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[Published by Arrangement.] “THE KITCHEN.” for Cakes. Nobody is more pleased than Mrs Jenson because of the liberal support which the general public extends to her day by day. it takes time in most cases to build up a business, but Mrs Jenson has almost from the jump oil been generously patronised. Her products immediately found favour and her sales now leap higher and higher every day. One has to sample the calces and pastry for the reason. Tl‘e dainty cakes and the delicious meat and apple pies which evolve at her hands charm all who purchase. Show visitors should . visit "The Kitchen” on Show days where charges are no higher than any other day and the fare in keeping with the firm’s reputation. DINE HERE ON SHOW DAYS. Visitors as wail as townsfolk may dine here, or may have any other meal from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. any day. Conveniently situated, show visitors will find the Monavatu D.ning Rooms a most suitable centre where they can obtain sumptuous meals at nioderato rates. Kish, ot course, figures prominently in all the menus and tliero is no stinting of patrons. Thu management believe that liberality when combined with excellence and variety of menu has, in tho past always gained for them largo support and they mean to continue this practice. Every patron may bo sure of a good meal —in fact certain of a tasty meal, if be patronises tho JVlanawatu Dining Rooms, Cuba street. We shall expect you cn show days. DIVEIIALL FOR GOOD MEAT. Is there a business man who believes that he cart build up u flourishing business in town or country if tho goods ho purveys are inferior and low grade? “Certainly not a butcher,” says Uivehall, who long ago discovered that no buyer is more exacting and critical regarding quality than the meat consumer. “Sell continuously inferior meals in a country such as ours,” 11. Divehall says, it can’t be done and what is more ho does not intend to try it, for ho believes in giving a good, genuine article, lienee, nis popularity down Rangitikei street way where he enjoys the patronage of an ever-inetcasing number of people. If you want to Lie syro of quality meats, then give Divehall a trial and your confidence will not bo misplaced. 'lhe phone number is 5203 and tho staff is always ready to give speedy attention to all your requirements. All meats'common to a butcher here, but only , cuo quality—‘‘the best.”

[Published by Arrangement:] FLETCHER HALL, Coach Builder, 'Fitzhcrbert street. Give your coachbuilding work, your repairs, your renovations to an oi<l trusted linn; _4O years in tins business should be a sufficient recommendation that, this firm can .do "the job. and givo' you , entire satisfaction.' itegarding motor work, you can safely give Fletcher llaJl the painting and renovating of your car. They have a moderate price list and always endeavour to give ot their host in workmanship and materials. This firm will bo pleased at any timo to give lice, any estimates required, also any ''advice regarding coachbuiltling and motor repairs. Draw on their experience and both will mutually benefit by the exchange. Note tho address, ’phone or write to-dey. *? : KGIPTA. Toilet Specialist, 1 George Street. These days the feminine mind discusses hair treatment just .is much as it docs diets lor fashion now dictates, in this respect more probably now than ever it did before. If you are debating the point which inode of Pair trimming will suit you best, Egipta invites you to her Toilet Rooms in George street wncre she will be pleased to oiler you expert advice oil tho matter. Iligh-clas3 work in hobs, shingles, hair timing and permanent waving is being done every clay, as is all the different elaborate lacial massages which so many lind all important.- Call when in town at tlio Show—you will he most interested in all the electrical appliances and exclusive toilet preparations we nave. Maybe we can help jo.! to decide the point—a bob or a shingle. Which? ’Rhone 5119 for appointments. CARSON AND CO., Cordial Manufacturers, Grey street. Year in year out this old-established firm continue to manufacture all that is pure and wholesome in the cordial line. The quality never deteriorates, but if anything has the tendency to improve, for the firm is always alive lo the tact that they must keep abreast of the demands of tho present-day requirements. With the approach of hotter days, people instinctively think of cordials and Carson’s. They want some cool and refreshing drink, and this is when Carson and Co., provo that they are specialists in this special business. Catering lor picnics, parties, weddings anti all social functions is carried out by tiiis linn with the usual care lor which they are renowned. The installation of tho most up-to-date machinery eliminates all chances of guess work, in their delicious beverages, and a more hygienic factory would be hard to find in New Zealand. “Cleanliness ai quality” is their watchword, and it doesn’t take two bottles lo prove that this is true. Whon buying cordials, look for tho namo on tho bottle. R. V. MASON AND CO., Wood and Coal Merchants, 129 Main Street. The above linn really needs no introdudiion to tlie people oi Palmerston North, but this message carries with it real news value, ill so mticli Unit they have been compelled to acquire new and spacious yards in close proximity' to the railway station—the late T'iratfi Wood and Coal yards. So pronounced has been tho growth of their business (hat Messrs R. V. Mason and Co. were forced to expand, and their new yards with the railway running right along their storage sheds will facilitate the quick handling of all wood and coal supplies. Such a cionvenienco will be immediately passed on lo their customers, for now they will he able to despatch orders more expeditiously than previously. Large stocks of coal are always on hand, and when the time arrives, to replenish yiour coal bin, you can rest assured that R. V. Mason and Co. will net disappoint you. Of their wood stocks, Matia, Rata and Maire arc the big sellers. Chuck despatch of all orders is a feature of their business, and with' their latest motor lorry, they are prepared to undertake delivery of all orders, both town and country with the minimum of lest lime. A phone message to the above address will receive their usual prompt, and courteous attention. Messrs R. V. Mason and Co. have no connection whatever with any lothcr local wood and coal yard. Keep them in mind for future fuel supplies. WHEN SUMMER COMES. K.URANGA MEAT CO. Small Goods Expert's. Why weary oneself during the hot season, so near, doing unnecessary cooking when it is possible to minimise greatly this part of your domestic duties. Hundreds of citizens of Ralmcrston North and district, to say nothing of the people who are reached by mail and train, line! the above firm’s small goods, cooked meats, sausages, equal to anything they can make or create themselves. Wise people, therefore, take advantage of this .service and save themselves considerable time and labour; at a timo when energy should and ought to lie conserved. Why not you? li will tie found that Kairanga productions are irreproachable in quality. Their experts know their job, otnerwisc they would not ho employed, and tho over flourishing trade in small goods as in all things meat, is a. sufficient, testimony to their ability to please. Their pressed meats, saveloys, etc., etc., once tried always induce a repetition of the order. Now do not make life a drudgery during the hot days lo come. There is no saving, even in pounds, shillings anil pence, if that, is the chief concern. That a better article can be made we doubt also, for, as stated above great pride is taken in the quality r>f the goods offered. Let tho Kairanga Meat Co. supply any small goods required during tho summer and the probability is you will come in the winter also. Kairanga Meat Co. for palatnhlo cooked moats. Phono 5041.

