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LANCASHIRE PATENT BELT omuls from all olassee of users throughout Australasia R. B. DENNISTON & CO., Now Zealand Representatives, Stuart Street. Dunedin. Agencies at Auokland, V..u i« ton Christohuroh Inveroar(jill, Greymouth, Beefton, Timaru, Oamaru, and BiTersdals. J. E. WATSON & CO., Looal Agents, INVEROARGILL, OOBK <ft VBRSDALE. OYER FIFTY YEARS. STEED MAN'S SOOTHING POWDERS FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. Relieve feverish heat. Prevent Fits, Convulsions, 40. Preserve a healthy state of the Constitution during the period of Teething:. '. . p, easo observe the EE In Steedman, and the addreee i • Eel WALWORTH, SURREY.riT GRAIN ! GRAIN ! 'SEASON 1904. OTAOO COBN AND WOOL EXCHANGE, VOGEL STBEET, DONBDIN. TO THE FARMEBS 01 OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. ANOTHER Grain Season being at hand we take the opportunity of thanking our man) clientp for their patronage in the past and to again tender our servioes for the disp >«t utnsir Grjinasra, or for ahijmant of same to Othir markets, making liberal oasb advances eon if •11 i't I. SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR STOR- PRQDUCB SALES EVERT MONDVX. We wotald remind producers that •ur sales are held every Menday ~ . ,:"-,.«t"~™ ™** "»* ™* w "\ """■ "" ""•« «ery aenaay provide special facilities for the satis- ! morning, at wbish samples of all the factory storage and disposal of all j produce forward are exhibited. Oar kinds of farm produce. Our stores are «ale room being brilliantly lighted, dry, airy, thoroughly ventilated, and ; samples are shown to Uw T«ry best in every respect admirably adapted for ! advantage, and as every lot is carethe safe storage of grain, being con- I fully valued before being oftretL. veniently situated, and connected to j clients can depend that no lot will be consigned to us is delivered direct into ! that their interests | incurred in unloading and again cart- j are rendered within six days of sale. ing into warehouse. WEEKLY AUCTION SALES. We continue to hold the regular Weokly Auotion Sales of Produce as i CORN SACKS, CHAFF BAGS BFC inaugurated by us many years ago, and which have proved so beneficial to Having made advantageous axranireand our lnrge and extending connec- Calontta Corn Sacked all aine > "iuid"at tion, we are in constant touch with all the lowest prioes. Also Chaff Baje the pnnoipal grain merchants, millers, Seaming Twine, and all Farmers' leand produce dealers, and are thus en- quisites at the shortest notice, and oa abled to dispose of consignments to the best terms. the very best advantage, and with the least possible delay. v SAMPLE BAGS, WAY BILLS, AND LABELS ON APPLICATION. DONALD REID & CO., VOGEL STREET, DUNEDIN

« rm Electricity Alone Will Cure It. TIIERJJ are thousands of cheerless homes in this country, filled with discontent and uiiluppiness, lacking in love and companionship, through the Weakness and Physical Impairment of a man whose years do not justify such a condition. Dissipation, l overwork, and ovenvorry cause a cessation of * vitality and a loss of energy. A man becomes gloomy and despondent, his brain fags, his sleep is fitful, ami he arises each morning the same tired, discontented being. The treatment by Electricity has a wonderful effect on all itronbles of this natnre, and from every side we obtain reports of cures in i>r stubborn cases of Weakness, Varicocele. Lost " Strength, Impaired Organs, Lack of Vigour, _"" - Hashfulness, Timidity, etc., by the use of this Wonder of the Age .... DR. McLAUQU'S ELECTRIC BELT. 