CHEAP ! !! "KISII NATIONAL, McCulloch's, and other School . Books. E. WAYTE'S, Queen-street. t&F A liberal allowance to Schools. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. SUPERIOR Pcrrennial Rye Grass clear and free . from sorrel, 10s. per bushel Cocksfoot, JOs. per bushel Red and White Clover, warranted, Is. taking 20 lbs., and all other Seeds equally cheap. Seed Warehouse, next Somcrville's, Upper Queen-st. R. S. DRURY. SYMONDS-STREET. For Sale or Lease, •| A BEAUTIFULLY Situated Building ALLOTi U MENTS in Syinoncls-strcct, near the WhiclCONNELL& HIDINGS, Queen-street. For Sale, 1 (M\ IIIIIXS - MARRIAN'S No. 3 ALL I.UU 100 eases Bass's Ale, Pyramid brand 50 cases Guincss's Stout 30 tons Common and Fine Salt Slates, Countesses Pig Iron Roofing Felt 0. 11. STRICKLAND & CO., Queen-street Win February 1, 1861. CHEAP I! Muslin Robes, Ifi yards, only 10s. eac worth 155., at S. & .J. R. VAILE'S. Corner of Queen and Wyndham-sts IUEAPI! J Dress, at ilin Dresses, only 4s. fi S. & .!. R. VAILE'S. LAP! ! Checked Or; worth Is., at S. & J. R. VAILE'S.
IHEAP! ! French Muslins in all the new colors U most beautiful stork, :it S. & J. K. VAILE'S. CHEAP ! ! The new Flounced Cambric l'rints, per yard, at S. & J. 11. VAILE'S. HIEAP!! Nine Flounce Baragc Robes, only !. J each, nt S. & J. R, VAILE'S. 1IFA1'! ! Silk Cheek French CIIFAI'! ! Silk Check Frci yard, cheap at 25., nt S. & J. R. VAILE'S. HEAP!! Summer Challies, new styles, is. 4d. C iifat: : jper vitnl, S. & .1. R. VAILE'S. '"\HEAP!! Flounced Glace Silk Robes, 18 yards, yj only £'■> 12s. (id., worth al least .€.") 10s., at S. & J. R. VAILE'S. U only 145., at S. & J. R. VAILE'S. ~1IIFAI'! ! Black Moircc Antique Mantles, only 7s. *J each, at S. & ,1. R. VAILE'S. CHEAP! ! Ladies' and Grass Cloth Jackets, a Children's Holla: S. & .1. R. VAILE'S. CHEAP! ! Parachutes, Sun Shades, from .'!s. each, at S. & .1. R. VAILE'S. The New T< S. & .1. H. VAILL'S. Misers, only ;js net S. & J. R. VAILE'S. Men's Stout Scotch Twill Shins, fu S. & .). It. VAILE'S. Turban Felt Hat, at S. & J. R. VAILE'S, National Mart, Corner of Queen and Wyndham-sts Terms :—Cash. Hours o excepted).
To the Electors o," Raglan. '"GENTLEMEN, —I have the honor to solicit your suffrages as a Candidate to represent your interests in the next General Assembly. Having always heUl opinions opposed to a centralizing policy, I should vote for the repeal ot the '* New Provinces Act." lam prepared to unite with the other Representatives of this Province in obtaining a sweeping reduction in the expenditure now lavished on an overgrown and daily increasing official staff, and to act in concert with those gentlemen, that Auckland may hold the prominent position due to her in the liovernmcnt Your obedient servant, CHARLES J. TAYLOR. Tamaki, November, 20th 1860. RAGLAN ELECTION. POLLING DAY, MONDAY NEXT, 11th FEBRUARY, 1861. |%/fR- TAYLOR hep to remind his friends and JIYJL supporters, especially those in the out-districts, that MONDAY NEXT, the llth instant, will he the Polling Day for the Raglan District. POLLING PLACES— Newmarket, Onchungn, Otahuhu, Papakura, Waiuku, and Raglan. KOWICX, P A K i: II A \ G A. ALL persons are required to abstain Ti-trce Stakes, Ti-scrab, or any ki: XjL Ti-trce Stakes, I i-scrub, or any kind of Bush or Timber, on allotments 2'A) and 2:>2, as also on allotments 220, 221, 248, 249, 251, and 253. Persons offending after this notice will he prosecuted Board and Residence. k SINGLE GENTLEMAN is desirous of obtainL ing Board and Residence in a respectable family -mere he would be the only hoarder. A house situated a short distance from town would he preferred. Apply by letter to M. B. 11., Office of this paper, stating terms, &c. OST —Some time hi ~_.d. Any one bringing the same to HOHEPA TARAUTETE, at Rcmucra, will receive XI 10s. reward. ' OST,—YESTERDAY, on the Onehunga Rood, a small parcel of PAPERS rolled up in a brown r. Any person bringing them to the " Ncw-Zca-lander" Office will he rewarded Cor their trouble. They uro of little use to any person but the owner. February let, 1661.