MR MARTIN A. OHEEK, iXL Teacher of Magic, has Tacireie3 for Pianoforte, Violin, and Organ Pu[ ils, Lessons given at the Oddfellows Hall or Pupila' homes. 71 Tebms at Messrs Penny & Go. W. Tucker, and Card A Haeonb. WAIRAU ENGLNEEEING WOEKS, GROVE ROAD, BLENHEIM. GAS Engines erected and kept m gong order. Road Locomotives, Portable Engines, and all kinds of Agricultural . Machinery and Implementsrepaired. ' Sewing Machines and Firearma ' renovated. All kinds of Brasa Casting to , drawing or pattern. THOMAS POWICK, Engineer and Millwright; [ GEORGE HOTEL, l HIGH STREET, PICTON. ; 'GEOEOE HAEEIS, (late of Blenheim), 3 TJ A.VING recently taken over the ' J_L above well known and favorite r hotel, hopes that his old friends and i. the public of Marlborough, amongst whom he has lived for ten years, " will rally round him. Good Accommodation for Families 1 and Boarder?. Excellent table. • None bat first-class beer, wines and * spirits kept., Capital Stabling. If you have s any respect for your horse, leave s him at tfce George, where he will be 0 Veil looked after. CIVILIfY AND ATTENTION TO EVERYBODY! GEORGE HARRIS, 32 George Hotel. ANTED KNOWN.— That G. W. Cowabd, Coaoh Builder of Rettwick, has engaged the services of a Firat.olass Coaoh Painter, and is now prepared to execute work of any description which vrill compare favorably with any m tbe Province. 1428 Kaiiconra Mail Coach* Runs Weekly to Kaikoura, calling at Awatere, Flaxbourne and Kekerangu. - Booking Offices: Criterion Stables, /"iOAGH leaves Blenheim every %^J Monday at 6 a.m. Leaves Kaikoura Thursday morn* ings at 6 a.m., arriving m Blenheim at 6 p.m. Fridays. Saddle Horses to convey passengers from Clarence River to Kaii koura. All parcels must be fully addressed, and passengers are requested to book as early as possible. ALLEN AND McRAE, Proprietors. S~ lacialim" FOR KEEPiHG Milk, Meat, Fish, &c IN THE HOTTEST WEATHER Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers, Agents ETNKOSS AND CO NAPIER. H GUTESSELICH AND CO., Weavers' Hall, Wool Exchange, LONDOF. Shipping and Commission Me chants, (ESTABLISHED 1855), QIHIP to order any description IO British and Continental Good i upon 2£ per cent commission, i >. ected by buyers with Colonial experience, and attend to the prompt realisation of Produce at highest prices upon 1 per cent commission. Orders to be accompanied by Letters of Credit or part remit, tance m Bank Drafts or Produce Open Policies of Insurance for floating cargoes to cover sea risks. References : Chief Office of th London and Westminster Bank! Agra h&nk, London, and moai the Colonial Bonks. Current Price Lists, Produce Keports, and any necessary earn nforamtion on application " Marlborough Express" WEEKLY EDITION. Published Every FBIDAY MORNING-. rpHIS PAPER contains full and JL complete reports of the week's news, and is admirably suited for transmission to persons residing m ■ other parts of the Colony or the Home Country. PRICE SIXPENCE. Furness & Bouiidy Slaughter-house Forms. Tl HE above Eeturns can be now ob--1 tamed at the Express Office
Page 4 Advertisements Column 8
Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1887, Page 4
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