'jig it each night it forces Active Blood to the Muscular Tissues, le Nervous System, Revitalizes and Strengthens the Vital Organs. It makes a man ot sixty-five as good as a man of thirty-five, and the Young Man again fit for his social and other duties. »r J" p ' T. NUNWEEK, of Harewood Road, Fapanui. Chrlstchupoh, N.Z., writes:-" Dear Sirs—l am pleased to let you know Hint your Belt has cured me. I wore it for two months, nights only, from two to four hours at a lime. The pain in my back gradually went away, so r gave up wearing the licit. You said ill one of your letters that giving up-wearing the licit too suun might bring on the trouble again in some form, but considering it is six weeks since I gave up wearing it and the pains have not returned, I consider myself cured. I have never fell so well as I do now. The Belt worked splendidly all the time I was using it. lam unite satisfied that the money was well spent, and that I have got the lull benefit ot it. l-or many nights before I got your Belt I pitched and tolled in bed with the pain m mv back, and could get no sleep, but now, since using your Belt, I am asleep a few mii.nles after I go to bed. I am comely cured, and I have only vour Electric Dell tu thank tor it." Free Book. Send to-day lor our Beautiful Illustrated Health Book. It describes our wonderful Belt and method absolutely anil accurately It gives photos and names ol hundreds ol cured patients, and is

CURES JSTIFF JOINTS, ¥ Sprains, OLD WOUNDS, '""""P Piles, Fistulas, 111 i und^ iJta ® smn DISEASES. Wm ISIP PRICKLY-HEM DISINFECTING SOAP, POWDER, A pleasant and refreshing 3ath Soap, Contains 15% Calvert's No B Carbolio containing 10% pure Carbolic. It alleviates (tlio best disinfectant), in a aix'o nnrt con the annoyance of prlckly-heat ana other venient form. It offers everyono' nn e-mv skm m-itution, and keep, the skin clear and reliabje precaution against infection, ana smooth. J aud ls i lldißpensable clul . tog opldemJofu F. C. CALVERT & Co., Manchester, England.

Hearne's Bronchitis Cure Those who hi ness in the Chest forting inallaying has never been kri and complete en The COUGHS, BRONCHITI Famous Remedy ASTHMA, and for CONSUMPTION. '^a^Si'^^^J^^^^^Jsgsa&sstr-------■riing inallaymg irritaation in the throat and giving strength in the voice, and it never al o" d .ZS k "" W - n t0 f - St Where CoUgh3 havo heaa P r °P erl y t"»K*l "»» this medicine? act complete erne is certain. °' CONSUMPTION. TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED A COMPLETE CUEE". Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l am writing to tell jou about the wonderful cure youi medicine has effected in my chso. At first the cough was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became very weak and troubled with night aweatp, pains in my chest, and great quantities of phhgm. On several occasions there was blood in the expectorated matter. I had been treated by a doctor, who pronounced my case Io bo consumption, and various othor treatments hud been tried but without benefit. It was at this stage that I THREE CASES COMPLETELY CUBED i BY ONE BOTTLE OP HEARNE'S ! BRONCHITIS CURE. j SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, i CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE i IN ENGLAND. vs a Cough or Asthma to b No house should be without it, as taken at the beginning a doae fs' "generaUy suffloieot HER DAUGHTER HAD BEtoN VERY I tis Cure.emain/or SPITTING UP BLOOD. THE DOCTOR SilD NOTHING MORE COULD BE DONE. wuiacauu i ueuame very weaK ana troubled , " Ele'iwellvn Katnnon Vin with night sweat?, pains in my chest, and ! « Mr Hearne liatunga, Vic. great quantities of phhgm. On several occa- j •• Dear Bir,"-I am very much pleased with mauer W oto effects of your Bronchitis Cu List matter. I had been treated by a doctor, who , winter three of my children had fcrv bad pronounced my case io bo consumption, and , eouah« m.d nn» i,„»u i! ,j L ' , various othor treatments hud been tried but tTm The hn.™n ll \t m"™! 11 without benefit It was at this stage that I ! tZe heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to ; but half a bottle cured her. I always keen U ESjrf ? e °TLV h t e I 1 " 6 *1 0 "1 - k FT* \' * ia tbe ho » sa »™. '""' recommend it to any' arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, but I | one requiring a remedy of that kind. ? commenced taking it at once, and gradua lv "I ~n.„ ?v.,„t „„.,.„ i . , moat respectfully, WILLIAM OBOOKBT, Baker's Swamp, P. 0., via Dripstone, New South Wales. A FIVE YEABS' OABE. CORED BY ONEBMALL BOTTLE. arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, but I j on < commenced taking it at once, and gradually I improved. lam glad to say that the two I bol CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CORED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. iatunga, Vic. CURE. Mr W. Q. Hearne, Dear Bir,-Klndly wad >h pleased with , e extraot luna as follows :—" As for toy- ?