A LL Public Notifications which appear in this Gazette, with any official signature thereunto annexed, arc to be considered as official communications made to those persons to whom they may relate. By His Excellency's command, C. A. Dillon, Civil Secretary.
MURDER. FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, June 26, 1840. WHEREAS on the Evening of Monday •the 18th instant, the body of one JAMES JONES, an Enrolled Pensioner, of the Royal New Zealand Fencible Corps, was founi barbarously murdered on the Road between Auckland and the Village of Panmure, by some person or persons as yet unknown; — .this is therefore to give noli#e that a reward of FIFTY POUNDS will be given to any person (not being a principal in such murder) who shall by information .or otherwise, lead to the discovery of the perpetrator or perpetrators of such murder. By His Excellency's command, Andhew Sinclair, Colonial Secretary.
PLAX WANTED. MIL JAMES ItOBERTSON at the Rope Walk, in Mechanic's Bay, Auckland, •will purchase Flax byught to him, in any quantities, at prices from £l2 to £l6 -the Ton, accordinz/o^he^Hality. Mr. Robertson'Ms/aWays on hand for :Sale, Pishing Linm, Standing and Running Rigging, Cables, and other kind 9 of Rope at tfixed prices. Auckland, 2ud January, 1849.
It fias been deemed advisable, not to restrict the translators to a literal interpretation of the English text? but to permit a free construction of the several papers, in a manner suited to the peculiarities of the native idiomism. The sense and substauce of every article | will, however, be carefully preserved, and the articles be presented to the Maori, in a guise to which the Editor neither pretends nor aspires. By this arrangement, it is hoped that solid instruction to the native, may be blent with agreeable information t» the English reader, i
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Maori Messenger : Te Karere Maori, Volume 1, Issue 14, 5 July 1849, Page 1
Tūnga manatārua: Kua pau te manatārua (i Aotearoa). Ka pā ko ētahi atu tikanga.
Te whakamahi anō: E whakaae ana Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa The National Library of New Zealand he mauri tō ēnei momo taonga, he wairua ora tōna e honoa ai te taonga kikokiko ki te iwi nāna taua taonga i tārei i te tuatahi. He kaipupuri noa mātou i ēnei taonga, ā, ko te inoia kia tika tō pupuri me tō kawe i te taonga nei, kia hāngai katoa hoki tō whakamahinga anō i ngā matū o roto ki ngā mātāpono e kīa nei Principles for the Care and Preservation of Māori Materials – Te Mauri o te Mātauranga : Purihia, Tiakina! (i whakahoutia i te tau 2018) – e wātea mai ana i te pae tukutuku o Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand.
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The National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa acknowledges that taonga (treasures) such as this have mauri, a living spirit, that connects a physical object to the kinship group involved in its creation. As kaipupuri (holders) of this taonga, we ask that you treat it with respect and ensure that any reuse of the material is in line with the Library’s Principles for the Care and Preservation of Māori Materials – Te Mauri o te Mātauranga: Purihia, Tiakina! (revised 2018) – available on the National Library of New Zealand’s website.