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The Bivbbs — The Wairau was orossable to-day with caution. All tbe other rivers are low. Ammunition. — A oontraot is to be entered into with the Colonial Ammunition Company for the manufacture and supply of the Martini Henry cartridges required by the volunteers of New Zealand. Pkrsonai..— Mr P. Nelson, a prinoipal m the well-known firm of Nelson Bros, is now on a visit to Marlborough.— The Victorian Geologist, Mr Murray, was a passenger to Pioton by tbe Wainui last night. A Rich Beef.— Nows has been received by the Now South Wales Government of the discovery of a new reef at Hillend. The crushing yielded at tbe rate of lOOoza per ton. The reef can be traoed along the surface for 500 feet. Inset.— Mr B. Allen has an inset m today's issue. A great sale is announced, and hundreds of pounds worth of goods of superior quality are to be cleared from the (•bop it wholesale prioea before the end of the month. Housekeepers, heads of families', etc., are m for a good time. The Jessie Rbadhan. — The latent news from the Chathams states that the ship Jessie Readman ia now broideide on to the sea, which breaks over her m rough waither. Tbe vessel has canted over towards the water, and is now slowly breaking up Part of her bulwarks is gone, and the deck is s*id to be bulging out Musical. — Mr M. A. Cheek, the wellknown musio teacher, who is the holder of several certificates from Trinity College, London, announces that he has decided to remain m Blenheim, and is prepated to reoeivn additional pupils. Mr Cheek's abilities are bound to ensure him a full list of pupila. Bowling.— The matoh m the " pairs " tournament, between J. Hutobeson and B. M. Baird against 0. J. W. Griffiths and P. C. LitohfUld, was played yesterday, and resulted m a win for the former The drawing for the leoond round is as follows: Stuart and W. Litchfisld play J. Hutoheson and B. M. Baird ; J. tinodgrass and J. Conolly play B. H. Keys and P. Adame. Clearing: Bali. — Messrs W. B Girling & Co. have commenced their bi annual dearing sale. Surplus stock will be sold " utterly regardless of oast"; the sale will last a fortnight ; there is nothing of a " bogus nature" about it ; and no " base deception." This is what the prinoipal of the firm states, and when he says a thing everybody knows that be means what he says. Whbit.— The New Zealand Land Association, Limited, is m receipt of the following oable from its London offioe, dated 15th Pebruary, 1894 :— Wheat— The market is very weak, and recent quotations are : New Zealand wheat, average and long-berried, are worth 27s and 28s per 4961bs respectively; and f.a.q. is worth o.i.f. to arrive, 24s 6d per 4801ba. The quotations are nominal, and spot quotations are unohanged, The, Sidney Markets. —The latest Sydney quotations are: — Wheat, ohiok, 2s lid to 3« ; milling nominally, 3* ; flour, roller made, £8 6s to £8 10s; oats, firm, prime, 2s 7Jd to 2i 8d ; maize, prime, 2i 6d to 2s lOd ; barley. Cape, 2s 7d; bran, 7d ; pollard. BJd ; pass, Prussian blue, 4« 3d to 4s fid ; potatoes, looal grown, £3 12* 6d to £5 10j ; Ci'oular Heade, nominally £4 15s to £5; onions, £4 15s ; butter, dairy made, 6d to 7d ; factory, 7d to 8d ; cheese, 3£d ; bacon, bast, 6£d. A Cyclone. — Captain Edwin advisos that the northern part of the North Island is bow within the li nit of a oyolone of unusuil extent, and there have been well defioed evidenses of its continual approach during the last two days. The centre is now not moro than 200 miles north from North Cape, and is travelling to the south -southeast. This route will bring all tbe country northward of Lyttelton and Westport within tbe area of the disturbance. Industries and Commsboe.— The Post says :— The appointment of Chief Clerk of the Department of Industries and Gommeroe has been conferred upon Mr Amelius Smith, for some time Private Secretary to the Premier One of the rooms reserved for the use of the Cabinet has been placed at hia disposal, and he is now engaged m obtaining information for the commercial gentleman who is to represent New Zealand at the Reoiprooity Conference m Canada. The Payne Family.