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On Sale by the Undersigned, IUSSELL'S & SORBY'S HAY AND FERN 1 SCYTHES Sickles and Reaping Hooks, B Y and Sorby's Small Rings and Wedges Sharp's Axes, Grindstones and Spindles Hay Knives, Tomahawks and Adzes for Island Trade hillock Bows, Yokes, Chains, Start Rings, Plates and Keys Patent Mail Axles, Cart Arms and Boxes to a in. Hames, Cart and Plough Traces, Wheat Mills Flour Sieves, Galvanized Wire Riddles, Swingletrees Sonnv's Saws, Pit, Cross-cut, Fella', Frame, Hand, Rip, Panel, Turning Key. Hole, Tenon, Sash, Dovetail, Table, Metal, and Chair Back, Braces, Bits, Chisels and Gouges, Firmer, Socket, Paring and Turning MosELT'saud Anus's Planes, in great variety, Wheelers Rounders Bench Screws, iron and wood, Carpenters' Mallets GICE, Chisles, Handles, Spirit Levels and Tubes Arkansas, Turkey, Chartley Forest and Carnarvon Stones Joiners', Flooring, Chair and Hand Cramps Surveyors' Chains and Arrows, Measuring Tapes Carsnn's Patent Salting Ixstrumeets Parlor, Kitchen, and Bedroom Fenders, Fire Irons Bekr Engines, Ale and Spirit Measures, Spirit Fountains
Patent Tin and Wire Dish Covers Mappin's Ivory Handled Knives and Forks " Pocket, Pallete, Butchers', Farriers, unci Putty do. " Scissors, Knife Sliarpcncrs, Xail NipPadding anil Jelly Moulds, Door Mats, Scrapers, Brushes Shop Twine, Gold and Silver Loaf, Diamonds School Slates, Metal Inkstands, Wove Wire Sheet Zinc, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, Perforated do., Lead Pipe 11.15. Tin Plates, If, IX, IXX, IXXX, I)X, DXX Smiths Bellows, Anvils, Vices, and Hammers Wliitworth's Stocks and Dies in sets 20 tons Ewbank's Nails, &c, &c. COLEMAN, IKELAND & CO., Shortland-strect. EX " ROB ROY." Summer Goods, Summer Goods, now opening at G. & E. Lewis,'
&ENTS' LIGHT SILK ALPj Do. Black & Colored &He White & Brown Drill Trousers White & Regatta Shirts Patent Vest Shirt with Pocket Merino, Silk, and Flannel Shirts Garibaldi Felt Hats and Caps Panama & Straw Hats Ladies Trimmed & Untrimmcd Straw Hats 100 doz. Military Half Hose Muslin Dresses, Print, Calicoes, &c., &c. Ladies' Work Boxes, Filled & Unfilled Writing Desks, Musical Instruments in great variety Ladies' Leather Bags & Portmonics 350 doz. Assorted Cutlery Combs, Brushes, and Perfumer)'. To Arrive per " Tawera" & " Sevilla," .'5 Casks Glassware 4 Bales Grocers' & Drapers' Papers 5 Cases Assorted Vestas 1 Case Solar Lamps 2 Cases Glasses & Cottons t> Trunks Boots & Shoes 10 Cases Hora Scented Oil 2 Cases Mole Trousers, Lion & Elephant Brain 1 Case Fancy Sac Coats & Trousers 2 Cases Hair Brushes, Combs, &c. 2 Cases Plate Looking Glasses &c, &c, &c. Opposite Connell & Ridings. GOMMEB CI A L STORE. On Sale by the Undersigned, Of BOXES PUDDING KAISIJJ Lit) |2O " Superior Muscatels
12 cases Preserved Ginger 2t) " Raspberry Balm 10 " Clove Cordial 5 " Cherry " 12 " Champaigiie Cider 4 " Vinegar, Quarts 2 " Lime Juice " 4 " Red Herrings (Balty's) 4 " Sardines, ;',- and i tins .">() n'aiiis Brown Paper Split Peas, Oatmeal Carl), of Soda, l-Lb bottles Fancy Biscuit, 3-lt3 tins Isinglass, 1-lbjars; French Olives Curry Paste, Mushroom Catsup Barley-sugar, 7-113 tims (English) Fine Pearl Sago, 7-llt tins Preserved Beef, 6-11) tins Moderator Lamps (superior) Pewter Measures, quarts, pints, and ha pints 15 nests American Tubs &c, &c, &c. ,i. c. Mcdowell. Quccn-street. To Builders, &c. mENDERS will be received till 5 o'clock, p.m., ol X THURSDAY, the 21st of February. 1861, for the erection of a Dwelling-house at Dcclwood.
Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications can be seen on and after Thursday next, by applying to JNO. ANDREWS, Architect, Quccn-strect. Auckland, February ">, 1861. To Builders. r RENDERS will be received by tbe undersigned K until noon on WEDNESDAY, February 20th, • the. erection of ;i Savings Bank in Queen-street, Auckland. Plans and Specifications *»f" the work to be done to be seen by applying to READER WOOD, Architect, &c. Wvndham-strcct,
February 5, 1861. For Sale, COTTAGE and ACRE, situated at Ptininnrc, Garden well stocked, and a well of line water. Also,— An additional acres, psirt in grass and part in potatoe crop. For terms and particulars apply to HUNTER, COCHRANE & CO., Auctioneers, Queen-street; or THOMAS CKEAVY, I'anmure. REWARD. WHEREAS the do. Horse Bazaar Vn open on the night betwci 1 hereby offer a Reward < information as may lea offender. of my upper Store, in the s, was feloniously broken Saturday and Sunday last, FIVE POUNDS for such to the conviction of the 11. HARRINGTON. Auckland, Monday, 4th Feb., 1861. Wanted. WELL Educated Youth, proficient in Arith- . mctic, &c„ who writes a good hand, and recently arrived from England, is desirous of an engagement,—a Merchant's office would he preferred. Reference is permitted to Mr. .1. Rorr, High-street, Auckland. Feb. sth, 1861. Wanted immediately, for Ahuriri, FIRST-RATE COUNTRY BLACKSMITH. Applv to CKUICKbHANK. SMART & CO.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 1
Word Count
751Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1546, 9 February 1861, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.