms strictly Cash. The New Zealand Almanac AND DIRECTORY FOR THE PROVINCES, FOB 1661, PitX C K 5 8., CONTAINING —Nautical Matters; Eclipses; Tide Table for Auckland and the Principal Ports; Coasting Directory from the new Pilot; Fanning and Gardening Manual; Waste Land Regulations for the Provinces; History of the Taranaki Rebellion; Directory for the Eight Provinces; Statistics for 1858-9; Map of New Zealand; Plan of Auckland; Views of Auckland and Taranaki, &c.
As no Agents arc appointed, all orders will be forwarded free of postage by the Publisher, GEO. T. CHAPMAN, Bookseller, Stationer, and Lithographer, Auckland. JOSLIN’S HAUL DRESSING AND PERFUMERY ESTABLISHMENT, QUEEN-STREET, TWO DOORS FROM THE “GREYHOUND” INN. CJ. HAVING commenced the above business, • respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public in general. Every attention will be paid to cleanliness. A choice collection of Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, &c., on hand. PALINGS.
FOR SALE, 10s. per hundred, in any I vl/v quantity. The undersigned will also be constantly in the receipt of Kauri Spars (squared), also Kauri Kickers. Agents for Shipping and Masters of Vessels can be supplied with Squared Spars, at reasonable rates, by giving sufficient notice of their dimensions. W. J. ALLEN, Commission Agent and Storekeeper, Mechanics’ Lay. Otahuhu Agricultural Association. NOTICE. THE Meetings of the Association will be held QUARTERLY, instead of Monthly, in future. E. r. CARTER, Secretary. February sth, 1861. BOARD and Residence for a Lady and Gentleman, or one or two single Gentlemen. Information to he had from - Mr. LAW, Parnell. .. P<bftmcL.MaL.iafiJ—