DISPLAY AT WHAKARONGO. HIGH STANDARD MAINTAINED. I Entries in the flower show held at Whakarongo yesterday by the Women’s Institute maintained the high standard : set in previous years. The number was j in the vicinity of 900, about 60 less than, last year, and a most creditable display was staged. Keen competition was forthcoming in the great majority of the classes. The hall was set out with two stands running its length, with other, displays .around the walls and in front of the stage, and the middle portion, devoted to flowers, made a glorious display of blooms in all their beauty. In the home industries section there were a large number of entries. The show was declared officially open by Miss M. Grant, president of the North Wellington Federation of Women’s Institutes. She was introduced by the president of the Whakarongo Institute (Mrs •E. Johansen) and following Miss Grant’s address Mr J. Hodgens, M.P. for Palmerston North, spoke briefly. For two reasons, said Mr Hodgens,. he was particularly pleased to attend the show. Firstly because it was staged by the Women’s Institute, and secondly because it was the first occasion on which he had visited a function in his official capacity accompanied by Mrs Hodgens, who was able to be about again after her accident. In his boyhood days, and the girlhood days of the women members of the institute, there had been no displays like the one that afternoon. The show was a tribute to the work of the Women’s Institute movement, which had spread to each quarter of the country. The Women’s Institute encouraged service for others, and persons could render service in many ways. It might he in assisting others to grow beautiful roses, in helping to teach handwork, or in exchanging recipes. The Government, too, desired to serve others, and just as the exhibitors might make mistakes, so too might the Government make mistakes. The Government required the confidence of the people, so that if they did make mistakes they might admit them and set to work to remould things again. The secretarial duties of tho show were carried out by Mrs S. Oxenliam in the unavoidable absence of Mrs I. Pye, who was called away only a short time before the show owing to illness in her family. The winners of points prizes were as follow: —Sweet peas: Mrs W. Jones (Whakarongo); roses, Mrs P. Leamy (Kairanga), Mrs F. Fafeita (Whakarongo) : decorative, Mrs Orr (Aokautere); fruit. Mrs Orr; vegetables, Mrs J. Spall (Whakarongo); domestic, Mrs Lankshear (Aokautere) and junior section, Winnie Vautier (Whakarongo); produce, Mrs Spall; needlework, Mrs Lankshear and junior section. Enid Orr (Aokautere); thrift section, Miss M. McCool (Whakarongo) ; school work, Hilda Christiansen (Whakarongo). The judges were as follow: —Sweet peas and roses: Mr G. Adamson (Palmerston North;; cut flowers, vegetables and fruit, Mr J. Tantrum (Palmerston North); cooking and home produce, Mrs S. Wiggins (Ashhurst); needlework, Meedames T. F. Fairbrother and T. R. Moore (Palmerston North); school work, Miss J. Wills (Taikorea); decorative, Mrs S. Stidolph (Palmerston North); photographic, Mr Framjee (Palmerston North); baby show. Mrs J. R. Dalgleish (Palmerston North). Afternoon tea was served in the supper room, Mosdames A. Crawford and E. Radomski being in chargo. They wore assisted by Mesclamcs E. Lancaster and McSavcnoy and Miss M. Harrowficld. Misses V, Burr and M. Hodgson were m charge of an ice-crcam and soft drinks stall.
