Sales ftg glttcffom Newmarket Cattle Sale. MESSRS. CHEESEMAN Will Sell at Newmarket, on TUESDAY rt&tj the 19th inst., at j-past 12 o'ckfck-, FAT CATTLE Sheep, Pigs Horse?, Store Stock Dairy Cows, &c. Superior Leicester Rams for Sale, MESSRS. CHEESEMAN Will offer for Sale at Newmarket, on Tuesday next, the 19th inst.v a't half-past 12 o'clock, ~ f\ SUPERIOR LEICESTER RAMS, hred in \j the Province The Auctioneers call the special attention of Sjheep; Farmers to the above advertisement, seemg that it affords them a most favourable, opportunity of 'improving their breed of Sheep, as the Rams arc the pWducc of Imported Stock.
Ram Letting. MESSRS. CHEESEMAN Wll Let by Public Auction, at Newmarket, on TUESDAY, the 19th instant, at halt-past 12 o'clock, IMPORTED LEICESTER RAMS from the jl celebrated flock of Win. Abraham, Esq., of Brigg, Lincolnshire. **■ I Ram Setting. MESSRS. CHEESEMAN Will Sell by Public Auction, lit Newmarket, on TUESDAY, the 19th mst., at }'-past 12 o'clock, 4 IMPORTED LEICESTER RAMS, "from the celebrated flock of Win. Abraham, Esq., of Brigg, Lincolnshire. On Monday, at 10 o'clock, CRAIG & SIBBIN Will sell by Auction at their New Brick Stores, Lower Queen-street, on MONDAY next, 18th instant, at 10 o'clock A r HALF-CHESTS FINE TEA TcO 12 chests Fine Congou do. 12 boxes do. do. do. 40 bags Sugar 40 bags Finest Adelaide Flour 20 " Fine " 20 " Finest N.Z. 20 kegs Butter 1 case Uncle Toby Tobacco in 221b boxes 2 bags Rye Grass Seed fi kits Apples "i bags Onions 2 cases Pipes 2 tons Potatoes, best Hobartown Mustard in Bottles Raspberry Vinegar in pints Jellies, Almonds And a great variety of Sundries. Terms at Sale. CRAIG & SIBBIN Have received instructions from the proprietor to sell by public auction, on MONDAY, the 25th instant, at 12 o'clock, at their new Auction Mart, Lower Queen-street,
VERY VALUABLE ALLOTMENT in L Victoria Quadrant, 19 J feet frontage y, 50 feet to a lane. It is the second allotment from Victoriastreet, and near to Queen-street. Terms : One-third Cash, the balance may remain at 12 1 per cent, interest. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. Three Houses and Allotment of Land in Grey-Street. To be Sold Without Besekve. CRAIG & SIBBIN Have received instructions to sell by Ihiblic Auction, at their New Land and Commission Sale Rooms, Lower Queen-Street, on MONDAY, the 25th Feb., 1861, at 12 o'clock, IHREB HOUSES, almost new with the Allotment, . on which they stand, the houses arc all let to good paying tenants, and with a gmall outlay can be made to yield an income of £75 per annum. Terms —One-third, Cash ; the balance may remain on the property at 10 per cent, interest. Wanted, A FIRST CLASS HOUSEMAID. Apply at the " New Zealander" Office.
'NTEREST granted at following rates by Oriental . Bank Corporation, Auckland : On Current Accounts (on Minimum Monthly Balance) when £SO or over 1\ <s* ct. Deposits on DemanJ do. 2\ #" ct. Fixed Deposits, at 3 months' notice, £lO or over 3 4P cL 6 months* do 4 4P ct. 12 do. do s<j^ct. Oriental Bank Corporation, Auckland, 22nd June, 18fi0.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 2
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