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Tenders for Works on the Great South Road. Superintendent's Office, Auckland, Bth February, 1861. lENDEES will lie received until noon of FRIDAY, . the 22ml February instant, for work to be done on the Great South Road, as follows: Section 1. Repairs to Metal—Between junction with Epsom Road and Scoria Causeway. Section 3. Repairs to Metal—Between Ann's Bridge and Otahuhu Bridge. Section 4. Repairs to Metal and Bridges—From Ota-
huhu Bridge to the Comer of Mr. Macky's Farm. Section 5. Reforming and Metalling—Repairs to Metal and Bridges—From the Corner of Mr. Macky's Farm to Ligar's Bush. Section 6. Reforming and Metalling; Repairs to Metal and Bridges—From Ligar's Bush to Papakura Bridge. Section 7. Forming and Metalling; Reforming and Metalling; Repairs to Metal and Bridges—From Papakura Bridge to Papakura Village. Section 8. Repairs to Bridges and Roads between Joslin's Farm and Mr. Austin's Fann. Specifications of the works to he done on the several Sections may he seen at this Office. Each Section to be tendered for separately. The contractors will he required to maintain the Sections contracted for in a thorough state of repair until the Ist day of October next. Tenders to be endorsed " Tender for Work on the
Great South Road." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Qnehunga and Mangarei Ferry. Superintendent's Office, Auckland, Bth Feb., 1861. HPENDERS will be received at this office, until noon JL of WEDNESDAY next, the 13th inst., lor the performance of the above service from the 18th February until the .'list December, 1861. Particular information can be obtained at this office. J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Tenders for Beacon. Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 7th February, 1861.
TENDERS will be received at this Office until noon of the 24th instant for supplying and erecting an Iron Beacon on a Reef off Brown's Island. Plan and Specification of the work may be seen at the Harbour Master's Office, Queen-street Wharf. Tenders to be endorsed " Tender for Beacon." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Mangatawhiri, Great South Road.
Superintendent's Office, Auckland, January 25th, 1861. r 1 1ENDERS will be received at this Office until noon X of THURSDAY, the 28th of February, for work to be done in opening the Great South Road from Mr. Sclby's to the Mangatawhiri Creek, Waikato. Plan and Specification may be seen on application at the Roads' Office. Tenders to be endorsed " Tender for Work on Great South Road." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. OWEN & GRAHAM HAVE ON SALE -i /»A DAGS CHINA SUGAR IOU 150 bags Pampagna Sugar 50 bags Company's Crystals 50 bags No. 3 Company's Pieces 30 dozen American Brooms To Arrive, ex " Sevilla." ") hales Blankets 3 cases Regatta Shirts 1 case White Shirts
Ex ' Zealandia." 40 barrels Saltpetre 300 bags Salt ."30 half-chests Best Congou Tea •20 chests ditto ditto 100 boxes Sperm Candles 40 boxes Starch 25 boxes Blue 20 boxes Mustard 6 1 tales Blankets 3 eases White Shirts 4 " Fancy Regattas 2 " Cord Trousers 1 bale Reefers 1 " Pilot Coats 50 eases Gin 5 bids. MarteU's Brandy Ex "Morning Light." 10 half-tierccs Negrohead 4 hales Denims 2 bales Grey Twill Cottons Ex "Bosworth." 5 half-ticrces Negrohead 2 cases "Wax Vestas 2 bales American Jackets 1 case Merino Shirts 5 eases Mole Trousers Ex " Donald McKay."
5 half-tierces Negroheau 4 bales Fancy Prints •< " Navy Blues ! " Drilling 1 case Shawls r> bales Blankets 2 cases Gala Plaids "NTEIIEST granted at following rates by Oriental . Bank Corporation, Auckland : On Current Accounts (on Minimum Monthly Balance) when £SO or over 2 J #* ct. Deposits on Demand do. 2£ ty ct. Fixed Deposits, at 3 months' notice, £lO or over 3 ty ct. 6 months' do. 4 & ct. 12 do. do ss"ct. Oriental Bank Corporation, Auckland, 22nd June. 1860.
To Millers. WANTED TO PURCHASE, BUSHELS BRAN—CASH. Apply to Mr. G. W. OWEN, Hobson-strcet. "MPOUNDED at the Public Round, Newmarket, . by Mr. J. Dilworth, for trespass and damages in his enclosed grass paddock at Rcmuera, One Grey Marc, branded A.E. on the left shoulder One Bay Filley Foal, no brand. Damages ss. Owner unknown. If not claimed within 11 days after the date of this notice, application will be made to a Justice of the Peace, for an order for the sale of the above mentioned Marc and Foal, agreeably to the provisions of the "Impounding Act, 1856." M. MADIGAN, Pound Keeper. Public Pound, Newmarket, sth February, 1861.
Auckland Band of Hope Festival. ">IIE Committee of the BAND of HOPE beg to tender their grateful thanks to the Ladies, the Volunteers' Bund, and to all those friends who assisted in any way, either personally at the Festival, or who by donation in money, provisions, &c., enabled the Committee so successfully to carry out their object.
Wanted, BY a Mrrried Man, -without family, a situation a3 Gardener, or Manager on a Farm.—Enquire at the New-Zcalander Office, by letter, "T. B."
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Bibliographic details
New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 1
Word Count
798Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 1
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