— The Ballarat Star, writing of this talented company, whioh appears m Pioton on Friday next, and m Blenheim on Saturday and Monday says :— " We have not heard of any other family m Australia so well able to entertain an audience Their oonoerts have also a positive educational valut. They are calculated to promote among the people a taste for a wholesome olass of masio, and to encourage many — both old and youug — to renewed and belt' r efforts to aohieve reaultb hitherto supposed to be unattainable." A Bio Steamer — Ths Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's s.s. Maori ia expeoted m Pioton on Saturday to take m mutton from the freezing hulk. The Maori is not the direot steamer of that name, whioh vitited tbe port some time ago. She is a much fioer vessel, her tonaage being 5200, and is the largest boat that ever entered Pioton harbor. It is understood she will anohor near Mabel Island, and, to give th* general public an opportunity of inspecting the big ship, Captain Fisk will run the Torea be tween her and the wharf at frequent intervals. Shooting Prizes. — The prizes for the shooting competitions, whioh .will be distributed at Captain Rogers' residence on Friday evening, are now on view m Mr Fowler's window m Market Street, and form an interesting and valuable oolleotion Tbe ohief prize, whioh goes to Lieutenant Salmon, is a very presentable silver butter dish, and the other prizes consist of silver work, crockery, Martini- Henry gun, etc. Tbe (!onors of the different artioles are to ba complimented on their generosity, and the recipients deserve congratulation on their sucoess m winning Buoh desirable presents. Obituary.— A wi'e from Wellington states that Mr fi. W. Morr&h, lospeotor of the Bank of Australasia, died rather suddenly this morning. The oause of death was failure of the heart's action. He had been complaining of late of feeling unwell, but attributed it to the hot weather, and thought very little of it. He went to tbe bathroom as usual at eight o'clock this morning, turned on the water and, as was his custom returned to his bedroom and lay down for a few moments until the bath filled ; but aoorj after he gained his bed he gasped and expired. He had always enjoyed exoellent health, and it was his boast that he had never been laid up m his life. Ha had boen forty-two years iv the Bervioe of the Bank, having joined m Viotoria, m 1851, and for the last eighteen years had been Inspeotor for New Zealand. Mr Morrah leaves a wife and thirteen children, most of whom are grown up. In aooordanoe with the Bank's rules he should have retired some years ago, bat at the request of the directors who recognised his great ability, he remained m the servioe. He was 64 years of age, and his deoease ia much lamented. Theatrical.— The Marian Willis Company appeared m Viotoria Hall last night m the drama "Oliver Twist," given as a benefit to Miss Clara Bax. A fairly numerous audienoe was present, although the merits of the drama and the actors deserved n fuller house. The important role of Oliver Twist was oapably taken by the youthful recipient, and Bhe showed a remarkable oonoeption of both the pathetio and humorous situations of the piece. Miss Marian Willis rendered a most interesting and capable impersonation of tbe rough but good-hearted Nancy Sikes, and was particularly good m tbe dosing eeene. The bad-hearted Bill Bikes was admirably raprosented by Mr Ward Lyons, and the detestable Fagin the Jew was ably pourtrayed by Mr Keogh. The amusing old beadle Bumble, m the person of Mr Alexander, was as laughable as Diokens made him, and the Artful Dodger (Mr Jaggers) and Charley Bates (Master Keogh) were well represented. The appearanoe of an old Blenheitnite m the psraon of Mr T B. Bax on the stage was most acceptable to the audienoe, and his impersonations of the benevolent Mr Brownlow and the mysterious Mr Monks were creditably performed. Miss Fotberingham, as Mrs Corney, the " work'as rnatrm," was well received, and she hid evidently " read the book." The other less important roles received full justioe. The Company appear to night m the "Baronet" oomedy, m whioh they excel, and whioh should draw a full house. The Hibernian Band rendered some most enjoyable selections last night m front of the hall. Orbasr'b Dandelion Coffee is the surest oure of indigestion. Sold by all grooers.— Advt.

