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THE GREAT ' New Zealand Watch Imporium, 4 Princes Stbeex, Dunedin. Te* Thousand Watches to select from Guaranteed to be tbe Best Timekeepers m fche World. Known everywhere. Appreciated by all. THE ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES MANUFACTURED BY Otjswart, JJawso Co. Liverpool, england, Have been proved to Supersede all others. The only Watch Manufactnrers ip the Colonies trading direct with the Public. Sales larger than all the retail shops m New Zealand put together. Bay direct from the Makers, , Stewart Dawson is Co. Compare ours with the usnal retail prices, and remember that we sell 500 watches where a retailer Bells one — hence - the difference and saving to customers. £3 15s— S D. and Co.'s well-known English Silver Hunting Levers, the very best. Worth L 7 7s. £4s 15s— S. D. and Co.'s English Silver Hunting Levers,, chron. balance, extra jewelled. Worth L 8 Bs. £5 10s— S. D. and Co.'s new Excelsioi f -plate English Levers. The Model Watch, well worth LlO 10s. £3 15s— &• D. and Co.'s Ladies' English Silver Hunters, fully worth L 7 7b. Will last a lifetime. £6 15S— S. D. and Co.'s Superb Hunting Chronograph Levers, worth Ll2 10s ; or Cbrystal Glass, L 5 15s. £6 10s— S. D. and Co.'s Silver Keylest Hunting Lever. «ralne for LlO 10s, Open face, L 5 10s. £1 15s— The wonderful Sterling Silvej Defiance Hunter, worth L 3 10s } Open face, LI 7a 6d. £6 10s— S. D. and Co.'s Official Rail way English Keyless Lever, un equalled at LlO 10s • Ll2 10s, Lls 10s, LlB 10s, anc L25— S. D. and Co. 'a Superb 18 carat Gold English Levers and Hal = Chronometers, never equalled undei 40 per cent more. L 6 10S, L 7 lOs-S. D. and Co.'i Ladies' 18-carat Gold Keyles Watches, perfect gems, worth Lll 10s. L 8 10s, Lll 10s, Ll4 lOs-S D. and Co.'s Ladies 18-carat Golc English Levers. Save at least 51 per cent by purchasing from th (makers. Lll 10s, Ll2 10s-In Silver, wortl £30, and L 27 and L3o— lß-carat Gold, wortl £60. S. D. and Co.'s New Paten English Double Chronographs, witl independent start, stop, and fly bad . minute and second hands. Fo: '' quality and accuracy never equallec at any price,' Obtained Prize Meda Inventions Exhibition last year Special pamphlet on this watch post free, for 2d stamp. Every Watch fully Guaranteed. Sterling Silver Hall-marked Alberts - 9s 6d, 12s 6d, 14s 6d, and 15s 6d, newes j patterns, at nearly half usual prices. ' , The Wealemefna, m Sterling Silver 12s 6d. By simply passing it over { 1 surface the exact distance m feet anc s inches is recorded on the Dial. Alst r forms a splendid appendage for th< Albert. Gold Alberts, Ladiea' and Gents', 3 Newest Styles. Wholesale Prices. Al 3 Illustrated m Pamphlet. Retail dealers are amazed at our prices and at the unbounded popularity oui system of business has attained, It vain have they tried to emulate oui success by the closest and most servile imitations, but with the imitation the resemblance ends. Marlborough Express,- Blenheim. Procure a P.O. Order, payable to S.D. & Co., Dunedin, with 2s 6d, to pay post and registration, or send cash m registered letter, and we will forward watoh on a week's free trial, by first return. Note.— All letters to be addressed— STEWART, DAWSON & CO.'S, 34, Princes Street, Dunedin. Write at once for a copy of our Splendid New Illustrated Watoh Pamphlet, and read full particulars and meet Wonderful Testimonials. We will forward you a copy per return post free, for 4d m stamps, the cost of postage only. Other Colonial Branches — Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland Criterion Stables. WE have This Day disposed of the Criterion Stables together with Stock m Trade, Goodwill etc., to Messes Allen & Mcßak, and would take this opportunity of returning Thanks for the very Liberal Patronage be. stored on us during our Proprietorship and would ask that the same may be extended to our Successors. OLARK AND PICKIf-RING. Dec 18th, 1886, [662 HAVING Purchased the Criterion SStables and Business hitherto carried on by Messrs Clark & Pickering, we trust that by strict attention to Business and the requirements of Customers, we shall merit a continuation of that support so liberally extended to our Predecessors. We have made considerable additions to the Plant, and will be prepared to undertak any work m connection with thStable Business. The ctables are replete with every convenience, and Patrons may rely on their Horses and Traps receiving every attention when entrusted to our care. Firstclass Hacks and Harness Horses always on Hire, also a large selection of Drays, Carriages, Cabs, Buggies (single and double), Sulkies and Expresses to choose from. Well ventilated Loose Boxes. Good Paddocks. All kinds of Carting done. Chargos very Moderate. ALLEN AND McRAE, Criterion Stables, Next Critorion Hotel Blenheim. Booking OWee for : — Nelson; Kaikonra and Molosworth Coaches! ICG3 MESSES EVANS &KAMSEY LANDSCAPE GARDENERS, FLORISTS, ETC. Ali'tf now at liberty to undertake the formation and planting of Now Gardens and Orlamontal Grounds, and Remodeling oxuting Gardens. Plans and estimates prepared, jJardena kept m order, Planting, Pi "lining, etc. : — Alabama Gakdenk, •5 Blenheim.
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Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1887, Page 4
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852Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1887, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 17, 21 January 1887, Page 4
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