WELLINGTON. CctoSor 113. The llfltorua railway engne-sind vus burned at 3 a.m. Twn iocoiaj'-'voswero partially destroyed. Tip alarm was given toy a cleaner, but when ho saw it tho shod was in lull bto, The traffic was delayed in consoqiien'ce. The stationmaslor is trying to an cnginsi to cnablu tto mails and passengers to he sent away.
Tho Wol'.ington Post says it is understood llinl Mr Potcr S. Hay, superintending t'iijjijiecr of tlie Public Works Department, is 'to Iwcomo Engiiieer-in-Chiof for tlio colony when Mr W. 11. Hales l'oLircs at tho end ofttlio financial year. Tho Chief Justice gavo judgment to-day fc r the plaintiff in a case brought toy tho widow of the Into Mr Faslier, cf tlio Railway Department, to obtain puyment of £255 as part of tlio wholo awumt duo to her from tho Railway Superamui. ution Fund. His Honor licld tliat tlio Civil Service Acts of ltfi'l and 1886 did not destroy tho privileges branliod by tlio Civil Service Act of 1888 and the Government Railways Act) of 1887. The Bible-in-Schools Leaguo has issued a uinitifesto. This says it is clear that nothing can bo obtained from tho Premier nor from Parliament 'till members aro convinced that tho BiMe-in-schtols a serious one. For this reason ' the League urges all who aro interested to mako their Infliienco Pelt at tlie coming olectiins, and unless thero aro strong reasons to the contrary to votu only for such candidates as pl*dgo them, solves to eiippt rt tlio question bring referred direct to a vote of tho people. Tho .question it is proposed to submit to tho electors in tho event of aplebeseite being taken' is as follows: " Aro you in favor of the- proposal that, subject to a conscience clause, public schools shall bo opened daily with the t.orl s prayer, and that In such schools Biblo lessons shall bo given to the children by the teachers during school hours, the teachers' duty being strictly confined ti explaining tho dictionary meaning of wda and to fleeing that the cliidren remember what they have read." Tho text book, says the manifesto is a modified form of that used in Victoria, andit Ims received tho approval of a committee consisting ot the ministers and laymen oi ovcry Protestant church in tho colony.
AUCKLAND, October 28, Mr J. F. Hartlaml, of Christchurch, was aPl'o.nted secretary of the Auckland Pacing ('lui) at a special meeting of t|m Committee licltl to-day. ire will ta''o up liis duties in time for tlio spring meeting. Superintendent Woolley, of tho Fire Brigade, was rather seriously injured on Sunday afternoon. The Briß was out 011 a false alarm, when Superintendent Woolley sllppod on the hose reel and, his fool becoming entangled, was dragged along the street for about 10 yards, He sustained some scalp wounds, and was badly shaken. A Queon street restauranteur, Peter Franchl, was charged at the Police Cmrt with working three assistants more than 52 hours weekly and failing to allow n weekly lmlf'holiday. Tlio assistants deposed that they worked seven dnyc a week. The shopman said thnt. his hours for ono week totalled llflj. Two waitresses said that tliey worked !)G hours, the wages be'iij* 12s and 9s respectively. Mr llyer, Stipendiary Magistrate, characterised (ho case as white slavery, and fined Prancli 35s on each/ of eleven informations with costs, the total lieinir nearly -C3O.
DUNEDINi October 23. Tlio Anglican Diocesan Sjnod wnaopened this afternoon, when tho Primate who presided, delivered 'his presidential address. He reviewed social (itiestli.nn at length. Referring to socialism, he said those who separated themselves frcn the observances of religion and denied (h? fmlth, saying "The Church Is no. good to lis, because it not lend its?!!, In
an exclusive manner to tho accomplishment of cur particular desires,' gave jucof that tliey had not learned the meaning of .Christianity, nor -wherein lies the secret of its power. The clergy did not ally themselves with jiarty politics, nor connect themselves with schemes which aim at making people good )iy force. Tho uninformed and impatient accused ' the church of indifference because tii6 weapons of her warfare were not carnal* but by hundreds of organisations she grappled with the sorrows, the result of breaking her laws and by loudly-upUM voice proclaimed almost daily that, neither drunkard:), nor adulterers, nor extortioners liavo any inheritance in the Kingdom ,of Christ or Cod, The I'rimate went on ti> apply thoso principles to special iqueslims. Ho did not presume to say which way people kliouUl vote oil 110liceitsc, but if any think of tho law of love for the weak and oven depraved over the love of lil.crty, and that the many must be compelled for the sake ol tho fow, ho left that -to every man's conscience in tho sight of Cod. Enough hud been written in the attempt to provn tho State had 110 right to teach religio", but ho did not know any hod attempted to prove thut tho State had a ri'lit to prevent others from so doing, whether tho parents themselves desiro this ;eligious teaching or not. Ho would liavo their representatives instructed to dodemand the removal of restrictions in legislation in so as ti give the churches liberty to prove themselves sincere. Air P.. G. Monk, hooking clerk at'flunedin railway station, was arrested on a charge of embezzlement. It is understood a considerable sum is involved, although at, present tho charge i 9 only- £l. Information from Sliag Point stntcs that the barque County of Ayr is breaking up, and her cargo is now ciming ashore. An inquiry into ilie circtunstanres connected with the wreck will be hehi*on Wednesday. Dredging returns: Golden Run, 6807,; ltiley's Bench, 13oz; Nelson Creek, 15oz, The. frame of the County of Ayr, largely strlppod ot its plates and diamasted, is visible from the shoro. The cargo is being washed ashore near the mouth of the Shag river. It ia reported that afour'maated steamer was seen at tho same place three weeks ago. Deflnite arrangements liavo now been made for a debato on tho no-license question between the Revs, L. M. Isitt and W. Thomson. It t&kos placo on'Frlday next.