Tho awards wore as follow: — SWEET PEAS. White sweet peas.—S. Scott 1, Miss Anderson 2; 5 entries. Crimson: Mrs Jones 1, Mies Speedy 2, Mrs A. Lloyd 3; 4 entries. Rose: Mrs Jones 1, Miss Anderson 2, Miss Scott 3; 3 entries. Pink; S. Scott 1, Miss Wilson 2, Mrs Jones 3; 9 entries. Blue: Mrs Jones 1, G. Scott 2, S. Scott 3; 4 entries. Lavender: Mrs Jones 1, Miss I. Anderson 2, S. Scott 3; 3 entries. Maroon: Mrs Jones 1, Miss Speedy 2, S. Scott 3; 4 entries. Cream: S. Scott 1, Mrs Jones 2; 2 entries. Any other colour: Mrs Jones 1. S. Scott 2, Mrs Orr 3; 4 entries. Any other colour, throe varieties: Mrs W. Jones 1, Mrs Spall 2; 2 entries. CUT BLOOMS. Carnations.—Threo varieties: Miss MoCool 1, C. J. Ercnstrom 2, Mrs Graham 3; 7 entries. Six varieties: C. J. Ercnstrom 1, Mrs Spall 2; 3 entries. Pansies: Throe varieties, Mr Silson 1, Mrs Currie 2; 3 entries. Six varieties: Mr Silson 1. Mrs Currio 2, Miss Graham 3; 4 entries. Twelve pansies: Mr Silson 1; three enties. Three violas: Mr Silson L Mrs Lancaster 2; 4 entries. Six varieties: Mr Silson 1, Mrs Cohr 2; 3 entries. Nasturtiums: Mrs Fafoita 1, Miss M. Speedy 2, Mrs Oxenhani 3; 3 entries. Geraniums: Mrs Oxcnham 1, Mrs Hcarsoy 2, Mrs Fafoita 3; 10 entries. Doublo geraniums, grown outside: Three heads, Miss Anderson 1, Mrs Clapham 2, Mrs Faleita 3; 8 entries. Six heads: Miss Park 1, Mrs Clapham 2, Mrs Fafoita 3; 5 entries. Aquilegias: Mrs Speedy 1, Mrs McKenzie 2, Mrs Munro 3; 3 entries. Paeony: Mrs Thorne 1, Mrs Stewart 2; 2 entries. Three varieties antirrhinums: Mrs Downing 1, Mrs Walker 2; 2 entries. Collection: Mrs Walker 1, Mrs Downing 2; 3 entries. Lupins: Miss R. Park 1, Mrs Oxcnham 2, Mrs Munro 3; 5 entries. Gaillardias: Mrs Walker 1, Mrs Hcarsoy 2, Miss I. Anderson 3; 7 entries. Larkspur: Mrs Christonsen 1, Mies I. Anderson 2; 2 entries. Daisies: Mrs Spall 1, Mrs Munro 2; 2 ontries. Doublo stocks : Mrs Fafcita 1, Mrs F. Stevens 2, Miss M. Speedy 3; 6 entries. Singlo stocks: Mrs Fafoita 1, Mrs Walker 2; 2 entries. Sweet William: Mrs G. Walker 1, Miss Christensen 2, Miss Speedy 3; 12 entries. Cinerarias: Mrs Scott 1, Mrs Spall 2, Miss M. Speedy 3; 3 entries. Ncmosias: Mrs Walker 1, Mrs Downing 2, Miss Speedy 3; 3 entries. Campanulas: Mrs McKenzie. 1, Mrs Walker 2, Mrs Stevens 3; 4 entries, Iceland poppies: Mrs Stcvons 1, Mrs Scott 2, Mrs Downing 3; 4 entries. Collection: Mrs Downing 1, Mrs Stevens 2: 2 entries.' Gladiolus: ' Mrs Mallett 1, Mrs Spall 2, Master Harvey 3; 3 entries. Calendulas; Mrs Clapham 1, Mrs Moyer 2, C. J. Ercnstrom 3; 4 entries. Delphiniums: Mrs McKenzie 1, Mrs Oxcnham 2; 2 entries. Threo spikes: Mrs McKenzie 1, Mrs Oxenham 2; 2 entries. Arum lily: Mrs Spall 1, Miss W. Vautior 2, Mrs Lancaster 3; 8 entries. Any other variety lily: Mrs Hoarscy 1, Mrs Walker 2, Mrs Ballott 3; 9 entries. Iris: Mrs Fafeita 1, Mrs McKenzie 2, Mrs Clapham 3; 3 entries. Hydrangea: Mrs Munro 1, Mrs Waugh 2, Mrs Walker 3; 5 entries. Rhododendron : Milton Harvey 1, Miss V. Burr 2; 2 entries. Wat.sonia: Mrs Fafeita 1, Mrs McKenzie 2, Miss Hodgson 3; 5 entries. Any other variety flower: Mrs Fafeita 1, Mrs Knudson 2, Mrs McKcnzio 3; 5 entries, Collection cut blooms, not more than 12: Mrs Jones 1, Miss Christenson 2, Mrs Fafeita 3: 12 entries. Three varieties (lowering shrubs: Miss Park 1, | Mrs Jones 2, Mrs Walker 3; 6 entries, j DECORATIVE. Hand bouquet.