Excited Bidding at Wellington Sale
Per Press Association. WELLINGTON, Last Night. Tho expectations of growers and brokers were not disappointed at the fourth Wellington wool sale of the season to-day. Taking into account the quality of the offerings tho sale was the best held in Wellington this season, the market generally ruling linn on the Duuedin sale last Wednesday. The quantity offered was a large one for a March sale, being 28,484 bales as against 21,080 bales at the corresponding sale last year, and compared with tho average offering of 30,710 bales at the December, January and February sales this season. Passings to-day were relatively few and the clearance at auction was over 95 per cent. Fine wools, which formed a small proportion of the offering, were generally firm, some “speciality” lines making advanced rates. Crossbreds, which met a very keen demand, were firm ail round and compared with February rates at Wellington ordinary top-mak-ing sorts showed a rise of from id to id. There was a lull bench of buyers representing all sections of the trade. From the outset it was apparent that crossbreds were in strong demand, all classes meeting keen bidding. Frequently tho eagerness of buyers to secure lots caused them to run ahead of the auctioneers and recording clerks, whose energies were fully extended. Bidding was strong and well sustained, and frequently excited w-hen the efforts of eight or ten buyers were concentrated simultaneously and. at common levels for much-desired lots. In many cases buyers appeared to have fairly elastic limits. Bradford buyers, who at the earlier sales appeared to bo holding off, were well in the market and bought extensively, the sale at times being dominated by them. Continental interests, however, were well in the running and forced the pace at times. There was also considerable buying on behalf of Japan. Local mills were not to be denied wheu lots suitable to their requirements came under the hammer. Taken all round the sale was probably the keenest held at Wellington this season, and it proceeded with great vigour and at a rapid rate from start t-o finish. Well over 9000 bales were dealt with during the first two hours, and when tho dinner adjournment was made at 0 o’clock some 20,000 bales had been dealt with in slightly less than four hours. Among the notable realisations were laid for halfbred ewes and 15d for several lots of halfbreds; laid for Meriuo hogget, 12Jd for super crossbred, 12d for super ewes, and up la IOJd for other lines of medium to line crossbreds; lid to lljd for crossbred hoggets, and ]2Jd to 13d for lambs. DALGETY AND CO., LTD. (Special to “Times.”) WELLINGTON, Last ’ Night. -Dalgcty and Co., Ltd., report: At the fourth Wellington wool sale held yesterday we offered 4177 bales and sold 95 per cent, under tho hammer. There was a keen sale with a decided hardening tendency. The buying was more widely spread, Bradford dominating tho market on ordinary stylos of topmaking crossbreds. Bradford and Japan were the keenest competitors with France, Belgium and Germany also well in the market. A heavy clearance was made, probably 95 per cent, of the growers meeting ihe market spontaneously at the present satisfactory trend of prices. As compared with our February sale ive quote 40/40 ordinary topmaking wools Id to id higher, hoggets all qualities -Jd to id higher, good spinners’ stylo -IS/50 -Jd higher, free lambs’ wool) -id higher, bellies and pieces par to id higher, crutchings good id to Id higher, seedy iambs in buyers’ favour.