>e one latge bottle of your Bronohitis Care, i Cure Lust ' thank tnß Lord, lam feeling stronger « ai *» more tban pleased with the results of had viry bad ttlH " * have !oe J ears - * nad an » Kaok of your won derful medicine, as a small bottle i the three of 000 '" 3 in November, but Hearne's Bron- «"red my little girl, who has been suffering ) had such a i ° Ultls Cure wa s again successful. I feel quite ' or five years, and now Ido not feel safs to be lost he- voice we " and walk into town feeling quite strong, without it.—l remain, yours respectfully, always keep it " * must ask y° u t0 Bend m 8 ■'* bottlM AGNES F. KENNEDY, end it to any- more of the medicine, as I wish to have a Bethanga, Vielori*. iy very best j dress is enelosi % greatly from Bronchitis. The ad- •' Yours gratefully, "JOHN S. MORTIMER.' " I must ask you to send me eix bottles more of the medicine, as I wish to have a supply in the house. I have tried to get it made up here and let my chemist have a bottle to see what h. 6 could do. He tells me this week he can make nothing out of it, he never saw anything like it bofore, so there is only one thing for me to do—send for more. I have never kept in bed one day since I A SEVEN YEARS' OASE. EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND MATTER. _ . . , .... „ , cr , J - Bl r m > "JOHN S. MORTIMER" J hav » "ever kept in bed one day sinee I COMPLETELY CORED. Westminster, Brie go Road, S.E., London. The relative in England, who is 80 years oomin enced to take it. I used to be in bed aMrW. G. Hearne, old, was also cured by Hearne's Bronchitis fortni b' nt nt a titne always, and after that for | Dear Sir,—Your medlolne has oared me of SEVERE COUGH Cure - months I was as weak as I could possibly be, Bronohitis and Asthma, from ■ which I and was always taking cod liver oil, so you suffered for upwards of seven years, during will see at once it is quite worth while seud- which period I was soaroely ever free from A FIVE YEARS' CASE. WAS A GREAT sttpfprpr ing for '' BUoh a loD B distance. oougbs, and frequently the difficulty of breath- ° "Something more I must tell you. Char- ing was so distressing that for nights to HAD NOT W\T,TfF,n TffiTi io unuTno l n "e has been very ill since I wrote you. Her succession I had to sit up. I write yon this RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETE- walkldj-ou 12 MONTHS. c „ ugn WRB 60 oad ahe nevar nftd £ nignt . a acknowledgment from a sense of duty, as In LY CURED BY HEARNE'S I at.wavq wattto unro axtp. to ™,™ rest, and was spitting up blood very much, my oase every other treatment had tailed. WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. BRONCHITIS CURE. Dear Sir, —I suffered from a severe cold on the chest, with cough, for five years, and during that time got treatment from different sources, but derived no benefit until I used your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me relief at once, and completely cured me. I am delighted with it. It is a really wonderful ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND !S QUITE TTaXlo™ol& FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YEARS. "8, Watson street, Burton on-Trent, " Staffordshire, England. Mr W. G. Heamo, Geelong. ajnted with it. It is a really wonderful ~ «„,,_ c . v . i.» j t> ~ . edicine; does good at once, and "can't be Cn J**' m f lette T r and Bronchitis oked "—Yours sincerely Une to band quite safe. lam aura you will eked. Yours sincerely, be glad to know your Bronchitis Cure has nothing more he could do for her. So on the j much worse, and at the time I obtained your Sunday I sent her half a bottle of the Bron- medicine I was confined to bed, suffering from cbitis Cure and told her to try it, and if she a most violent cough, expectorating blood a d did not use it not to waste it, but send it matter, and apparently beyond hope of rebuck agiiin. She had such confidence in her covery. The first dose of the medlolne gave doctor that I thought she would not try it. me welcome relief, and I