—Mrs D. Currio 1, Mrs R. R. Scott 2, Mrs C. Whitaker 3; 7 entries. Basket of rosee: Miss A. Thomson 1, Mrs Orr 2, Mrs Whitaker 3; 4 entries. Bowl of- roses: Mrs Clapham 1, Mrs Munro 2, Mrs Orr 3; 4 entries. Bowl of flowers, excluding roses: Mrs Orr 1, Mrs Munro 2, Mrs Currio 3; 5 ontries. Tall table vase: Mrs Currie 1, Mrs E. Piper 2; 2 entries. Mantel vaso: Mrs Fafeita 1, Mrs Jones 2, Mrs Piper 3; 11 entries. Vase of sweet peas; Mrs Orr 1, Mrs Clapham 2, Mrs Scott 3; 7 entries. Shoulder posy: Mrs Fafeita 1, Mrs Whitaker 2; 2 entries. Buttonholo: Mrs Orr
1, Mrs Currie 2, Mrs Graliam 3; 13 entries. Posy: Mrs Whitaker 1, Mrs Fa-I foita 2, Mrs Orr 3; 8 entries. Floating bowl: Mrs Currie 1, Mrs Orr 2, Mrs Oxen ham 3; 6 entries. Shower bouquet: Miss A. Thomson 1, Mrs Currie 2, Mrs B. M. i Munro 3; 3 entries. Novices.—Tablo vase: Mrs Mallctt 1; ' 2 entries. Shoulder spray: Mrs Mallctt 1, Mrs Lankshcar 2, Mrs Graham 3; 6 entries. Posy: Mrs Lankshear 1, Nan Hyndman 2, Mrs F. Stevens 3; 5 entries. ROSES. Two varieties rosus. —Mrs P. Lcamy 1, Mrs FI. R. Green 2, Mrs G. Walker 3;'5 entries. Red: Mrs Green 1, C. J. Erenstrom 2, Mrs Waugh 3; 6 entries. White: Mrs McKenzie 1, Miss M. Speedy 2, Mrs Waugh 3; 4 entries. Pink: Mrs GWalker 1, Mrs Loamy 2, Mrs Green 3; 6 entries. Cream: Mrs Green 1, Mrs Walker 2, Miss Speedy 3; 4 entries. Yellow: Mrs Green 1,. Mrs Lcamy 2, Mrs Walker 3; 4 entries. Six named varieties: Mrs P. Lcamy 1; 1 ontry. Six full blooms: Mrs Leamy 1, Mrs R. A. McKenzie 2, Mrs G. Walker 3; b entries. Best scented: Mrs Leamy 1, Mrs J. H. Stuart 2, Mrs Waugh 3; 6 entries. Polyanthus rose: Mrs Sly 1, Mrs Walker 2, Mrs Green 3; 5 entries. Champion rose: Mrs P. Loamy. FRUIT'. Gooseberries.—Mrs Green 1, Mrs Knudsen 2, D. Christensen 3; 11 entries. Strawberries : Mrs Orr 1, Mrs Clausen 2, IT. Lankshear 3; 7 entries. Plums: Mrs P. Cohr 1, Miss Anderson 2, Winnie Vauticr 3; 8 entries. Lemons: Mrs Oxcnham 1, Mrs Orr 2, Miss I. Anderson 3; 9 entries. Passion fruit: Miss M. Speedy 1; 1 entry. Any othor variety: Mrs Walker 1, Miss I. Anderson 2, Mrs E. Mallett 3; 8 entries. VEGETABLES. Broad beans.