AH/PN, 4 bales A crossbred, 90. DA/M, 6 bales AF crossbred E, 9d; 12 bales F crossbred E, SJd; S bales crossbred E, SJd; 0 bales H, SJd; 4 bales pieces, 7Jd. JAC/S, 34 bales E, SJd; 5 bales H, lOd. KH/K, J 4 bales E, SJd; 4. bales H, SJd. P/R, 27 bales E, SJd. WK/PN, 20 bales AAE, 9Jd; 10 bales AE, SJd; 4 bales AA lambs’, 12-Jd; 8 bales first pieces, 7Jd. TUTU/Totara, 4 bales F Cardg., lOJd; S bales AAE, 10Jd; 15 bales AE, 9Jd; 10 bales BE, OJd; 7 bales F crossbred, 9Jd; 4 bales crossbred, BJd; 10 bales C crossbred SJd; 5 bales necks, OJd; 10 bales A pieces, 7J<j; 0 bales bellies, 7d. Mute-j roa, 30 bales AE, 9Jd; 11 bales B.E, SJd; 4 bales CE, SJd; 5 bales A lambs,j lljd; 5 bales B lambs, lOd; 4 bales belies, SJd; 7 bales A pieces, 7Jd. CAM/F, 30 bales E, SJd; 7 bales H,j OJd. JR/K, 10 bales E, SJd. MR/P, 1 5 bales E, SJd. RHH, 12 bales cross-; bred, SJd. 12 bales dry E, SJd;' 7 bales E, BJd; 5 bales lambs, lid.' TK/R, 13 bales E, Sd. Gleniffer, 9 bales. A super Romney, OJd; 4 bales B crossbred, SJd. PL/C, 11 bales E, 83d. Palm/JS/Grove, 5 bales FAH, lljd; 4 bales FAE. 9Jd. TC/GTD, 14 bales crossbred, SJd; 5 bales bellies and pieces, OJd. Curved line over 80, 12 bales E, 7Jd. SD/M, 5 bales E. SJd. 1 AFB/L, 10* bales E, OJd, AJW/T, 4 bales S.D., 16Jd; 13 bales E, 9Jd. AG/PN, 18 bales E. SJd. Ekenui, 27 bales E, SJd. MP/K, 6 bales dry E, 9d; 23 bales E, B|d. HEF, 9 bales E,I BJd. JWS, 9 bales crossbred E, SJd. j JKV, 8 bales crossbred, 9d. GP, 4 bales Dn. lambs, 12d. MXV in box, 7 bales H,’ 11J. ALA/T, 5 bales E, BJd. MS/NGA, 12 bales E, SJd. 93/P, 5 bales S.D.j lambs, lOd. Patupatu, 4 bales A cross- j bred E, 9Jd. Stockwood, 4 bales A: lambs, 12Jd. WTW, 7 bales AE, 1 Od; * 10 bales BE, 9d. Rangitane, S bales H,| Did; 5 bales W, SJd: 20 bales E, SJd;
Keen Demand For Crossbreds
Growers' Expectations Realised
5 bales lambs, lOd; 5 bales bellies ane pieces, 5Jd; 5 bales crossbred, E, Sd. EAZ, 0 bales AA crossbred, lid; 5 bales A crossbred, lOd; 4 bales B crossbred, 9d; 5 bales A crossbred H, lljd, P/ROB/W (in diamo-d), 4 bales F crossbred, lOJd; 4 bales Med. crossbred, 9d; 4 bales B mcd. crossbred, Bid; 4 bales F Cardg. H, SJd; 4 bales lambs, Hid. PY (under line), 0 bales A threo-quarterbred, lOd; 5 bales A throe-quarterbred, 9d; 4 bales B threequarterbred, Sid; 4 bales A crossbred, hid; 4 bales A pieces, 7ld. Waimarie/ D, 37 bales E, SJd. FJE WBROS/PN, 0 balos Du. lambs, J2Jd; 9 bales Romney lambs, 123 d. WDW, 4 bales mecL crossbred, Sid. LGT, 13 bales A crossbred, JSJd; G bales B crossbred, Bld, ■GAJA/H, 4 bales A three-quarterbred, 9.3 d; 4 bales B three-quartorbred, 9Jd; 7 bales A crossbred, SJd.JO/Pungalawa 4 bales AAE, 12d; 15 bales AE, 9Jd; 11 bales BE, Sid; 0 bales bellies and pieces, OJd. Springdale, 11 bales E, 9d. TOC/Uralla,.4 bales E,. Sd. WL/S, 7 bales E, SJd. WJM/X, 10 bales E, 9d. CEVyPukeuui, 20 bales crossbred E, S3d; o bales lambs, 11 Jd. CEV/ Westward/Ho, 4 bales A threequarterbred SJd; 7 bales B threequarterbred, Sid; 4 bales A crossbred, B]d; 9 bales B crossbred, Sid; 9 bales fleeces, 73d; 9 bales Cor. H, 9i d; 5 bales A Cor, lambs, 10J. Mounterin, 10 bales E, Sid; 5 bales H, SJd. EKE, 5 bales Du.eross lambs, 9d. DW/U, 7 bales BE, S-Jd; 4 bales E pieces, 7Jd. HPN (in box), 9 bales Sup. Romney ewes, S3d. JWP, 9 bales E, SJd. HRW, 4 bales lambs, 12-id. WM/X, 4 bales crossbred, S3d. Paku/X2, 4 bales MF crossbred, Sid. EKE, 4 balos threequarterbred, Sd. IIJF, 13 bales crossbred E, 9d. WF H, 12 bales E, SJd. FPD/D, 5 bales E, Sid. THW/S. 27 bales E, 83d.
ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS, LTD. (Special to “Times.”) WELLINGTON, Last Night. Messrs. Abraham and Williams,. Ltd., in conjunction with Messrs! Wright Stephenson and Co., Ltd., report on the Wellington wool sale held yesterday as follows:—The selling season is drawing to a close and as usual the catalogues now offering comprise rather a mixed selection. This condition often is responsible for irregularity in realisations and this was noticeable at yesterday’s sale, particularly in regard to" halfbreds and lambs’ wool. Jvecn general'competition, however, was experienced. Bradford was a vigorous., .buyer, L the Continent purchased freely and Japan was operating for suitablo wool. ' Wo offered 4315 bales and sold 93 per cent, under tlio hammer. Many of the wools were well grown and of good quality, I ut some clips’ wfere spoilt by‘the presence of skirtings and cots and others suffered from the presence of seed. Indications point to good selling conditions ahead, but no one can forecast the future of the market with certainty. Although crossbred wool is still low in price,, it is well, to keep- in mind that, a limit exists •to the public’s ability to pay advanced prices and the price will certainly suffer if that limit is exceeded. At the moment trado is moving freely and practically all growers continue to meet the market by accepting current values. Compared with the last Wellington sale, ordinary crossbreds were up Id, halfbreds showed a slight firming, lambs on the average showed little difference, but were inclined to be erratic., Speaking generally, most improvement was shown in the prices realised for medium and lower-grade wools. The following are realisations for wools from this and surrounding districts:—Tiki, 5 bales halfbred ewe and hogget l id, 5 A ewe 11 Id, 4 B ewe 9£d; HJM, .11 lambs Lid; Poatoa, 10 super lambs 13d, S super lambs lljd, 9 A lambs Hid, 4 B lambs 9id. 6 B lambs Sid; TK/Iv, 5 lambs 12d; GVS/W (in diamond) over Totaras, 9 Xbred hogget, o.jd, 41 Xbred ewe 9<l, 4 .Southdown lambs .llid; J. Bros, over B (in circle), 4 lambs .1 Hd; The Downs, S A hogget II Id, .12 B hogget 9ld, 13 *C hogget 9d, 4 CC hogget Sd, 4 A ewe 9Jd, 6 B cwo Old, IS 0 owe Sjd, 4 CC ewo Sd, 10 Xbred S.