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The site of the Wellington Volun* teer encampment will be at Barnham, on the Miramar Flat, cloaejto Messrs Crawford's windmill. It is «ail that the camp will be the largest that haa ever been held m Wellington. It is proposed to make extensive additions to the Hobson Street wharf, Auokhnd, so as to make it arailable for large steamers, by adding 400 ft, procuring a 40-ton crane, erecting shedi for 6000 tons of oargo, and dredging to 26ft. . A claim of about £700 made by the Gray County against the Midland Bailwsy (reports the New Zealand, Times) has been considered by the Government who, under the" advice of the law officers, havedeoided to pay the amount, which is to be deducted from the re« oeipts of the railway. It should be noted m Blenheim that a scheme for an Opera House is to be formulated by a committee ofjthe Wanganui Borough Oouocil. If the Counoil erects the building, an offer has been mads to lease it at a rental satfioient to cover interest and sinking fund. A Cambridge resident, Mrs Davies, Wife of a saddler m that town, has received information that by the death of her cousin, Mr Charles W. Lea, of Worcester, she will receive a legacy of £1000. Mr Lea was one of the principals of the well-known firm of Lea and PerrlD, manufacture of Worcester sauce. A Westralian jury awarded £425 damages for injuries sustained by Thomas Viotor Wright, four year old, on board the steamer Barooo. On the arrival of the bteßmer at Preemantle, the child' put bis hand out of a porthole, and bad the thumb crushed ea severely that it had to be amputated. The travelling van which the Railway Department has placed at the disposal of the Governor for his excursion m the Hawkes Bay district was constructed at the Petone workshops m the short space of eight hours. The design was supplied by His Excellency. The carriage is fitted up as a bedroom, a diningroom, and a kitchen, and iB meat comfortably furnished. The Wanganui Borough Oounoil has offered the looal Gas Company £8000 for its works, to run as a Corporation concern. The Council found that it could erect new works for the same money, but m order that there Bhould be no dashing of interests the offer has been made. If it is declined it is proposed to proceed with the erection of either gas or eleotrio works. Referring to the illnesa of the late Bishop Selwyn, a London correspondent s»ys :— What involved the terrible complication m bis case was the faot that for a long time, while experiencing very intense pains m the limbß, hips, and back, be was supposed to be undergoing some form of acute -rheumatism, as one phase of the malarial fever, and was treated accordingly, until, at length, bis condition growiug steadily worse, it was discovered that he was suffering a frightful absoess m the hip joint. A very severe and oritioal operation was necessitated, but although this was m some degree successful, it had been de« layed so long that it left the sufferer crippled for life, one leg remaining quite useless; so that he was unable to walk except with orutohes. The site chosen on East Island, ofi the East Cape, for the new lighthouse is on the extreme north-east, end of the island. The base of the tower will be 136 ft above the B9a level, and the light will be visible twenty nautical miles. As there ib neither water nor wood on the island tanks will be ereoted and food supplied from the Government store. There is no telling what the effect of a newspaper paragraph may not be. The other day we (Westminster Budget) printed a short acoonnt of the day's work done by the Emperor and Empress of Germany. A few days after the following Jeremaid from a domeslio servant made its appearance : " I reed m your paper that the empur aad his wife get up every morning at 5 p.m., and that all three children are drest at 0, Woud you tell me plees what they are about at that our. they can dco nothing but bern the hoil. Norcen the children be comfoble as no fires is made up. What time do there servents get up and lite the fires ! my missus she sais look how the servant's get np m the empor's house, why can't you, Will you plaes put no more about the etnpor and his wife gotten up into your paper. My missus, she jaws me arter it. Ef you say the emper and is wife get up at 6 p m, m the morning, what time is us poor servents to git up, Praps you didentgthink on that, but be so kind as not to rite about gettin up erly." An extraordinary experience befell the Cape mail Bteamer Boslin Oastlo duriDg her voyage from Capetown to Plymouth. She encountered from latitude 18deg. north to Madeira a dense dust storm, and the speed of the engines had m conaequenoe to be reduced for 900 miles. Toe captain of th« Boslin Castle states ithat it was a dense red sand storm from the Sahara that delayed her. Thobb who believe obronio diarrfaeea to be inourable Bhould read what Mr P E Grißham, of Gaars Mills, La., has to say on' Ihe subject, viz.: "I have been a snflerer from obronio diarrhoea ever einoe the war and have tried alLkindß ol medioinea for it' At last I found a remedy that effeoted a cure, and that wbb Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrbcoa Bemedy." Thia medioine oan always be depended upon for oolio cholera morbue, dysentery, and diarrhoea It is pleasant to take and never fails to effeo'l ft oare. For eale by Fbank Shaw, Medioal Hall. Jobbing Depabxment,— Job printing m all the latest styles and devices exeouted m a workmanlike manner, with neatness and promptitude, at Wellington priaeß. Send to the Exprbss offloe for billheads m all sizes, counterelipe, memorandums m all sizes, ball programmes and menu cards m vatiourdesigns, invitatation cards, weddlne cards, In Memoriam oards, poßtere, stream e ts, bindbille, m any stole or
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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIII, Issue 80, 4 April 1898, Page 1
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1,035NEWS & NOTES. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIII, Issue 80, 4 April 1898, Page 1
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NEWS & NOTES. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXIII, Issue 80, 4 April 1898, Page 1
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