steadily improved as On the Wednesday I sent over again, and she I continued the treatment, until I became as was much better, the night's r--* - —•»-—" "» ■ ■- Modewarre, Victor: W. TREMELLEN of bronchitis when it a> rived. I had sent for my own doctor, but had not had one night's A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD. rest for a week. I started taking the Bronchitis Cure three times a day as directed, and A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. was very much eased at once. At the end of a week I only took it twice a day. and then CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE'S only every night for a week, aB I was bo much BRONCHITIB CURE. better, when, thanks to the Lord for adding | his blessing, I was quite well, and walked into Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Kindly for- j town and back without feeling aoy fatigue. ward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis j. I had not done that previously for 12 months Onre as soon as possible, as I chnnot speak \ —always went in the omnibus—as walking above a whisper, owing to a cold. I had a j caused me such pain and distress in the bottle from you before for my little girl when ; chest. I always walk now, and never feel it, she was Beven months old. She had been ; and I am stronger than I have been for suffering from bronohitis from her birth, and I years. I thank my son for sending the medi now she is three years old, and has not had a ' cine, and am, dear sir, iuu> «* ana uroncmtis good, and oough and bleeding fr. ite safe lam sure you will better. She sent for another t TLfwv I'L k " n lowing Sunday sent over to say that ,ffiwTfZ?. B . '. she was quite cured and did not require any „TtTVi TMT at a , ck more m<*ii°ine. So you see what great good Z nad If h V ad RPDt J° r " has done ' and «l»e wishes to havS some of mt had not had one night's my De j t Ba p D i T .» TWELVE YEARS' AGONY. DISTRESSING, SUFFOOi COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVE DOSES. Balmaln, Sydney. PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. A SEVENTEBN~YEARB' OASE. CORED BY THREE BOTTLES. Mr Alexander J. Anderson, of Oak Park, return of it since. It is a splendid medicine for bronchitis or colds of any sort.—l remain yours truly, MRS H. RAMAGE. Violet Town, Victoria. TmsDMB ' Uff9rin * fr ° m ABthml for » *■». •* BY FIVE DOBEB. naving been under a RrMt nunT dlffw#nt treatment without benefit, I was indneed to NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD try Hearne's medicine for Asthma. After EVEN EASE IT. thaklng three bottles of this medlolne I quite got rid of the asthma, and slnee then, whleh " Sir,—My wife was for twelve years a was in the beginning of 1888—fifteen years sufferer from a most distressing, suffocating, ago—l have not had the slightest return of dry cough that could not be removed or even it. The medioine quite cured me, and I have eased by any remedy, doctors' prescriptions muoh pleasure in recommending II." and patent medicines having been tried; but Writing again on the 4th April, 1899, he " Yours very truly eased by any remedy, doctors' prescriptions muoh pl( „ . "M. MORTIMER." and patent medicines having been tried j but Wrltin lixtraot from a letter since written by the lam happy to say that V~~ u —'- '- ' -»-*—■ same lady to her son, Mr John S. Mortimer, the obest, and difficulty „> u„ Llenwellyn, Katunga, Victoria. were entirely removed by the fifth dose of j asthma.' BEWARE OF COUGHS PREPARED ONLY AND BOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GBBLOHG, VIOTOBI Small size, 25.6 d;. Large, 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medioine Vendors. Wholesale Agents for N.Z., Kempthorne, Prosser and Oe,, Ltd., and StnrUnd mi *>., M. OBTAINABLE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROM E. EYANO, OHMQBT, SQBB,

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1412, 17 November 1904, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Mataura Ensign, Issue 1412, 17 November 1904, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Mataura Ensign, Issue 1412, 17 November 1904, Page 4


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