{d, 4 A ewe Old, 7 B ewe Sid, 13 C ewe Sid, 4 CC ewe Sd, 15 Xbred S.Jd, 4 hogget bellies and pieces 5Jd, 5 bellies 5Jd, 11 A lambs llid, 8 B lambs Old, 4 erts. Old; JG/N, 14 Xbred hogget SJd, 30 Xbred ewe B£d, (> iambs llid, 11 Xbred hogget SJd; VS/LoncLand, 21 B ewe S£d. 5 C ewe Sd, 5 A lambs llid, 4 Ist pieces Sid, 8 pieces Tlcl, 0 bellies Old; 11K/K, 4 medium hogget lOd, 4 fine ewe 101 d, 8 medium ewe 9Jd, 0 coarse ewe 9d; Makatote, 8 A ewe lOld, 34 B ewe 9d, 7 C ewe Bd, 5 second lambs 9£d, 5 A pieces BJd, 4 2nd pieces Old, 4 bellies Old; Waipuna, 4 A hogget lOd, 5 B hogget 9d, ’a 13 ewe 9d, S C ewe 9d, 4 Xbred B}d; Abros, 0 Xbred hogget lOd, 33 A ewe Old; WMS, 4 lambs lOd; AVB/Wineglass, 7 B ewe 9.]d, 4 C ewe 9d, 4 bellies and pieces 7d; Poplar, 4 A ewe 9j|d, 5 B ewe 9d, 6 C ewe 9d, 8 B ewe Bld, 5 pieces 7Jd; POB/Waitohu, 4 Xbred wether Did, 15 Xbred ewe 9d; Glenwarlock, 4 A ewe 9)d. 10 B ewe BJd, 8 C ewe Sid, 10 Xbred Sid, 4 belljes and pieces Old; llotea/HP, 4 B ewe 9ld, 6 C ewe Ssd; Kohanga, 4 A ewe Old, 4 B ewe Sid, S Xbred 8Id; Makaira, 5 C ewe 9}d; Paretai, 17 A ewe 9!d, 6 B ewe SJd, 0 Xbred hogget Dd, 5 pieces Old, 4 bellies 6d; SBS, 4 Xbred ew3 9}d; Strathcndrie, 7 A ewe Old,- 8 B owe 81d, 4 Ist. pieces and bellies 7ld, 0 Ist. lambs 12£d; LMIJ, 4 A ewe 9d, 15 B ewe Sid, 5 Xbred Sid; Montblue Station, 13 A ewe 9d, 4 B ewe Sid; Kereru, 7 Xbred 9d; ’Vfaiwin/AHBj'O Xbred ewe 9d; A PM, 14 Xbred hogget 9d, 27
/bred owe Bid; DC/Piuepark, 65 Xbred ewo 93; OR/T, 3 Xbred ewe 9d; Opuki, 4 A ewo 9d, 4 B ewe SJd, 4 pieces and bellies 7Jd; NGA; 13 Xbred S3d; AKA, 4 A ewe 83d; Santon, 13 Xbred cwo 83d; Te Rohenga, 6 A ewe 83d, 4 B ewe SJd; FHM, 12 Xbred ewe SJd; Hopwood 12 A ewe Sid, 4 B ewe v ßd; GHH, 5 Xbred ewe Sid; JL/A, 1G Xbred ewe Sid; JPD/K, 18 Xbred ewe B|d; EL/A, 11 Xbred ewe SJd; DV/F, 7 Xbred SJd; JAS, 10 Xbred Sid; AIIF, 4 Xbred ewe Sid; RR, 5 Xbred Xbred ewe Sid; Siberia, 8 Xbred ewe Sid; MC, 10 Xbred ewe 84d; EH, 9 Xbred ewo SJd; Campbill, 6 Xbred ewe Sid; CB, 12 Xbred ewe Sid; AJA, 5 Xbred ewe Sid; HMR.-4 A ewe BJa, 4 B ewe 8d; HH/U, 7 Xbred ewo SJd; JW/W, 7 Xbred ewe Sid; LJC, 16 Xbred ewe SJd; NL, 11 Xbred ewe SJd; Puketiro, 4 A ewo BJd, 7 lambs lid; EDS, 12 Xbred Sid; RLV, 12 Xbred ewe Sid; SSS, 12 Xbred ewe Sid; Tauwahi, 8 Xbred cwo Sid; WT, 12 Xbred ewe BJd; CJ/Mangarawa, 11 Xbred ewe BJd; MB/S, 5 Xbred ewo Sid; Heights, 4 Xbred ewe Sid; JK/K, 7 Xbred ewe Sid; ACC, S Xbred ewe Sid; BMcE, 14 Xbred ewe Sid; FBF, 23 A ewe Sid; 7 B cwo Sd; lIJL, 14 Xbred ewe Sid; MW, 4 Xbred ewe Sid; PJS/Erua, 21 Xbred wether SJd, 5 Xbred ewe 7jd; Sudbury, 4 Xbred Sid; Kildoon, 32 Xbred ewo Sd; TL, 13 Xbred owe Sd; M/TPE, 5 Xbred ewe Sd; Makahika, G Xbred ewe 8d; PB, 13 Xbred Sd; Waikawa, 17 A ewe Sd, 6 B ewe 7}d; GJG/K, 20 Xbred ewe 