ANDRE.VS ANI) SONS. Quality Furniture Manufacturers, llangitikci Street. Rangilikci street was very young when the tirni of Messrs Andrews ami Sons commenced business within its boundaries, and as the street; has grown also lias this now well-known lirin oi manufacturers of quality furniture. The firm's motto has always been "Quality and Value," and it has been upon this motto that the basis of’advancement has been made and a sound reputation achieved. From a very small premises, the establishment, has grown into a large modern and up-to-date factory. Every article made, in this factory has to bear strict inspection before it, reaches the customer and the stamp of quality placed upon it. All showroom stock is manufactured by the latest, electrical equipped machinery and experienced tradesmen. Although a big range .of the latter fashionable furniture can aiways be inspected ill the showroom, furniture will be manufactured to your own design if required. Mr Andrews has had many years experience in the furniture trade and is always pleased to give advice to customers, 11s to the beat design to harmonise with any particular furnishing scheme. When furnishing a home, it is natural to want it tlone to the best advantage, and it is often hard to work out your furnishing scheme to meet your exact requirements. A visit to Messrs Andrews anil Sons will secure valuable information and a complete quotation for furnishing it right throughout, from door mat to door mat. With the present up-10-dato manufacturing plant this firm can quote bedrock pi ices without in any way sacrificing quality. Large and assorted stocks of linos, carpels, 1 ugs, slip mats and ill fact everything pertaining to modern furnishing comfort, will meet with your approval here. Town customers are assured of a quick And efficient motor delivery service and careful handling of all orders, while country customers whose orders necessitate the use of Railway transport can rely on careful and correct packing so that all orders will reach their destination in the same condition as when purchased. Messrs Andrews aiul Sons cordially invito inspection of their showrooms.