NEW PLYMOUTH! October 23. As a 'result of 54 hours' continuous pumping, about 10DO gallons cl Pctroipuin were secured from tho bore at Sfoturoa, equal 'tt nearly ton liarrels per day. The water is decreasing and ttie oil increasing. An expert, estimates that the latter is now eq«a!- U twenty barrels per day. BLENHEIM. Octdher 23. On Saturday night a young man named Ilurry Norton, a resident ,f Te Awaiti, a historic whaling station in Marlborough Sounds, was pi'fsenled with m guild medal and an address by a number of admirers in recognition of an act of ■niavery performed In .1 une last in his father from drowning in Cook Straits The Mayor, who made tlio prosentatim referred to the circumstances of the deed as particularly meritorious. The party had made I'ast to the whale Ihfiy were pursuing an'd the boat was bi'ing rushed along at the rate ot 8 to 10 Knots an hour. The rope kicked Ncr ton senior overboard, and, as the older man (though he had ton whaling for, many years), could not swim, the son jumped overboard after Mm and neld him up until rescued. It is considered certain that the deed will lie recognised by the Hoyof Humane Society; VoUng Norton is a'liaif-castc. Anglers in Hi s district are cxperieno ng a successful season, llig trout are frequent, several lisli over ltllb having liocn caught, the weights ranging up to 17lb. tt'ANQANUI. October 2!1. At a meeting uf civil servants to-night the following resolution was carried unanimously i: "That the civil servants of ffangaimi heartily approvo of the proposed Civil Service Superannuation Act, and trust tiie Government will uso every endeavor to have the Uill passed this session,'' I'AUIEItSTON SOUTH. October 23.
A'J(hou«li the specific li/tiirus are not yet availublo. the entries for tho spring tliow of the Miinawatu A. audi'. Aasi- | (iii'timi to lio held oil tlio first 2nil, nrnl 3nl November, indicule tlinl all previous records will bo eclipsed. In horses there will i)U quite a fifty per cent increase, the (otul in all classes liohtjj 700. • Cattle and sheep fire just aliout tho flamo as lust ycur, with a alight increase il onytliifig. Several now breeders are represented in these classes. Pigs show a decided increase, and dogs number 240. The poultry entries aro large, l>ut cannot lie rprapared with last year owing to an alteration in the classes due to tlio wlnto; show. Only the utility classes aro bein; scheduled, at the forthcoming show. The citrics, in the horse competitions total 2'lo. In sheep, horses, cattle and pigs tlio show will be distinctly representative of North Island breeders.
11ASTERTON, October 23. William Apperley, ai;cd 21, was drownctl in the Itimumlmtt'Ja river yesterday. He was out fishing, and his companions loft him to go further down tlio stream. It Is surmised he had a fit, to which he was subject,, as lie was a strong swimmer. JIOTORUA October 23. A special engine caino up from Vranklyn Junction, aiid ie!t with n train to' Auckland at 12.20. Branch trains have been delayed to connect with it. ■ The engines in the shed arc unfit lor use til) taken to pieces, as many parts arc twisted. CHIUSTCIIURCH. October 28. Tho afternoon session of the Dioorisan Sjnod t,o-dny was up almost entirely by a discussion on the following motion'■ " That in view.of IJio coming licensing- po.I this Synod commends to church people the adoption <.f tin; no-li-cense system as the best available remedy for tho existing evils." An amendment was proposed urging upon all churchmen entitled to vote to into
their most cnreful consideration the Issues involved, so that each might decide according to tire dictates of his conscience how he should vote at the poll. In the cuirsc ot the debate Sir John Huli and Tlisliop Julius staled tliey believed In m.-llcenso, and would suitport the mition. The dohato was interrupted by the c .o'clock adjournment.
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North Otago Times, 24 October 1905, Page 2
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1,680TELEGRAMS. North Otago Times, 24 October 1905, Page 2
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