743; ADW, 4 A fine Xbred 7J<3, 7 B Xbred 71d, 4 Crossbred 7id; TW, conjoined, 5 Xbred ewe 7id; Namanui, 12 lambs eja; Challenge, A Southdown 153, 143, B Southdown 13d, Southdown llid, A hogget 13}3, 121 d, 12d, 1133, Hid, 10id, B hogget 103 d, 10id, lOd, 9Jd, Xbred 103 d, 1013, 93d, 91d, 93d, B Xbred 943, 9id, 833, 81d, Sid, Bd, coarse Xbred 843, Sd, 73d, necks 9id, 843, 83, bellies and pieces 713 73, 613, lambs 113 d, llid, Hid, 103, Old, Old, erts, 9d, Sd, 71d, 7d, 6}d, Gld. MURRAY, ROBERTS AND CO., LTD. (Special to “Times.") WELLINGTON, Last Night. Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd., report; At Wellington’s fourth wool sale of the season to-day there was a firm market for all descriptions of the bulk of the offering. Average crossbred appreciated id to -Id compared with the last Wellington sale, crutcliings were keenly sought after at good prices, lambs' was fully firm, while the kalfbred in our catalogue sold exceptionally well. Bradford was operating more freely than formerly. Some of our sales were: — H, AE lid, BE 93, CE 843, DE 83, pcs 7Jd, bis Gld, nks 73d; Makokomiko, AA lid, AH 93 d, BH 83d, AE lOd, BE 9d, CE Sid, crossbred 8d; MR, lambs’ A 113 d, lambs’ B 9}d, nks SJd, pcs .713, bis 7d; JWB over W, hgts. 9d, A ewes Did, BE’ SJd; Wakarua, FH 93, AE 1043, BE Old, CE 9d, DE SJd, A lambs’ llid; Waituna, Rom. H 9id, Eom. E 813, lambs’ lid; FT/Huia, AE 9d, BE 843, CE Sd, .r gins’ Sd, lambs’ 10}3, Ist pcs 033; Rewa Rewa, BE 9}3, CE 9d, DE -83 d, crossbred Bid; Kowhiwhi, AAH 103, AE SJd, BE Ski, lambs’ A llid, pcs 7id; Belmont, A lambs’ 1243, B lambs’ lOd; Pipitea (binned), S.D. 15}d, kalfbred A 15d. lialfbred B 133 d, AAH 1243, Line.. A 843, coarse crossbred prep. 9d, line hgts lid,, jned. .crossbred 9d, coarse crossbred 843, fine crossbred 1013, black 83, ct'gs 84d, nks B}d, Ist pcs 733, bis 7d, 2nd ctgs 73d, Iks 53d; EDD, AE 12J3, BE 93d, CE SJd, pcs 74d; FR, AH 93d, BH B}d, AE lOd, BE 9d, lambs’ llid, pcs 7d. LEVIN AND CO., LTD, (Special to “Times"). WELLINGTON, Last Night. juovin and Co., Ltd., report;—The fourth wool sale of the 1935-36 season was held in the Town Hall to-day. We submitted to a fully representative bench of buyers a catalogue of 400 S bales which met with very keen and spirited competition from all sections of the trade at prices from id to 3d in advance of our last sale and we sold 9G per cent, of our offering. The wool opened up in good condition considering that the season is now well advanced and well got-up clips met with good