—Mrs Downing 1, D. Christensen 2, Miss 1. Anderson 3; 7 entries. Round boot: D. Christensen 1, Miss P. Christensen 2; 3 entries. Cauliflower: Miss M. Speedy 1, Mrs Sly 2; 2 entries. Cabbage; Mrs Spall 1, G. D. Walker 2, Miss R. Park 3; 6 entries. Carrots; Mrs Fountain 1, Mrs Spall 2, D. Christensen 3; S entries. Cabbage lettuce: Mrs D. Meyer 1, Mrs Sly 2, Mrs Fountain 3; 12 entries. Keeping onions: Mrs Speedy 1; j 1 entry. Spring onions: Mrs Walker 1, Miss M. Speedy 2, Mrs Spall 3; 3 entries. Peas: Mrs 11. Wood 1, Mr Gascoigne 2, D. Christensen 3; 8 entries. Round potatoes: A. Walker 1, Mrs Lancaster 2, Mrs Munro 3; 6 entries. Kidney potatoes: : A. Walker 1, Mies R. Park 2, Mrs G. ! Walker 3; 6 entries. Radishes: Miss P. ! Christensen 1, Mrs Walker 2, T. Hodgson 1 3; 7 entries. Rhubarb: Master T. Hodgson 1, Mrs Walker 2, Mrs Mallett 3; 6 entries. Heaviest rhubarb; Mrs Mallctt 1, Mrs Walker 2; 2 entries. White turnips : Mrs Spall 1, T. Annabel 2, Mrs Lancaster 3; 5 etitrios. Any other variety: Mrs J. H. Stuart 1; 2 entries. Collection: D. Christensen 1, Mrs Spall 2, Mrs Munro 3; 6 entries. DOMESTIC. White bread.—Mrs Stubbinglon 1, Mrs Lankshear 2, Mrs Harvey 3; 4 entries. Scones: Airs Lankshear 1, Mrs Graham 2, Mrs Currie 3; 16 entrico. Butter scones: Airs Graham 1, Airs Spall 2, Aliss M. Vautier 3: 12 entries. Wholemeal scones: Mrs Lankshear 1, Airs AlcCool 2, Airs Hastings 3; 4 entries. Cream puffs: Airs Lankshear 1, Airs Downing 2, Mrs Hastings 3; 6 entries. Pikelets: Airs Spall 1, Airs Lankshear 3; 3 entries. Sausage roils; Airs Lankshear 1; only entry. Jain tarts: Airs Lankshear 1; only entry. Shortbread: Aliss T. Lankshcar 1, Airs Pye 2, Airs Stubbinglon 3; 17 ontrios. Spongo cake: All's Lankshcar 1, Airs Scott 2, Airs Hastings 3; 4 entries. Sponge sandwich: Airs Lankshcar 1, Aliss T. Lankshcar 2, Airs Hastings 3; 8 entries. Sponge roll: Airs Scott 1, Airs Lankshcar 2 Aliss T. Lankshcar 3; 5 entries. AJadeira cake: Ali.*s B. Stubbington 1; 4 entries. Gems: Airs L. Alorgan 1, Airs Lankshcar 2, Airs Gore 3; 5 entries. Seed cake: Mrs Lankshcar 1, Aliss B. Stubbington 2, All's H. Wood 3; 5 ontrios. Family cake; Airs Lankshcar 1, Aliss Speedy 2, Airs Harvey 3; 10 entries. Butter: Airs Walker 1; only entry. Bran biscuits: Aliss V. Wilton 1, Aliss X. Lankshear 2, Mrs Stubbington 3; 11 entries.
14 to 18 years.—Plain scones: W. Vaulier 1, 1. Johansen 2, G. Jones 3; 6 entries. Shortbread: W. Vauticr 1, G. Jones 2, Al. Hodgson 3; 6 entries. Family cake: W. Vauticr 1, G. Jones 2, 0. Urhbom 3; 7 entries. PRODUCE. Tlirco jams.—Airs Currie 1, Airs Orr 2, Aliss H. Gore 3; 10 entries. Mincemeat: Airs Currie 1, Aliss AL Vauticr 2, Airs Orr 3; 4 entries. Chutney: Airs Spall 1, Aliss Gore 2, Aliss Al. Speedy 3; 10 entries. Pickles: All's Spall 1, Airs Munro 2, Airs Pye 3; 7 entries. Two preserves: Airs _ Spall 1. Aliss 0. Uhrbom 2, Airs Currie 3; 10 entries. Hens’ eggs: Airs Edwards 1, Airs Johansen and AJiss Speedy, equal, 2; 16 entries. Ducks’ eggs: Mrs Orr 1, Airs Johansen 2, Aliss O. Uhrbom 3; 4 entries. Plain toffee: Airs Orr 1, All's Lankshear 2; 3 entries. Cocoanut ice: Airs Lankshear 1, All's Currie 2; 4 entries. Tomato sauce: Aliss K. Park 1, Airs Currie 2; 8 entries. Any other sauce: Airs Spall 1 Airs Orr 2, Airs Wilton 3; 7 ‘entries. Home-made soap: Airs Wilton 1, A'lrs Orr 2, Aliss Al. Speedy 3; 7 entries.. NEEDLEWORK.
