ANNUAL CONTRACTS. Commissariat, Auckland, 30th January, 1861. TENDERS in duplicate will be received at this Office, until noon of SATURDAY, the 23rd February next, from persons willing to contract for furnishing the undermentioned Supplies, Transport, &c., during the twelve calendar months commencing Provisions, Fuel and Light Forage for Horses Supplies for Ships of War, &c\, Hospital Supplies Land and Water Transport Water. The conditions of the several contracts arc advertised in the " Ncw-Zcalander" newspaper of the 23rd inst. Any further information can be obtained at this office. ALEXANDER CLERK, Deputy Assistant Commissary General. Annual Contracts for Barrack Service. Commissariat, Auckland, 4th February, 1861. fIHKNDERS in Duplicate will be received till noon J_ of MONDAY, the 18th instant, from persons willing to contract for the performance of the undermentioned services for the twelve months commencing on the Ist April next, viz.: — Washing and repairing Barrack and Hospital Bedding Emptying (Soil and Asli Pits Sweeping Chimnies Supply of Wheaten Straw for Bedding, at per 100 lbs. Forms of Tender, conditions, &c., may be obtained at the Barrackmaster's Office, Britomart Barracks. No other form of Tender will be received. The above Contracts to terminate on the expiration of three months notice given by either party -, such notice to be given only on the Ist of a month. ALEXANDER CLERK, Dcp.-Assistant Commissary General. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON FIRE ft LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Empowered by Acts of Parliament. ESTABLI SIIE I) IN 183 6 . Capital subscribed, exceeding £1,880,000. Accumulated Funds and Capital paid up, exceeding £1,213,000, of which £200,000 are invested in the Colonies in Government and other securities.
Reserve Surplus, £250,000, limited Liability of the Shareiiolderj: LIFE DEPARTMENT. rpilE PREMIUMS received in this Department in 1859, amounted to £127,415. Medical Referee for Auckland : T. M. PHIL SON, ESQ., M. D. Table of Rates for Fire and Life Assurance in all its branches, and every information can be obtained from JOHN BUCHANAN, Agent for the Province of Auckland. Canada Buildings, February 7th, 1861. TO ARRIVE <IP SEVILLA AND ZEALANDIA, On Sale by the Undersigned. Cpf HDDS. BASS'S ALE UtJ 150 cases Sherry " 20 qr.-casks Sherry 20 ditto Port ."> ditto Brandy 1") ditto Campbclton Whiskey 7") cases Price's Candles Ki " Cavendish Tobacco 23 coils Eurone Rone .') " Corn Sacks r, •• Blankets 1 superior four-wheeled Dogcart CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. On Sale by the Undersigned, MERICAN COOKING STOVES, all sizes To Arrive per Zkalandia, English Cooking Stoves. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. On Sale by the Undersigned, -j r HIIDS. DUTCH RED CLOVER SEED JLO 30 " " White " " 15 " Cow Grass " " Italian and Perennial Rye Grass Scotch Ploughs and Harrows. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO.
ON SALE, To arrive, per " Sevilla," from London, OCWT. COCKSFOOT GRASS SEED 30 •■ Perennial live Grass 10 " Cowgrass Sued 20 " White Clover Seed 20 " Red do. do. The above Seeds arc warranted of the best quality, Ist Feb.. 1861. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. REMUERA. LARGE AND newly-built Private Residence, well adapted for a private School or a large Family, consisting of nine rooms—on the ground floor, three good sitting rooms, Kitchen, Store room, and Pantry; on the upper Jloor three good rooms, one '2' A x 17-6. There is also a good under-ground Cellar. Attached is a good Paddock and Garden, well supplied with Fruit- Trees, imported direct from England; also, an unfailing well of water. This desirable residence is situate within 20 minutes' walk of Auckland. For further particulars, apply to Mr. R. W. Wynn, Solicitor, Shortland-stxeet, Auckland. N.B. —A considerable portion of tiic purchase-money
may remain on mortgage at 10 per cent, interest. Board and Residence. T ADIES and GENTLEMEN will find first-class JLi accommodation at Mrs. Morley's Boarding Establishment, near St. Matthew's Church, Hobson street. Mrs. M. having been proprietress ot a Boarding Establishment in England, for nearly 30 years, will conduct the above in the Home style, and will leave nothing wanting to add to the comfort and convenience of her patrons. The above is one of the most healthy and pleasant localities in Auckland. N.B.—Excellent Coach-house and Stabling. Notice. ■ /LENDERS will be received by the undersigned at Jl the Armed Police Office, High-street, until noon on MONDAY, the 18th inst., for the supply of about 500 Dog Tickets and Straps for the year ISGI. JAMES NAUGHTON, Inspector of Police. Armed Police Office, 7th February, IS6I. REQUIRED, a G« \i the Suburbs of of the " New Zealande February 6th, 1861. ness for a family residing in ikland. Apply at the office