competition. The following are some of our realisations: SW/W, IT 103 d, E 9id; CS/ Linkfield, E 93; GHM, E 91d; AS/J, E 83d; Wavertree, sup. DN 153 d; Busli/R, A E lid, B E 9id; MG/Raumunga, Rom. Lbs. lid; Summerhill, DN 1343, A E 9d; MDC, 3-brcd II 943, 3-bred E 9d, E SJd; OH/CF, E 9d; IR/W, E 9id; CEC/C, E 83d; Marenui, E Sid; JS/F, Rom. SJd; JGS, E Sid; HEO, E SJd; JHN/Terata, E 833; DUA, E 9d; Mil/ Beaumont, A A E 933, A E 83d, B E 84d; JOD/T, E SJd; AHE/Tcrata, E S.id; Fennor, E 9d; C/Fencourt, E BJd; Pukepai, H 9d, A E 83d, E 83d; DM, E Sid; AL/K, E 9d; 88/Ruarata, E SJd; Kaimai, H 9d, Fine A 943, Med. A od, XBD SJd; 2YA, XB 83d, Lbs. 104 d; Righden, A A 9d, A 84d, Cots Sid; AIIW, II 83d, Fine E 83d, E 9d; J in Diamond, A E 83d; R in Circle, A E H)i3d, B E 9id, C E 83d; EGW, XBD 81d; TMCG, H 84d, E Sid; DK/Wairere, A E 9Jd, B E 9d, C E Sid, D .7 Bid, A Lbs. 12d, B Lbs. 10Jd; LRM, E 83d; LCF, E Sid; Taumata, Rom. Lbs. llid; DMCG, H 83d; E■ S-Jd; A Lbs. 102 d; EB/Bank, DN II 12id, DN E 13d; MTIIS/S, E SJd; GM/F, E 83d; JC/C, E 9d; Pungaiwi, A E 9id, B E 83d, C E BJd; T3S, Eom. E 84d; OAO, X-bred SJd; AES/Ratanui, E WGP, A Lbs. 3 2Jd; OH/B, E. Sfd; ASW/K, X-brcd SJd;. JMB/AWA, E Bid; U 7, A E 9d, B E 813; JH/Longview, Rom. E 83d; RS/M, E 33d; AAM/F, E BJd; IT.A/Omoana, "Rom. H 9Jd; A, X-bred Sid; EWC, Rom. H 9d, Rom. E 9d, Rom. E 8-4 d; 84/PN, E 8:]d; AGM, A Lbs. 12J3; AY/F, E Bid, W SJd; IR/A, E Old;, Myani, Fine A 104 d, Fine Old, Fine B Rd, A A Lbs. 123 d; Moturata, E Bid; -DODO,. E Old; Wavertree, DN Lbs.' 123d' JY/A, II SJd, E 83d, Lbs. 9Jd •' ‘ BMCE, , ‘X : brefl"Bd'; MMW, Lbs. 9d; LINK, AE-9jd, C E S4d, X-bred 9d; AGM, A E 9Jd. B E 9d; RS, A E
lOd, B E Sjd, C E Sjd; KOK, A E 9d, B E Sid; Wavertree, A E 9ld, B E 9d, Cots. Sid; WGP, A E Old, B E 9d. Alteration in Sale Fixtures EXTRA DAY FOR NAPIER. Per Press Association WELLINGTON, Mar. 16. The New Zealand'Woolbrookers’ Association announce the following alteration in the roster of wool sales: — Christchurch: March 30tli, 7 p.m., instead or Alarch 31st; Dunedin: April 2nd, 7 p.m , instead of April 3rd; Wellington: April 6th, 130 p.m., instead of April Bth; Napier: April Bth, 7 p.m., which is an extra sale.
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Manawatu Times, Volume 61, Issue 64, 17 March 1936, Page 7
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3,229Excited Bidding at Wellington Sale Manawatu Times, Volume 61, Issue 64, 17 March 1936, Page 7
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