l [Published by Arrangement.] W. P. STEVENS, Electrical Contractor, 333 Main Street. For all electrical work in the home, on the farm and in the factory W. P. Stevens will be glad to give you quotations. 'lilts firm began operations omy a few months ago, but even in so short a time, has now' ■ firmly established itself in Palmerston North and district. The staff’ is an expert one and well able to undertake all work in connection with lighting and heating. In addition, ail classes of electrical ropuirs, including motor re-w'inds, etc., are efficiently and quickly curried out. All work is guaranteed, and the firm pledges itself to give the utmost satisfaction 'Rhone 5032 and arrange an appointment. Estimates are free. MADAME IMRIE, Floral Artiste. Can anything equal the beauty of a garland of flowers? Seo Madaane Imrie at work, watch the boautous flower schemes evolve, and you will doubt if there is anything more charming than flowers when in the hands of an artiste. Occasions sad and glad aro specially catered for and almost every day orders como in from all parts of tho district for floral emblems of all kinds. Every demand receives that painstaking and skilful care which marks tho distinctive work passing from tho hands of Madame Imrie.- There is no slackening off because of increased demantis, every emblem seeming to bespeak the importance of the occasion for which it is intended. Jointly with her business in Moral work Madame Imrie conducts a trade in plants, trees and shrubs so necessary for the beautifying of our gardens, grounds, and homes. Just now mention should bo made of that wonderful plant “Strclitzea, Dird of Paradise,” truly a delight to the eye. Seo this and book your order. There are only two left, so be in time. Seedlings at the right time arc always obtainable and you are reminded that it is garden time now. Only hardy seedlings are stocked by Madame and there aro few disappointments with the plants sho offers. ’Phono 5190. WALTER. TURNER, LTD., Exhibitor of Dodge and Austin Cars. Show visitors have been looking forward to an exceptionally good display of motor cars at the present show and many who inspected this morning the of the above firm agree unanimously that here their expectations have been reached. Altogether six cars arc exhibited, 3 Austin and and 3 Dodge, which are as follows: Austin 20 h.p. tourer; Austin 12 h.p. tourer; Austin 12 h.p. Colonial body coupo; and tho Dodge special tourer, Dodge coupe, and tho Dodge Colonial body roadster. On this stand is represented two well-known and popular makes of motor cars —full of that quality which the lovers of luxury, good tasto and sound judgment love lo ride in. The sales of Dodge cars since this car was placed on the market eleven years ago exceed 1,500,000.- Registration figures show that but for a small percentage most of these cars are still in daily use. It may be seen from these figures that Dodge Pros, still possess the confidence of the public to an exceptional degree. Not once in eleven years nas the quality of this car fallen below the traditional standard. The reputation of the “Austin” goes back fo- twenty years, during which time it lias always been lavoutubiy known for qualities oi running, absolute dependability, and long wear, which is the outcome oi correct clesign, thoroughly sound workmanship and levied materials. ’the staff oi Messrs Matter Turner, Ltd., are in attendance at tile Utiow, and will be only too pleased lo explain the workings and comforts of these ever popular cars. N.Z. EXPRESS CO„ LTD. M bile the majority of the work of conveying show exhibits to and irom the Showgrounds devolves largely upon (he N.Z. Express Co., Ltd., there is no doubt tliat the fleet ot nioior and horse lorries sept tins hrm handle this class of work very efficiently and expeditiously. The experience in this class of work is of long standing, the company being first appointed ,<o carry out the handling of show exhi bits in IfJOl. It speaks well for the efficiency of tithe service that- it has held tliat appointment ever since. Throughout New Zealand the namo of (he N.Z. Express Co. is widely known, every town of commercial importance being rcoresented by a branch or an agent. In spite of the' fact Inal during the year tin.* organisation transport thousands of tons of fragile goods to all parts of the Dominion it has gained a pleasing reputation to,- exercising the greatest ot care in (he handling of this class of goods. In the shifting of household furniture tho company been a good friend to many a moving citizen. An experienced stuff of packers can be secured, who will do the complete packing, and do it in such a way (hat breakages are rarelyknown of in transportation. The supervision of all transport is attended to personally by tho local manager, who has had twenty years’ experience with the firm. Those entrusting the company with their work are assure'- of first-class service. The firm has a. largo motor lorry fitted with a. pantechnicon top, specially constructed for removal of furniture, ’j he van is water-tight and dust proof; no ropes are required, thus furniture cannot got scratched or damaged. l*or storage ot furniture and goods the company has a large store, the storage rates of which are very reasonable. Special arrangements are in hand to cope with the busy rush of Show week and all orders will he given immediate attention. Instructions may he left, at the office 4 George street or 'phone 6205.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLV, Issue 285, 5 November 1925, Page 13

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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLV, Issue 285, 5 November 1925, Page 13

Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLV, Issue 285, 5 November 1925, Page 13


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