C. F, BARDEN'S SUCCESSES ON BIS DUNLOP SHOD "SWIFT" CYCLE. April 19th-At Putney C. F. Bwjjn broke the One Mile Becord (anpaoja)^from a Btandina start, ooverieg the dirtanoe m I&fSUZ*-** beafiog the pietiow m Half Mile and Quarter Mile fWet. 0. Stnitz is champion of Holland. May 17th-At Glasgow O. F. Barden m a One MUe raoe. , . . Auwißt 2nd -One MUe Profeßiional Championship ot Ihe Worlfl'a at Qlaßgow, . O.F.Baidenl. f. w.Tdams, AGENT. B. GARNHAM, ENGINEER, BOILER-MAKER, AND GENERAL BLAOESMITH, High Stbbxt, Bumksih. MACHINERY made or repaired. Estimates given. Engine requisites, Oils, Packing U, m Btook. Oioee Satardaya at 1 p.m. Are you weary? ABE YOU WORN? AREtOUBAD? yon ate— BE WIBEIN TIME. apd— DRINK EMPIRE TEA. *^ •_■ ■ IT BBBTOEES TBE SYSTEM; IT BBFEEBHEB THE BODY ; IT BBVIVBB THE BPIBITB. In toy event— > DON T FAIL TO DRINK IT, For its benefloiKl effect! art well known. THE EMPIRE COMPANFS BRANDS AND PBIOBB are aB usual— DBAGON.. .. .. 8 /- P« lb HOUDAH 8/10 perlb BANGBA VALLEY .. 2/8 perlb ELEPHANT .. .. 2/6 perlb OBESOBNT .. .. 3/4 P«* b BUFFALO .. .. 2/2 perlb EMPffiE (in lead)., .. 2/- perlb MIKADO (m lead .. .. 1/10 perlb CEYLON (m lead,*ed and gold label).. .. .. 1/10 perlb Bold m lib and Jib ptckele, 51b and 101 b ♦ins, and hall-oheite, 1 451bi. Foil Wiwhx of Tba ib Alwws Givsh. EMPIRE TEA Co., W. * G. TURNBULL & 00., Pbopmkom. WELLINGTON. NOTICE. CRITEBIOFSTABLES. JT. ARMSTRONG begs to inti- • mate that he has taken over the above well-known Stables, and trusts that by studying the interests ol tne friblie, he will merit a fair share of their patronage. Cabs will meet all Trains and Steamers on their arrival, and all kinds of earrier'a work done at cheapest rates. J. T. ARMSTRONG Proprietor. 1100,000,000 «2S* Douoal'b Bwqibtbbbd List containing nameg of 20,000 Families advertised for. to claim property and money sinoe 1700. Price Is 6d, post free, 2s. Every man and woman should bny this book, as instructions are given how 1 to recover property . from Chancery. DOUGAL & GO., 62, Strand, London, Eng. : eet. 1884, A fortune may await you. This book can now be obtained from W. O. Bigby, Adelaide; Gobdox & Gotoh, Melbourne, Brisbane ;G«o. Bobbbisov & Co., Melbourne, Sydney Adelaide, Brisbane. A "WORD TO THE "WIBB. A DVBBTIBINQ means bnßineea. Ujon J\ have good wane andoheap, don't forget to let the pnblio know the last by judii Bjonii advertimng (SiIONEYTOUND LOWEST^ RATES. Apply to any offloe of the GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. J. n. lUCUAHDSON. _«' ' /!omn;lfm1on«»r T. DUNOKLEY, TOINER, BUILDER, OONTRAOV TOR, & UNDERTAKER, BORTON AND CO.'S YARD, WJNBN BTBBET. Ebtimatrb Givkm. Doorß and gashes always on hand.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIII, Issue 80, 4 April 1898, Page 1
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