Apron worked in colours. —Mrs Iv. Havill 1, Miss M. McOoot and Mrs G. Cull, equal, 2, Mrs E. Mallett 4; 7 entries. Crochet in cotton: Mrs Lankshcar 1; only entry. Lazy daisy stitch : Miss M. MoCool 1, Miss M. Hall 2, Miss N. Hall 3; 7 entries. Supper cloth: Mrs James 1, Miss L. Jordan and Miss V. Burr, equal, 2, Miss L. Crawford 4; 7 entries. Any other fancy-work: Mrs G. Cull 1, Miss M. Hall 2, Miss L. Crawford 3, Miss Craven v.h.c.; 12 entries. Tapestry: Miss Jordan 1; only entry. Bed-jacket: Mrs Pyo 1, Mrs Gibb 2, Mrs Morgan 3; 4 entries. Knitted singlet: _ Mrs Flowers 1, Mrs Lankshcar 2, Mrs Gibbs 3; 3 entries. Child’s knitted dross: Mrs Payne and Mrs Gibbs, equal, 1; 2 entries. Knitted jumper: Mrs Clapham 1. Mrs Pye and Mrs Gibbs, equal, 2; 3 entries. Any other knitted articles: Mrs Payne 1, Nau Hyndman 2, Mrs Pye 3, Miss L. Jordan v.h.c.; 7 entries. Baby’s hand-sewn petticoat: Airs Lankshcar 1, Airs Burnett 2; 3 entries. Lady’s frock (five shillings): A'lrs Clapham i, Airs H. Wilton 2, Airs F. Stevens 3; 3 entries. 14 to 18 years. —Frock costing not more than ss: Enid Orr 1, Gwen Jones 2, Iris Johansen 3; 5 entries. Any knitted article: Nan Hyndman 1, Enid Orr 2, Paulino Christensen 3, Alarion Sly v.h.c.; 7 entries. THRIFT SECTION. Apron in colour from dour bag.—Aliss Al. AlcCool 1, Airs Hyndman 2; 2 entries. Sugar bag article: Aliss AlcCool 1, Mrs Currio 2, Airs Hyndman 3; 3 entrios. Chocolate paper picture: Aliss Al. AlcCool 1, Mrs W. Irwin 2, Airs N. Chowen 3; 5 entries. Something new from something old: Airs Hyndman 1, Aliss Hodgson 2, Airs J. Stuart 3; 12. entries. Soft toy: Airs Lankshear 1, Miss Al. McCool 3; 6 entries. Pino noodle articles: Aliss Al. McCool 1, Airs Hyndman 2: 2 entries. PRIAIARY SCHOOLS.
Cooking.—Plain sooncs: Al. Johanson I, B. Stubbfngton 2, H. Lankshear 3; 5 entries. Sponge sandwich: 11. Lank shear 1, Al. Johansen 2, B. Stubbington 3; .4 entries. Plain toffee: Al. Johansen 1, 11. Lankshear 2, B. Stubbington 3; 4 entries. Pikelets: B. Stubbington 1, H. Lankshcar 2, N. Alitchell 3; 5 entrios. Sowing.—Knitted scarf: M. Johansen 1; only entry. Baby’s singlet: G. Bennett 1, 11. Christiansen 2; 2 entries. Apron worked in colours: M. Littlojohn 1, L. Knudscn 2; 2- entries. Table centre in colours: 11. Christiansen 1; only entry. Hand-sewn handkerchief: L. ICnudscn 1, 11. Christianson 2, L. Stuart 3; 3 entries. Writings.—Essay, Stds. 5 and 6: K. Redmay no 1, Hilda Christianson 2, Freda Dawbin 3; 10 entries. Writing, Std. 2: Rita Sanson 1, Douglas Hill 2, Alma Cresswell 3; 10 entries. Writing, Stds., 3 and 4: Girls, Phyllis Prentice 1, Joan Barclay 2, Alaurcen Kerrigan 3; 12 entries. Boys: Erio Sanson 1, Fred Borritt 2; 3 entries. Drawing, Stds, 3 and 4: Keith Davis 1, Norah Ralph 2, Emmeline Hayward 3; 15 entries. Drawing, Stds. 5 and 6: Hilda Christiansen 1, Nelson Wood 2; 3 entries. Drawing, Stds. 1 and 2: Alma Cresswell 1, Lily Christiansen 2; 4 entrios. Floral buttonholo: blaster R. Currie 1, Bert Young 2, Joan Hyndman 3; 15 entries. SECTION FOR AIEN. Cured skin.—W. Vautier 1, J. Hoskins 2, J. 11. Stuart 3; 3 entrios. Plate of sconce: I. Vautier l, F. Romlcy 3; 4 en’
tries. Amateur snapshot: R. Hodgson 1, L. Burr 2, G. Romlcy 3; 15 entries. BABY SHOW. Nine months and under.—Ann Phillips 1, Robin Burnott 2, Peter Brungar 3; 7 entries. Over 9 months and under 18 months: Michaol Schliorike 1, Bruce Cresswell 2, Margaret Whitehead 3; 5 entries.
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Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 310, 28 November 1936, Page 14
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2,821FLOWER SHOW Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 310, 28 November 1936, Page 14
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