M*teorolo<hca,li. — • " Captain Edwin wired at 2 45 p.m. as follows : — North to east and south-east gala with rain and heavy sea after 16 honri from now ; glass fall and high tides." Income Tax.— The total amount rcoeivcd at the Blenheim offioe on acoount of this tax up to lest night was £165 2s lOd ; but this probably does not represent the taxable incomes, bb several payments were forwarded to Wellington direot, and a few are probably outstanding. A Social Gathering. — Yesterday was ob served as a olose holiday at Benwiok on aooount of a general picnio, which was held m a paddock kindly lent for the occasion by Mr Fleming. Long before mid-diy troops of people of all ages and all sorts might have been seen making their way to the ohosen spot. At noon a bounteous lunoh was dispenetd to young and old. After thiri sports were commenced for the children, whilst m different part* of the ground croquet, football and other gamei were going on. Tlun oimo tea at 5p m , and the sports were carried on until dark. Whsr< everybody worked co heartily as they did it would be invidious io mention any names. Tbe entire success of the affair was doe to tbe faot that everybody tried le make everybody else happy. It is intended to maka the picnic an annual one. Strike or Ribbiters. — The Lumsden oorreepondeot of the Southland News state s that a novelty m the way of strikes is taking plaoe m the district. All the rabbiters employed on the extensive runs of tbe New Zealand Agricultural Company have signified their intention to cease work. The cause of the Btrike ia the notice that after next week ro more small skins will be aooepted— not even those already caught. All dogs are ordered off the estate at onoe. Nothing but traps for rabbit-killing ib to be allowed m future. Only on thres days a week are rabbits to be taken over, and these must be caught and paoked into Lumsden by the rabbiteri on those days. In bis jaoket, instead of as formerly for his jacket only, and any rabbit wbiob, when " gutted," weighs less than 2 Jib, ib to be rejeoted. In order that they may be frozen and aant Home every rabbit must be dean and not bruised. The men have been able by working tbeir hardest, with their dogs, every day m tbe week, at the old prices (for the skins only), to earn abeut £2 5a per weak. Under the altered conditions, and on compulsory halftime (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only) they say positively nothing can be made, so they have struck. Probably the Babbit Inspector may have something to say about this strike if prolonged. Mofquito Nxt, 2 yards wide, Is yard, well worth Is6d; extra wide Butter Cloth 2Jd yard, well worth 4d; lavender soented Halts m stoppered bottles. Is each, usual prioe 2s 6d ; Boys' Enioker Suits, extra strong, 3s 6d suit ; Mene' Tweed Suits, 15s well worth double; Libe.rty Muslin, full curtain width, 4)d yard, and two pair of curtaina for 4a 6d, less than half prioe; Men's strong Cotton shirts, full size, Is lid eaoh, well worth 3e 6d ; white Lioe Ourtains Is lid a pair, cheap at 4s 6d ; Ladie«' Silk Umbrellas, Is lid eaoh oheap at 4i 6d ; Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 6d pair, oheap at Is 6d; Ladies' Print and Muslin Blouses m colored and white, Is lid eaoh. B. Allan, Market street. - Across thk Banoks. — W. A. Kennedy writes : I have wheeled 500 miles on my Star Safety, fitted with Dunlop's pneumatic tyres and patent gear case, during the last throe weeks I never used my spanner or repairing pneurnatta outfit whioh was supplied by you. The gear case proved a boon for suoh a trip. I visited Otarama, Kumara, Lake Eanien, Qreymonth, Beefton, and all small settlements en routo. Jan. 15 1894. — Adams, Curties and Co., 70, Manchester Street, Cnristohurch — Looal agent, Mr G. J. L. Kerb. — [Advt.] Bettbr to bs Sure Than Sorrt.— To prevent mould spots, &o , on your butter and paokagea for export, paint your boxes or kegs with a solution of B?!°aiine. A ahil» ling packet mukds "one gallon. Odourless and harmless ; sold everywhere. — Advt. As a hair dressing and renovator, Ayer's Hair Vigor is universally commended. It eradicates dandruff, oures eruptions of the eoalp, invigorates and beautifies the hair and prevents it; fading or turning grey. Water Plows Where Gravitation Attracts.—You recognise the first fact the second is as true when water flows upwards. People will not trouble when and what they buy, but until , en they will always see they get Grease's A.I. Coffee, for it is the best. — Advt. Holloway's Pillj.— ln general debility, mental depression, and nervous irritability there ii no medicine which operates so like a charm as thesQ famous Pi la. They purify the blood, soothe and strengthen tbe nervos and system, give tone to the stomaoh, elevate the spirits, and, m fact, make the patient sensible of a total and most delight* ful revolution m the whole ayatom. They may be commended most unreservedly as the very best family medioine m existence. Though so powerfully effioaoious, they are singularly mild m tbeir operation, and might be given with perfeot confidence to delicate women and young children. They contain not a grain of mercury, or any other noxious substance, and cannot do harm. Delicate females and all persons of sedentary habits will find theie Pilla a blessing. " Bocgh on Catarrh."— Corrects offensive odors at onoe. Complete cure of warts ohronio oases ; also unequalled as gargle fir diphtheria, sore throat, and breath. To Overoohe Weakness. — PeppeiJs Quinine and Iron Tonio giveß New Life Appetite, Health, Strength, and Energy, CJres Indigestion, Nervous Debility, and Neuralgia.— Half-crown bottles. Every where. Insist on having Pepper's

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 39, 15 February 1894, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 39, 15 February 1894, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 39, 15 February 1894, Page 2


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