Sales h# Unction. Seed Drill. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will sell at the Haymarket, THIS DAY, previous to the Horse Sale, A SEED AND MANURE DRILL in working order. Active Draught Horses. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will sell by Auction, at the Haymarket, on SATURDAY, February 23rd, at 12 o'clock, lOUR YOUNG HORSES, from the interior, near 16 hands high, and fully equal to the Plough or Omnibus. Newmarket Cattle Sale, MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will sell at Newmarket, on THURSDAY next, February 21st, >A HEAD FAT CATTLE Store Cattle Dairy Cows 200 Fat Sheep and Lambs 200 Large Framed Store Ewes 20 Leicester Ewes Leicester Ram Lambs Fat and Store Pigs. Lambs' Wool. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND TDLL hold his last WOOL SALE for this Sea-
T T son, at the Haymarkct, on WEDNESDAY, February 27th, at 12 o'clock. Wool, to be in time for the Catalogue, should be in Store not later than the Saturday previous to the day of Sale. Leicester Ram Lambs. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will sell at Newmarket, on THURSDAY next, at 12 o'eksck, -| 9 LEICESTER RAM LAMBS JL m Leicester Ewes. Store Ewes. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will sell at his Yards, Newmarket, on THURSDAY next, February 21st, rnwO HUNDRED LARGE FRAMED EWES. Haymarket. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND Will sell at the Haymarkct, on SATURDAY, the 21st, at 12 o'clock, 0 SACKS RYE JRASS SEED Seed and Manure Drill 1 ton Prime Hay Second Hand Dray, with broad wheels Pair Unbroken Draught Fillies 4 Young Horses equal to the plough Roan Riding Horse Handsome Cream Color Pony. For Sale at the Haymarket, HAND*SOME CREAM-COLOR PONEY, 4 years old, and well broken to the saddle, by ALFRED BUCKLAND.
TRAYED—A BLACK POLED COW, branded u CH on rump. 20s. reward will be paid on delivery at Newmarket, by ALFRED BUCKLAND. Horse Bazaar. HUNTER, COCHRANE, & CO. Will Sell by Auction, THIS DAY, Saturday, AIDING HORSES \ Draught ditto Plough ditto Several useful Horses and Marcs Cattle Sale, Newr.arket. MESSRS. HUNTER, COCHRANE & CO. Will Sell by Auction, on TUESDAY next, at their Yards, Newmarket, HEAD FAT CATTLE tj 100 fat Sheep and Lambs Good Dairy Cows 3 good Working Bullocks Lot of hand-fed Heifers and Steers Dairy Cows and Store Stock Pigs, &c. WOOL SALE. MESSRS. HUNTER, COCHRANE, & CO. WILL hold their last WOOL SALE, for the Season, on FRIDAY, Ist MARCH, in the Theatre, Greyhound Yard, for the Sale of Lambs Wool held over, and to come in. Hunter, Cochrane, & Co., will feel obliged by their friends sending in their Wool early. D. NATHAN & CO. Will Sell by Auction, on TUESDAY next, the 19th instant, at their Stores, Shortland-strect, at 11 o'clock, viz : > A KEGS WHITE LEAD, in 28 & 56 lb. Tins *j\J 20 cans Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil 10 cans Turps 5 casks Washing Soda 5 cases Hair Oil 1 " Broom Heads 1 " Shoe Brushes.
2 bales Kangaroo Shirting 1 " Scotch Twill Shirting 3 " 33, 36 and 72-inch Grey Calico 1 " Cotton Tweeds 1 case Summer Ginghams 1 " Ladies' and Girls' Holland Jackets 1 " " and Children's Hosiery 1 " " Black and White and Grey Knitting Worsted, " Harris," Whitcy Brown, Black and Mixed Threads, "Clarke's" "Harvey's," 200 and 300 yards White, Black and assorted Colors, Paisley Sewing Cottons, White Stay Binding and Laces, Colored London Worsted, Statute Galloon, White and Black Ring Wire, India Mending Cotton, 3 Thread Knitting and French Embroidering Cottons, Twisted Silk and Flat Boot Laces, White Wave, French and Rain White Cottons, Metal Brace, White Pearl and Linen Buttons, White and Black Swan Bill Hooks and Eyes, White Cotton Cord, White Wire Ribbon, White Cotton and Imperial Tapes, Prepared Whalebone, Chambers Needles, and Black and Colored Sewing Silks 1 bale Fancy Prints 1 case Slate and Colored Rolled Jacconets 1 case Gents' White Shirts, Regatta Fronts 1 " " " " (in boxes) 1 " " Regatta " " 2 bales Scotch Twill " " 1 " Blue Serge " 1 case Men's Brown Cotton, i-Hoso 1 " Boys' and Youths' Moleskin Trousers taped and seamed and double stitched 1 " Men's Moleskin Trousers, taped & seamed, aud double stitched 1 " Doeskin and Tweed Trousers 1 " " " Vests 2 " Black Cloth, Tweed and Doeskin Brighton
1 " Men's Black and Colored Felt Hate 1 " Tweed and Black Cloth Caps 1 " Cotton and India Itubber Braces &c, &c, &c. Terms at Sale. Ladies' Benevolent Society. ~ ERMONS will be preached on Sabbath next, the > 17th instant, by the Kev. A. Macdonald, in the Congregational Chapel, High-street, The Services will commence in the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at half-past 6. Collections will be made at the close of each Service in aid of the funds of the above Society. February 15th, 1861, ODGING for a Single Man. Terms low. 1 Enquire at the Office of this Paper.