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For Taranaki and Wanganui. THE Regular Trader “ TRAVELLER’S BRIDE,” is now loading in the Manukan Harbour, will be dispatched on THURSDAY, 28th instant. ■ _ , , Passengers will be forwarded to Wellington by jfessrs. Taylor, Watt & Co.’s traders from Wanganui. Apply to • REID & PARKINSON, Albert-street, opposite West Queen-street. WANTED, POUR SUBSTITUTES fur the Taranaki Militia. A Regular Trader for Napier. THE Clipper Schooner “ ZEPHYR,” Captain Clarke, will sail as above on SATURDAY next, at NOON. For Freight or Passage Apply to C. A. HARRIS. Queen-street, February 18th, 1861. Regular Trader to Mongonui. CUTTER “VISION,” 35 tons, will sail for the above port on Saturday (THIS DAY), at 6 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to W. BRIGHTON, Queen-street. FOR SYDNEYTHE Clipper Barque “ KATE,” 400 tons, P. Jokes, Commander, will sail ibr the above Port THIS DAY, Saturday, 23rd instant. Passengers arc requested to be on board by 3 o’clock, p.m., This Day. For Freight or Passage, apply to ' HENDERSON & MACFARLANE. February 23,1861. FOR SYDNEY. TO FOLLOW THE “ KATE.” THE Clipper Brig “FANNY A. GARRIGUES,” 250 tons, G. S. O’Halloran, Commander, will sail for the above Port on or about the first of March. For freight or passage, having superior accommodation, apply to HENDERSON & MACFARLANE. Feb. 21st, 1861. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. TO FOLLOW THE “CONSTANCE.” THE Al Clipper Barque “BREAD ALB ANE,” J. G. Bakron, Commander, will sail for the above Port on TUESDAY next. For light freight and passage only, apply to HENDERSON & MACFARLANE. Feb. 23, 1861.
FOR LONDON. To sail about the 30th March, HE First Class Ship “ CASTILLIAN,” 2000 tons burthen, G. H. Warrington, ’Commander, is londin<r at Hotlnnga; a part will be reserved for Freight to till tip here, tor which early application is necessary. This is a most favourable opportunity for passengers; spacious Cabin, Intermediate, and Steerage accommodation at low rates. Plans of Cabin on view. For Freight or Passage, apply to JOHN ROBERTON. Messrs. Willis, Gann, & Go’s LINE OF PACKETS BETWEEN LONDON AND NEW ZEALAND.
“ Crosswell,”. “Maryann,”. “ Hanvood,”. .Barnett, .Ashby,.. .Forsavth 1000 “ 1000 “ 1000 “ The Undersigned, Agents for the above splendid line of Vessels, arc authorised to make arrangements with settlers who may he desirous of bringing out their friends to this Colony. The Passage money can cither be paid in advance, or satisfactory security will be taken for its payment upon the arrival of the vessel. POK SALE.—The Colonial Steamer WILLIAM THE FOURTH, of 120 tons measurement, and 40 horse-power. This vessel is well worth the attention of parties engaged in the coasting trade of this or of the neighbouring colonies, carrying a mnch larger cargo for her tonnage than any other steamer of more modern construction. She is in good order, and can be employed by any purchaser at once, and without any outlay. Her speed has been much increased, by the superior and powerful machinery which hits been recently placed on board, by Messrs. NAPIER and CO. of this City, enabling her to maintain a rate ot 8 knots when fully loaded. Her running expenses, as regards hicl and otherwise, are very small, while her character BROWN & CAMPBELL
Os a sea boat stands unrivalled. , The only motive for disposing of so useful a vessel is, that she is superseded in her trade by larger and more powerful steamers. For the Inter-Colonial trade of New Zealand, no other vessel could be better •dapted. She is fully found, and can be taken to sea ?t Ac shortest notice. For further particulars, any purchasers can apply to the Manager of the Illawarra Steam Navigation Company, Phoenix Wharf, Sydney. New Zealand Insurance Company. attention of Insurers in this Company is A particularly called to Clause 9, at the back of their I elides, which is here reprinted for general information. *' That persons who have insured projterty iu this company must give notice of any other insurance tjready made, or which shall afterwards be made on the same property, so that a memorandum 0 B ach other insurance may he endorsed on the Policy 25 policies effected with this Company, otherwise such
obey or p o ii c i es w in | )C void ; and after such ndorsemcat is made, the rateable proportion of any ss or damage for which this Company is liable will paid : Provided, however, that on such notice being ?V en ' at any time after the issue of the Policy, it shall optional with the Company to cancel such Policy, uming the premium for the unexpired term thereof, ,f> ey shall so deem fit.” laser’s Buildings, ftbruary 16 th, 1861. By order of the Directors, GEORGE P. PIERCE, Manager. iftc Jloutlicnt Hans AND POVEAUX STRAITS HERALD. tiHINIED and PUBLISHED by Gkokgk Smallheld, Tay Street, Invercargill, inscription— 265. per annum, payable in advance. 2^der”Offic Ckland ' Mr ' James Terby » “ New-
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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792Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.